NCA Credit Repair, Inc.

Nationwide Credit Associates

Credit Rating Correction Service

Simple Steps To Repairing Your Credit $900/Person Flat-Rate Program

STEP 1: Obtain your 3 separate credit reports …….Instructions on page 2

• Be sure to follow instructions exactly.

Phone: _713-871-5919 _____________

Email: _founders@_____

_____ STEP 2: Send your credit reports to us.

• Be sure to retain copies of all paperwork for your records

• Only send original copies of your credit reports

• Don’t forget to send copies of your Drivers Lic. & Social Security Card

Mail Completed Package To: __Founders Group Inc. _____

__P.O. Box 118 _____

__Bellaire,Tx. 77402 _____

____ STEP 3: We go to work for you. Sit back & relax and allow us to do what we do best. Look for your updated reports to come within 35 to 50 days of your enrollment date. Please contact us if you do not receive them within that time frame.

____ STEP 4: Receive updated credit reports with investigation statements and promptly send them directly to the NCA Credit Repair corporate office in Oregon City (within seven (7) days).

____ REPEAT STEPS 3 & 4 until desired, up to 12 full months.

How To Obtain Your Credit Reports

You will need to obtain a copy of your individual credit report from each credit reporting agency (EXPERIAN, TRANS UNION, and EQUIFAX). The cost is approximately $10.00 for each report.

You MUST use one of the THREE WAYS BELOW to obtain reports

No other reports will be accepted.

If you have been turned down for credit in the last 60 days,

you are entitled to a complimentary copy of your report at no cost.

1st Choice – Online____________ ____________________ Receive immediately and print_

To order online, you must have a credit card to pay for the report. Be sure that you get only one report from each bureau. We cannot accept 3 in 1 reports or reports pulled through a 3rd party report company.

To avoid errors in obtaining your reports online, we request that you visit the following web page designed to route you to the correct reports: getreports

NOTE: When printing reports online, be sure to select the “Printer Friendly” or “Full View” version of the report before printing.

2nd Choice - Phone_______ _________________________ Receive in 7 to 10 days_

To order by phone, you must have a credit card to pay for the report or credit denial letter handy.

EQUIFAX 1-800-685-1111

EXPERIAN 1-800-311-4769 1-888-397-3742

TRANS UNION 1-800-888-4213 1-800-916-8800

3rd Choice - Mail___________________________________________Receive in 7 to 10 days_

Mail the following letter to each of the three bureaus.

1. To whom it may concern, please send me a copy of my report.

2. My Full Name { Last, First, Middle. Jr., SR, III }

3. Current Address and Zip Code

4. Former Address and Zip Code in the Last 2 Years}

5. Social Security Number and Date of Birth

6. Copy of credit denial letter from creditor, or name of creditor, if requesting

a complimentary copy of report.

➢ Send Certification of Name and Address, such as Copy of Driver’s License, SS Card, Bank Statement or something that certifies proper person is requesting credit report. If spouse’s report is requested, the same information is needed. ID proof must match your current address.

➢ Send $10.00 check or money order with each letter or send a copy of your credit denial letter received within the last 60 days.



|PO BOX 740241 |PO BOX 9701 |PO BOX 1000 |

|ATLANTA, GA 30374 |ALLEN, TX 75013 |CHESTER, PA 19022 |

Information Statement

This statement must be signed by client[s] before execution of an agreement between client[s] and NCA Credit Repair, Inc. NCA Credit Repair, Inc. shall maintain a file for two years of an exact copy of this statement, personally signed by the client[s] acknowledging receipt of a copy of this statement.

The buyer understands that they have a legal right to review any file on themselves that is maintained by a consumer credit reporting agency, and the right of the buyer to receive a copy of that file as provided by the FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT. A copy of the client’s credit report will be furnished free of charge by the consumer credit reporting agency, if he/she has been turned down for credit by a retailer, landlord, bank or mortgage company or an employer for credit reasons. Otherwise the credit agency (Equifax, Experian, and Trans-Union) will charge a fee of $10.00 per person. It is the client’s responsibility to obtain all three of these companies’ reports, although NCA Credit Repair, Inc. will assist client in the application letters or forms for ordering reports. It is the responsibility of the client to forward these reports, as received, to NCA Credit Repair, Inc.

The FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT provides the buyer with the legal right to dispute the completeness or accuracy of any item contained in any file on the buyer maintained by any consumer credit reporting agency. By law, the credit reporting agencies must respond in a reasonable period of time. The Federal Trade Commission guideline is thirty (30) days.

The services to be provided by NCA Credit Repair, Inc. on behalf of the buyer include credit report correction. Although we cannot guarantee the removal of all accounts listed as either negative or neutral, we can definitely assist you through the systematic disputing of any incomplete or inaccurate information contained in your credit report.

We have developed a series of disputes, negotiations, and verifications in accordance with both State and Federal laws. We assist the client with their legal rights to dispute the completeness, or accuracy of negative or derogatory information contained in their credit reports.

NCA Credit Repair, Inc. has a Surety Bond (# 103916500) through the Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America at 4000 Kruse Way Place, Bldg 1 Suite 265, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035. Any consumer may bring an action on the Bond by filing a complaint in court of competent jurisdiction not later than one year after the Surety Bond is canceled or terminated. ORS 646.388 (1)

Your signature[s] acknowledges receipt of this statement and a Notice of Cancellation form, as required by state law.

Signed this date_________________________

Client Signature _____________________________ Spouse Signature _____________________________

Print Name _________________________________ Print Name _________________________________

SS# _______________________________________ Spouse SS# _________________________________

Client Profile

NCA Credit Repair Rep: _________________________________________________________


CLIENT CLIENT’S SPOUSE (separate program fee required)

First: _______________________________ First: _________________________________

Middle: _____________________________ Middle: ______________________________

Last: _______________________________ Last: _________________________________

Suffix (Sr., Jr., etc)____________________ Suffix (Sr., Jr., etc)______________________

Also know as: _______________________ Also known as: ________________________

Maiden Name: _______________________ Maiden Name: _________________________

Social Sec# __________________________ Social Sec# ___________________________

Date of Birth ________________________ Date of Birth __________________________

Occupation __________________________ Occupation ___________________________

Employed By ________________________ Employed By__________________________

Home Address ________________________________________________________________


Home Phone _________________________ Alt Phone ____________________________

Email _______________________________________________________________________

Previous Home Address _________________________________________________________


What is your reason for repairing your credit? (Example: buy a home, refinance, get a personal loan or credit card, or employment) ______________________________________________________

How did you hear about us? ______________________________________________________

Service Agreement


A. CLIENT agrees they are responsible for obtaining their credit reports, forwarding disputed reports to NCACRI and notifying NCACRI of having not received disputed reports. A third-party or merged report cannot be used in place of original from Credit Reporting Agencies.

B. NCACRI will assist in the process of removing and/or correcting information on CLIENT’S credit reports under provisions and updates of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

C. CLIENT understands that NCACRI may not produce information that is not accurate or untrue on behalf of CLIENT. CLIENT understands that all disputes must be true and accurate. ORS 646.384 (b)

D. CLIENT understands the term of a disputing cycle is approximately 45 days. The bureaus can take up to 30 days to resolve items in dispute. No other time frame, by law, can be given for completion of CLIENT reports. ORS646.384 (a) (b)

E. CLIENT gives NCACRI full authorization, as the CLIENT’S representative, to act at its discretion in communications with the credit reporting agencies, or others that provide publicly recorded information, and to sign all correspondence to the credit bureaus on the CLIENT’S behalf.

F. NCACRI does not guarantee the improvement of the credit report; they do not promise any particular standard of improvement will be attained or the amount or type of credit a consumer can expect to receive as a result of the performance of the services. ORS 646.384(1)(a) (D).

G. ALL correspondence, contracts, and checks must be addressed to NCA Credit Repair, Inc. and all communications must be in writing. “A written and signed agreement is necessary between parties.” NCACRI agrees to work on CLIENT’s behalf for 12 full months from date of this agreement as long as CLIENT maintains “active” case status.

H. Under the provisions of The Fair Credit Reporting Act and all its revisions, CLIENT has the right to investigate and challenge entries on their credit report themselves, but desire to use the audit, verification and correction service provided by NCACRI. CLIENT agrees not to challenge entries on their credit report themselves or use services of another credit correction company, while under contract with NCACRI.

I. CLIENT understands there may be occasion to re-order a revised report from one or more of the credit reporting agencies during the program. CLIENT will return all correspondence and credit reports to the NCACRI corporate office within seven (7) days of receipt. If no reports are received by NCACRI within 90 days of the last dispute date, and CLIENT has not contacted NCACRI, case will set to “inactive” and assumed cancelled. A valid request for refund under performance guarantee must be received no later than 60 days from date of case cancellation. I understand that if NCACRI is requested to re-order my credit reports, a charge of $10 per report will be required.

J. CLIENT’S file will be reviewed each time a new report is sent to NCACRI to determine appropriate action on remaining disputed items. CLIENT agrees to pay the flat-rate program fee of $900 per person to cover disputing efforts, consultation & advice, line items deleted, corrected, or improved. CLIENT understands that they will be charged an additional $25 for each returned check/(NSF), or declined auto-draft occurrence.

K. The Service Agreement and Power of Attorney may be cancelled at anytime by CLIENT at their discretion by sending a written cancellation notice to NCACRI. However, CLIENT agrees to all refund conditions outlined in program guarantee.

I have read this agreement and accept and acknowledge the provisions therein. If anything is not clear, please ask for clarification.


Client Name(s) Client Signature Client Signature (spouse)


Home Address City State Zip

Buyer’s right to cancel: You, the consumer, may cancel this contract any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. ORS 646.384 (2) See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right.

Price Sheet & Automatic Billing Authorization Form

$900/person – Flat-Rate Unlimited Deletions Plan

Our Simple Performance Guarantee:

If after six complete disputing cycles, we do not provide service, improvements, and deletions totaling at least what you’ve paid for our program as per our cost-per-item rate sheet, we will refund the difference. We stand completely behind our service and will do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied.

• Program Payment Schedule

[ ] Please be very aggressive in disputing. You can draft my credit card one time for the entire $900 program fee ($1800 if also enrolling spouse).


[ ] I must work within a budget. Select one option below (amounts below are doubled if enrolling spouse):

[ ] 2 payments of $450 [ ] 3 payments of $300

• Select date to begin program: _____________________________(Date). No work will begin on your case until your program fee has been either paid in full or started on a payment schedule selected above.

Upon receipt of this form, we will automatically bill your credit card for our program fee of $900 on the program schedule selected above, beginning on the start date you specified above.

• Once payment has been made, we will immediately begin pulling and disputing your reports. You will need to be available to answer a few security questions so that we may obtain your initial credit reports. Once we begin, you should receive updated credit reports in approximately 35 to 50 days. Mail these updated reports promptly to the NCA Credit Repair, Inc. corporate office. (Be sure to make copies for your records.) Once the updated credit report has been received, your credit reports will be immediately sent through the next dispute cycle for further improvement, if necessary.

I authorize NCA Credit Repair, Inc. to automatically bill the card listed below for the total amount of $900 ($1800 if also enrolling spouse). If payment plan is selected above, credit card will be charged each month for the amount selected above until total of $900 has been paid ($1800 if also enrolling spouse). I may cancel this automatic billing authorization at any time by contacting NCA Credit Repair, Inc. corporate office. All requested information is required.

Card Type: [ ] Visa [ ] Master Card [ ] Debit Card with Visa or Master Card Logo

Credit Card Number _________________________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________

Card Holder’s Billing Address ______________________________________________________ Zip Code ______________

Card Holder’s Name on card ___________________________________________________________________________

Card Holder Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ____________________

Limited Power Of Attorney

To Whom It May Concern:

I/We _________________________________________________________________ {Client Name} hereinafter referred to as Principal(s), in the County of_______________________________________ State of ________________________________, appoint NCA Credit Repair, Inc. (NCACRI) his/her true and lawful attorney in fact, to represent Principal(s) on a limited basis regarding the following:

1. The handling of all relevant credit matters with any credit bureau, financial institution and/or creditor. NCACRI will act at its discretion for purposes of communicating with Principal(s)’ creditors and credit reporting agencies as the Principal(s)’ lawful representative in fact and in person.

2. The questioning of the accuracy of any item on Principal(s)’ credit report and the creation of all documents necessary to correspond with any credit agency by mail or other means in order to make deletions or corrections to Principal(s)’ credit report with any credit bureau and/or creditor. The contents of such letters are at the discretion of NCACRI.

3. The employment of other professionals including attorneys employed by NCACRI to assist in the correction of Principal(s)’ credit information.

4. If original credit reports become inactive for any reason, NCACRI, at its discretion, may order additional credit bureau reports to maintain a timely dispute process.

Giving and granting to said attorney full power and authority to do all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done relative to any of the foregoing as fully to all intents and purposes as principal(s) might or could do if personally present.

All that said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done under the authority of this power of attorney is expressly approved.

Signed this date ____________________________

Client Signature _____________________________

Client Signature _____________________________

Notice Of Cancellation

You, the consumer, may cancel this contract without any penalty or obligation within 3 calendar days after the date the contract is signed.

Your Service Agreement and Power of Attorney with NCA Credit Repair, Inc. may be cancelled at anytime after the 3 day period. However, you will be billed for all successful improvements or deletions initiated before receipt of this Notice of Cancellation, and any refund will be subject to our refund/guarantee policy.

To cancel this contract, you must mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or other written notice to:


18455 S. Cadle creek lane

oregon city, or 97045

DATE TO BE CANCELED BY: Not later than 12 Midnight ________________

I hereby cancel this transaction and all related service contracts:

Signed this Date ___________________

Client’s Signature _________________ Spouse’s Signature ________________

Print Name ______________________ Spouse’s Name ___________________

SS# _____________________________ SS# ____________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________

City ___________________________ State _____________ Zip_____________


CLIENT SHOULD ONLY SEND IN THIS NOTICE IF THEY WISH TO CANCEL SERVICE. The best time to notify us of cancellation is when you are mailing in your reports to us so that we do not process them any further.

Notice To Residents of Oregon

Please read this notice before you agree to accept service from NCA Credit Repair, Inc. In order to promote full disclosure as to your right to dispute information that appears on your credit report. NCA Credit Repair, Inc. along with the state of OREGON, want you to be aware of the following:

1. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, U.S.C.**1681 et seg. You have a right to dispute and remove inaccurate and unverifiable information about your credit history, which appears on your credit report. You are not entitled to removal of negative information which pertains to you and is accurately reported on your credit report, unless it is beyond seven [7] years old and in the case of an accurately reported bankruptcy beyond ten [10] years old.

2. NCA Credit Repair, Inc. does not maintain any relationships with lenders, which can assure you of credit availability.

3. The Federal Trade Commission enforces the Fair Credit Reporting Act and other federal credit laws. For more information about your rights as a consumer, call or write.

Division of Credit Practices

Federal Trade Commission

Washington, DC 20580


I read this notice and received a copy of it on ________________________{date} before signing up or payment of money for credit correction or verification services.

Signed this Date _______________________

Client’s Signature _________________________ Spouse’s Signature ________________________

Print Name ______________________________ Spouse’s Name ___________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________ State _________________ Zip________________

Client Telephone # __________________________________________________________________



Revised 3/28/96



Please list the person’s name and/or company, if applicable.


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