East Tennessee State University

CSCI 1260: Some Facts6486525406400Location: The course meets in room 115 of the Millennium Center from 5 pm until 6:50 pm on Tuesdays for lecture and in room 130 of the Millennium Center on Thursdays for labs unless otherwise announced. Instructor: Dr. Don Bailes. Office: 459 Nicks Hall (MW) or in MC1 (TR). Office Hours: posted on the course website (see below) and outside his office. E-Mail address: bailes@etsu.edu. Teaching Assistant: Nick Moody, email: MOODYNE@ETSU.EDU. Course web site: . This course DOES NOT use D2L for anything. Assignments and lecture materials are posted on the web site.Assignment submissions: Unless otherwise specified, assigned work that is to be submitted for grading should be submitted as a zipped file with the specified name as an email attachment. This zipped file must be a .zip file, not a .7z, .gzip, .rar, .tar, or any other compressed format. Eclipse will only process .zip files.All files to be submitted as a single submission should be zipped into a file whose name is 1260-xxx-lastfirst-aaaaa.zip where xxx is your section number, lastfirst is your name (last followed by first), and aaaaa is your assignment name and number. For example, the final Project 1 submission for Jim Nasium from section 288 should be named 1260-288-NasiumJim-Project1.zip For a submission of programming project design materials only, the name of the file should include the word Design as illustrated here: 1260-288-NasiumJim-Project1Design.zip The content of the zipped file will be described in detail in class/lab. In general, the zipped file should ONLY contain .java files and/or your design documents (see design document example) including the UML class design diagram. It should NOT include other files or folders. Exceptions, if any, will be specified.Email all submissions to your instructor (bailes@etsu.edu) and to Nick Moody (MOODYNE@ETSU.EDU). Please use your ETSU email address for your submission even though that may not be your preferred address. E-mail from non-campus addresses may be caught in a SPAM-filter and not reach the grader possibly resulting in a grade of zero being assigned.Exceptions to these rules, if any, will be stated in the assignments and/or in class.Following these submission rules is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Failure to follow the submission rules may result in a grade of 0.Software used in this course: You will be using the following software, available in the CSCI labs, this semester. It is also available for you to download onto your own computer at no charge.You will be using Java as you did in 1250. However, if you use your own computer to do your work, you should download the latest version of the Java JDK. It is suggested you use the latest update of the current version. Choose the 64-bit version to match the version of Eclipse that is linked below.Instead of using a Notepad-like text editor to create your programs, you will use a much more powerful tool named Eclipse to create, edit, run, and debug your programs this semester. It is available as a free download. This is the latest Eclipse IDE release of the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Astah is a tool for producing professional-looking UML diagrams. Astah* community edition is installed in the labs. Students may acquire a free license, download the astah* UML Edition,and use it free of charge for academic purposes. This edition is free only to students. Use your ETSU email address when registering to download Astah*. ................

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