Fall in Kindergarten

-635444500Pre-Kindergarten: On behalf of all the #JrRoadRunnerS in the sweet yellow hallway, we say WELCOME BACK!? This month we are focusing on All Things PreK. We're learning the rules, routines and procedures to make sure we have a successful school year.??We're going to learn about what happens in a school classroom, what makes a good friend and how to play and learn together. We can't wait to show how Responsible, Respectful and Safe we can be as the newest members of #TeamHagen!? ?1905010668000Kindergarten: Welcome New Kindergarten Parents! We are planning many exciting activities for your child throughout the year. We will begin our year focusing on the basic foundation skills of reading such as: reading from top to bottom and left to right, searching the pictures to understand what the author is saying, understanding how to think and talk about a book with someone and much more. Each week your child will receive an extended learning packet with activities that directly correlate with what is being taught in class. Please allow time each night to complete the assigned activities, as well as, read for at least 15 minutes to/with your child. The packets are due every Friday.? Don't forget to check the “School/Home folder” daily.? Inside this folder you will find a behavior chart. Please sign this chart each night. It is important that your child returns their folder and behavior chart to school each day. As always, contact your child's teacher with any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a great year!184154127500First Grade: First grade has started the school year off with a bang! We've jumped right into using strategies to add addends within ten, launching our reading life and writing narrative stories in which we can recount two or more sequenced events. We look forward to an exciting year!?1905016002000Second Grade: Hello Parents! We are very excited to have your children in our classroom for a fun filled year. In Reading we are launching our “Reading lives” and learning how to write books. The students are learning how to write small moment stories, watermelon seeds not the whole watermelon. In math we are exploring numbers and their place values. The students are using their inquiry skills and learning Science tools for Science. Social studies consist of us learning about our communities and leaders. left698500Third Grade: Welcome back everyone! We are very excited for this school year and looking forward to working with students and parents to make this school year a successful one! To help ensure success, please encourage your child to read nightly, and ask them what they read about, or even their opinion on the book! Students are also encouraged to go on reading and math i-Ready at home. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher with any questions!635004445000Fourth Grade Headlines: Fourth grade is successfully off and running this school year! Students have just completed iReady diagnostics for reading and math. This data will be very helpful in determining each student’s strength and area of growth. In Math, we will begin the school year focusing on two-dimensional figures. We will also be focusing on basic multiplication fact fluency. Please encourage your child to practice their facts at home. ?In Science, we will learn more about the nature of science. In Language Arts, we are choosing our “Just Right Fiction Books” and writing our own thoughts about what the characters say and do in the story. At home please encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes a day. We are also introducing a “Word of the Day” each day to help boost vocabulary development. Finally, in writing we will be learning how to write an opinion essay by brainstorming ideas, creating a plan for writing, writing a draft and then editing and publishing a final draft.left11684000 Fifth Grade: Welcome back to the 2018-2019 school year! We are so excited to be able to join forces with you during your child's last year here at Hagen! We have so much planned for this year that we hope you can be part of! On the curriculum side: In Reading, we are studying the different genres of books and making sure we understand how to choose a "just right" book.? We will be starting to read fiction text and learn about character development throughout the text.? In Writing, we are starting our unit on Opinion Writing.? For Math, it is important that every 5th grade student know their multiplication facts 0-12 in order to ensure success in 5th grade Math.?For writing, we are working on expanding their writing through adding evidence and details and in Science, we have begun talking about the nature of science and matter! The 5th grade team is looking forward to planning field trips, the dance, graduation and more with your help! It's going to be a great year!190509271000Notes from Nurse Karelyn:Parents, please help us keep our school population healthy this year. Your child should not come to school with any of the following: 1. Rash 2. Fever of 100 degrees or greater in the past 24 hours. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever medication to return to school. 3. Vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours. 4. Red/draining eye or eyes 5. Head lice or nits 6. Any type of infection which has not been under treatment for that least 24 hours. Thank you 36410905270500 Cafeteria corner "Kids First”?Welcome back students!???Our mission is to provide nutritious meals and promote healthful living.??Every morning we offer a Free breakfast from 7:30 am – 8:00 am to get the students off to a great start to their day! On September 18, we will be celebrating “National Rice Krispy Treat” day.??Students who come in to have lunch with us will receive a “free” rice krispy treat with their lunch.??Also on September 26th?is Johnny Appleseed Day!??Several kinds of apples will be offered with lunch so come in for an apple. A free and reduce application is needed each school year, so if you haven’t already completed an application you may use our online link for quick processing.??School Food Service’s is website ?sfs?there you can access the free and reduced meal application, the breakfast and lunch menus, pay for your child’s lunch with the prepayment account link and much more.571503873500Fine Arts Guidance: Attendance in school is an important indicator to school success. For students that perform on grade level at Hagen, they have been absent less than 2% of days and tardy 2% of days. There is much research to prove the negative academic impact of chronic absences or tardies. One study from Attendance in Early Elementary Grades, July 2011, found that “Among students who entered school with strong skills in Kindergarten Academics, 77 percent of those with good attendance in their first two years of school were performing at grade level on their third grade ELA CSTs, as compared to only 13 percent of students who were chronically absent in the first two years.”We want to partner with you to help your child be at school on time every day. If getting to school every day on time is a challenge for your family, here are a few suggestions: -Create bedtime and morning routines that work for your family, adjusting as needed. -Talk to other families that are successful at arriving on time. -Before bed, set school clothing out and organize backpack. -Set an alarm that awakens the family and allows for plenty of time to get ready. -Use the school district bus system, or share transportation with friends or neighbors.-If your family uses the car drop off area, arrive at 7:30am when traffic is minimal and your student can enjoy a free breakfast in the cafeteria. -If your child complains frequently of not feeling well, check with his/her physician and keep the school updated. -Practice healthy living as a family by including family share time & fun time, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and eating a well-balanced diet.-Make it fun for the family, by making it a game, incentive chart or friendly competition to create positive feelings about school! If you have circumstances that are causing your family stress or your student to miss school, I am available for a family problem solving meeting and can provide resource information. Also, if your student misses school because of an illness, please communicate with the teacher as soon as possible.My phone number is 561-292-6748.Cristie Davenport, Hagen Road’s School Counselor left9588500546104826000Aftercare: September is the start to a lot of great things! September 7th we will have our first pizza party of the year. September 14th we will be celebrating our August and September birthdays. Join us on September 25th for our free Family Night! From 6-7:30pm you'll get a chance to meet our counselors, learn more about our program and get a sneak peek at some of our clubs that begin on September 28th. See you there!From the Principal’s Desk: We have had an incredible start to school!? Thank you all for your cooperation to keep our students, staff and school safe. We are working hard to teach our students about safety and what to do in case of emergencies. We welcome Officer Thomas to our campus! We are so happy to have him here and if there is anything that you are curious about, please don't hesitate to ask.? Thank you to the families and friends that attended our Curriculum Nights the past few weeks. Boosterthon is coming again...get ready for some wonderful character traits to be instilled in your children. We are looking forward to another successful Fun Run! If you want to help out, please contact PTA. Help is always needed! Thank you for those of you have already joined our PTA.Safety first! Families, please help in the car line each day by pulling forward all the way on the right side and only moving to the left after you have dropped off your child.? Please remember that there is early care available for families that need it. No child should be sitting by themselves outside of school at 7:10. We all have somewhere to be each day but your child’s safety is very important. The staff is just arriving at 7:30 so supervision is minimal. Most importantly, please remain off your cell phones while in the car line.? If we all work together, everyone will arrive safely and on time! When picking up, please be prepared with car tags hanging ready for your child(ren)s name to be called. Please remain in the right lane until you are loaded and ready to leave. Remember that you must have your car tags in order to pick up your children. If you are picking up from Aftercare, PLEASE do not park in the car loop, so you are not blocking emergency vehicles, there are many parking spots and unfortunately there are times that they will need to get through. Please don’t be the car that stops someone’s safety because you are in a rush. Thank you! Did you read the information regarding the referendum? If not please check out what was sent home!242887520701000Congratulations to the students, staff and community of Hagen Road Elementary for receiving silver level success for their Florida School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program through Florida PBIS. Mrs. Saltzman Follow all of the great events and news on Twitter @HagenRoad. Follow Mrs. Saltzman @HagenRoadrunner and Mrs. Lawrence @APLawrenceSDPBS ................

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