Los Angeles Mission College

LAST NAME: _____________________ FIRST: ___________ SECTION: _______ WORD COUNT: _______


|Detailed Outline containing A) Thesis Statements, B) Topics Sentences for each paragraph, C) Evidence and Support Main Points and Sub Points|/20 Pts |

|for each paragraph | |

|CA Legislative Bill: Handwrite your VERBATIM version of “How a Bill Becomes Law in California” with full details, including word by word, |/20 Pts |

|and hand drawn graphics from or found in the class website. | |

|Clean Plagiarism Report or Any Free Online Plagiarism Checker |/6 Pts |


| |9 Pts |8 Pts |6 Pts |4 Pts |2 Pts |0 Pts | |


|SENTENCES | | | | | | | |

|When reading only the |Thesis Statement |Thesis Statement is |Thesis Statement |Thesis Statement |Thesis statement |Missing |Thesis |

|thesis statement and the |clearly provides an |detailed and |merely hints at |merely hints at the|lacks sufficient | |(5 Pts) |

|subsequent topic |excellent road map to|provides a decent |the content of the|content of the |details about the | | |

|sentences, the paper |the whole paper. The |road map. The topic |paper. The topic |whole paper. Topic |paper. The topic | | |

|makes logical sense. |topic sentences |sentences assert |sentences merely |Sentences can |sentences do not | | |

| |assert ideas which |ideas which connect |hints at ideas. |improve. |connect ideas in | | |

| |support the thesis |to the thesis | | |the paragraphs. | | |

| |statement. |statement. | | | | |Topic |

| | | | | | | |(4 Pts) |

|Support and evidence are |Addresses all |Addresses all |Addresses all |Addresses some |Addresses limited |Missing |Prompt |

|clear and relevant, and |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the | |(9 Pts) |

|reflect an excellent |prompt. Correctly |prompt. Correctly |prompt. Examples |prompt. Lacks |prompt. | | |

|depth of readings and |addresses all |addresses all |are offered but |supporting | | | |

|lecture materials. |questions in an |questions in a good |without context. |examples. | | | |

| |insightful manner. |manner. Examples are|Information is not|Information is not | | | |

| |Ideas are connected. |clear and relevant. |connected clearly.|connected. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Depth |

| | | | | | | |(9 Pts) |

|Each paragraph should |Supports assertions |Supports assertions |Supports |Advances claims |Advances |Missing | |

|have 4 supporting |with researchable and|with researchable |assertions with |with little |unsubstantiated | | |

|evidence. Reflects a |verifiable evidence |and verifiable |researchable and |consideration or |claims are without | | |

|thoughtful structure. |from reputable |evidence from |verifiable |linkage. |proper | | |

| |sources. |reputable sources. |evidence from | |consideration or | | |

| | | |reputable sources.| |linkage. | | |

| | | | | | | |/9 |


|Demonstrating mastery of |Demonstrates facility|Demonstrates |Generally |Contains occasional|Contains serious |Missing | |

|English grammar. Uses 3rd|with the conventions |facility with the |demonstrates |major errors or |errors in grammar, | | |

|person objective formal |(i.e., grammar, usage|conventions of |control of the |frequent minor |usage, or mechanics| | |

|voice and active voice. |and mechanics) of |standard written |conventions of |errors in grammar, |that frequently | | |

| |standard written |English but may have|standard written |usage, or |obscure meaning. | | |

| |English. |minor errors. |English but may |mechanics, | | | |

| | | |have some errors. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |/9 |


|MATERIALS | | | | | | | |

|Paper integrated and |Sources are |Some sources, |Support and |Over quoting of |Excessive used of |Missing | |

|cited at least 5 |integrated well and |support and evidence|evidence are |sources which |borrowed ideas. | | |

|scholarly/reputable |paraphrased in the |are integrated well.|referenced |distracts from the |Lacks signs of | | |

|sources (Author, Year) |student's own | |adequately. |student's personal |original thought. | | |

|within the text of the |wording. | | |voice. | | | |

|paper. | | | | | | |/9 |

|COMMENTS & COMMON ISSUES |( Excellent Work ((((( |( Unclear Thesis Roadmap |( ?-Ing Instead Of Guiding |TOTAL | |

| |( Good Effort (((( | |( Underdeveloped ¶’S | | |

| |( Needs Work ((( |( Weak Topic Sentences |( Too Much Quoting | | |

| |( See Professor |( Insufficient Support |( Using “I,” “We,” & “You” | |/100 |

| | |( Issues With Logical | | | |


|Topics |Required Scholarly Article. (Read these first!) You must include the required article as part of your research paper. Use |

| | for CQ Researcher username: mission password: la818. Additional reputable articles can be|

| |found using the LIBRARY tab in BeachBoard. |

| |See for details on acceptable sources of materials. |

|Abortion |Jost, K., to Koch, K. (2006, September 22). Abortion showdowns. CQ Researcher, 16, 769-792. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ |

| |Researcher, . |

|Alternative Fuels |Cooper, M. H. (2005, February 25). Alternative fuels. CQ Researcher, 15, 173-196. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

|Climate Policy / |Clemmitt, M. (2006, January 27). Climate change. CQ Researcher, 16, 73-96. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher Online,|

|Environment |. |

|Death Penalty |Jost, K. (2005, September 23). Death penalty controversies. CQ Researcher, 15, 785-808. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ |

| |Researcher. . |

|Electoral College |Jost, K., to Giroux, G. (2000, December 8). Electoral College. CQ Researcher, 10, 977-1008. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ |

| |Researcher, . |

|Human Cloning |Hansen, B. (2004, October 22). Cloning debate. CQ Researcher, 14, 877-900. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher Online,|

| |. |

|Medical Marijuana |Marshall, P. (2005, February 11). Marijuana laws. CQ Researcher, 15, 125-148. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

|Minimum Wage & Poverty |Katel, P. (2005, December 16). Minimum wage. CQ Researcher, 15, 1053-1076. Retrieved January 29, 2007, from CQ Researcher Online,|

| |. |

|Right to Die & Assisted |Jost, K. (2005, May 13). Right to die. CQ Researcher, 15, 421-444. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher Online, |

|Suicide |. |

|Stem Cell Research |Clemmitt, M. (2006, September 1). Stem cell research. CQ Researcher, 16, 697-720. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

|Universal Health Care |Epstein, K. (2002, June 14). Covering the uninsured. CQ Researcher, 12, 521-544. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

|Energy Policy |Cooper, M. H. (1999, March 5). The politics of energy. CQ Researcher, 9, 185-208. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

|Voting and Participation |Katel, P. (2006, September 15). Voting controversies. CQ Researcher, 16, 745-768. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from CQ Researcher |

| |Online, . |

Policy Paper and PowerPoint Prompt and Instructions

Step 1: Research an issue dealing with California government, then write at least a 1000 to 1500-word Policy Proposal or an Argumentative Research Paper Integrating At Least 5 Reputable Sources. Cite sources in parenthetical format (Author Year) for easier grading, and list sources in APA or MLA format. PowerPoint presentation must be 20 slides of 20 seconds average each: 6 to 7 Minutes total. See and listen to NPR’s “Hate Long, Rambling Speeches? Try Pecha-Kucha” at .

Step 2: Create Detailed Outline containing the following elements: A) Thesis Statements, B) Topics Sentences for each paragraph, C) Evidence and Support Main Points and Sub Points for each paragraph

Step 3: Submit text to Plagiarism Checker and attach Report from

Step 4: Submit Handwritten your detailed version of How a Bill Becomes Law in California from also found in the Class Website

Review your paper for grammatical issues. Try the following trick to test for a logical and well-written paper.

A] Underline the Thesis statement. It must encompass all the ideas that you will address.

B] Highlight the first sentence of each paragraph [called the Topic Sentence] after the Thesis.

C] Read only the Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences.

D] Question: Is your Thesis Statement a good roadmap—integrating elements of your supporting topic sentences? Are the Topic Sentences IDEAS supporting your argument? Is the paper logical? Does it flow?  Revise it until it does.

LAST NAME: _____________________ FIRST: ___________ COURSE #: _____________________________



| |10 Pts |8 Pts |6 Pts |4 Pts |2 Pts |0 Pts | |


|& TOPIC TITLES | | | | | | | |

|When reading only the |Thesis Slide |Thesis Slides is |Thesis Slide |Thesis Slide |Thesis Slide |Missing |Thesis |

|thesis statement and |clearly provides an|detailed and |merely hints at |merely hints at |lacks sufficient | |(10Pts) |

|the subsequent topic |excellent road map |provides a decent |the content of |the content of |details about the| | |

|titles with verbs, the|to the whole paper.|road map. The |the paper. The |the whole paper. |paper. The topic | | |

|presentation makes |The topic titles |topic titles |topic titles |Topic Sentences |title slides do | | |

|logical sense. |include verbs and |assert ideas which|merely hint at |can improve. |not connect | | |

| |assert ideas which |connect to the |ideas. | |ideas. | |Topic |

| |support the thesis |thesis statement. | | | | |(10Pts) |

| |statement. | | | | | | |

|Support and evidence |Addresses all |Addresses all |Addresses all |Addresses some |Addresses limited|Missing |Depth |

|are clear and |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the |elements of the | |(10Pts) |

|relevant, and reflect |prompt. Correctly |prompt. Correctly |prompt. Examples |prompt. Lacks |prompt. | | |

|an excellent depth of |addresses all |addresses all |are offered but |supporting | | | |

|readings and lecture |questions in an |questions in a |without context. |examples. | | | |

|materials. |insightful manner. |good manner. |Information is |Information is | | | |

| |Ideas are |Examples are clear|not connected |not connected. | | | |

| |connected. |and relevant. |clearly. | | | | |

| | | | | | | |Info |

| | | | | | | |(10Pts) |

|Each Slide should have|Supports assertions|Supports |Supports |Advances claims |Advances |Missing |Evidence |

|3 supporting evidence.|with researchable |assertions with |assertions with |with little |unsubstantiated | |(10Pts) |

|Reflects a thoughtful |and verifiable |researchable and |researchable and |consideration or |claims are | | |

|structure. |evidence from |verifiable |verifiable |linkage. |without proper | | |

| |reputable sources. |evidence from |evidence from | |consideration or | |Support |

| | |reputable sources.|reputable | |linkage. | |(10Pts) |

| | | |sources. | | | | |

|Presentation design |Presentation design|Presentation |Presentation |Presentation |Presentation |Missing |Design |

|and layout of graphics|and layout |design and layout |design and layout|design and layout|design and layout| |(10Pts) |

|and text size and |complements the |display thoughtful|could be |lack thoughtful |need major | | |

|pictures are |presentation. |consideration. |improved. |consideration. |revisions. | | |

|proportional. | | | | | | |Layout |

| | | | | | | |(10Pts) |

|Demonstrating mastery |Demonstrates |Demonstrates |Demonstrates |Contains |Contains serious |Missing | |

|of English grammar. |facility with the |facility with the |control of the |occasional major |errors in | | |

|Uses 3rd person |conventions (i.e., |conventions of |conventions of |errors or |grammar, usage, | | |

|objective formal voice|grammar, usage and |standard written |standard written |frequent minor |or mechanics that| | |

|and active voice. |mechanics) of |English but may |English but may |errors in |frequently | | |

| |standard written |have minor errors.|have some errors.|grammar, usage, |obscure meaning. | | |

| |English. | | |or mechanics, | | |/10 |


|MATERIALS | | | | | | | |

|Paper integrated and |Sources are |Some sources, |Support and |Over quoting of |Excessive used of|Missing | |

|cited at least 5 |integrated well and|support and |evidence are |sources which |borrowed ideas. | | |

|scholarly/reputable |paraphrased in the |evidence are |referenced |distracts from |Lacks signs of | | |

|sources (Author, Year)|student's own |integrated well. |adequately. |the student's |original thought.| | |

|within the text of the|wording. | | |personal voice. | | |/10 |

|paper. | | | | | | | |

NOTE: For the assignment, you must find and list in MLA or APA format 10 reputable sources and bring it to class. You will review those sources and integrate at least 5 reputable sources in your Policy Research Paper or PowerPoint. Please avoid using websites as they are not as reliable and may not have the proper accreditations. Failure to meet the required source requirements will result in a grade lower than a “C.” Use the following LAMC website to access journals, magazine and newspaper articles.

MLA Style

Glazer, Sarah. "Roe v. Wade At 25." CQ Researcher 28 Nov. 1997: 1033-56. Web. 25 Sept. 2011.

APA Style

Glazer, S. (1997, November 28). Roe v. Wade at 25. CQ Researcher, 7, 1033-1056. Retrieved from

Library Resources

Books, periodicals, online databases, reference materials, and information from the Internet--the tools you need to succeed are all available in the Library. One of the reference librarians will help you find the information you need.

To access the databases below from off-campus, click the off-campus links to login with your student ID number and PIN. Your PIN is a four-digit number of your birth month and day. For example, January 1st would be "0101".

Magazines, Journals and Newspapers:

• EBSCOhost provides indexing and abstracts for over 3,100 periodicals and searchable full text for over 1,500 periodicals. This database is available to you as Mission College students and staff from computers on campus and from your computers at home. EBSCOhost with instructions, courtesy of Loyola Marymount University.

• National Newspapers provides comprehensive coverage of major newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, and the Wall Street Journal. This database is available to you as Mission College students and staff from computers on campus and from your computers at home.

• Ethnic News Watch searchable in English and Spanish, this database provides full text coverage of current and historical topics in newspapers, magazines and journals of ethnic, minority and native presses.

• Sirs Knowledge Source provides access to full text articles and government documents on social, health and scientific issues.

• CQ Researcher published by Congressional Quarterly, provides full text articles on current issues.

• Directory of Open Access Journals provides access to free, full text, scholarly and scientific journals available on the web.

• FindArticles provides access to magazine and journal articles from more than 900 publications from 1998 through the present on the web. Search results can be sorted by relevancy or date and limited to free articles.

Reference Resources:

• Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia This database provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas.

• CQ Researcher published by Congressional Quarterly, provides full text articles on current issues.

• Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center includes viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles.

• CountryWatch includes international, political, economic and business information.

• eBooks by EBSCOhost includes over 5,000 eBooks. EBooks are full text electronic versions of published books that you can search, borrow, and read over the internet. You can search for a topic across thousands of books or within the text of an individual book.

Library Resources

Books, periodicals, online databases, reference materials, and information from the Internet--the tools you need to succeed are all available in the Library. One of the reference librarians will help you find the information you need.

To access the databases below from off-campus, click the off-campus links to login with your student ID number and PIN. Your PIN is a four-digit number of your birth month and day. For example, January 1st would be "0101".

Click here for an alphabetic list of all databases.

|Magazines, Journals, and Newspapers |Reference Resources |Books |

|EBSCOhost Databases |Gale Virtual Reference Library |Mission College Library Catalog |

|(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |

|Magazines and journals [more] |Complete text of over 150 reference books that cover|includes books located at college libraries in |

| |a wide range of subjects. |LACCD |

|National Newspapers (ProQuest) |Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia |eBooks by EBSCOhost (formerly NetLibrary) |

|(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |

|L. A. Times and other national newspapers [more] |[more] |Over 5,000 electronic books (eBooks) [more] |

|Ethnic News Watch |CQ Researcher |Gale Virtual Reference Library |

|(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) |

|Newspapers, magazines, and journals of minority |Current controversies and topics in the news [more] |Complete text of over 150 reference books that |

|presses [more] | |cover a wide range of subjects. |

|Sirs Knowledge Source |Opposing Viewpoints |Los Angeles Public Library Catalog |

|(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) | |

|Information on government and social issues [more] |Articles with arguments for and against | |

| |controversial topics [more] | |

|CQ Researcher |Twayne's Author Series |County of Los Angeles Public Library |

|(off campus? Click Here) |(off campus? Click Here) | |

|Current controversies and topics in the news [more] |Critical introductions to the lives and works of | |

| |authors | |

|Directory of Open Access Journals |Gale Literature Resource Center | |

|Scientific and scholarly journals available on the |(off campus? Click Here) | |

|web [more] |Trial ends December 2010 | |

|FindArticles |CountryWatch | |

|Magazine and journal articles from 1998 through the | | |

|present on the web [more] | | |

|Periodical Holdings |Los Angeles Public Library Databases | |

|Complete list of magazines, newspapers and journals | | |

|in the Mission College Library. | | |

|[pic][pic][pic] |[pic][pic][pic] |

|[pic][pic][pic] |[pic][pic][pic] |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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