2 Peter 3:1-9

2 Peter 3:1-9

“A Thousand Years!”

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1-9

Memory Verse: “…with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”.” 2 Peter 3:8

Lesson Focus: In God’s timing Jesus will return; until then God waits for anyone to turn from their sin and be saved.

Activities and Crafts: Coloring Sheet; Alpha and Omega Activities;

1st & 2nd: Craft: Jesus will return clock

1. Give each child a “Jesus will return” clock

2. Tell them to color their clock and to write the remaining numbers on the clock.

3. Remind them of the lesson today. That God does not measure time like we do.

Introduction: Play “What Time Is It?”

Ask a child to act out the following things that people do at a certain time. When a child guesses the correct answer they get to act out the next activity.

1. Bedtime

2. School Time

3. Bath Time

4. Birthday

5. Study Time

6. Dinner Time

7. Christmas

8. Practice the Piano Time

9. Easter

10. Go to Church

Everything that we do usually revolves around time. You came to church at a certain time today. You go to school at a certain time. We eat at a certain time. Your birthday is on a certain day. But the thing that we do not realize is that God does not see time as we do. Today we are going to see the importance of God seeing time differently.

Bible Study:

2 Peter 3:1:-6 “A Reminder to Remember!”

√ Why does Peter always remind us of stuff? (Because we forget and because he wants to stir us into action.)

√ What does he want us to remember?

1. Remember the prophet’s words. Remember what was written in the Old Testament.

2. Remember the things that we have told you.

3. Remember:

a. That in the last days people will make fun of “religion” and Jesus.

b. They will live in sin and will ignore God.

c. They will say that the Bible is not truth and that Jesus is not coming back.

d. They will forget that by God’s word the world was created

e. They will forget the flood that happened during Noah’s day and that all of the people except Noah and his family were destroyed.

When we forget God we feel free to sin! We don’t feel accountable to God. In verse 5 Peter tells us that people “willfully forget.” That means they choose to forget. They intentionally blind themselves to seeing god work in history. They are like a horse with blinders on…they don’t want to see what is going on around them. They ignore the truth. The truth is that we will all answer for the way we lived our lives. We are all accountable to God.

2 Peter 3:7: “A Reminder of the Judgment to Come!”

√ How are the heavens and the earth preserved? (By the word of God)

√ What does it mean to “preserve”? (to keep safe)

√ What are they reserved for? (fire and judgment).

The Bible teaches that there will be a judgment day for everyone. Everyone will answer to God. But if you know Jesus as your Savior, you belong to God. We will answer to God for how we lived, but Jesus will answer for our salvation. But those that do not know Jesus as their Savior will have no answer before a Holy God.

Jesus himself taught often about His return. In Matthew 25, He gave us three parables or stories to help us prepare and to be ready for His return.

1. The Parable of the Ten Virgins

2. The Parable of the Ten Talents

3. The Parable of the separation of the sheep and the goats.

Read the parable of the Ten Virgins: Matthew 25:1-12

Jesus tells us a story of Ten Virgins waiting for the Bridegroom to come. They have their lamps and they need to be ready at any time for the Bridegroom. But the story tells us that 5 of the Virgins were smart and 5 were foolish. How were the 5 virgins smart? (They took oil with them – they were prepared.) How were the other 5 virgins foolish? (They did not take extra oil.)

What did Jesus say to them in Matthew 25:13? (Watch – because you do not know the time when Jesus is returning.)

How are we to “watch” and be ready for Jesus’ return? We are to be doing the Lord’s work. We are to be serving Jesus and living for Jesus. We are to be helping others.

2 Peter 3:8: “Remember that God View of Time is Different from Ours.”

When we began this lesson we talked about how our whole world is governed by time. We do things in the day and we do other thing in at night. We grow 1 year older ever year and most of us will live about 70 some years.

√ Does God measure time like we do?

Peter says that 1 day = 1,000 years to God

And 1,000 years = 1 day

In other words, God does not wear a watch. Peter us taking this verse from Psalm 90:4

God does not measure time as we do.

√ So how are we to look at time?

a. We should “number our days.” Psalm 90:12, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” He is not talking about counting our birthdays…he is saying make every day count. We need to be growing every day in God’s Word. We need to make sure that we are not being lazy in our time with God.

b. We should “redeem the time.” “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.” Colossians 4:5. How we live matters to God. We should be careful about wasting time.

c. We should remember that our days are in God’s hand. (Psalm 31:15) God knows every day that we will live. He knows everything that we will face in this life and He has given us the power through the Holy Spirit to face these battles and to live for Him.

2 Peter 3:9: “Remember God’s Promise.”

√ What is God’s promise? (That Jesus will return) Hebrews 9:28

√ Why is God waiting to fulfill His promise?

√ The verse said that God is “longsuffering.” What does that mean?

√ Do you think that it is a good thing that God is “longsuffering?”

√ What is God waiting for? God is giving time for people to be saved.

√ What does it mean to repent? (to turn away from sin)

God is love and God is patient. He wants to give everyone a chance to be saved. God does not want anyone to perish.

√ What does it mean to perish? (to spend an eternity separated from      God.)

What can we learn from these few verses?

1. God’s Word says that Jesus will return some day.

2. God measures time differently that we do but we are to be ready at any time for Jesus’ return. We are to live with zeal and using every moment getting ready to meet Jesus.

3. God is being patient and waiting for people to be saved

Are you ready for Jesus’ return? If Jesus were to walk in this room right now would you be ready to meet Him?

1. Do you know Him as Savior

2. Are you living for Him.


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