Changing Hosting From Yahoo!

Issue 1 September, 2012

Changing Hosting From Yahoo!

Change Hosting from Yahoo! in Nine Easy Steps!

Moving your website shouldn't have to be a painful experience filled with confusion and downtime. Here are 9 easy steps to ensure a smooth transition from Yahoo! to AT&T Website Solutions.

? 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T products and services are provided or offered by subsidiaries and affiliates of AT&T Inc. under the AT&T brand and not by AT&T Inc. AT&T, AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. This document is not an offer, commitment, representation or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change. Your Web Hosting service is subject to the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs), which may be found at . Service terms and Fees are subject to change without notice. Please read the T&Cs for additional information.

? 2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.


Step 1: Planning.................................................................................................................................................. 3 Step 2: Back up your website!............................................................................................................................ 3

Using FileZilla................................................................................................................................................ 4 Step 3: Sign up for your new AT&T Website Solutions hosting account.......................................................... 5 Step 4: Uploading your website content............................................................................................................. 6

Publishing your website with Microsoft FrontPageTM ................................................................................... 8 Step 5: Testing and previewing your website..................................................................................................... 9 Step 6: Create your Email accounts.................................................................................................................... 9 Step 7: Change your Nameservers ..................................................................................................................... 9 Step 8: Test your live website .......................................................................................................................... 10 Step 9: Configure your Email client ................................................................................................................. 10 Where to find Help/Instructions ....................................................................................................................... 11

How to Contact Support ............................................................................................................................... 11 Submit a ticket by email: sales@att- ........................................................................... 11 Contact us by phone: .................................................................................................................................... 11

Step 1: Planning

Create a "website move" timeline to ensure that you follow all steps for a successful move of your website files over to Website Solutions. We also recommend informing your customers that you are changing your hosting provider especially if you run an ecommerce store. This helps assure your customers that you have not gone out of business in case your website files go down during the move. Offer an alternate email address and let them know your phone number so they can contact you.

Here is an example timeline:

Day 1:

- Back-up your current site to your computer. You will find how-to's beginning in step 2 of this document

- Signup for your new Website Solutions plan. - Review the setup instructions that we will email you upon signing up for your Website Solutions


Day 2:

- Upload your website content to Website Solutions. - Setup your email accounts. - Preview and test uploaded content. - Change DNS to Website Solutions nameservers.

Day 3:

- Once DNS propagation is complete, test live site. - Configure email client settings. (Outlook, Apple Mail, Thunderbird) - Once everything is complete you can cancel your old service.

Step 2: Back up your website!

First, we suggest you create a folder on your Desktop called "Website Backup". Simply right-click anywhere on your desktop and choose New -> Folder. Once you have created your Website backup folder, now you can use an FTP Program such as the free FileZilla to download your current site from your Yahoo! Small Business account to your "Website Backup" file on your computer's hard drive.

* If you have developed your website using one of the Yahoo! site builder tools you will be required to recreate your website using EasySiteWizard Pro. EasySiteWizard Pro allows you to create a great looking website, you will have access to professionally designed templates that are geared for your business. We recommend going to your existing website and copying the text and pasting it into a Word document, this will allow you to use the same content in your new website. EasySiteWizard Pro will take your website to the next level, link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your site, collect visitor information, display your photos in galleries to engage visitors and much more.

Using FileZilla

To connect to an FTP server, enter your domain name into the host field of the Quickconnect bar (e.g. - see image below) as well as your FTP Username and Password that you set up in your Yahoo! control panel.

Once you have successfully connected, a list of your website files and directories/folders appear on the right side of the main window. The name of the current remote directory is listed in the Remote Site field on the top. The left side shows all the files/folders on your computer.

Transferring files

To download your site to your "Website Backup" file on your computer, simply select all of the files and folders on the right side inside your public or public_html directory and drag them to the left side, to your Website Backup folder on your Desktop as displayed in the image below.

Step 3: Sign up for your new AT&T Website Solutions hosting account.

If you have not already done so, purchase your new hosting account with Website Solutions. DO NOT cancel your Yahoo! Small Business hosting account until you have tested and made sure that everything is moved to your Website Solutions account. Although you will have two hosting accounts working concurrently, this ensures the least amount of downtime. Once you have purchased your new Website Solutions account, make sure to get all of the relevant information you need to setup your website. Upon signing up, you will receive detailed setup instructions via email with all the pertinent information you need. The following are the most important pieces of information you need:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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