|Chaffee County Emergency Services Regional Training Group |

|Student Policy Manual |

| |

Table of Contents

1. General Information 2

1.1. Purpose 2

1.2. Goals 2

1.3. Description of Training Group 2

2. Student Policy 3

2.1. Description of Profession 3

2.2. Continuing Education Objectives 3

2.3. General Information 4

2.4. Requirements of Students 4

2.5. Requirements of Instructors 8

3. Recertification 9

3.1. Recertification Process 9

3.2. Practical Skills Evaluation 10

3.3. Chapter 2 and Waivered Skills Training 11

Certificate of Course Completion Example: 12

Student Policy Manual Receipt Acknowledgement 13

Appendix A 14

Appendix B 16

General Information

1 Purpose

This manual is for use by all faculty and students participating in emergency medical response within in the Chaffee County area. This manual will be available to all instructors, administration of the agencies within Chaffee County, and students who participate in continuing education with this training group. Availability will be via digital copy or hard copy by request.

All references to the Training Group refer to the Chaffee County Emergency Services Regional Training Group for medical continuing education.

Training Group instructors are expected to have a working knowledge of this manual in its entirety for policy enforcement and to facilitate student advisement.

Any problems that arise because of this manual or because of policy enforcement must be taken to the Training Group Coordinator within 48 hours of the incident.

This manual will undergo annual review by the Advisory Committee of the Training Group.

2 Goals

The Training Group will offer students medical continuing education meeting or exceeding the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Section for all levels of Emergency Medical Provider for these individuals who require re-certification and/or education enhancement.

The education provided by the Training Group includes didactic knowledge, practical skills, clinical education, and patient interaction assessment.

Combining emergency medical and trauma services education within Chaffee County will provide students highly qualified instruction, clinical education, diverse educational opportunities, and allow the agencies to obtain guest instruction at a reduced cost.

The training group will also function as a resource to assist members with recertification

The training group will put on skills check-offs that meet the state and NREMT requirements at least twice a year

3 Description of Training Group

The Training Group will offer emergency medical and trauma services education to all individuals affiliated with emergency response agencies within Chaffee County for the primary purpose of continuing education for re-certification of Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Emergency Medical Technician with Intravenous Approval (EMT-IV), Advanced EMT (AEMT), EMT-Intermediate (EMT-I), and Paramedic. These agencies include:

• Arkansas Headwater Recreation Area

• Buena Vista Fire Department

• Buena Vista Police Department

• Chaffee County Combined Communications Center

• Chaffee County Emergency Medical Services

• Chaffee County Fire Protection District

• Chaffee County Search and Rescue- North

• Chaffee County Search and Rescue- South

• Chaffee County Sheriff’s Office

• Colorado Mountain College

• Colorado State Patrol

• Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center

• Monarch Ski Patrol

• Salida Fire Department

• Salida Police Department

• South Arkansas Fire Protection District

The classes offered will meet the requirements for continuing education and practical skills evaluation for re-certification of all EMR and Emergency Medical Provider levels for Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Division, Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control, and the National Registry of EMTs. Additional education will be provided for maintenance of allowed Medical Director Waiver for above scope-of-practice skills approved by the State of Colorado.

Student Policy

1 Description of Profession

The EMR and all levels of Emergency Medical Provider certification, provide emergency care to patients in the hospital and in out-of-hospital settings to prevent morbidity and mortality due to illness or injury. The Emergency Medical Provider roles are expanding to include public education, health promotion, and participation in illness and injury prevention programs. The scope of practice for each level of Emergency Medical Provider continues to expand and all providers must ensure continuous education enhancement to adequately gather pertinent patient history, perform a thorough assessment of current illness or injury, create, and execute a treatment plan, and acceptably communicate to patient and other healthcare personnel. All levels of Emergency Medical Provider certification are held to the standards, rules, and policies of the 6 CCR 1015-3, commonly known as Chapter 2.

2 Continuing Education Objectives

The continuing education provided and/or accepted by the Chaffee County Emergency Services Regional Training Group meets or exceeds the requirements for recertification of EMR, EMT, EMT-IV, AEMT, EMT-I, and Paramedic for the State of Colorado and for National Registry of Emergency Technicians (NREMT).

The EMR and Emergency Medical Providers of all levels provide medical care in the pre-hospital environment in a wide variety of circumstances. Classes provided by the Training Group, offer continuing education credit in all aspects of emergency medical care within each level of the EMR and Emergency Medical Providers of all levels scopes of practice. The students educated by the Training Group are prepared to administer basic and advanced life support, up to the scope of practice for each certification level, to victims of emergencies, in order to minimize patient suffering, prevent further injury, and reduce recuperative time.

3 General Information

1 Class Locations

Classroom locations will be determined by the primary instructor and may be located at any area agency station within the Training Group.

The primary instructor will ensure the classroom facility is adequate for the topic being taught for each session.

Most classrooms are equipped with audio and visual equipment for digitized presentations and have whiteboards and flip charts available for instructor use.

Classes will be scheduled independently and notice will be given to all interested agencies at least 30 days prior to the class.

1. Student Resources

Most agencies affiliated with this Training Group have periodical type resources for use by students. These references may be checked out through the individual agencies.

Training equipment is available for student use on the premises of individual agencies within the Training Group. In the event equipment must be moved to another location, notification must be given to the agency’s training coordinator.

4 Requirements of Students

It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the following requirements. Lack of compliance may influence approval for re-certification.

1. Comply with attendance policy and continuing education requirements

2. All borrowed reference materials must be returned in good condition within two weeks of date checked out

3. In the event of a grievance, students must follow proper grievance procedures for resolution

4. Students must submit outside continuing education hours to the Training Coordinator for Chaffee County EMS or the Training Group Coordinator in order to have these hours documented by the Training Group

5. Students must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times

6. Classrooms must be left clean with all equipment returned to proper areas and all trash collected and placed in the proper receptacle.

7. Students attending continuing education through the Training Group, but who are not affiliated with agencies within the Training Group will provide proof of liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance prior to attendance to class as either individuals or agency affiliation. Students will have the option to sign a waiver releasing all agencies affiliated with the Training Group from liability.

2. Payment

Most continuing education provided by the Training Group is at no cost to the student. In the event an outside instructor or instruction group is invited to the area, the Training Group will make necessary arrangements for payment from the individual agencies. The Advisory Committee will address other instructor or Training Group financial needs.

3. Attendance

Students are recommended to attend local continuing classes.

In order to be approved for recertification through the Training Group, the student/applicant must be affiliated with one of the agencies in the Training Group (see Section 1.3).

All continuing education hours must be approved by the Authorized Signers of the Training Group.

For recertification purposes, students must have at least 75% of continuing education as instructor-mediated classes, reference Section 3.1.

For any course hosted by the Training Group which has specific attendance and course requirements (i.e. ACLS, PEPP, ITLS, and BLS for the Healthcare Professional), students must adhere to the course requirements for completion.

4. Discipline, Counseling, and Dismissal

Conduct that reflects negatively upon any agency or the EMS profession will result in a meeting with the individual’s Agency Training Coordinator, Medical Director, and the Training Group Coordinator. Possible consequences include, disciplinary action, counseling regarding proper conducts, and dismissal from participation in future continuing education classes hosted by the Training Group. Violations that may result in disciplinary consequences include, but are not limited:

1. Falsification of records, education, or certifications

2. Disruptive behavior in class

3. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while in the classroom

4. Theft or intentional destruction of property-Any property damage must be reported to the Training Group Coordinator within 48 hours of the incident. Any student who damages property of any agency within the Training Group may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement. In the event the damage is found to be intentional, the student may face dismissal from future participation in the Training Group.

5. Drug Testing

In the event a student must be screened for suspicion drug or alcohol use during classroom instruction, clinical education, or any other activity associated with the Training Group, this policy describes the process to conduct such testing. Fees for testing will be the responsibility of the student.

1. Students must undergo drug and/or alcohol screening when there is a suspicion by a preceptor or instructor of a student being under the influence of said substance or as required by state or federal regulations.

2. Students are required to report any information regarding drug or medication tampering, theft, or diversion to the primary instructor or preceptor immediately. The instructor will contact the Training Group Coordinator within 24 hours of any incident.

3. The Training Group Coordinator will notify the student as to the reason, date, time, and location of any required testing. Results will be returned to the Training Group Coordinator, the individual’s agency of affiliation with the Training Group, and law enforcement or regulatory agencies as required by law.

4. Students who test positive for any illegal drug, any drug for which the individual student does not hold a valid prescription, or alcohol while attending class or clinical time associated with the Training Group will be dismissed from future participation in the Training Group, and will have discipline action forwarded to his or her respective agency. Students who refuse to comply with drug and/or alcohol testing will be dismissed from future participation in the Training Group.

6. Harassment Policy

The Training Group is dedicated to providing a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation, and retaliation. Conduct by any faculty or student that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another’s educational experience in an intimidating, hostile or offensive manner is prohibited. Each instructor will maintain a classroom and learning environment free of any form of harassment.

Harassment whether committed by faculty, students, or others will face severe disciplinary action by the Training Group. Such conduct may be reported to law enforcement, as regulated by law. Specific forms of harassment, which will face disciplinary action, include, but are not limited to:

1. Physical or verbal conduct of a racial or sexual nature

2. Creating a hostile environment with vulgar jokes, comments, suggestive comments, objects or photographs

3. Unwelcome touching, advances, or requests for sexual favors

No instructor will threaten or intimidate students, explicitly or implicitly, with a student’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the student’s educational evaluation or career development.

Students who feel the conduct of any person affiliated with the Training Group, student or faculty, constitutes harassment has a responsibility to report said conduct to the Training Director, or in the event said conduct is from the Training Director, a report should be directed to an Advisory Committee member. After any such report, the Training Director and/or the Advisory Committee must conduct an investigation into the allegations. If an investigation confirms a violation, termination from the Training Group will occur immediately.

7. Grievance Policy

If a student feels the Training Group policies have not been followed appropriately or if a student feels he or she has been treated unfairly or inappropriately, the student has a responsibility to pursue the following grievance policy. No step in this policy may be circumvented and all incidents must follow this policy. The student will be dealt with impartially and without bias, and no person shall retaliate against another who has followed this grievance policy.

The Training Group Medical Director will review any grievance pertaining to clinical education or patient care. The Training Group Medical Director and Training Group Coordinator will make final decisions regarding incidents involving clinical or patient care matters.

1. If the incident involves a fellow student or an instructor, approach that individual. If the incident occurs at a clinical site, discuss with the primary instructor, if applicable.

2. If the grievance has not been resolved by the previous step, the incident, including all persons involved and facts pertaining to the incident must be received by the Training Group Coordinator, in writing, along with an oral statement by the student. The Training Group Coordinator must receive this within 15 days of the incident, otherwise the matter will be considered resolved and dismissed for future consideration. The Training Group Coordinator will investigate and report to the student within five business days.

3. In the event the previous steps have not resolved the grievance, the student will submit the incident including all persons involved and facts pertaining to the incident, to the Advisory Council, in writing, along with an oral statement by the student. The Advisory Council must receive this documentation within 60 days of receiving a report from the Training Group Coordinator, otherwise the matter will be considered resolved and dismissed for future consideration. The decision of the Advisory Council will be considered final and may not be appealed.

8. Non-Discrimination

The Training Group is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our emergency responders and to ensuring that educational decisions are based on individual abilities and qualifications. Consistent with this principle and applicable laws, it is therefore the Training Group’s policy not to discriminate in offering access to its educational programs and activities on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

2. Disability and ADA Accommodations

The Training Group recognizes and accepts its obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of a disability and requiring the Training Group to provide reasonable accommodations to the qualified disabled individuals and faculty members in all educational activities.

The Training Group Coordinator is ready to assist students with disabilities who self-disclose and request classroom accommodations. In order for the Training Group to provide eligible students with reasonable accommodations, it is required that an official request for services be submitted to the Training Group Coordinator by the student. If you will need any accommodations during your courses, please immediately contact the Training Group Coordinator to complete the ADA self-disclosure and accommodation process.

Requesting accommodations directly from an instructor at the beginning of a scheduled class is not considered appropriate self-disclosure. All students seeking accommodations must contact the Training Group Coordinator in order to begin the self-disclosure and accommodation process.

5 Requirements of Instructors

Instructors of the Training Group will offer the following learning objectives:

1. Present each course outline and objectives at the beginning of each class.

2. Provide students with emergency medical and trauma services didactic and practical skills knowledge. This may include lecture, interactive learning, manikin or live person scenarios, and case reviews.

3. Provide counseling and student evaluation as necessary.

4. All instructors for the Training Group will have experience in education for emergency medical and trauma care.

5. Instructors will earn hour for hour of continuing education for each class taught at or above his or her level of certification.

6. Instructors can only count one course taught in any category, regardless of the number of times the course is taught in any recertification cycle

9. Student Files

All students of the Training Group will have a file maintained by the Training Group Coordinator and located at Chaffee County EMS, located at 10364 County Road 120 Salida, Colorado. 81201 . The file will be maintained for, at minimum, at least three years from the date of the last class attended by the student. The file will include:

1. A signed acknowledgment of the Student Policy Manual

2. Copies of any certifications submitted by the student to the Training Group

3. Evaluation forms from any skills check off sheets, any cognitive knowledge testing for recertification purposes, or other examination type documentation including any remediation, grievance, or counseling documentation

4. Copies of all training sign-in forms submitted to the Training Group for recertification approval

1. Security

The contents of student files will be kept confidential.

2. Access

Access to student training files will be on an as needed basis and may only be accessed by the Training Group Coordinator, Training Group instructors, an individual student’s Agency Training Coordinator, Agency Directors/Chief, or Medical Director, or the student. Files may be accessed by prior arrangement through the Training Group Coordinator during the normal business hours of Chaffee County Office of Emergency Management.


1 Recertification Process

All emergency medical technicians within Colorado are required to hold a valid certification from the State of Colorado according to 6 CCR 1015-3 Chapter 1 Rules Pertaining to EMS Education and Certification.

No person shall hold himself or herself out as a certificate holder or offer, whether or not for compensation, any services included in these rules, or authorized acts permitted by the Rules Pertaining to EMS Practice and Medical Director Oversight, unless that person holds a valid certificate.

Recertification must be accomplished via the process outlined by the Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services Division 6 CCR 1015-3, Chapter 1 Rules Pertaining to EMS Education and Certification.

All students desiring re-certification through the Chaffee County Emergency Services Regional Training Group will complete 75% of instructor-mediated classroom education. No more than 25% of non-traditional continuing education will be allowed for re-certification purposes and as approved through their respective agency Training Coordinator.

Approved Continuing Education hours must adhere to the matrix attached to the Student Policy Manual identified as Appendix A. This matrix is also found at on the Training Calendar.

Online continuing education must be pre-approved by the student’s agency Training Coordinator prior to gaining approval for re-certification purposes.

Continuing education hours received from outside sources will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Only hours received from a nationally recognized and state approved group will be considered for re-certification purposes. Student must provide certificate of completion for review.

Only the individuals identified at Chaffee County EMS and Training Group Coordinator, all of whom are Authorized Signers for the State of Colorado’s Online Application Tracking Hub (OATH), will approve via signature the re-certification applications.

2 Practical Skills Evaluation

For students affiliated with agencies in Chaffee County, the Training Group will provide a skills evaluation and attestation for Colorado State and National Registry re-certification. Those individuals who practice pre-hospital emergency medicine with Chaffee County EMS will have their skills assessed in direct patient care and may not require skills verification. This will be determined at the discretion of the Training Coordinator and Quality Improvement Coordinator for Chaffee County EMS.

The Training Group will provide practical skills evaluation by direct observation of scenario-based skills.

The Training Group will offer at minimum, quarterly skills check off verification. The schedule for this is located at on the Training Calendar. For recertification purposes, the student must complete the skills check off within 6 months of re-certification/expiration date.

At a minimum each student will be evaluated by a variety of scenario based practical skills assessment using the updated scenario based National Registry Skill Sheets reflective of each certification level (up to 4 different scenarios that may test any number of skills found in the National Registry skills sheets).

In the event a student does not pass a skills station, the student will be given immediate remediation and assistance with the skill. The student will then be allowed to re-test that skill one time. If a skill is failed twice in the same day, the student will need to reschedule on the next scheduled skills check-off day.

Skills assessments during continuing education will not exceed a student to instructor ratio of greater than 6:1.

3 Chapter 2 and Waivered Skills Training

Emergency medical technician scope of practice in the State of Colorado is ordered by the 6 CCR 1015-3 Rules Pertaining to Emergency Medical Services, Chapter 2; the Training Group curriculum will change as dictated by this group and this document, respectively.

For the agencies within the Training Group that require above scope of practice education, curriculum will be created with the Medical Director of said agency and the Training Group Medical Director. An agency’s Medical Director or Medical Director’s Designee will conduct individual classes taught for above scope of practice. As of October 2014, only Chaffee County EMS is authorized to provide Rapid Sequence Intubation through a waiver held by Bruce Gross DO. Said waiver may be viewed by request through Bruce Gross DO.

Certificate of Course Completion Example:


Student Policy Manual Receipt Acknowledgement

I, the undersigned, acknowledge I have received the Chaffee County Emergency Services Regional Training Group Student Policy Manual

____________________________________ _____________

Signature of Student Date



Appendix A

| | | |

|EMT Level |NREMT |State of Colorado |

|Auto Extrication |Maximum of12 hours towards elective in |4 hours elective only |

| |“additional.” | |

|Avalanche training |Yes - elective only |Yes – elective only |

|Clinical hours |No |No |

|College credits – health related sciences |1 college credit = 8 hours of continuing |1 college credit = 8 CE hours |

|(Must be applicable to EMS) |education, not to exceed 24 hours per topic | |

|CPR Class |No Hours |One class / elective hours only |

|CPR Instruction |Maximum of12 hours towards elective |One Class -OR- CPR class, not both. Elective hours|

| | |only. |

|Dispatch training |Yes, elective only, max 12hours |Yes, elective only |

|Distributive |Max 10/24 hours towards “refresher” |Max of 12 hours |

| |Max 24/48 for “additional” continuing education|(training group ruling 04/26/2016) |

|Emergency Driving |Maximum of 8 hours towards elective component |Yes (elective only) max 3 hours |

| |of “refresher.” | |

| |Maximum of12 hours towards elective in | |

| |“additional.” | |

| |(20 hours total) | |

|EMR / FR / WFR class |No |No |

|EMR / FR / WFR class |Yes |Yes |


|EMT classes - INSTRUCTING |Yes (unlimited hour for hour) |Yes (Limited to 1 time per topic. |

| | |Ex - teaching 2 EMT courses you may only count the|

| | |airway hours from one course) |

|Firefighting classes |No |No |

|First Aid Class |No |No |

|First Aid instruction |Yes (max 24/48 hours in “additional”) |Yes, Max of 4 hours towards elective only |

|Hazmat |Yes (elective only max 8 hours in “refresher”, |Yes (elective only) max 4 hours |

| |Max of 12 hours in “additional” category | |

|ICS |Yes (elective only max 8 hours in “refresher”, |Yes (elective only) max 4 hours |

| |Max of 12 hours in “additional” category | |

|Leadership classes |No |No |

|Multiple sessions of the same course (ex: |No |No |

|takes ACLS twice during recertification | | |

|period) | | |

|Precepting |No |No |

|SAR Training |Yes - only hours directly related to patient |Yes (elective only) only hours directly related to|

| |care |patient care |

|Skills examiner |No |No |

|Technical rope |no |no |

|Wilderness EMT |Yes |Yes – if from state or NREMT approved training |

| | |center |

|WRT / SRT |Yes – elective only (may be able use 1 hour of |Yes – elective only (may be able use 1 hour of |

| |trauma and 1 hour of medical) |trauma and 1 hour of medical) |

Appendix B


|NREMT |State of Colorado |

|Preparatory |1 |Preparatory |1 |

|OB/GYN/Pediatric |2 |OB/GYN |2 |

|Trauma |4 |Pediatric |2 |

|Assessment |3 |Trauma |6 |

|Airway |2 |Assessment |5 |

|Medical behavioral |4 |Airway |3 |

|Elective |8 |Medical/ behavioral |6 |

|Additional |48 |Elective |11 |

|TOTAL |72 hours |TOTAL |36 hours |

| |

|NREMT | |

|State of Colorado |

| |ication.pdf |




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