Communications and Public Relations Committee


September 16, 2011

Present Staff Present

Dr. Constance Wilson, Vice Chair (6) Rob Pugliese

Dr. Tamara Brady (2) Director of Communications

Dr. John Reitz (4) Natalie Kinsinger

Dr. Steven Parrett (5) Web Content & Graphic Design Manager

Dr. Dave Larson (5), Trustee-Liaison Amber Wickard

Dr. Bruce Terry (2), Editor Communications Coordinator

Dr. John Nase (2), ADA Consultant Jennifer Diamond

Communications Coordinator

Camille Kostelac-Cherry

Chief Executive Officer

Mary Donlin Quinn

Director of Membership


Dr. Joseph Ross, Chair (9)

Dr. Randy Nolf (3)

Dr. Brian Mark Schwab (4), Associate Editor

Call to Order

Dr. Constance Wilson, vice chair, called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.

Approval of Minutes

On a Reitz/Parrett motion, the council unanimously approved the minutes from the June 10, 2011, meeting.

Old Business


Minutes Approval

Per Dr. Joseph Ross, the committee was urged to review and approve CPRC minutes as soon as they are posted to the social network. Minutes cannot be posted on the website for the general membership until the committee approves them.

eMag Creator (Page Flip Technology)

Ms. Kinsinger presented eMag Creator software to the committee, which allows PDF publications to be converted into virtual magazines in HTML format. The created file’s pages can easily be flipped through and searched by users. This technology has existed for many years, and is heavily utilized on the Internet, from magazines to catalogs to sale flyers. Ms. Kinsinger noted all PDA publications currently available online as PDF files, including the Pennsylvania Dental Journal and Transitions, can be converted to this format. After viewing a sample magazine, the committee unanimously agreed page flip technology is a more user-friendly way to read publications online. They recommended budgeting for a one-year license in 2012, which will allow staff to use and evaluate the software without locking into a long-term contract. (09/16CPRCDA1)

eEvents Module

Ms. Mary Donlin provided a status update on the eEvents module, which is currently in the testing phase and will launch before the end of the year. eEvents will provide a more user-friendly calendar and online event registration and payment. The online payment feature will save considerable staff time as it removes the need for manual processing of credit card payments.

Return on Investment Calculator

Ms. Donlin presented an online Return on Investment Calculator that is being included in the 2012 budget. The calculator displays a list of member benefits with their corresponding dollar values, and users can check off the benefits that apply to them to view the value of their membership. It is fully integrated with iMIS, so when a cost is updated, it reflects online immediately. The committee suggested the figures be completely customized to each member who logs on, and also be available to non-members so they are able to see an estimated value of PDA membership before joining.

The committee directed Ms. Donlin to receive a quote from cSystems regarding the cost of adding a non-member feature to the Return on Investment Calculator and report her findings on CPRC's forum. (09/16CPRCDA2)

The committee agreed the calculator would be a beneficial addition to the website, and recommended it be added to the 2012 budget.


Ms. Donlin explained that the eDues module, included in the 2012 budget, allows for online payment of dues, and because it is fully integrated with iMIS, recognizes a member's exact amount owed, including what has been paid to date. It also allows for online credit card processing, which would save considerable staff time. iMIS will automatically and immediately update the member status upon payment. Members also will have the option to have a certain amount debited monthly. Dr. Bruce Terry suggested automatic re-enrolling, wherein members will receive advance notice that their membership is being renewed unless they choose otherwise. The committee agreed eDues is a valuable website enhancement, noting many people, especially the younger demographic, prefer the ease of paying online.

Online Advertising

Dr. John Reitz suggested PDA consider advertising on Facebook. Facebook ads can target users - such as dentists or those with dentistry interests in their profiles - and ads will display just for those users. A block of advertising with a dollar ceiling can be purchased, which allows for a certain number of clicks. When the chosen amount of clicks is reached, the ads will no longer appear. Staff has already researched Google AdWords, which is a very similar concept to this - displaying ads based on the user’s search - and a small amount is being budgeted for Google AdWords in 2012. Depending on its success, other opportunities, such as Facebook, may be considered.

Website Suggestions

Staff encouraged committee members to be diligent about visiting the website and suggesting improvements, changes, edits or new features.

Governance Page

The committee agreed with Dr. Dave Larson's suggestion that the governance pages be reworked so that all visitors can see the committee descriptions, but that the members, minutes and meetings should be members-only. (Secretary's Note: Ms. Kinsinger reworked the governance pages to display this way on September 30, 2011).

Electronic Advertising

The committee continued its ongoing discussion regarding offering electronic advertising opportunities in PDA's monthly enewsletter, eNews Update, and on the social network.

Ms. Jennifer Diamond researched electronic ad rates and sizes by contacting other state dental associations and found a variety of options. She also found that some states are venturing into electronic ads while others are not yet implementing this type of advertising.

The committee directed staff to begin offering electronic advertising in 2012, and Ms. Kinsinger to create a statistic sheet, showing eNews Update read rates and social network analytics, to accompany the advertising packet. (09/16CPRCDA3)

Staff will offer these advertising opportunities on the eNews Update and social network to endorsed vendors and current advertisers, and spots will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. The committee recommended providing social network statistics in the advertising packet, along with eNews Update read rates.

Pennsylvania Dental Journal

2012 Display Advertising Rates

Mr. Pugliese reminded the committee that a 2-3 percent increase in display ad rates occurred in 2011, and Dr. Terry recommended that rates not be increased in 2012.

The committee unanimously agreed that the 2012 Journal display advertising rates should remain at 2011 levels. (09/16CPRCDA4)

Ms. Diamond redesigned the Journal media kit, which contains rates, specs and an insertion contract, and is sent electronically to advertisers as a PDF file.

Mr. Pugliese reported that the September/October Journal features articles about generational dentistry, most of which had been written by member dentists. The November/December issue will focus on legislative issues, and Dr. Andrew Gould will be featured in an article about sports dentistry and mouthguards. Dr. Bruce Terry reported on ideas for upcoming issues, and would like to start featuring photos of new members. Dr. John Reitz, who writes a regular dental column in the Reading Eagle, suggested an article about lollipops that prevent cavities. Journal staff will work with Dr. Reitz to adapt some of his newspaper articles to a Journal-friendly format. Dr. Terry and Mr. Pugliese urged members to send any article suggestions to them.

Committee members volunteered to provide Mr. Pugliese with names of potential advertisers whom he could reach out to regarding Journal advertising opportunities.

National Children's Dental Health Month (NCDHM)

Ms. Amber Wickard reported that Applebee's in southwestern Pennsylvania has agreed to provide coupons for this year's program. She is contacting other Applebee's franchises, and if they are interested in the program and all franchises would be willing to accept the same coupon language, PDA could possibly acquire statewide participation. Ms. Wickard reported that Rita's Italian Ice decided to no longer participate because dental staff abused the 2010 coupons, and Rita's noted it is doing local couponing rather than statewide. Ms. Wickard may reach out to Friendly's, although it is not a statewide franchise.

Dr. Steven Parrett will reach out to his contact at Sheetz to request NCDHM coupons. Committee members suggested staff contact Five Below, iTunes (free music downloads) and Redbox. Ms. Wickard also reported that the "Call for NCDHM Chairs" memo has been distributed, and that the ADA’s national theme for 2012 is "Rock Your Smile."

News Releases

Ms. Diamond reported on recent news releases and the media coverage they generated. The “PDA Stresses Importance of Screenings to Detect Oral Cancer” release was picked up by 245 papers and 217 links were posted. It led to a WITF public radio interview of Dr. Spruill. “PDA Stresses Benefits of Fluoridation” was picked up by 231 papers and 186 links were posted; “Mouthguards Provide Protection for Young Athletes” was picked up by 231 papers and 259 links were posted. This release led to a RadioPA interview with Dr. Dennis Ranalli and a Pittsburgh station also contacted him for a segment.

The committee suggested future release topics including: blood thinning medications, importance of patients using products with the ADA seal and the ADA's seal revitalization efforts and reasons not to miss your next dental checkup.

In the discussion of the October release, it was suggested that staff could tie-in the Halloween holiday and discuss healthy snacks. Staff mentioned that we have done that topic numerous times, nearly every year, so perhaps the October news release could instead focus on a candy buyback program in which several PDA members participate. This program allows children to sell their Halloween candy to their dentist, and the candy is then sent to United States troops as part of Operation Gratitude. The committee suggested connecting the message that in order to decrease the chance of cavities, children should be allowed to eat candy at one sitting per day rather than snack on small amounts all day.

On a related media note, Mr. Pugliese reported that PDA was contacted for a fluoridation story in The Philadelphia Inquirer and that several member dentists were interviewed for that piece.

Core Values

The committee continued its ongoing discussion of creating a core values document that would be used in lieu of the sunsetted Patient Bill of Rights. The committee unanimously decided it did not want to pursue the creation of this document, and pointed out that with the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct, another document would be redundant.

New Business

Members' Library Catalog

Ms. Diamond reported that preparations for the 2012 Members' Library Catalog are underway. She recently sent out 643 letters to previous advertisers, endorsed vendors, Journal advertisers and new advertisers. Contracts are due October 3, and thus far all five premium advertisers who placed ads in the 2010 catalog are placing ads again. The catalog will be mailed the first week of January.

Dr. John Nase suggested a QR Code be added to the catalog to help members locate it quickly on the website.


Mr. Pugliese reported that the CPRC budget will remain the same as 2011, and that video editing software and page flip software will be added to the Communications or IT budgets.

Strategic Planning Focus

The committee agreed all CPRC's projects fall within the PDA Strategic Plan.

Upcoming Meeting

The next CPRC conference call will be held January 20, 2012 at 2 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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