Today’s Webinar

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education Slide 1

Charter Schools and Special Education

Partial funding from Minnesota Department of Education

? 2009, PACER Center

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Today's Webinar

This on-line workshop, scheduled from 11:30 to 12:30, followed by optional Q & A time, will provide information about charter schools and addressing education for children with disabilities.

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Slide 3

Today's Webinar

? Scheduled for May 21 @ 11:30 am to 1:00 pm ? To access the audio of this presentation

? Call from your phone toll-free 1.866.516.5393, enter access code 80927889

? Participant phone lines are muted ? On-line evaluations will be emailed after the

presentation ? Certificates of attendance will be emailed to

participants within 1-3 days after the webinar ? This webinar will be archived in 4-6 weeks on


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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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Optional: Question and Answer

1. Type your question in the white box

2. When text is entered, a "send" option will activate

3. Click send 4. Senders of questions

are anonymous and will not be identified

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11:30 to 12:30 -- In the on-line webinar, parents and professionals are invited to learn about:

? Federal and state laws regarding charter schools ? Questions for parents to ask when considering

charter school enrollment ? Evaluation ? The Individualized Education Program (IEP) ? Working together 12:30 -- Optional Question and Answer

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Slide 6

Vava Guthrie

Vava Guthrie is a Parent Advocate with PACER's Parents Helping Parents Project. In her role as parent advocate her goal is to help families understand their children's special education rights and provide information so families can work with school staff to assure their children receive appropriate educational services.

Vava draws on her educational background ? degree in Psychology, her 16 years as an advocate and parenting her three children, two with learning disabilities to help parents understand the special education process and offer possible options to families that may have educational concerns for their children.

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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PACER Center

? Minnesota's Parent Training and Information Center since 1978

? Parents training parents ? Simon Technology Center ? Count Me In? puppets ? Parents serve on PACER Board

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Workshop Topics

? Charter schools and the law ? The essential components of the

special education process ? Questions and answers ? Resources

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Charter School Facts

? Independent public schools ? Employ licensed teachers ? Open to all students ? Must provide special education

services for eligible students ? Funded without property taxes

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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Types of Charter Schools

? Focus on philosophy or mission ? Focus on a disability category ? Virtual

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Why Choose a Charter School?

? Class size ? Size of school ? School's philosophy or focus ? Location ? Ask questions

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Charter Schools and Special Education Laws

? Federal: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504

? State: Statutes, Rules including Total Special Education System (TSES) plan

? Local: policies

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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Transfer Students

? Transfers within Minnesota ? Transfers from out of state ? Transferring records

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The "Building" Process

Identify possible needs => Evaluate needs => Determine eligibility => Develop IEP => Review progress => Revise, update IEP => End special education

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The Purpose

The purpose of special education is to prepare children to lead "productive and independent adult lives to the maximum extent possible."

Findings, IDEA 2004 (c)(5)(A)

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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? Recognition of possible needs ? Areas of need ? Requesting evaluation

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? Types of evaluation

? Initial ? Reevaluation ? Independent Educational

Evaluation (IEE)

? Special considerations ? Evaluators ? Methods

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? Understanding and using the results ? Eligibility categories and criteria

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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The IEP Team

? Parents ? Student ? Teachers

? Special education ? Regular education

? District representatives ? Others with expertise ? Excusing team members

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IEP Development

Need => Measurable goal => Service to meet goal => Support to meet goal => Progress reports => Continue or revise IEP = Free Appropriate Public Education

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A Guide for Minnesota Parents to the Individualized Education Program


PACER Center 2008

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education

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Least Restrictive Environment

? Assumption of education with peers who do not have disabilities

? Supplementary aids and services

? Continuum of placement options

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? Progress reports

? IEP ? Report cards ? State and district testing

? Review the plan

? Progress as expected? ? Anything not working? ? More assessment needed?

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Meeting Standards

? Follow laws and rules

? IDEA ? No Child Left Behind ? State statutes and rules

? Standards are measured ? Standards are enforced

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PACER Webinar: Charter Schools and Special Education


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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