Implement 201X-201X Budget

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

To authorize the Superintendent and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to implement the 201X-201X budget pursuant to local and state policies.

Tax Payment Schedule


Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The attached payment schedule to receive the current expense tax levy and the debt service tax levy for the 201X-201X school year. (Attachment -_______)

Approval of Depositories

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that the below listed Financial Institutions, Fund and Corporation be designated as approved depositories for the _______________ Board of Education funds and that the Financial Institutions be required to be insured by either the SLIC or the FDIC and/or as required by both Federal and State statutes:

Approval of Depositories:

(insert list of banks)

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board Secretary and/or the Assistant Board Secretary be authorized to wire transfer Board of Education funds between Board of Education accounts only.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board Secretary and/or the Assistant Board Secretary be authorized to enter into agreement/s with the State to allow the State to initiate credit entries to Board of Education accounts in its depositories by automatic deposit/s when appropriate.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that any and all endorsements for or on behalf of this Corporation upon checks, drafts, notes or instruments for deposit or collection made may be written or stamped endorsements of the Corporation without any designation of the person making such endorsements.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board Secretary be authorized on behalf of the Board of Education to change existing account types and establish new Statement Savings, NOW, Special

Checking and/or Money Market Investments Accounts in any one or all of the above depositories when in the best interest of the Board of Education

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that any funds on deposit in Board of Education accounts be subject to withdrawal at any time upon presentation of warrants, checks, notes, bonds, bond coupons or other instruments or orders for the payment of money when signed, live or facsimile.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education Secretary is hereby authorized to deliver, upon demand, specimen facsimile signatures of required authorities to the above approved depositories.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Board Secretary and/or the Assistant Board Secretary be hereby authorized on behalf of the Board of Education to:

(a) Withdraw from depositories and give receipt for, or authorize depositories to deliver to bearer or to any person designated by the Board Secretary, all or any documents and securities or other property held by the depositories for any purpose, and

(b) Authorize the depositories to purchase or sell C.D.’s, Repurchase Agreements and other securities, and

(c) Execute and deliver all instruments required by the depositories in connection with any of the foregoing resolutions and affix thereto the seal of the Corporation

Direct Deposit

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The Board of Education designates _________________(Name of Bank) to be used for the district’s mandatory direct deposit program. Further the following employee group(s) or categories are exempt from the requirement.

Authorized Signatures

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

To authorize the following signatures for money market, checking and savings accounts:

General Direct Deposit Account – Facsimile Required

All of the following persons: 1. President or Vice-President

2. Board Secretary

2. Superintendent

Cafeteria Checking Account – Signature Required

Any two of the following lines 1. Board Secretary

of persons: 2. Assistant Board Secretary

General Student Activity Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Board Secretary

of persons: 2. Assistant Board Secretary

Student Activity Checking Account – ______________ School – Signature Required

Any two of the following lines 1. Principal

of persons: 2. Assistant Principal

3. Secretary

Student Activity Checking Account – ______________________- Signature Required

Any two of the following lines 1. Board Secretary

of persons: 2. Assistant Board Secretary

____________________ Graduation Bonds Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Principal

of persons: 2. Assistant Principal

3. Assistant Principal

Student Activity Checking Account – _________________ – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Principal

of persons: 2. Assistant Principal

3. Secretary

General Funds Account – Facsimile Required

All of the following persons: 1. President or Vice-President

2. Board Secretary

3. Superintendent

Payroll Agency Account - Facsimile Required

All of the following persons: 1. Board Secretary

2. Superintendent

Payroll Account - Facsimile Required

All of the following persons: 1. Board Secretary

2. Superintendent

Self-Insurance Checking Account Facsimile Required

Any one of the following persons: 1. Board Secretary

2. Assistant Board Secretary

Unemployment Insurance Trust Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following persons: 1. Board Secretary

2. Assistant Board Secretary

Worker’s Compensation Checking Account – Facsimile Required

All of the following lines 1. Third Party Administrator Account Manager

of persons: 2. Third Party Administrator Account Representative

Flexible Spending Account – Facsimile Required

All of the following lines 1. Third Party Administrator Account Manager

Of persons 2. Third Party Administrator Account Representative

Odyssey Of The Mind Checking Account – Signature Required

All of the following persons: 1. Board Secretary

2. Assistant Board Secretary

________Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Principal

of persons: 2. Assistant Principal

3. Assistant Principal

______________ Coaches Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Principal

of persons: 2. Assistant Principal

3. Assistant Principal

Superintendent Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Superintendent

of persons:

Assistant Superintendent Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Assistant Superintendent

of persons: 2. Secretary

Transportation Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Coordinator

of persons: 2. Assistant Coordinator

Business Administrator Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Business Administrator

of persons: 2. Assistant Business Administrator

Director of Information Svc. Petty Cash Account – Signature Required

Any one of the following lines 1. Director

of persons:

Appointment of Representatives Requesting

Federal and State Funds

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary for the _________________ Board of Education or their designees, be designated as the Board’s agents to request state and federal funds under the existing State and Federal Laws for the period from the date of this Organization Meeting to the Board Organization Meeting in the next calendar year.


Recommend the board approve the following appointments for the 201X-1X school year:

a. Board Secretary Name of individual

b. School Physician Name of individual

c. Affirmative Action Officer

for District & Curriculum Name of individual

d. Gender-Equity Officer Name of individual

e. 504 Officer Name of individual

f. Right-To-Know Contact Person Name of individual

g. Public Agency Compliance Officer Name of individual

h. Affirmative Action Officer for Contracts Name of individual

i Homeless Liaisons Name of individual

j. Americans With Disabilities Act Officer Name of individual

k. Title 9 Officer Name of individual

l. English As A Second Language Plan Name of individual

m. Indoor Air Quality Officer Name of individual

n. Chemical Hygiene Officer Name of individual

o. Asbestos Officer Name of individual

p. Safety Officer Name of individual

School Funds Investor

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

To designate the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the School Funds Investor.

Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

To authorize the Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts for New Jersey Public Schools

for 201X-201X Year.

Tax Shelter Annuity Companies


Recommend the Board approve the following companies to provide Tax Shelter Annuity salary reduction agreements for the 201X-201X school year.

(Insert name of Company) 403(b) and 457

(Insert name of Company) 403 (b) and 457

Petty Cash Accounts

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED to authorize the Board Secretary to establish the following imprest petty cash fund accounts for the period from July 1st through June 30th during the next fiscal year in accordance with N.J.S.A.18A:4-15 and :19-13 and Title 6 of the N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.10.

School/Department Name Amount

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED to establish a maximum single Petty Cash expenditure of $100.00 not to be exceeded without prior approval by the Board Secretary.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that each account be replenished within a period of time not to exceed sixty (60) days without prior approval of the Board Secretary.

Claims Auditor

Pre-Payment Authority

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary be designated as the Board of Education’s Claims Auditor with authority, as provided by 18A:19-2 amended, to direct pre-payment of claims for Debt Service, Payroll, Fixed Charges and any other claim or demand which would be in the best interest of the Board to pay promptly.

Organization Chart

Recommend the Board approve the Organization Chart for the Board of Education.


Designation of Superintendent

Transfer Authority

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that as provided by N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 amended, the Superintendent of Schools be designated as Chief School Administrator to approve such line item budget transfers as are necessary between Board of Education meetings, and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that such transfers shall be reported to the Board of Education,

ratified and duly recorded in the minutes of such meeting not less than monthly.

Appointment of Representative to

County Educational Services Commission

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Schools, is designated as the Board representative to the ________________________ Education Services Commission for a period from the date of this Organization Meeting to the Organization Meeting in the next calendar year.

Fee for Copies of Public Documents

Recommend the Board approve the following item::

RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby establishes a photocopy fee of ($.05) Five Cents for printed matter of letter size page or smaller and ($.07) Seven Cents for printed matter of legal size or larger for official Board Minutes and other public documents.

Adoption of Emergency Management Plan

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

RESOLVED that emergency procedures described in the official ___________________ Emergency Management Plan be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

201X-201X Curriculum Adoption Schedule

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The District Curriculum Adoption Schedule for the 201X-201X school year:

Approval Date of

Latest Adoption

or Revision



Family Life

Forensic Science

Guidance and Counseling



Language Arts/Reading, grade 6

Language Arts/Reading, grade 7

Language Arts/Reading, grade 8


Life Skills (Careers, Technology Ed., Life Skills)

Mathematics, Grade 3

Mathematics, Grades K-6

Mathematics, Grade 7

Mathematics, Level 1, Grade 7

Mathematics, Level 3, Grade 7

Mathematics, Pre-algebra, Grade 8

Mathematics, Level 1, Grade 8

Mathematics, Level 3, Grade 8

Mathematics, Pre Algebra

Five Year Textbook Adoption Schedule

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The Five Year Textbook Adoption Schedule:












Multi-Year Plans

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

(a) The Long Range Facility Plan

(b) The Three-Year Comprehensive Maintenance plan (c) Technology Plan

(d) Comprehensive Equity Plan

(e) New Teacher Induction/Mentor Plan

Educational Data Services, Inc.

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

Educational Data Services, Inc., as a New Jersey Cooperative Bidding Program for our school supplies. The licensing and maintenance fee for the 201X-201X School Year will be _________.

Vendor Name

Recommend the Board approve _______________________________________________

as a supplier of __________________ Software for the term of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 for an amount not to exceed ______________ annually.

Insurance Agent

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

(insert name of individual, company and address). To serve as the district insurance agent for the 201X-201X School Year.

Appointment of District Certified Purchasing Agent

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, 18A:18A-2 provides that a board of education shall assign the authority, responsibility and accountability for the purchasing activity of the board of education to a person or persons who shall have the power to prepare advertisements, to advertise for and receive bids and to award contracts as permitted by this chapter, and

WHEREAS 18A:18A-3 provides that contracts, awarded by the purchasing agent that do not exceed in the aggregate in a contract year the bid threshold (Currently $36,000), may be awarded by the purchasing agent without advertising for bids when so authorized by board resolution, and

WHEREAS 18A:18A-37,c. provides that all contracts that are in the aggregate less than 15% of the bid threshold (Currently $5,400) may be awarded by the purchasing agent without soliciting competitive quotations if so authorized by board resolution.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ____________________ Board of Education, pursuant to the statutes cited above hereby appoints ___________, as its duly authorized purchasing agent and is duly assigned the authority, responsibility and accountability for the purchasing activity of the __________________ Board of Education, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that __________________ is hereby authorized to award contracts on behalf of the __________________ Board of Education that are in the aggregate less than 15% of the bid threshold (Currently $5,400) without soliciting competitive quotations, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that _________________ is hereby authorized to seek competitive quotations, when applicable and practicable and award contracts on behalf of the __________________________________ Board of Education when contracts in the aggregate exceed 15% of the bid threshold (Currently $5,400) but are less than the bid threshold of $36,000.

Workers’ Compensation

Special Counsel

Recommend the Board approve the following item:



THE ___________________________BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE

COUNTY OF ____________________

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Workers’ Compensation Special Counsel matters for the 201X-201X School Year, and;

WHEREAS, such Workers’ Compensation Special Counsel services can be provided only by Workers’ Compensation Special Counsel firm, and the firm of (insert name and address of firm) is so recognized as such a firm and;

WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose.



1. The firm of (insert name and address of firm) is hereby retained to provide workers’ compensation special counsel services.

2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18(A)(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

3. The Board authorizes ____________________, Esq., of the firm of (insert name and address to provide workers’ compensation special counsel services at a salary of $_______ per hour.

4. A copy of this resolution along with a copy of this resolution as well as the engagement letter and contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Workers’ Compensation

Legal Defense

Recommend the Board approve the following item:




IN THE COUNTY OF ______________

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Worker’s Compensation defense services for the 201X-201X School Year.

WHEREAS, such workers’ compensation defense services can be provided only by a workers’ compensation defense firm, and the firm of (insert name and address of firm) is so recognized as such a firm; and

WHEREAS, funds payable to the firm of (insert name and address of firm) in the amount of $___ per hour for partners; $___ per hour for associates and $___ per hour for paralegals are or will be available for this purpose.


1. The workers’ compensation defense services firm of (insert name and address) is hereby retained to provide workers’ compensation defense services necessary.

2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

3. The Board authorizes (insert name and address of individual and firm) to provide workers’ compensation defense services.

4. A copy of this resolution along with a copy of this resolution as well as the engagement letter and contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Right-To-Know Services

Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item::

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Right-To-Know services in connection with chemical surveying and awareness training for the 201X-201X School Year, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that such Right-to-Know services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of chemical surveying and awareness training and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications, and

WHEREAS, the funds in the amount of $_______ are or will be available for this purpose.


A. The environmental services firm of (insert name and address of firm), is hereby retained to provide Right-To-Know services necessary in conjunction with the Laws of Chemical Awareness In The Workplace.

B. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as “Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A.18A:18A(a)(1) because it is for services performed by persons that cannot be reasonably described and bid.

C. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Asbestos Management

Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item::

WHEREAS, there exists a need for asbestos management services in connection with monitoring, and abatement training for the 201X-201X School Year, as designated.

WHEREAS, it has been determined that such asbestos management services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of asbestos management, can be provided only by a licensed professional and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications, and

WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $__________ are or will be available for this purpose.


a.. The environmental services firm of (insert name and address of firm) is hereby retained to provide asbestos maintenance services necessary in conjunction with the laws of Asbestos Hazard Management.

b. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as “Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A.18A:18A(a)(1) because it is for services performed by persons that cannot be reasonably described and bid.

c. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board

Integrated Pest Management Coordinator

Recommend the Board approve the following item::

(insert name and address of firm), to serve as the Integrated Pest Management Coordinator for the District, for the 2011-12 School Year. The IPMC shall insure that all state regulations, including licensing requirements and label precautions, must comply with all components of the School Integrated Pest Management Policy.

Third Party Administrator Services

Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, the ______________________ Board of Education has need for consulting and administrative services to assist the district in its handling of new and runoff claims of worker’s compensation for the 201X-201X School Year, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the required services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of workers’ compensation and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications.

WHEREAS, the contract will be awarded as a non-fair and open contract pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 2005,s2, and

WHEREAS, the anticipated term of the contract is one year, and

WHEREAS, (insert name and address of firm)., has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure Certification.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the ______________ Board of Education shall award a contract in the amount of $______________ for these services as an extraordinary unspecifiable service to (insert name and address of firm).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the details of the consulting and administrative services and the costs will be covered by a mutually agreed upon contract filed in the Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Office.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Business Disclosure Entity Certification shall be kept on file.

Legal Defense

Special Counsel

Recommend the Board approve the following item:




COUNTY OF ______________________

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Special Counsel matters for the 201X-201X School Year, and;

WHEREAS, such Special Counsel services can be provided only by Special Counsel firm, and the firm of (insert name and address of firm), is so recognized as such a firm and;

WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose.


1. The firm of (insert name and address of firm), is hereby retained to provide special counsel services.

2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18(A)(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

3. The Board authorizes (insert name and address of firm), to provide special counsel services at a salary of $______________ per hour.

4. A copy of this resolution along with a copy of this resolution as well as the engagement letter and contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Board Attorney

Recommend the Board approve the following item:


WHEREAS, there exists a need for board counsel services in connection with _________ Board of Education, for the 201X-201X School Year, and

WHEREAS, such board counsel services can be provided only by a board counsel firm and the firm of (insert name and address of firm), is so recognized as such a firm; and

WHEREAS, any and all work performed beyond the board counsel services will be payable to (insert name and address of firm), upon the submission of a voucher setting forth the time expended, and based upon the rate of $___ per hour.

WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $___________ in addition to the hourly rate of $_______ are or will be available for this purpose.


1. The board counsel firm of (insert name and address of firm) is hereby retained to provide board counsel services necessary in conjunction with the Manalapan Englishtown Regional Board of Education.

2. The Contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A(a)(l), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

3. A copy of this resolution as well as the proposal shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

4. The approval of this resolution is based upon the approval of the Board Attorney.

Computer Software Maintenance

Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, the ___________________ Board of Education has need for Computer Software Maintenance services to assist the district in daily usage of budget, payroll, personnel and fixed asset software for the 201X-201X School Year,

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the required services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of computers and software, and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the _____________ Board of Education shall award a contract in the amount of $________for these services as an extraordinary unspecifiable service to (insert name and address of firm).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the details of the computer software maintenance services and the costs will be covered by a mutually agreed upon contract filed in the Business Administrator/Board Secretary’s Office.

IAQ Investigation

Extraordinary Unspecified Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, there exists a need for IAQ Investigation services in connection with screenings of any of the schools of the ________________ Board of Education for the 201X-201X School Year..

WHEREAS, it has been determined that such IAQ Investigation services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of mold and fungus identification and remediation and can be provided only by a licensed professional and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications, and

WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose based on hourly rate fees.


1. The environmental services firm of (insert name and address of firm) is hereby retained to provide IAQ Investigation services necessary.

2. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as “Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A.18A:18A(a)(1) because it is for services performed by persons that cannot be reasonably described and bid.

3. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.


Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, there exists a need for telecommunication services for the _______________ Board of Education for the 201X-201X School Year.

WHEREAS, it has been determined that such telecommunication services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of telecommunication and can be provided only by someone with knowledge of policy and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications, and

WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose in an amount not to exceed $_______________.


1. The telecommunication services firm of (insert name and address of firm), is hereby retained to provide telecommunication services necessary.

2. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as “Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A.18A:18A(a)(1) because it is for services performed by persons that cannot be reasonably described and bid.

3. The Board of Education is required to review the most recent peer review report prior to the engagement of the annual audit, and to acknowledge its review of the peer review report in the minutes that authorizes the engagement of the public school accountant.

4. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Policy Services

Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, there exists a need for policy review services of the ____________ Board of Education for the 201X-201X School Year.

WHEREAS, it has been determined that such policy review services are specialized in nature, require expertise in the field of policy review and can be provided only by someone with knowledge of policy and is not reasonably possible to describe the required services with written bid specifications, and

WHEREAS, funds are or will be available for this purpose in an amount not to exceed $__________.


1. The policy review services firm of (insert name and address of firm), is hereby retained to provide policy review services necessary.

2. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as “Extraordinary Unspecifiable Services” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A.18A:18A(a)(1) because it is for services performed by persons that cannot be reasonably described and bid.

3. A copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

Auditing Services

Recommend the Board approve the following item:


ADOPTED BY THE ____________________ BOARD OF EDUCATION IN THE COUNTY OF ____________________

WHEREAS, there exists a need for Auditing Services, and

WHEREAS, the firm of (insert name and address of firm) is licensed to provide such services, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has reviewed the firm’s most recent Peer Review report, and

WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $_____________ are or will be available for this purpose.


1. The auditing firm of (insert name and address of firm) is hereby retained to provide Auditing services for the 201X-201X School Year in accordance with the Request for Proposal and their proposal dated ________________________.

2. The contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” in accordance with the Public School Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A(a)(1), because it is for services performed by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized profession.

3. The Board appoints _________________________, as the Partner in charge of the audit.

4. The Board of Education is required to review firm’s most recent Peer Review report prior to the engagement of the annual audit, and to acknowledge its review of the report in the minutes that authorize the engagement of the public school accountant.

5. The anticipated term of this contract is one (1) year with an option for _____________ additional years as presented in the firm’s proposal.

6. (insert name and address of firm) has completed and submitted a C271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form in accordance with Section 2 of P.L. 2006, c271.

7. A copy of this resolution as well as the engagement letter shall be placed on file with the Secretary of the Board.

State Contract Purchasing

Resolution Authorizing The Procurement of Goods and Services

Through State Agency for the 201X-1X School Year

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, Title 18A:18A-10 provides that “A board of education, without advertising for bids, or after having rejected all bids obtained pursuant to advertising therefore, by resolution may purchase any goods or services pursuant to a contract or contracts for such goods or services entered into on behalf of the State by the Division of Purchase and Property, and

WHEREAS, The __________________________________ Board of Education has the need, on a timely basis, to procure goods and services utilizing state contracts, and

WHEREAS, the ______________ Board of Education desires to authorize its purchasing agent for the 2012-13 to make any and all purchases necessary to meet the needs of the school district throughout the school year.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the __________________ Board of Education does hereby authorize the district purchasing agent to make purchases of goods and services entered into on behalf of the State by the Division of Purchase and Property utilizing various vendors that have State Contracts. The Purchasing Agent shall make known to the Board the Commodity/Service, Vendor and State Contract Number utilized.

Custodian of Records

Public Access to Records

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, P.L. 2001, c.404 (C.47:1A-7), know as the Public Access Law, amends and supplements P.L. 1963, c 73.P.L. 1995, c.23 and P.L. 1998, c.17 regarding public access to government records, and

WHEREAS, the law designates that a person be designated as the custodian of a government record, and

WHEREAS, copies of permitted government records must be provided to persons upon written request and upon prepayment of fees prescribed by law or regulation, and

WHEREAS, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, the fee assessed for the copying of a government record shall be $.05 per page for letter size paper or smaller and $.07 per page for legal size paper or larger,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education appoints the Business Administrator/Board Secretary as the custodian of government records, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the _____________________ School District approves the attached form for the use of any person, who requests access to a government record, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the fees should be reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Education.


Interest On Bonds

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

WHEREAS, the _______________________ Board of Education sold ______________ worth of bonds on __________________; and

WHEREAS, the Board has invested the proceeds of the bonds and has earned interest thereon; and

WHEREAS, the Board now wants to allocate interest earnings from the bond proceeds to the Debt Service Fund, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the _______________ Board of Education is hereby authorized to transfer all interest earnings from bond proceeds from the Capital Project Fund to the debt service fund in order to provide monies for the fiscal year 201X-201X.

Waiver of Coverage

Recommend the Board approve the following item:



WHEREAS, employees are now permitted to waive their SHBP medical and prescription coverage – provided they have other health care coverage, and

WHEREAS, a State Health Benefits Program Coverage Waiver/Reinstatement Form and Active Employee Health Benefits Application must be submitted through the Human Resources Office to the SHBP in order to waive SHBP medical and prescription coverage, and

WHEREAS, to reinstate coverage under the SHBP, an employee must once again complete a State Health Benefits Program Coverage Waiver/Reinstatement Form and Active Employee Health Benefits Application, and

WHEREAS, the employee must notify the SHBP within 30 days of the loss of the other coverage and provide proof of loss of that coverage. And

WHEREAS, reinstatement will be effective immediately following the loss of the employee’s other health plan coverage,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the _______________ Board of Education offers the opt out plan to all active eligible employees, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, those active eligible employees who are eligible for other health care coverage will receive an incentive payment of 25% of their premium plan, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the incentive payment will be made twice a year on the closest pay date to December 15 and June 15 each year.

The decision of the ____________________ Board of Education to allow its employees to waive coverage, and the amount of incentive to be paid, cannot be subject to the collective bargaining process.

Certificate Of District Resolution

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The undersigned Secretary of _______________ Board of Education (The District), hereby certifies that the following resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Education of the School District on _______________, and that such resolutions have not been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof:

RESOLVED that the form of Cafeteria Plan, effective _____________, presented to this meeting is hereby approved and adopted and that the proper officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator of the Plan, one or more counterparts of the Plan.

RESOLVED, that the Administrator shall be instructed to take such actions that are deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the Plan, and to set up adequate accounting and administrative procedures to provide benefits under the Plan.

RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the District shall act as soon as possible to notify the employees of the District of the adoption of the Cafeteria Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description of the Plan in the form of the Summary Plan Description presented to this meeting, which form is hereby approved.

The undersigned further certifies that attached hereto as Exhibits ___ and _____, respectively, are true copies of ___________________________ Board of Education- Premium Conversion Plan and the Summary Plan Description approved and adopted in the foregoing resolutions.


Third Party Administrator

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The agreement between (insert name and address of firm) and __________________ School District. _______________________ will provide Third Party Administrator services regarding the Flexible Spending Account Plan.

Flexible Spending Account

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The undersigned Secretary of ______________________ Board of Education (The District), hereby certifies that the following resolutions were duly adopted by the District on ___________, and that such resolutions have not been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof:

RESOLVED that the form of Cafeteria Plan, effective ______________, presented to this meeting is hereby approved and adopted and that the proper officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator of the Plan, one or more counterparts of the Plan.

RESOLVED, that the Administrator shall be instructed to take such actions that are deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the Plan, and to set up adequate accounting and administrative procedures to provide benefits under the Plan.

RESOLVED that the proper officers of the District shall act as soon as possible to notify the employees of the District of the adoption of the Cafeteria Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description of the Plan in the form of the Summary Plan Description presented to this meeting, which form is hereby approved.


Summary Plan Description

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The undersigned Secretary of _____________________________ Board of Education (The District), hereby certifies that the following resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Education of the School District on ___________________, and that such resolutions have not been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof:

RESOLVED that the form of Cafeteria Plan, effective _________________, presented to this meeting is hereby approved and adopted and that the proper officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator of the Plan, one or more counterparts of the Plan.

RESOLVED, that the Administrator shall be instructed to take such actions that are deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the Plan, and to set up adequate accounting and administrative procedures to provide benefits under the Plan.

RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the District shall act as soon as possible to notify the employees of the District of the adoption of the Cafeteria Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description of the Plan in the form of the Summary Plan Description presented to this meeting, which form is hereby approved.

The undersigned further certifies that attached hereto as Exhibit _____, is a true copy of __________________________ Board of Education and the Summary Plan Description approved and adopted in the foregoing resolution.

Adoption Agreement 403(b)

Deferred Compensation Plan

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

The ________________ Board of Education 403(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and Adoption Agreement.

Bus Fleet Assignment

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

Recommend the board authorize the assignment of all bus drivers, substitute bus drivers, mechanics, Transportation Coordinator, Assistant Transportation Coordinator, and Transportation Assistant as per Bus Fleet Assignment Schedule per NJAC 6A:23A-6.12. (Attachment -__)

Maintenance Vehicle Pool Assignment

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

Recommend the board authorize the assignment of all mechanics and the following personnel as per Maintenance Vechicle Schedule per NJAC 6A:23A-6.12:

See Attachment -_ for Schedule MV.

Support Staff Vehicle Pool Assignment

Recommend the Board approve the following item:

Recommend the board authorize the assignment of all mechanics and the following personnel as per Support Staff Schedule per NJAC 6A:23A-6.12:

See Attachment -_ for Schedule SV.


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