What is a persuasive essay?

Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, utilizes logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another idea. It attempts to persuade the reader to adopt a certain point of view or take a particular action. The argument must always use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, connecting emotionally with the reader, showing the author is an expert on the subject, or stating the benefits to the reader.

Steps to follow to complete your essay…

1. Select Topic

2. Brainstorm

3. Outline

4. Rough Draft

5. Revise and Edit

6. Final copy (type)


1. School should be in session year round.

2. Students who drive to school should have to undergo random drug screenings.

3. Students should not be allowed to leave school early in order to work.

4. The driving age should be increased to age eighteen.

5. All sophomores should have to pass the OGT in order to graduate.

Formatting your paper…


1. Effective attention grabbing opener – get the reader interested

2. Thesis statement – this cannot be a fact. It should be a statement of position. This statement should be clear and direct. Do not make it personal, so avoid personal pronouns (I, you, me, my, etc.)

a. EXAMPLE (essay topic: school prayer)( Since the United States was founded as one nation under God, it seems hypocritical to think that God is now forbidden in public educational facilities. It is important then that this nation reforms to the basic principles it was founded on, and legalizes organized prayer in public school systems.

3. Body topics – state the three best reasons you have to support your argument in an order that you feel is most effective

4. Concluding sentence – provide a summary statement for the paragraph


1. Be sure to use adequate transitional terms between paragraphs, as they make it easy for the reader to follow the logic of the presentation.

2. These should be written in the order they were listed in the introduction.

3. All body paragraphs should have no less than 6-8 sentences and should follow proper paragraph construction. (topic sentence, concrete detail 1, commentary 1, concrete detail 2, commentary 2, concrete detail 3, commentary 3, concluding sentence). See writing notes for further explanation.


1. Restate thesis statement (in other words)

2. Restate body topics

3. End with an effective clincher

PAPER REQUIREMENTS = 180 pts (due Monday, January 23rd)

• 5 paragraphs with 6-8 sentences each

• Use of transitional terms in each paragraph

• Proper essay format

• Free of grammatical errors (spelling , punctuation, etc.)

• Typed: double-spaced, TNR size 12 font, properly headed and titled


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Period #


Title of Essay


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