CITS Satisfaction Survey Report - UMB Home

Center for Information Technology Services

Satisfaction Survey Report

January 2016


This report provides a summary of the purposes, the methodology and the results of a satisfaction survey administered by the Center for Information Technology Services (CITS) in fall 2015. The survey instrument was primarily modeled after those instruments used at Stanford University and Indiana University. It was modified to include the specific services that are offered and supported by CITS.

The survey was conducted to assess the degree to which faculty, staff and students were satisfied with the array of services provided by electronic systems and staff operations. It is one means through which CITS can give a voice to those individuals who use central IT services. It is a systematic way to identify what is working well and what needs to be improved from the faculty, staff and student vantage point.

The survey data help to establish the "current perception" customers have on a range of services provided. The survey data also quantify how the varied customers rate these services and their interactions with the many people who provide support to the UMB community. This feedback helps inform the follow on actions CITS can take to improve the services offered and the customer service that is provided.

The survey was administered to meet the following objectives:

? To ascertain where faculty, staff and students are satisfied or dissatisfied. ? To collect and review comments, in addition to satisfaction ratings, to find out what

contributes to satisfaction and any dissatisfaction. ? To assess the findings and as part of a continuous improvement process, make

enhancements to systems and services to better meet faculty, student and staff needs. ? To implement a UMB Strategic Plan IT tactic to collect input and feedback from the

University community in order to continuously evaluate and improve services.

A total of 61 items were developed and included on the faculty/staff survey and 35 items were presented to students. There were areas under many of these items, as well as at the end of the survey, where respondents could enter comments. The faculty/staff and student survey items can be found in Appendix A.

A Likert response scale of satisfaction was used, ranging from a high of "5" for very satisfied, "4" for satisfied, "3" for neutral, "2" for dissatisfied, and "1" for very dissatisfied. The respondent also had the options of selecting "not familiar with service" or "cannot evaluate" (see Appendix A).

The ultimate goal for CITS is to provide an excellent IT experience that supports the teaching, learning, research and business needs of the UMB community. We want to improve the ability for faculty and staff to use technology and IT services to get their work done, and for student to use technology and IT services to complete their studies.


Executive Summary

Survey Methodology

The invitation to participate in the faculty/staff survey was sent out via email to a random sample of approximately 1,500 faculty and staff. The invitation to participate in the student survey was sent via email to a random sample of approximately 2000 students. In total, about 3,500 individuals received an invitation to complete the surveys.

Out of the 1,500 faculty/staff who received a survey, 414 responded for a 28% response rate. Out of the approximately 2000 students surveyed, 240 responded for a 12% response rate. In total, there were 654 respondents, for an overall response rate of 19%. A complete breakdown of the number of individuals invited and the number who responded, overall and from each constituency, is presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Constituent Group




Invited 1500 2000 3500

Responded 414 240 654

% Response




% of all Responses



Table 2 below shows the percentage distribution of respondents across schools and central units.

Table 2


SOM 33%




SON 7%

SOD 7%

SOL 4%

Central Admin.


Other 4%

No Affiliation Indicated



SOM 21%

SSW 19%

SOP 7%

SON 24%

SOD 7%



SOL School Other Affiliation


10% 7%




Overview of the Results

As an organization, CITS strives to present services and electronic solutions in a way that will meet a standard of quality that is deemed as satisfactory or better to all constituencies. The CITS mission and focus is to treat UMB students, faculty, staff, colleagues and co-workers as treasured customers. Excellence in service to the UMB community is our challenge and responsibility. This survey seeks to measure our success in that regard as reflected in the degree of satisfaction with those services by the people we serve.

As such, the ideal organizational goal is to achieve a high percentage of students, faculty and staff indicating "satisfaction" with CITS services, which would be a rating of 3 or better on the Likert opinion scale (1-very dissatisfied to 5-very satisfied); and a high mean score. A mean score between 3.75 and 3.99 for an item would be considered a "Very Good" rating, while a mean score of 4.00 or above would be considered an "Excellent" rating.

It is important to note that there were two items on the surveys that provide an overall indication of how CITS and the services offered by the organization are perceived by the UMB community. Those items are: "How satisfied are you that CITS takes a `customer-oriented' approach to helping you?" And, "Please rate your overall satisfaction with CITS services".

The survey findings, for both faculty/staff and for students, indicate very high satisfaction ratings for these items. The satisfaction ratings (mean and satisfaction percentage) for these two items are presented in Tables 3 and 4 below. It is also apparent from the survey findings that almost all individual service offerings are viewed very favorably by students, faculty and staff (see Tables 5 and 6 below).

Table 3

How satisfied are you that CITS takes a "customer-oriented" approach to helping you?

Faculty/Staff Students


4.24 4.17

Satisfaction % Count





Dissatisfaction % Count

5% 17



Total Count 318


Table 4

Please rate your overall satisfaction with CITS services.

Faculty/Staff Students


4.07 4.11




96% 359

97% 176

Dissatisfaction % Count

4% 16



Overall Count




Ratings of Satisfaction for Each Survey Item

(Mean and Satisfaction Percentage)

Ratings of satisfaction were measured for each item on both the faculty/staff survey and the student survey.

Of the 49 items on the faculty/staff survey that were evaluated (12 of the 61 items were not satisfaction questions), all but four had a mean satisfaction rating of 3.75 or greater. There were 26 items that had an "Excellent" rating (mean score of 4.00 or greater) and 19 items that had a "Very Good" rating (mean score of 3.75 or greater).

Please see Table 5 below for the satisfaction percentage and mean satisfaction rating for each item on the faculty/staff survey.

Table 5 Faculty/Staff Survey Items

Mean Satisfaction Total # of % Count Opinions

CITS IT Help Desk Support

Ability to get through to a person at the CITS Help Desk 4.22

Timeliness of response from the CITS Help Desk


Turnaround time to resolve your problem by the Help Desk 4.17

Professionalism exhibited by the CITS Help Desk


Ability of the CITS Help Desk to solve your problem


Overall CITS Help Desk service



Online help and training materials developed by CITS


Network Services

Reliability of the campus wired network


Availability of the campus wired network


Campus wired network connection speed to the Internet


Ease of connecting to the campus wireless network


Signal strength of the campus wireless network


Availability of the campus wireless network


Overall campus network services


94% 95% 93% 97% 95% 96%


96% 96% 95% 80% 88% 86% 98%

319 339 322 341 317 341 333 342 318 334 319 334

250 269

348 362 348 361 347 366 226 284 247 282 240 280 356 363



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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