Member Information Sheet 2010-2011

Member Information For 2021-2022

Please fill out the form below with the information about your business/service. This valuable information will be used for our Official Visitor Guide and the Web Site.

Business Name:_________________________________________________________________

Primary Contact: __________________________________________________________________

Physical Address: __________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _______________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State: _______ Zip: __________________________

Phone: ______________________________ Ext: _____ Cell: ______________________________

Toll Free______________________________Fax:________________________________________

Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Website:_________________________________________________________________________Category Listings _______________________________________________________

If you join as a $250 or above Member please give us a description of your business/services offered: (Please limit to less than 250 Words)


Membership Level: See page 2 for description.

Family/Individual ($50.00) ☐ Commander ($150.00) ☐

Captain ($250.00) ☐ Admiral ($500.00) ☐

Fleet Admiral ($1000.00) ☐ Non-Profit: ($50.00) ☐

Mail your check and member information form to:

Grand Lake Association, 9630 US Highway 59, Grove, OK 74344

Membership Levels For 2021-2022


$50 - Family/Non-Profit Level: Non-Profit Level includes the same as a Commander Level

$150 - Commander Level: Brochure space at Visitor’s Center and inclusion in new membership directory to be distributed at trade shows, Co-op and Visitors Guide advertising opportunity, listing in the Visitor’s Guide, website listing with logo or picture of your business, FREE category listing in City. Non-profits who join at a Commander Level will bump up to a Captain Level.

$250 - Captain Level: Brochure space at Visitor’s Center and inclusion in new membership directory to be distributed at trade shows, Co-op and Visitors Guide advertising opportunity, listing in the Visitor’s Guide, website listing with logo or picture of your business, FREE category listing in City. Non-profits who join at a Captain Level will bump up to Admiral Level.

Full page on our website with rotating pictures, comments with links to help improve Google ranking and Google map for visitors, Facebook post shares with Grand Lake Association followers. Up to two Category listings. *

$500 - Admiral Level: Brochure space at Visitor’s Center and inclusion in new membership directory to be distributed at trade shows, Co-op and Visitors Guide advertising opportunity, listing in the Visitor’s Guide, website listing with logo or picture of your business, FREE category listing in City. Full page on our website with rotating pictures, comments with links to help improve Google ranking and Google map for visitors, Facebook post shares with Grand Lake Association followers. Up to two Category listings. *

One Banner ad on specific category on website, plus three category listings. *

$1000 - Fleet Admiral: Brochure space at Visitor’s Center and inclusion in new membership directory to be distributed at trade shows, Co-op and Visitors Guide advertising opportunity, listing in the Visitor’s Guide, website listing with logo or picture of your business, FREE category listing in City. Full page on our website with rotating pictures, comments with links to help improve Google ranking and Google map for visitors, Facebook post shares with Grand Lake Association followers. Up to two Category listings. *

One Banner ad on specific category on website, plus three category listings. *

Special recognition on GLA website, Visitor Guide, and GLA E-mails plus rotating ad on bottom of every web page. Five category listings for business with banner ads on each category. *

• Multiple Business Category listings - $20 each

• Rack card design and printing service available for all members  

• * Includes website and Visitor Guide categories


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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