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Multi-Text Study


Percy Jackson

and the Olympians:

The Lightning Thief

by Rick Riordan

“Look, I didn’t want to be a half-blood. If you’re reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your Mom or Dad told you about your birth, and try to live a normal life.”

Favorite Greek Myths

by Bob Blaisdell

Casey Davis

Meredith Huffman

Leslie Johnson

Amanda Phifer

Outline of Unit

Day 1 – Before Reading and Pre-Reading Activities

KWL – Greek Mythology (Page 4: Small Group)

From the Cover (Page 5: Individual)

Vocab-O-Gram/Predict-O-Gram (Page 6: Individual)

Day 2 and 3 – Read and Work on Section 1 (Chapters 1 and 2)

Section 1 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 7 and 8: Individual)

Readers’ Theater (Pages 9 – 13: Individual/Small Group)

Day 4 – Section 1 Discussion

Present Readers Theater (Small Group/Whole Group)

Day 5 and 6 – Read and Work on Section 2 (Chapters 3 and 4)

Section 2 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 14 and 15: Individual)

Character Sketcher and Artistic Representation – Percy (Pages 16 and 17: Individual)

Day 7 – Section 2 Discussion

Discuss Character Sketchers (Small Group)

Day 8 and 9 – Read and Work on Section 3 (Chapters 5 and 6)

Section 3 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 18 and 19: Individual)

Character Sketcher and Artistic Representation – Chiron (Pages 20 and 21: Individual)

Day 10 – Section 3 Discussion

Discuss Character Sketchers (Small Group)

Day 11 and 12 – Read and Work on Section 4 (Chapters 7 and 8)

Section 4 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 22 and 23: Individual)

ABC Book Activity (Page 24: Individual/Whole Group)

Internet Workshop and DRC (Pages 25 – 27: Individual)

Day 13 – Section 4 Discussion

Continue and Discuss Internet Workshop and DRC Completion (Individual)

Day 14 and 15 – Read and Work on Section 5 (Chapters 9 and 10)

Section 5 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 28 and 29: Individual)

Author’s Craft Activity for Section 5 - Simile (Pages 30 and 31: Individual)

Day 16 – Section 5 Discussion

Discuss Author’s Craft – Simile (Small Group/Whole Group)

Day 17 and 18 – Read and Work on Section 6 (Chapters 11 and 12)

Section 6 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 32 and 33: Individual)

Author’s Craft Activity for Section 6 - Onomatopoeia (Pages 30 and 31: Individual)

Sketch-to-Stretch Activity (Page 34: Individual)

Day 19 – Section 6 Discussion

Discuss Author’s Craft – Onomatopoeia (Small Group/Whole Group)

Share Sketch-to-Stretch Product (Small Group)

Day 20 and 21 – Read and Work on Section 7 (Chapters 13 and 14)

Section 7 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 35 and 36: Individual)

Double Entry Diary (Pages 37 and 38: Individual)

Day 22 – Section 7 Discussion

Discuss Double Entry Diary Entries (Small Group)

Day 23 and 24 – Read and Work on Section 8 (Chapters 15 and 16)

Section 8 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 39 and 40: Individual)

Discussion Director (Pages 41 and 42: Individual)

Day 25 – Section 8 Discussion

Share Discussion Director Topics (Small Group)

Day 26 and 27 – Read and Work on Section 9 (Chapters 17 and 18)

Section 9 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 43 and 44: Individual)

Character Sketcher and Artistic Representation – Annabeth (Pages 45 and 46: Individual)

Day 28 – Section 9 Discussion

Discuss Character Sketchers (Small Group)

Day 29 and 30 – Read and Work on Section 10 (Chapters 19 and 20)

Section 10 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 47 and 48: Individual)

Character Sketcher and Artistic Representation – Grover (Pages 49 and 50: Individual)

Day 31 – Section 10 Discussion

Discuss Character Sketchers (Small Group)

Day 32 and 33 – Read and Work on Section 11 (Chapters 21 and 22)

Section 11 Vocabulary Activities (Pages 51 and 52: Individual)

Wanted Poster Activity (Page 53: Individual)

Day 34 – Section 11 Discussion

I-Poem for 2 Voices Activity (Pages 54 – 56: Individual/Whole Group)

Day 35 – Culmination of book

Vocabulary Assessment (Pages 57 – 59:Individual)

Complete “L” Portion of KWL on Greek Mythology


You will be completing a K-W-L on Greek Mythology. Think about what you know, what you want to know, and finally (at the end of the unit) what you have learned. Your group may use the information found in the book at your station as well as any prior knowledge you have on the subject. Use the following words to help you come up with questions you would like answered for the “W” column.


|K |W |L |

|What I Think I KNOW |What I WANT To Know |What I LEARNED |

| | | |

From the Cover


Before opening your text to begin reading take a few minutes to study the front and back covers of the book and answer the following questions.

1. What do you think is the significance of the book’s title?



2. By looking at the picture what do you believe the book may be about?



3. Read the book’s description on the back cover. What are some challenges you believe Percy will face?



Vocab-o-gram / Predict-o-gram

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Vocabulary Words – quest, immortal, alliance, torment, Parthenon, Ares, Aphrodite, chaotic, adolescents, triumphant, dyslexic

Use the vocabulary words above along with the title of the book to make predictions about the following elements of the story:

|Setting |Characters |

|What is the setting likely to be? |Who are possible characters in the novel? |

| | |

| | |

|Problem |Characters’ Goals |

|What might some problems be for the characters? |What are likely goals for some of the characters? |

| | |

| | |

|Solution |Prediction/Questions |

|What are possible solutions to the problems? |Any other predictions? |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Do you have any questions about how the story might evolve? |

| | |

| | |

Section 1

Pgs. 1 - 28 (Chapters 1 & 2) 



You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.  

|Word |Meaning |

|stele |  |

|p. 5 | |

|titan | |

|p. 5 | |

| |  |

|pelting | |

|p. 8 | |

| |  |

|triumphant | |

|p. 10 | |

| |  |

|murmured | |

|p. 20 | |

| |  |

|glumly | |

|p. 24 | |

| |  |

Word Networks 

• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word stele?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word titan?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word pelting?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word triumphant?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word murmured?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word glumly?



Readers Theater

An adaptation from Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief

By Mary G. Milligan

Approximately 5 minutes.

Staging: The narrators stand behind the characters, preferably on risers.

Narrator 1 - Mr. Brunner

Narrator 2 - Percy Jackson

Narrator 3 - Nancy Bobofit

Narrator 4 - Mrs. Dodds

Narrator 5 - Grover

NARRATOR 1: This scene from Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief is taken from Chapter 1, “I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher.” Percy Jackson is a twelve-year-old boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York.

PERCY JACKSON: My name is Percy Jackson. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. You could say that. I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last May, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan.

NARRATOR 2: Percy’s class is heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at the ancient Greek and Roman collection. There are two teachers on the field trip. Mr. Brunner, the Latin teacher, is leading the trip. He is a middle-aged man in a motorized wheelchair with thinning hair, a scruffy beard and an awesome collection of Roman armor and weapons.

PERCY JACKSON: Mr. Brunner expects me to be as good as everybody else, despite the fact that I have dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and I have never made above a C- in my life. No – he doesn’t expect me to be as good; he expects me to be better.

NARRATOR 3: The other teacher chaperone is Mrs. Dodds. She is a little math teacher from Georgia who always wears a black leather jacket, even though she is fifty years old. Mrs. Dodds came to Yancy halfway through the school year, when the last math teacher had a nervous breakdown.

PERCY JACKSON: From her first day, Mrs. Dodds would point her crooked finger at me and say -

MRS. DODDS: Now, honey

PERCY JACKSON: - real sweet, and I knew I was going to get after-school detention for a month.

NARRATOR 4: Among the twenty-eight students on the field trip are Nancy Bobofit, a freckly, redheaded bully and Percy Jackson’s best friend, Grover Underwood, a scrawny kid with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his chin.

NARRATOR 5: The class is gathered on the front steps of the museum eating lunch when Nancy Bobofit dumps her half-eaten lunch in Grover’s lap.


PERCY JACKSON: I don’t remember touching her, but the next thing I know, Nancy is sitting on her butt in the fountain, screaming

NANCY BOBOFIT: Percy pushed me!

NARRATOR 1: Mrs. Dodds materializes next to them.

NARRATOR 2: Some of the kids are whispering

NARRATOR 3: Did you see —

NARRATOR 4: —the water—

NARRATOR 5: —like it grabbed her—

PERCY JACKSON: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

NARRATOR 1: As soon as Mrs. Dodds is sure Nancy is okay, Mrs. Dodds turns on Percy.

MRS. DODDS: Now, honey—

PERCY JACKSON: I know. A month erasing workbooks.

MRS. DODDS: Come with me.

GROVER: Wait! It was me. I pushed her.

MRS. DODDS: I don’t think so, Mr. Underwood.


MRS. DODDS: You –will—stay—here.

PERCY JACKSON: It’s okay, man. Thanks for trying.

MRS. DODDS: Honey, now!

NARRATOR 2: Percy follows her deeper into the museum. When he finally catches up to her, they are back in the Greek and Roman section.

NARRATOR 3: Except for them, the gallery is empty.

MRS. DODDS: You’ve been giving us problems, honey.

PERCY JACKSON: Yes, ma’am.

MRS. DODDS: Did you really think you would get away with it?

PERCY JACKSON: I’ll try harder, ma’am.

NARRATOR 2 & 3: Boom! Thunder shakes the building.

MRS. DODDS: We are not fools, Percy Jackson. It was only a matter of time before we found you out. Confess, and you will suffer less pain. Well?

PERCY JACKSON: Ma’am, I don’t …

MRS. DODDS: Your time is up!

NARRATOR 4: Then the weirdest thing happens. Her eyes begin to glow like barbecue coals. Her fingers stretch, turning into talons. Her jacket melts into large, leathery wings. She isn’t human. She is a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs.

NARRATOR 5: Then things get even stranger. Mr. Brunner, who’d been out in front of the museum a minute before, wheels his chair into the doorway of the gallery, holding a pen in his hand. Tossing it to Percy he shouts -

MR. BRUNNER: What ho, Percy!

NARRATOR 1: Mrs. Dodds lunges at Percy.

NARRATOR 2: Percy snatches the ballpoint pen out of the air, but when it hits his hand, it isn’t a pen anymore. It is a sword—Mr. Brunner’s bronze sword, which he always uses on tournament day.

NARRATOR 3: Mrs. Dodds spins toward Percy snarling –

MRS. DODDS: Die, Honey!

NARRATOR 4: She flies straight at Percy. He swings the sword.

NARRATOR 5: The metal blade hits her shoulder and passes clean through her body as if she is made of water. Hisss!

NARRATOR 1: Mrs. Dodds is a sand castle in a power fan She explodes into yellow powder, vaporizing on the spot, leaving nothing but the smell of sulfur and a dying screech and a chill of evil in the air.

PERCY JACKSON: I am alone. There is a ballpoint pen in my hand. Mr. Brunner isn’t there. Nobody is there but me. My hands are still trembling. Had I imagined the whole thing? I go back outside. Grover is sitting by the fountain with Nancy Bobofit, still soaked from her swim in the fountain.

NANCY BOBOFIT: I hope Mrs. Kerr whipped your butt.


NANCY BOBOFIT: Our teacher. Duh!

PERCY JACKSON: We have no teacher named Mrs. Kerr. What are you talking about?

Grover, where is Mrs. Dodds?


PERCY JACKSON: Not funny, man. This is serious.

NARRATOR 2 & 3: Boom! Thunder booms overhead.

MR. BRUNNER: Mr. Jackson, that would be my pen. Please bring your own writing utensil in the future.

PERCY JACKSON: Sir, where’s Mrs. Dodds?


PERCY JACKSON: The other chaperone. Mrs. Dodds. The pre-algebra teacher.

MR. BRUNNER: Percy, there is no Mrs. Dodds on this trip. As far as I know, there has never been a Mrs. Dodds at Yancy Academy. Are you feeling all right?”

Used by Permission of Hyperion.

Section 2

Pgs. 29 - 56 (Chapters 3 & 4) 




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.  

|Word |Meaning |

|dyslexic |  |

|p. 38 | |

|hallucination | |

|p. 40 | |

| |  |

|vivid | |

|p. 41 | |

| |  |

|talons | |

|p. 41 | |

| |  |

|satyr | |

|p. 45 | |

| |  |

|bellowed | |

|p. 51 | |

| |  |

Questions, Reasons, Examples

• If you were dyslexic, what might you have trouble with?



• If you are having a hallucination, what might be happening?



• If you had a vivid dream, what types of descriptive words might you use?



• If you were an animal, what might you use your talons for?



• If you were a satyr, what type of physical characteristics would you have?



• If someone bellowed, what might it sound like?



Character Sketcher – Percy

Section 2


You are invited to learn more about Percy. Please take notes on how Percy acts and looks.

❖ To begin, reread the following passages, determine “descriptive words” that capture Percy’s personality and explain why the words describe Percy.

❖ Reread page 32.

Which words describe Percy?


❖ He acts _____________________________________because______________________________


Focus on page 33, paragraph five.

❖ Reread page 47, paragraphs one through nine.

Which words describe Percy?


❖ He acts _____________________________________because______________________________


Focus on page 49.

❖ Reread pages 51 and 52.

Which words describe Percy?


❖ He acts _____________________________________because______________________________


Focus on the first eight paragraphs on page 53.

Then, use the passages that describe Percy’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Percy. Use the following passages to help you:

❖ Page 2 last paragraph; page 33 paragraph three.

❖ Other passages you noticed.

Section 3

Pgs. 57 - 92 (Chapters 5 & 6) 



You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.  

|Word |Meaning |

|reverently |  |

|p. 58 | |

|gingerly | |

|p. 61 | |

| |  |

|pseudonym | |

|p. 69 | |

| |  |

|civilized | |

|p. 65 | |

| |  |

|primitive | |

|p. 68 | |

| |  |

|consciousness | |

|p. 72 | |

| |  |

Synonyms and Antonyms

|Synonym |Word |Antonym |

| |reverently | |

| |gingerly | |

| |pseudonym | |

| |civilized | |

| |primitive | |

| |consciousness | |

Character Sketcher - Chiron

Section 3


Your job as Character Sketcher is to identify a character’s actions (traits) and explain or prove these traits, identify the character’s goal (which is what the character wants to do or accomplish), identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete an artistic impression of the character.

You need to be aware that the character traits you will choose will be implied character traits. In other words, they are not directly stated in the passage. You will want to use descriptive words for your character traits. You do NOT want to use words like good, bad, nice, and mean. Be sure to use your “Descriptive Character Traits” page for help.

Sometimes the solution to your character’s problem will not be in the section of the book that you are reading. In this case, you will need to come up with a possible solution for you character’s problem.

When you begin artistically representing your character, try to use any physical descriptions from the text to help you. Your “artistic impression” of the character will probably be on a separate piece of paper. The next page gives you an example of how your paper may look with the character information.

You will be learning about Chiron. Think about the following traits as you read Chapter 5-I Play Pinochle with a Horse:

|compassionate |dependable |affectionate |

|knowledgeable |sensitive |clever |

Implied Character Traits (3)

1. (Trait) ________________________________________ page__________ paragraph_________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



2. (Trait) ________________________________________ page__________ paragraph_________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



3. (Trait) ________________________________________ page__________ paragraph_________

(Explanation or proof of trait)



Character’s Goal: Chiron’s goal is to________________________________________________


Problem: Chiron’s problem is________________________________________________________


Solution or Possible Solution:


Section 4

Pgs. 93 - 126 (Chapters 7 & 8)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|sullen |  |

|p. 96 | |

|quest | |

|p. 98 | |

| |  |

|immortal | |

|p. 104 | |

| |  |

|singed | |

|p. 111 | |

| |  |

|warily | |

|p. 115 | |

| |  |

|alliance | |

|p. 117 | |

| |  |

Word Networks

• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word sullen?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word quest?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word immortal?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word singed?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word warily?



• What people things, situations, or words come to mind when you think about the word alliance?



Making an ABC Book

Choose one or two items from the chart below to create pages for an alphabet book for all to share. Each page should include a large capital letter, an illustration or some artistic impression, and a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) explaining your letter representation. Design your page with an interesting format and type font. Your page should be vertical. The following words are examples you may use but are not limited to:

|A |B |C |D |E |

|Annabeth | |Centaur |Dionysus |Echidna |

|Ares | |Cerberus | |Elysium |

|Apollo | |Chiron | | |

|Athena | |Clarisse | | |

|F |G |H |I |J |

|Fates |Grover |Hades |Immortal |  |

|Furies |Greek |Hephaestus | | |

| | |Hera | | |

| | |Hermes | | |

|K |L |M |N |O |

|Kronos |Lightning Bolt |Medusa |Nereid |Olympus |

| |Luke |Minotaur |New York City |Oracle |

| | |Mount Olympus | |  |

|P |Q |R |S |T |

|Percy |Quest |Riptide  |Satyr |Thalia |

|Persephone Poseidon | |River Styx |Solstice  |Titans |

| | | | |  |

|U |V |W |X |Y |

|Underworld  |  |  |  |Yancy Academy |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Z |

| | | | |Zeus |

Greek Mythology Internet Workshop

This Internet workshop will introduce you to Greek Mythology. You are invited to explore information on the Internet. Take notes in your Mythology Journal. Come prepared to share your information at our workshop session.

1. Go to the bookmark set for the following website:

2. Explore the information on Greek Mythology and answer the following questions:

In your words, what is a myth?



What were the myths about (hint- the stories had a purpose)? Give at least 3 specific examples.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________________


3.  Continue exploring the sites to find and fill in the information on your Data Retrieval Chart (DRC).

4. Using the DRC and your books as a reference, answer the following questions:

• Where did the gods/goddesses we read about (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, etc.) come from? Were they the first? Give details to support your answer.



• Do the gods/goddesses have more than one name? If so, why? Where do the name(s) come from? Give 3 specific examples.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

• Compare the information you’ve found in these sites, as well as the information you’ve learned in The Lightning Thief and Favorite Greek Myths. What consistencies or inconsistencies have you found? Why do you think this is? Give at least 3 specific examples.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________________


Data Retrieval Chart - Greek Mythology

|Mythological Beings |Other names |Associated with |Where he/she/it lives |Parents, if any |Siblings, if any |Special gift/skill |

|Zeus | | | | | | |

|Poseidon | | | | | | |

|Athena | | | | | | |

|Ares | | | | | | |

|Aphrodite | | | | | | |

|Medusa | | | | | | |

|Minotaur | | | | | | |

Section 5

Pgs. 127 - 167 (Chapters 9 & 10)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|grappled |  |

|p. 130 | |

|paranoid | |

|p. 136 | |

| |  |

|intervenes | |

|p. 138 | |

| |  |

|misnomer | |

|p. 155 | |

| |  |

|propaganda | |

|p. 155 | |

| |  |

|torment | |

|p. 165 | |

| |  |

Forms of a Word

Fill in the blanks if possible:

|Noun |Verb |Adjective |

|grapple |grappled |grappling |

|grappler |grapple | |

| |grappling | |

|paranoia | |paranoid |

|paranoiac | |paranoiac |

|paranoid | |paranoidal |

|intervention |intervenes |interventional |

| |intervene | |

| |intervened | |

| |intervening | |

|misnomer | |misnomered |

|nomen | | |

|propaganda |propagandize |propagandist |

|propagandist |propagandized |propagandistic |

|propagandizer |propagandizing | |

|torment |torment | |

| |tormenting | |

| |tormented | |

Blue words in italics are examples of words students could use to fill in the blanks.

Author’s Craft

Rick Riordan chose his words very carefully, making use of several interesting literary devices. They appeal to the reader’s senses and sense of humor by using figurative language. Find two examples of each listed below. Then explain how each passage adds meaning to the story.

|Similes – Look in Section 5 (Pages 127 – 167) |

|Simile: a comparison that includes the words like or as. |

|Given Example |Your Examples from the Book |

|Page 131 |Page Number: |

|“Over Long Island Sound, the sky looked |Example: |

|like ink soup coming to a boil.” | |

|This comparison of the sky to a pot of “ink| |

|soup coming to a boil” lets the reader | |

|visualize a dark sky rolling with thick, | |

|heavy clouds. It really allows the reader |What does this passage add to the story? |

|to picture this in his/her mind. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Page Number: |

| |Example: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |What does this passage add to the story? |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Onomatopoeia – Look in Section 6 (Pages 168 – 196) |

|Onomatopoeia: a word(s) that imitates the sound it represents. |

|Given Example |Your Examples from the Book |

|Page 181 |Page Number: |

|“Thwack!” |Example: |

|This is the sound of Grover hitting Medusa | |

|with the bat. It is the only way Percy | |

|knows that Grover has hit something which | |

|is very important. It is much easier for us| |

|to imagine the bat hitting Medusa when the |What does this passage add to the story? |

|author uses this “sound word” rather than | |

|just describing it for us. | |

| | |

| | |

| |Page Number: |

| |Example: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |What does this passage add to the story? |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Section 6

Pgs. 168 - 196 (Chapters 11 & 12)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|gnarled |  |

|p. 179 | |

|insufferable | |

|p. 185 | |

| |  |

|impertinent | |

|p. 186 | |

| |  |

|pillaging | |

|p. 189 | |

| |  |

|compelled | |

|p. 193 | |

| |  |

Examples and Non-examples

• Which would be gnarled:

- An old tree


- A young tree

• Which would be insufferable:

- Someone who is brave


- Someone who is rude

• Which would be impertinent:

- A child who talks back to grown-ups

- Or

- Something you couldn’t live without

• Which would be pillaging:

- Pirates robbing a ship

- Or

- Stomping through the woods

• Which would be compelled:

- A person agreed to go somewhere

- Or

- A person was forced to go somewhere

Sketch to Stretch

Section 6

Chapters 11 and 12 – pgs. 168 - 196

Select a scene or part of the story from Section 6 (Chapters 11 and 12) that really stuck out in your mind and create an artistic impression that represents your interpretation of it.  Do not compose an illustration, or a picture of what is described in the text; rather, compose something that symbolizes or represents the feeling, emotion, or meaning related to a scene. 

You may compose graphs, symbols, etc. Be ready to share your artistic impression and explain it to us.

As you form your groups to share your sketches, think about the following:

• Invite the students in your group to interpret your sketch.

• You may wish to ask:

o "What is this a picture of?"

o "What do you think I found important or interesting in the story?"

• After members of your group provide their interpretations, feel free to comment on your sketch.

Section 7

Pgs. 197-218 (Chapters 13 & 14)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|barter |  |

|p. 199 | |

|mortal | |

|p. 200 | |

| |  |

|Summer Solstice | |

|p. 201 | |

| |  |

|Parthenon | |

|p. 202 | |

| |  |

|Chimera | |

|p. 207 | |

| |  |

|Anaklusmos | |

|p. 209 | |

| |  |

| | |

Sentence Stems/Idea Completions

• People barter because



• A mortal is someone who



• During the Summer Solstice many cultures of people would



• When I looked at the Parthenon, I felt overwhelmed because



• The Chimera reminded me of



• Anaklusmos was unbelievable because



Double Entry Diary

Section 7


You are invited to complete a Double-Entry Diary (DED) based upon section 7 (chapters 13-14) of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Please record the quotation along with the page and paragraph numbers that each was found in on the left side of the table. On the right side of your table, write your responses, questions, connections or personal reactions that accompany the quotes you chose. Some types of information you may choose are: effect/cause, fact/compare and contrast, quote/connection or questions, vocabulary and author’s craft.

You must include 6 passages in your DED.

Here is a sample DED to get you started:

|Quote: “The rhinestone dog collar still hung around it’s neck and the |Connection: We have read that Tartarus is the underworld where Hades |

|plate-sized dog tag was now easy to read: CHIMERA- RABID, |lives and reigns, so if the Chimera is supposed to be returned there, |

|FIRE-BREATHING, POISIONOUS- IF FOUND, PLEASE CALL TARTARUS, EXT. 954.”|he must be from the underworld, and so must Echidna. In what other |

|(pg. 207, bottom paragraph) |stories do the Chimera and Echidna appear in Greek Mythology? |

| | |

Double Entry Diary

|Quote |Response |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Section 8

Pgs. 219- 265 (Chapters 15 & 16)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|Iris-messaging |  |

|p. 220 | |

|Drachma | |

|p. 220 | |

| |  |

|Oracle at Delphi | |

|p. 222 | |

| |  |

|Ares | |

|p. 226 | |

| |  |

|Aphrodite | |

|p. 230 | |

| |  |

|Hephaestus | |

|p. 230 | |

| |  |

Word Associations

• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word war? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word love? Why?



• Which vocabulary word would you associate with the word prophecy? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word telephone? Why?



• Which vocabulary word would you associate with the words metal working? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word money? Why?



Discussion Director:

Section 8


Your job is to involve the students in your group by thinking and talking about the selection of the book you have just read. You are going to ask questions that really help the students in your group think about the reading. Your questions should require students to discuss their interpretations of the text and connect background experience and knowledge with the text. You want all students involved in the discussion and talking about the issues that come up during the reading.

Your job as the Discussion Director is to come up with 5 thinking questions. Your teacher really wants you to help the students in your group to go back to the book to find their answers if they don’t know them. So, to help this run very smoothly, you need to write down the questions, your answers, and the page numbers where the students can reference the text to justify their responses to your questions.

When developing your questions, think about the following main events:

|What kinds of situations have Percy, Annabeth,|What are each of Percy, Annabeth, and Grover’s|Arrival at the Lotus Hotel and Casino. |

|and Grover experienced? |strengths? | |

|Impressions of Ares. |Impressions of the gods, in general. |Percy’s dreams. |

Sample Questions to help you:

Questions: page 225 paragraph 6

• “The biker looked at me. I couldn’t see his eyes behind the red shades, but bad feelings started boiling in my stomach. Anger, resentment, bitterness. I wanted to hit a wall.”

o Is this Percy’s normal behavior?

o What makes Percy feel this way?

o Why does it make Percy feel this way?

Section 9

Pgs. 266- 299 (Chapters 17 & 18)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|tentatively |  |

|p. 270 | |

|chasm | |

|p. 271 | |

| |  |

|Nereid | |

|p. 271 | |

| |  |

|chaotic | |

|p. 275 | |

| |  |

|Procrustes | |

|p. 280 | |

| |  |

|Cerberus | |

|p. 294 | |

| |  |

Word Associations

• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the words confused and messy? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word stretch? Why?



• Which vocabulary word would you associate with the word cautious? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the word guardian? Why?



• Which vocabulary word would you associate with the words gaping hole? Why?



• Which vocabulary term would you associate with the words water spirit? Why?



Character Sketcher - Annabeth

Section 9


You are invited to learn more about Annabeth. Please take notes on how Annabeth acts and looks.

❖ To begin, think about “descriptive words” that capture Annabeth’s personality and try to find passages in Section 9 that show how Annabeth is acting. Think about why or how those words describe Annabeth in the passages. Remember these will be implied traits. Use the traits below to help you.

❖ Choose 3 of the following traits and find passages in Section 9 that demonstrate Annabeth acting:

|heroic |confident |clever |assertive |

|witty |artistic |informed |flawed |

❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Annabeth acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Annabeth acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Annabeth acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


Then, use the passages that describe Annabeth’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Annabeth. Throughout the book, details are given about Annabeth’s appearance (pg. 63-64, 123). Using these details, create a visual representation of Annabeth Chase.

Section 10

Pgs. 300-319 (Chapters 19 & 20)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|torture |  |

|p. 301 | |

|looming | |

|p. 302 | |

| |  |

|levitated | |

|p. 303 | |

| |  |

|obsidian | |

|p. 305 | |

| |  |

|tattered | |

|p. 308 | |

| |  |

|mystified | |

|p. 321 | |

| |  |

Cloze Passages

• Have you ever experienced extreme pain and suffering like ____________________?

• My clothes were completely ____________________ after I fell down the hill.

• One time someone lied and misrepresented me. I felt ____________________ about the entire situation.

• It was so unbelievable when the desk ____________________ into the air and off the ground.

• The sun was ____________________ over the mountain top.

• The hard volcanic matter that is glassy and shiny is called ____________________.

Character Sketcher - Grover

Section 10


You are invited to learn more about Grover. Please take notes on how Grover acts and looks.

❖ To begin, think about “descriptive words” that capture Grover’s personality and try to find passages in Section 10 that show how Grover is acting. Think about why or how those words describe Grover in the passages. Remember these will be implied traits. Use the traits below to help you.

❖ Choose 3 of the following traits and find passages in Section 10 that demonstrate Grover acting:

|heroic |confident |clever |frightened |

|witty |terrified |brave |sarcastic |

❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Grover acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Grover acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


❖ On page _______ paragraph _______ Grover acts ________________________________ because/when _____________________________________________________________________


Then, use the passages that describe Grover’s actions and appearance to help you complete an artistic impression of Grover. Throughout the book, details are given about Grover’s appearance. Using these details, create a visual representation of Grover.

Section 11

Pgs. 334-375 (Chapters 21 & 22)




You will complete the following chart by writing definitions for these words.

|Word |Meaning |

|adolescents |  |

|p. 334 | |

|unclench | |

|p. 335 | |

| |  |

|gilded | |

|p. 337 | |

| |  |

|nymphs | |

|p. 338 | |

| |  |

|swiveling | |

|p. 340 | |

| |  |

|disemboweled | |

|p. 361 | |

| |  |

Examples and Non-examples

• Which would be adolescents:

- Youthful


- Elderly

• Which would be unclench:

- Open hands


- Closed hands

• Which would be gilded:

- A pleasing appearance

- Or

- An unattractive appearance

• Which would be nymphs:

- Young women

- Or

- Elderly women

• Which would be swiveling:

- To move up and down

- Or

- To pivot and turn

• Which would be disemboweled:

- To remove

- Or

- To add

Wanted Poster


Create a Wanted Poster for one of the following characters:

• Percy

• Annabeth

• Grover

• Chiron

• Ares

• Any other MAIN character

You will complete an artistic representation of the character and then complete the following information:


| Character name |

|Wanted For… |

|Physical Description |

|Personality |

|Interests |

|Main Goal in Life |

|Dislikes |

|Hang Outs |

|Suspected Whereabouts |

|Time and Place Last Seen |

I Poem for 2 Voices

Create an “I Poem” for 2 characters in the book - Percy and Poseidon, for example. Create a poem that explains each characters thoughts, feelings, emotions, and motives for the things that they do, or don’t do, in the story. Use descriptive words and try to incorporate vocabulary words if appropriate. This poem should let the reader feel exactly who the characters really are. Use the following format to help you construct your poem.


Stanza 1

I am (two special characteristics)

And we are (how the two are the same)

I live (where you live-this may include your habitat, or city, state, country, etc.)    

I wonder (something you are actually curious about)       

I hear (an imaginary sound)       

I see (an imaginary sight)          

I want (an actual desire)                                   

I am (the first line of the poem restated)

Similarly we (how the two are the same; can be restated or new information)


|I am |  |

| |I am |

|And we are |And we are |

|I live |  |

| |Whereas I live |

|I wonder |  |

| |While I wonder |

|I hear |  |

| |But I hear   |

|I see |  |

| |However, I see   |

|I want |  |

| |Yet I want |

|I am |  |

| |I am   |

|Similarly we |Similarly we   |

Stanza 2

I always (what you are known for)

I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch (an imaginary touch)

I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad)

I excel (something you are good at doing)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

And we both (how the two are the same; can be restated or new information)

|I always |  |

| |On the other hand, I always |

|I pretend |  |

| |While I pretend |

|I feel |  |

| |Yet I feel |

|I touch |  |

| |While I touch   |

|I worry |  |

| |Yet I worry   |

|I cry |  |

| |But I cry   |

|I excel |  |

| |Whereas I excel   |

|I am |  |

| |I am   |

|And we both |And we both   |

Stanza 3 

I understand (something you know is true)

I say (something you believe in)

I’m as _____as (a simile)

I dream (something you actually dream about)

I try (something you really make an effort about)

I hope (something you actually hope for)

I was once (describes how you have changed)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

And most importantly we (the most important way that represents how the two are the same)

|I understand |  |

| |While I understand |

|I say, |  |

| |Yet I say, |

|I’m as |  |

| |Whereas I’m as |

|I dream |  |

| |But I dream   |

|I try |  |

| |Although I try   |

|I hope |  |

| |While I hope   |

|I was once |  |

| |Whereas I was once |

|I am |  |

| |I am   |

|And most importantly we |And most importantly we |

You choose from the following transition words:

• For comparison: like, same, both, the same as, similar, in the same way, most important, similarly, as, too, have in common, as well as.

• For contrast: although, however, differ, unlike, even though, yet, but, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, whereas, while, unless, contrary to, the reverse.


Vocabulary Assessment


I. Describe what is alike and/or different for these pairs of words:

1. torture/torment

2. mortal/immortal

3. warily/tentatively

4. primitive/civilized

II. Explain what the following words mean by responding to the prompts:

5. Describe how something that was chaotic might be.

6. Tell about a time when you felt triumphant.

7. Describe some things that might make a person feel mystified.

8. Describe how someone who was paranoid would act.

III. Underline the best response:

9. If you were impertinent, you might be:

a. making a lot of money

b. talking back to an adult

c. unable to do your job

10. If you wanted to barter, you would:

a. want to get the best deal for your money

b. want to purchase something

c. want to trade something you have for something you want

11. You might want to form an alliance if:

a. you are on a good team

b. you want to work together with another person or group

c. you want to win

12. If you bellowed at someone, you would probably be:

a. angry or upset with them

b. excited and wanting to get their attention

c. in a crowd and trying to make yourself heard

IV. Examples/Non-Examples – Underline the best example for the following.

13. Which of the two descriptions is an example of a quest?

A cruise around the world A hunt for buried treasure

14. Which of the two descriptions is an example of pelting?

A pitcher throwing a fastball A boy throwing a packed

towards the batter snowball at someone

15. Which of the two descriptions is an example of something gnarled?

The outside of a A boulder that has been

100-year-old tree around for thousands of years.

16. Which of the two descriptions is an example of being compelled?

Getting up in the morning Having someone wake you up

when the alarm goes off. and force you out of bed.

Our Text Selections

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1). Written by Rick Riordan. 2006. Disney-Hyperion.

Reading Level - Grade 5 (Ages 9 through 12)

There are many reasons for using the text of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief in a classroom. One main reason for including it in a unit designed for the 5th-grade is its focus on mythology which is one of the types of fiction explicitly included in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Engligh Language Arts. We decided to focus on this area and chose corresponding information texts to broaden our students’ knowledge of Greek mythology. Mythology is an amazing genre of literature that can be used in many varying ways. It can be used strictly as a storytelling medium. It can also be used in Social Studies as a way of studying Ancient Cultures, their beliefs, and religion. Also, many of the creatures in Greek myths were drawn from stories of animals and can be used to begin discussions about nature and science.

The main reason that we chose this book was simply because of its story. Not only does the story hook you immediately (see the opening lines on our cover page) but it is written with both an easy, conversational tongue, and an incredibly gifted sense of timing and craft. Like the Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan seems to have a true command of young adult storytelling. He seems to understand their needs while avoiding the pitfalls of pandering to young audiences, which so many young adult authors make the mistake of doing. There’s pre-teen angst in this story, but it’s appropriate and secondary to pure craft magic. This story brings Greek Mythology to life for a generation that, otherwise, may have experienced very little mythology. For those of us in this group, mythology was a door to fantasy, and other fiction genres in our youth. Reading about Greek Myths made us want to know more about the people that created and lived their lives by these myths. Even as adults, we are still fascinated by Greek culture, perhaps because we were introduced in a way that was exciting. Our hope is that this book will do this for our students.

We have one final note on, perhaps, the most poignant and potentially beneficial part of this book (and series). The author uses the common childhood disabilities of ADHD and Dyslexia as pathways to exceptionality rather than labels to be feared or made fun of. Those who suffer from these disabilities are demi-gods…heroes. They receive these biological “disabilities” in order to better prepare them for certain aspects of demi-god life. How could a child who struggles with reading as well as keeping up and paying attention refuse that kind of encouragement?

Favorite Greek Myths. Written by Bob Blaisdell and illustrated by John Green. 1995. Dover Publications.

Reading Level – Grade 5 (Ages 9 through 12)

While myths are fiction rather than non-fiction, this unit is about Greek Mythology so the use of a fiction text here is appropriate. This small book contains six chapters about the most commonly told myths. Most of the chapters are broken into smaller sections so that almost all major stories from Greek mythology are represented in some way. There are few illustrations with the majority of the pages devoted to text.

We chose to use this text for multiple reasons. Because our topic was Greek Mythology, it made sense that our companion text would need to be one which gave more information on that topic than The Lightning Thief. While The Lightning Thief does a great job of introducing the topic and giving many details, there is much more that needs to be covered. One aspect which we particularly took into consideration was the cost of a unit like this. The retail price of The Lightning Thief is $7.99 per book for the paperback version. While you can probably get some for a slightly lesser charge in bulk, it is still costly. Favorite Greek Myths, on the other hand, retails for only $2.00 per book. That is the cost for a new paperbook version. This is extremely reasonable and would help quite a bit with the financial costs associated with the unit. While there were other texts that were as interesting and maybe even more visually appealing than this one, the cost was ultimately the deciding factor here.

Internet Workshop URL:

Standard Course of Study Correlation Chart

|Unit Assignment |NC Language Arts Standard Course of Study for 5th Grade |

| | |

|Wide reading is represented in the texts we’ve chosen. We cover all |1.03 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through: |

|facets of Greek Mythology using internet sources, fictional sources, |wide reading. |

|and informational sources. |word study. |

| |word reference materials. |

|Word study appears in every section of this unit. There are tier 2 |content area study. |

|words represented in groups of 5-7 throughout and they are assessed at|writing process elements. |

|the end. A variety of activities correlate to these sectional |writing as a tool. |

|vocabulary choices. |debate. |

| |discussions. |

|The internet workshop in our unit represents content area study as it |seminars. |

|allows for further understanding of our core subject. It allows for |examining the author's craft. |

|historical and cultural study as well. | |

| | |

|Seminars are present in our unit in the form of Writer’s Workshops. | |

|Throughout the unit, Character Sketchers and Discussion Director | |

|activities are created to lead discussions. | |

| | |

|Our reading speed and the organization of our sections was based on |1.05 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent|

|what is appropriate for 5th-grade learners. |with the student's independent reading level) to: |

| |increase fluency. |

|150 mpm X 20 min = 3000 words |build background knowledge. |

|3000 words/ 230 wpp = 13 pages |expand and refine vocabulary. |

| | |

|375 pages/13 pages per day = 30 days or 6 weeks to read in sustained | |

|silent reading | |

|2 Sections a week (11 sections total) | |

| | |

| | |

|We have also chosen alternative texts for this unit that would help to| |

|accommodate all independent reading levels. | |

| | |

|Our chosen text and vocabulary activities will help to build reading | |

|fluency as well as expand vocabulary. | |

| | |

|From the Cover Activity (located in the Pre-Reading Activities) |2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, |

|requires students to make predictions about the story using the |listening, and viewing by: |

|information (visual and written) from the front and back cover of the |making predictions. |

|main text. |formulating questions. |

| |supporting answers from textual information, previous experience, |

|Predict-o-gram/ Vocab-o-gram Activity (located in the Pre-Reading |and/or other sources. |

|Activities) requires students to use their knowledge of vocabulary to |drawing on personal, literary, and cultural understandings. |

|make predictions. |seeking additional information. |

| |making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas. |

| | |

|The entire unit is based on reading and developing understandings of |2.03 Read a variety of texts, such as: |

|mythology, its definitions, and its history. |fiction (tall tales, myths). |

| |nonfiction (books of true experience, newspaper and magazine articles,|

| |schedules). |

| |poetry (narrative, lyric, and cinquains). |

| |drama (plays and skits). |

| | |

|In the internet workshop, students are asked to explore 2 internet |3.02 Make connections within and between texts by recognizing |

|sites and compare their findings not only between those 2 sites, but |similarities and differences based on a common lesson, theme, or |

|also to their main and informational texts. |message. |


|Activity/Criteria |Your Points/Total Possible Points |

|From the Cover |/5 |

|All are components are complete. | |

|Thought is apparent in predictions made about the book. | |

|Vocab-O-Gram/Predict-O-Gram |/5 |

|All are components are complete. | |

|Thought is apparent in predictions made about the book. | |

|Character Sketchers (Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Chiron) |/20 |

|Traits are included and thorough. |(5 points per Character Sketcher) |

|Page numbers are included. | |

|Artistic representation is complete and thoughtful. | |

|Vocabulary Activities for Sections 1 through 12 |/60 |

|Definitions are “child-friendly” | |

|Activities are correct and complete |(5 points per Section) |

|Author’s Craft Activity |/5 |

|Chart includes 2 examples of simile and onomatopoeia with page | |

|numbers. | |

|Explanations are included about how the examples add to the text. | |

|Sketch-to-Stretch Activity |/5 |

|Artistic representation is thoughtful and creative. | |

|Representation is symbolic and explanation is thorough. | |

|Internet Workshop and DRC |/20 |

|Responses to questions are complete and accurate. |(10 points each) |

|All categories are completed for at least one book or website. | |

|Wanted Poster |/5 |

|Artistic representation is thoughtful and creative. | |

|Poster includes all required information. | |

|ABC Book |/5 |

|Artistic representation is thoughtful and creative. | |

|Information presented is accurate. | |

|Vocabulary Assessment |/20 |

|All answers are complete and correct. | |

|TOTAL |/152 |



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