Care Givers -



We continue our series, which began with your April newsletter, on what the church is and why it exists. In our combined June-July issue we explored “Who are we? We are the church!” and

“Why are we here? To be disciples of Jesus!” In our August issue we studied our message of “What does the church say? Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! We now look at what we, the church, have to offer.

What do we have to offer? Hope for the world! We as the church, the body of Christ, have a great gift to give to all – the hope of Christ.

This hope is God’s justice, mercy, fellowship and love. This hope is food, clothing and shelter with God’s grace. This hope is God’s work with our helping hands in time of need, crisis and struggle. This hope is God’s healing of broken and damaged souls. This hope is God’s people – you & I – being the hands and feet and voice of Jesus.

There are an estimated 2.1 billion Christians. That’s 1/3 of the world’s population. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has nearly 10,000 congregations in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our Northwestern Ohio Synod is made up of 162 congregations with an average of eight ELCA Lutherans per square mile in northwest Ohio. And it all begins at the local church.

Bill Hybels states “There’s nothing like the local church when the local church is working right”. We as the people of God, the local faith community of St. Mark’s, hit it ‘spot on’ when we offer Christ-centered hope to Van Wert County, the nation, the world!

Indeed the Church is a business with the ABC metrics of Attendance, Budgets, and Cash. Hopefully you are beginning to see that the Church is also more than a business. The Church is the body of Christ that embodies God’s mission of forming followers of Jesus!


September 4th


Lector Peggy Pancake

Usher Wayne Kilton

Acolyte Collin Overholt


Chimer Marcia Weldy

Lector Walt Poling

Usher Roger Overholt

Greeters Jonathan Haggis &

Mark Schaberg

Acolyte Aidan Ankney

Communion __________ &


September 11th


Lector Rachel Rohrs

Usher Larry Miller

Acolyte Evan Sroufe


Chimer Lori Snyder

Lector Jim Rhoades

Nursery ____________

Usher Gregory Pancake

Greeters Mike, Juli, Kyle &

Kody Hamilton

Acolyte Elise Darrigan

Communion ____________ &,


September 18th


Lector Wayne Kilton

Usher Phyllis Kill

September 18th (continued)

Acolyte Braelynn Spear

Communion __________ &,



Chimer Hilary Arn

Lector Phil McClure

Nursery ____________

Usher Marc Grubaugh

Greeters Dan & Robin Kill

Acolyte Kyle Hamilton

September 25th—Rally Day


Chimer Sharon Blank

Lector Frank Rohrs

Usher Phil McClure

Greeters Neil & Stacie Korte

Wayne & Alicia Hickerson

Acolyte Connor Johnson


SEPTEMBER greeters for 8:00 a.m. services are Wayne & Alicia Hickerson.


Need A Ride to Church? Call Milo Wyandt during September at 419-238-3584 for a ride on Sunday morning.





Thank you: Many thanks, once again, for your generous donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. We will comply with your wishes to provide food for those less fortunate. We will purchase food for our pantry to keep our supply up. We also plan on putting a note in the boxes we provide that St. Mark’s Lutheran Church of Van Wert provided a portion of the food given in that box. We plan on doing this starting in September and going for the full month. Thank you for being a partner with us in our journey to feed those in need due to life circumstances. It is greatly appreciated. Sincerely,

Dennis Hickey, Treasurer

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Thank you for your recent gift of $2,600 to support the mission and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) through ELCA Good Gifts. Through your support, your voice is one of many that makes up a chorus of caring and compassion heard throughout the world. Your passion for the good works that the ELCA does through ELCA Good Gifts enables us to share the gospel and continue doing God’s work of restoring the reconciling communities. Together, as the ELCA, we do more than we ever could alone. Because of your partnership and generous support, we are truly transforming lives. In Christ,

Christina Jackson-Skelton,

Executive Director

Mission Advancement ELCA

Thank you St. Mark’s for you generosity and commitment in working toward a world in which all are fed. Robin Brown,

Congregational Support

ELCA World Hunger

Thank you: The Lincolnview Local School Board of Education wishes to thank you for your generous donation of $100 to benefit the “Needy Children’s” fund. Your generosity and support of Lincolnview Schools is truly appreciated. Troy Bowersock,


Preparing for Death: A Resource Guide: Death can be a difficult thing to think about, but being prepared can ease the decision making process during that time. A manual has been prepared by the Health Ministry to assist congregational members in planning for death—their own or that of a loved one. The booklet includes instructions for advance directives, local information, checklist of steps, suggestions for funeral arrangements, forms for biographical information and funeral preferences. Booklets are in the cloak room/ church office.


FUMC Food Pantry: A reminder that items are collected the 1st Sunday of every month. The next Sunday for collection is Sunday, September 4th. Some specific items that are always needed are: fruits, vegetables, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, etc.) Oil, flour, SUGAR, SPICES, CEREAL, box meals, canned meats, can meals like ravioli, etc. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. The Esther Circle delivers in September.


Help Make Rice Kits: On September 17, 2016, we will be putting Rice Kits together for “Kids Against Hunger Coalition” from 9AM to 12 noon.

We need your help! Please keep that date open and sign up on the: I Worshiped Today to help unload supplies at 8 AM or to work a shift from 9:00 to 10:30 AM and/or 10:30 AM to 12 noon. More information will follow.

Thank-You and God Bless.

Coordinator, Joan Holland


Rally Day at St. Mark’s

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, September 25, 2016

9:30 a.m. Worship Service

10:45 a.m. Lunch begins in fellowship hall.

11:30 a.m. Activities for youth begin, bouncy house, and bingo under the tent.

Meat, sandwiches, beverages and table service provided

Please bring a hot or cold covered dish.

Please note that the parking lot between the church and Collins Fine Foods will be blocked off for this day’s events. Parking is available in the Jefferson Street lot, and the north parking lot on Sycamore St.

Enjoy the food, fun and fellowship at Rally Day.


RALLY DAY—White Elephant Prize Donations Welcomed

We are asking for White Elephant Prize donations for Rally Day for our games and bingo contestants. If you are able to donate a White Elephant Prize, please sign the I Worshiped Today sheet or contact the office at 419-238-6336. Thank you,

The Service Committee

September 22nd for the October 2015 Messenger. Submit your items on or before the 22nd. Please have your items written/typed before you bring them.






Shannon Spear

Lisa Knoch


Grades 1 & 2

Amy Bilimek


Grades 3—5

Jeannie Ditmyer


Grades 6—8 Anna Bash

Wednesday Evening


Grades 6—7

Kevin & Kathy Taylor

Catechism—Grade 8

Pastor Will Haggis


Grades 9—12

Juli Hamilton


Post-High Onward

Eric Overholt

Pastor Will

George Noggle


Hospital Reminder

Please call the office with ANY information on hospital visits or admissions.

FOOD PANTRY GARDEN: Volunteers are needed for the Church Pantry Garden. Sign-up sheet is on the Dream Board. We are now harvesting green beans and green peppers. Harvesting is done about twice per week and the produce is taken to the First United Methodist Food Pantry. This produce is very well received by the recipients using the pantry. Plastic bags are available in the shed on the north church parking lot and a log to indicate the amounts harvested. If you have questions, you can call Jeannine at 567-259-9906. Your help is needed for this very, worthwhile project.


Meals for Motycka’s: If you have wanted to help Carole and her family but were not sure how, check out a page that has been started to help provide meals for Carole and her family at . Once at the website, you have to enter her name, Carole Motycka. The user name is Motycka and the NEW password is spoor. Once there, you can select what you want to do.

Church Cancellation

Information Available

Please be advised, you may listen to the following radio/TV stations for any church service or activity cancellations due to severe winter weather conditions or look on our webpage

WERT radio1220 (Van Wert)

WKSD radio 99.7 (Van Wert)

WTGN radio 97.7(Ft. Wayne)

WBCL radio 90.3(Ft. Wayne)

Channel 15 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 21 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 33 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 6 (Van Wert cable)


Wednesday Evening Cancellations Information

If Van Wert Schools cancel, due to fog, the Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL MEET as planned. If Van Wert Schools cancel or have early dismissal due to ice, snow, etc. then Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL NOT MEET.

Upcoming September Events

September 5tht—Labor Day – Office Closed

September 11th—

Sunday School Begins

September 14th—Wednesday Youth & Kids Meetings & suppers begin

September 17th—Rice Kits Assembled in Fellowship Hall.

September 25th—Rally Day

here at St. Mark’s 9:30 service only – dinner to follow.


SUPPER HELP: The Wednesday night youth suppers are September through April. If anyone is interested in helping or becoming part of the kitchen committee please contact Alicia Hickerson at 419-771-0795 or ahickerson55@.


THE TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER: Starting on Wednesday night, September 21st and running through the end of 2016, Jason & Stephanie Stechschulte will be running a class for adults. This class is based on Dave Ramsey’s book, “The Total Money Makeover”. Anyone interested in attending the class please sign up on your I Worshiped Today. Start time for the class is 6:15 p.m. with a meal that starts at 5:55 in the fellowship hall. Cost of the class is just $5 to help cover the cost of the book.


Pregnancy Life Center—Walk for Life: September 11 is the date for this year’s Pregnancy Life Center’s Walk for Life. Pregnancy Life Center offers a wide range of programs and information for young mothers as well as children. Free abstinence based programs in local schools are geared towards middle school-aged students. Middle school programming reaches approximately 175 boys and girls a month with topics on self-esteem, modesty, peer pressure, healthy relationships, respect, and communication. This year they will be adding a Pregnancy Medical Clinic that I will write about next week. There are walker forms in the Gathering Room Area if you would like to join me in walking a 2 miles circuit through Fountain Park on the afternoon of Sunday, September 11. I am Sharon Blank and I would appreciate your pledge and support.


Barb Thompson’s Address: We have had a couple of requests for Barb Thompson’s address so here it is for everyone who would like to send her a card or note:

Barb Thompson

Highland Springs

960 Highland Ave.,

Apt # 2111

Fort Thomas, KY 41075


STATEMENTS ARE READY: The giving statements for the first half of 2016 are available in the cloak room for pickup.


Circle Meetings

Esther Circle: Tues., Sept. 13th, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.

Crystal Haggis, Hostess

Pauline Weldy, devotions

Pack School Kits @ church

Ruth-Eunice Circle: Wed.,

Sept. 14th, 2016 at 11:30 a.m.

Meet at Pizza Hut followed by assembly of layettes at church for L.W.R.



Sunday School News

Refreshments are from 9-9:15 in the gathering area only. Sunday School is from 9:15-10:15 and Choir is from 10:00 to 10:25

Children 2nd grade and under are to be picked up in their Sunday School room or the choir room

Any children not picked up at designated times will be taken to the Nursery.


The Prayer Team meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month in the parlor at 10:00 AM. The Prayer Team also visits our congregation’s shut-ins on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Please come and join us. Everyone is welcome!


Attention St. Mark's Youth!!! Calling all youth grades 8th - 12th!!! It's BACK. ANCHOR YOUTH starts on September 7th @ 6:00 p.m. Don't miss out on all the fun! Come and hang out with us, food and fun included!!! This year we will be following a great bible series called THE SIMPLE TRUTH~A JESUS CENTERED LIFE UNDER TOUGH CONDITIONS!!! The first meeting dress in dark colors for a fun game!!! Any questions please text Carole @ 419-203-5923 or instagram@carolemotycka, or Pastor Will @ 419-238-6336! Can't wait to see you all on the 7th!!

Volunteers Needed: Sr. High Youth Leader, Carole Motycka is in need of volunteers this year as she goes through some medical procedures the month of October in Cleveland! Carole has built all the lesson plans and the event is organized but she needs someone to lead the events while she is out of commission for a bit. We are looking for a few tough volunteers to help out with 3 Wednesday nights and 1 event on a Saturday! Don't be scared, the youth are really cool! Please help Carole out and share your love and time with this vital part of our church future!! We are also looking for Wednesday night milkshake/smoothies makers from 6:00-6:30...any Wednesday. If you are willing to take on any or all please contact Carole at 419-203-5923 or Pastor Will at the church office.

BIG BIG BIG BIG NEWS from The ANCHOR youth group!! Don't MISS September 25th Church Rally Day to get more information on this exciting mission ministry opportunity for the entire CHURCH!!!! IT's going to be all wrapped up IN A BIG BOX on SEPTEMBER 25th for a BIG BIG UNVEILING!!!! See you on the 25th !!!





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