Freedom of Information Act – Compliance Guidance and …

Information available from Wellbrook Medical Centre

Under the Freedom of Information Act Publication Scheme

|Our Charges for Providing Information under this Scheme |

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|All documents that we make available free of charge under this Scheme are identified in the table below as “Free”. |

|All documents available under this Scheme for which we may charge a fee are identified as “(”. |

| |

|We will make reasonable charges (which will include staff time, administrative costs, copy costs, postage and any other out of pocket expenses we incur) when we provide the following information: |

|Paper copies of certain documents |

|Copying data onto media (e.g. CD-ROM) |

|Supplying multiple print-outs |

|Supplying archived copies of documents that are held by the Practice but are no longer accessible or available via the Practice website |

| |

|Please contact Laura Webster, Operational Manager at the Practice if you require a document for which a fee may be applicable. She will let you know the cost and charges that you will be required to pay us, in advance of us supplying|

|the documents to you. |

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|Our charges will be reviewed regularly and be in line with other NHS organisations. |

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|We are not able to provide printouts of other organisation’s websites. |

|How the Information can be obtained under this Scheme |

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|All documents that we make available under this Scheme can be viewed and / or downloaded from the Practice website and / or made available in a leaflet and / or made available in hard copy format on request |

| |

|We will despatch information within 20 working days from receipt of the request and will request any fee payable prior to the release of information. |

|Information available on the website is also available in hard-copy format on request, although charges may apply - please contact Laura Webster, Operational Manager at the Practice for further details. |

This Publication Scheme Information was last reviewed and updated on 6th September 2022.

|Information to be published |How the information can be obtained |Cost |

|Class 1 - Who we are and what we do |

| |Practice booklet, Practice website and NHS Choices website|Free |

|Wellbrook Medical Centre provides general medical services to patients in the geographical area of Hilton, Hatton, Etwall, Egginton and surrounding areas. | | |

| | | |

|A more detailed guide to the geographical area we cover is featured on the Practice website and in the Practice booklet. | | |

| | | |

|We are under contract with NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT to provide these NHS Services. | | |

| |Practice booklet, Practice website and NHS Choices website|Free |

|Doctors in the Practice: | | |

|Dr M H Vickers | | |

|Dr S J Smith | | |

|Dr J Marsden | | |

|Dr L Follis | | |

|Dr A Burr | | |

|Dr N Akhtar | | |

| |Practice booklet, Practice website and NHS Choices website|Free |

|Contact details for the Practice: | | |

|Catherine Jones | | |

|Practice Manager | | |

|Wellbrook Medical Centre | | |

|Welland Road | | |

|Hilton | | |

|Derby | | |

|DE65 5GZ | | |

|Tel: 01283 732257 | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Practice booklet, Practice website and NHS Choices website|Free |

|Opening hours: | | |

|Monday 8.00am – 6.30pm | | |

|Tuesday 8.00am – 6.30pm | | |

|Wednesday 8.00am – 6.30pm | | |

|Thursday 8.00am – 6.30pm | | |

|Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm | | |

|Saturday 8.30am – 12.00pm | | |

| |Practice booklet and Practice website |Free |

|Other staffing details: | | |

|Practice Manager | | |

|Operational Manager | | |

|Reception Manager | | |

|Practice Nurse Manager | | |

|Practice Nurses x 2 | | |

|Nursing Associate x 2 | | |

|Phlebotomist x 2 | | |

|Practice Pharmacist x 2 | | |

|Medical Secretary x 3 | | |

|Data Administrator | | |

|Summariser | | |

|Reception Administrators x 10 | | |

|Administration Clerk | | |

|Administration Assistant | | |

| | | |

|Attached staff include | | |

|Community Matron | | |

|District Nurses | | |

|Care Co-ordinator | | |

|Health Visitors | | |

|Midwife | | |

|Counsellors | | |

|Pharmacist | | |

|Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it |

| |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |Free |

|The Practice receives money in accordance with the General Medical Services contract held with NHS England in exchange for core services| | |

|provided for our patients. | | |

| | | |

|There may be circumstances where material cannot be released because it is confidential or commercial information or the appropriate | | |

|officer designated for these purposes under the Act has taken the view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of the Practices’ | | |

|affairs. | | |

| |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |Free |

|Audit of NHS Income | | |

|Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing |

|The Practice’s priority is to provide the highest standard of clinical care to patients registered with the Practice, ensuring we work | | |

|collaboratively with other healthcare providers and support organisations, to enable more of our patients to be treated in a primary | | |

|care setting, closer to home. | | |

|Developments in line with ICB / NHSE priorities |See ICB Plan on their website |Free |

| | | |

|Plans for development of the Practice and provision of NHS services are detailed in our Business Plan. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Continued participation in the Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF). |Website |Free |

|Our performance under the QOF can be found on the NHS IC website: | | |

|Continued participation in Enhanced Services: |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Participation in Primary Care Network to provide greater services for patients, closer to home. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|NHS Choices website provides details of our performance, and what patients think of us. |Website |Free |

| | | |

|Plans for the development and provision of NHS Services: | | |

|Continued expansion of online facilities. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Continued participation in Quality and Outcome Framework. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Continued participation in Enhanced services. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Continued participation in the Primary Care Network to provide greater services for patients closer to home. |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Continuation and expansion of the Practice Patient Participation Group |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager | |

|Class 4 – How we make decisions |

| | |( |

|Meeting Name |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager | |

|Attendees | | |

|Frequency | | |

| | | |

|Management | | |

|Partners & Management Team | | |

|Monthly | | |

| | | |

|Clinical | | |

|All Clinical Staff, Management Team and Data Administrator | | |

|Monthly | | |

| | | |

|Care coordination / Palliative Care | | |

|Doctors, Community Matron, Care Coordinator, Palliative Care, Social Care | | |

|Monthly | | |

| | | |

|Pharmacy | | |

|Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacy Teams | | |

|Bi - monthly | | |

| | | |

|Nurse | | |

|Practice Nursing Team | | |

|Bi - monthly | | |

| | | |

|Quest (training) | | |

|All | | |

|Approx. 10 per annum (Wed pm) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|All issues regarding the Practice and any changes proposed are discussed at the appropriate level of meeting. | | |

| | | |

|All decisions affecting the Partnership or Practice are made on a unanimous or majority vote basis dependent on circumstance. | | |

| | | |

|All meetings and decisions are evidenced in minutes. | | |

|Records of decisions made in the practice affecting the provision of NHS services |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Class 5 – Our policies and procedures |

|Policies and Procedures about the employment of staff |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Internal instructions to staff and policies relating to the delivery of services |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Equality and Diversity policy |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Health and Safety policy |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Complaints Procedures |Practice Website and hard copy from Reception|Free |

|Records management policies (records retention, destruction, sharing and archive) |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Information Governance and Data Protection policies |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

| |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Safeguarding and Whistleblowing policies | | |

| |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Duty of Candour policies | | |

|Policies and Procedures for handling requests for information |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|Practice Charter |Practice booklet and Practice Website |Free |

|Class 6 – Lists and Registers |

| | | |

|We maintain our list of registered patients using the SystmOne Clinical system which is fully computerised and paperless. | | |

| | | |

|At the present time, we have approximately 10,980 patients registered with the Practice. | | |

| | | |

|The list is confidential and is not publicly available. | | |

| |Hard copy by request from Practice Manager |( |

|In accordance with the requirements of the New General Medical Services Contract we also hold a Register of Gifts to the Practice | | |

|Class 7 – The services we offer |

| |Practice booklet and Practice website. |Free |

|The services we provide in accordance with the General Medical Services contract held with NHS England include the following: | | |

| | | |

|A full range of General Medical Services | | |

|Ante-natal Care | | |

|Baby Immunisations | | |

|Cervical Cytology | | |

|Child health surveillance | | |

|Childhood developmental checks, vaccinations and immunisations | | |

|Contraceptive and Family Planning Services | | |

|Chronic Disease Management and Long Term Condition services including Asthma, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dementia, Epilepsy, Learning | | |

|Disabilities, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Osteoarthritis, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Mental Health | | |

|problems | | |

|District Nurse, Health Visiting and Midwifery Services | | |

|Dressings | | |

|Ear Syringing | | |

|Flu Clinics | | |

|Health promotion services for young people and adults of all ages | | |

|Immunisations | | |

|Joint Injections | | |

|Maternity Medical Services | | |

|Minor Surgery services | | |

|Phlebotomy | | |

|Ring Pessary Fits and changes | | |

|Travel immunisations | | |

| |Hard copies by request from Practice Manager |Free |

|Enhanced Services | | |

| | | |

|These are NHS services not provided through Essential or Additional services and include more specialised services undertaken by GPs or Nurses with special interests and allied| | |

|health professionals and other services at the primary-secondary care interface. | | |

| | | |

|They may also include services addressing specific local health needs or requirements, and innovative services that are being piloted and evaluated. | | |

| | | |

|We provide the following enhanced services: | | |

| | | |

|Care Homes | | |

|Childhood Seasonal Influenza vaccination | | |

|DMARDS | | |

|Extended Hours Access | | |

|Gonadorelins | | |

|General Treatment Room | | |

|Hepatitis B for Newborns | | |

|HPV Booster Vaccinations | | |

|Insulin | | |

|Learning Disabilities Health Checks | | |

|Minor Injuries | | |

|Minor Surgery | | |

|Meningococcal ACWY vaccination | | |

|Meningococcal B vaccination | | |

|Meningococcal C Booster vaccination | | |

|MMR vaccination | | |

|NHS Health Checks | | |

|Pertussis vaccination | | |

|PCV/Hib/Men | | |

|Phlebotomy | | |

|Pneumococcal vaccination | | |

|Quality Patient Safety and Innovation | | |

|Rotavirus Vaccination | | |

|Seasonal Influenza Vaccination | | |

|Sexual Health (Implants/IUS/IUCD) | | |

|Shared Care Drug Monitoring | | |

|Shingles Routine vaccination | | |

| |Hard copies by request from Practice Manager |Free |

|The following services involve information sharing with other agencies: | | |

| | | |

|Child Protection | | |

|Mental Health | | |

|Some general nursing | | |

|Referral to secondary care or other health organisations | | |

|Social services | | |

|Transport | | |

|Interpreter | | |

| |Practice Website |Free |

|Charges for services made by the Practice |Practice booklet, | |

| |hard copies in Reception area | |

|No charge is made for all the services we provide under contract to the NHS. | | |

| | | |

|For the services we provide which are outside our contract to the NHS, there is a charge, which we keep in line with those recommended by the British Medical Association (BMA).| | |

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| | | |

|Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge their NHS patients are: | | |

| | | |

|Private medical reports | | |

|Private health insurance claims and other non-NHS medical reports | | |

|Holiday insurance claim forms | | |

|HGV and PSV licences | | |

|Fitness to travel | | |

|Private sick notes | | |

|Private Prescriptions | | |

|Ofsted Medical Reports | | |

|Power of Attorney | | |

|Non-NHS travel vaccinations | | |

|Adoption/fostering forms | | |

| | | |

|Examples of non-NHS services for which GPs can charge other institutions are: | | |

| | | |

|Medical reports for an insurance company | | |

|Some reports for the DSS/Benefits Agency | | |

| | | |

|We produce and publish a list of these Services and their associated charges. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Practice Website, |Free |

|Information Sources: |on our Reception Desk/in Waiting Room, upon | |

| |request at Reception desk, from leaflet | |

|Practice Booklet |Dispensers in the Practice Waiting Room | |

|Practice Charter | | |

|Practice Newsletter | | |

|Website | | |

|NHS Choices | | |

|Practice patient areas | | |

|Facebook | | |

|Access to Medical Records information | | |

|Accessible Information Resources | | |

|Complaints Procedure | | |

| | | |

|The Practice offers a range of information about a variety of issues and a considerable number of minor illnesses within the Practice and via the Practice website, where you | | |

|can also find a list of useful contacts and links to other health-related websites. | | |

| |Practice booklet and Practice Website |Free |

|Out of Hours Arrangements | | |

| | | |

|When the Practice is closed an urgent medical service is provided by the 111 service. Depending on your problem you may be given health advice over the phone, given an | | |

|appointment at a treatment centre, advised to go to A&E, an ambulance arranged for you or you may receive a visit from a GP in your home. | | |

| | | |

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|The local Walk in Centres are: | | |

| | | |

|Derby Urgent Treatment Centre, Entrance C, London Road Community Hospital, Osmaston Road, Derby, DE1 2GD | | |

|Derby Open Access Centre, 207 St. Thomas Road, DE23 8RG | | |

|Swadlincote NHS Walk in Centre, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AE | | |

| | | |

|Accidents and Emergencies should be directed to Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road Derby, DE22 3NE. | | |




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