2010 Preseason Study Guide

2013 Preseason Study GuideNumber 1Rules in GeneralNo.RuleAnswer / NotesSituation4th down. K1 punts from his own end zone. The ball crosses the neutral zone and strikes R2 on the helmet. The ball rebounds back into K’s end zone where K3 recovers and advances to his 10 yard line. Legal advance- K’s ball 1st & 10 on its own 10 yd. lineA1 gains 10 yards and fumbles. The covering official inadvertently sounds his whistle while the ball is loose. Ruling: A may either put the ball in play where it lost possession or may choose to replay the down from the previous spotThe free blocking zone is an area extending laterally 4 yards either side of the spot of the snap and 3 yards behind each line of scrimmage.A1 starts in the free blocking zone and goes in motion before the snap. As soon as the ball is snapped and before it leaves the free blocking zone A1 blocks B1 below the waist. This is a legal blockA Kicking tee may not elevate the lowest part of the ball more than 2 inches off the groundPlayer A1 has an all-white mouthpiece. Since it is a special mouthpiece issued by a dentist or orthopedist and the player has a signed note, it is legal.Quarterback A1 throws a pass that starts forward and to A2 who is in the backfield ready to catch the pass. A strong wind takes the ball backward, where it lands behind the spot from where it was thrown. This should be whistled as a dead ball and incomplete pass as soon as the pass hits the ground.At the end of the game, the clock reads 0:00 right after the snap. A1 fumbles and the Line Judge inadvertently blows his whistle before the ball is recovered. Since the game clock read 0:00 before the fumble, the game is over.It is 3rd and 5 from midfield and A1 is tackled 2 yards short of the line of gain. B1 gets up and taunts A1. The result of the penalty will be a first down.The normal kickoff line for a free-kick after a try is the 40 yard lineBefore the offense fully lines up, the snapper picks up the ball and rotates the ball so it is parallel to the end lines. Since it was done before anyone is lined up and did not fool anyone, this is legal.A1 is behind the center and has started the snap count. Before the ball is snapped, A1 quickly steps back and fakes a pass, causing B2 to move into the neutral zone. This is unsportsmanlike conduct by A1. At the time of the snap A must have at least 7 players on the line of scrimmage and 5 must be numbered 50-79Team A comes to the line with center 50, Guards 80 and 81, tackles 70 and 75 and Ends 61 and 63 all lined up on the line of scrimmage. There are 4 players in the backfield. This is an illegal formation because of the numberingTo be a legal forward pass A1 must have both feet in or behind the neutral zone when the ball is releasedB1 intercepts A1’s pass on the 1 yard line and his momentum carries B1 into his end zone where he is tackled. This is a touchback.A muff is the touching of a loose ball by a player in an unsuccessful attempt to secure possessionA2 is running the ball and grabs the back of A3 while going into the line of scrimmage. This is illegal use of hands by A2The “Hidden Ball Play” where an offensive player puts the ball under his jersey is a legal play not often used today.When the same team commits a live ball foul and a dead ball foul, both penalties can be enforcedThe Basic spot is the previous spot for an unsportsmanlike foulPlayer A1 and A2 are both wearing #88 as team A breaks the huddle. This is illegal.Player A1, B2 and B3 are all in the free blocking zone and on the line at the snap of the ball. At the snap, A1 hits B1 legally above the waist and then slides off and blocks B2 below the waist while the ball is still in the free blocking zone. This is legal.Player A1 is advancing towards his goal line near the sideline. He dives to the end zone from the 1 yard line and is hit by B1. The ball stays in A1’s possession but it travels outside the pylon. A1 lands out of bounds past the goal line extended. This is a touchdown. R1 muffs a punt at the 40 yard line. K1 comes in and while trying to recover the loose ball forces the ball out of bounds prior to possession) at the 35 yard line. It is team R ball 1st and 10 at the 35 yard linePlayer B1 misses runner A1 and kicks his foot out and trips A1 causing him to fall. This is legal.It is Homecoming and both teams agree to a 30 minute halftime and inform the officials before the game. This is legal.During the third Quarter, B1 tackles A1 legally with no foul involved and B1’s helmet comes off. B1 can play in the next play.On a free kick, R1 touches the ball as it is bouncing toward the sideline. The ball goes out of bounds at the 2 yard line. R’s ball 1st and 10 at the 2 yard lineOn 4th down, K1’s field goal attempt is partially blocked but travels past the expanded neutral zone where R1 muffs the ball. K1 recovers the ball short of the line of gain. 1st and 10 K1. On a free kick, K1 kicks the ball high in the air and before the ball touches the ground, K2 catches the ball. This is Kick catching interferenceR1 catches K1’s punt and takes three steps before stopping and making a fair catch signal at the 20 yard line. This is legal.Prior to a field goal try, all the lineman interlock their feet. This is an illegal formation A1 goes in motion, after he starts, A2 changes his spot in the backfield and resets. After A1 gets to the 9 yard marks he resets for 1 second before the ball is snapped. This is an illegal shift because two players were moving at one time.During a forward pass that is past the neutral zone, A1 is illegally downfield. B1 hits A1 illegally with an elbow. This is a double foul and the down will be replayed K1 kicks off and R1 muffs the ball on the 5 yard line. R2 comes in to recover and his body pushes the ball into his own end zone where R3 recovers. This is a new force; R’s ball 1st and 10 at the spot R2 touched it in the field of play.K1 attempts an onside kick. R2 rushes up and touches the ball after it has travelled 5 yards. K2 hits R2 and then recovers the loose ball. 1st and 10 for K.During a pass play, A1 is an eligible receiver and while the ball is in the air, B1 makes illegal contact. The ball fly’s 30 feet over A1’s head – uncatchable. Since it was uncatchable, this is not a penalty.A1 has legal knee pads in his pants that end at the top of his knee. This is legalRunner R1 is tackled and his knees hit at the 20 yard line with the ball in his arms at the 20. After his knee hits, R1 falls forward to the 21 yard line. Because of Forward progress the ball is spotted at the 21.B3 is down with both knees on the ground. A1 jumps over B2 in a “hurdle” type motion. This is legalR1 is running near the visitor bench near the 50 yard line. K2 is on the home sideline and from the front, “decleats” an unsuspecting R3 from the front. The collision occurs 30 yards away from the runner. This is unnecessary roughnessPlayer A1 is bleeding and before an official notices, calls timeout. The official now sees the bleeding player. During the timeout, Team A properly covers and wraps the bleeding. A1 can play in the next play.During the last timed down of the period, A1 gains 10 yards and fumbles. While the ball is loose, an official inadvertently sounds his whistle. The period shall be extended for an untimed down and A may put the ball in play where it lost possession or may choose to replay the down from the previous spot.With first and 10 from A’s 5-yard line, A1 drops back into his end zone, where he is tackled by the face mask and fumbles. The ball rolls out of bounds at A’s 3-yard line. What is the ruling? Following penalty administration, it will be A’s ball, first and 10 at A’s 8-yard line.Following penalty administration, it will be A’s ball first and 10 at A’s 18-yard line.Following penalty administration, it will be A’s ball first and 10 at A’s 20-yard line.None of the above. Prior to the start of the game, the head coach shall be responsible for verifying to the ____that all of his players are legally equipped and in compliance with the NFHS football equipment rules. Referee and Line JudgeReferee and UmpireReferee and Back JudgeReferee onlyEye shade (grease or no-glare strips or stickers) that is a solid stroke can have numbers, logos or other symbols within the eye shade.If a player is blocked out of bounds by an opponent and returns inbounds, he may legally participate at the first opportunity.If a game official calls a time-out because A1 is injured, A1 must leave the game for at least one play unless half time or an overtime intermission occurs. An attempt by B to interfere with A’s signals prior to the snap is a dead ball foul and a 15-yard Unsportsmanlike penalty.Which of the following fouls are enforced from the succeeding spot?Non-Player foulsDead ball foulsUnsportsmanlike foulsAll the aboveThe initial direction determines whether a pass is forward or backward.A mouth protector must be worn and must be completely white or clear. Hip pads, tailbone protector, knee pads and thigh guards may not be altered from the manufacturer’s original design/production. No player shall intentionally go out of bounds during a down and then intentionally touch the ball.The penalty for a chop block is 10 yardsFree-kick lines are always 10 yards apart. The blocker is allowed to lock his/her hands during a block, but only in certain situations.Forward progress is deemed as the end of advancement of the ball in a runner’s possession toward the opponent’s goal. A1 is running in the open field and B1 grabs A1’s shoulder pad opening from behind and rides A1 for several yards before A1 falls forward. This tackle is an illegal horse collar.A1 is running in the open field and B1 grabs A1’s shoulder pad opening from behind and has the runner in his/her grasp as B2 comes in and tackles A1. This is a legal tackle. Of the down lineman, only the snapper may interlock his feet with those of the guards on either side of him/her.You must replay the down from the previous spot if an inadvertent whistle is blown while a pass is in flight.Passer protection is afforded to the half back during an option pass. Team K kicks the free kick prior to the ready to play whistle from the referee and is therefore penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct. An illegal snap or other snap infraction is a live ball foul.It is third and 6 from B’s 40-yard line. A1 advances to B’s 30-yard line where B grabs and twists A1’s face mask/helmet opening in an attempt to tackle A1. A1 fumbles at that spot and B1 recovers and advances to B’s 40-yard line. After penalty enforcement, it is A’s ball, first and 10 from B’s 15-yard line. Unused first half time-outs cannot be used in the second half but unused time-outs from the second half can be carried over and used in the overtime period.If a defensive player touches a forward pass in or behind the neutral zone, no offensive player can be called for being illegally downfield. Snapper A1 is positioned over the ball following the ready signal but has not yet placed his hand(s) on the ball. He places a hand on the ground and then stands up to call out a blocking assignment. This is a false start and a 5-yard penalty. Butt Blocking, Face Tackling and Spearing are all fouls that carry a 15-yard penalty.B1 leaps in the air over his 2-yard line and intercepts A’s pass. B1 returns to the ground in his end zone, inbounds where he is downed. It will be B’s ball first and 10 from the 2-yard line as the momentum exception applies.K kicks off to start the second half. The ball is rolling at R’s 7-yard line when R1 accidently kicks the ball into his own end zone. K1 recovers the ball there. Touchdown for K.Prior to the snap, B11 recognizes he is to be in the game and enters on A’s side of the neutral zone. The ball is snapped before B11 gets to his team side. Illegal substitution at the snap, 5-yard penalty enforced from the previous spot. A1 scores a touchdown. During the scoring play, A commits an unsportsmanlike foul. The touchdown is waived off and the penalty assessed. If during an unsuccessful try a foul by A/K occurs, the results of the play stand and there is no replayDuring a free kick, R touches the ball prior to it travelling 10 yards after which K contacts R. No foul.During a free kick, R and K contact each other approximately the same time prior to the ball travelling 10 yards. This is a foul on K.During K1’s successful field goal, B2 roughs the snapper. K is given the choice of accepting the penalty and replaying the down following enforcement or accepting the result of the play and enforcement of the penalty on the kickoff. During a down, A60’s helmet comes off after making a legal block on an opponent. A60 must leave the game for one play.During a running play, A1’s helmet comes off after B1 grasps his/her facemask. A1 must leave the game for one play. Some signs of a concussion include loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, balance problems or confusion.Any player who exhibits signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion shall be immediately removed from the game and shall not return to play until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional. Team B is not on the field as the half time clock runs to 0:00. The referee puts 3:00 minutes on the clock and winds it. At the same time he assesses B’s head coach an unsportsmanlike foul. This is the correct call. During a down, the umpire notices A1 wearing his play card on his belt. He assesses a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty against A. This is right call to make. It is a sideline warning with no penalty yardage charged for the first time in a game that Team A violates the restricted area while the ball is live. K1 has one knee on the ground to hold for a field-goal attempt. K2 is in position to kick. K1 catches the snap and without rising, flips the ball to K2 who attempts to run. Legal playK1 has one knee on the ground to hold for a try attempt. Just as K2 comes forward to kick the ball, K1 lifts the ball, rises and throws a forward pass to K3 in the end zone. Successful tryK1 has one knee on the ground to hold for a try attempt. Just as K2 comes forward to kick the ball, K1 lifts the ball, rises and starts to run, fumbles and the ball is recovered by K4 who advances into the end zone. Unsuccessful tryK1 has one knee on the ground to hold for a try attempt. Just as K2 comes forward to kick the ball, K1 lifts the ball, rises and fumbles and it is recovered by R1 who may advance the ball.A period must be extended by an untimed down if during the last timed down one of the following occurred:Inadvertent whistleDouble foulAny penaltyAt the snap, interior lineman A1 moves about 3 yards downfield and finding no one to block, retreats behind the neutral zone and blocks for A2 who eventually throws a forward pass which crosses the neutral zone. A1 is an ineligible illegally downfield.Charged time-outs shall not exceed one minute, but may be reduced in length if both teams are ready to play before the end of the one minute period.Roughing the passer, kicker, snapper and an illegal block on free-kicker all result in 15 yard penalties.An illegal snap or other snap infraction causes the ball to remain deadThe penalty for fighting is 15 yards and disqualificationQB A1 drops back to pass but is unable to find a receiver and throws the ball to the ground. Illegal forward pass-penalize A 5 yards from end of run and count the downK1’s attempted field goal hits the left upright (does not score). Before hitting the ground R2 catches the ball in his end zone and advances to his 3 yard line before retreating back into his own end zone where he is tackled. Safety and 2 points awarded to KA punt may not be used for a free kick other than after a safety. ................

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