Rubric for Educational Websites and Software

Rubric for Educational Websites and Software

On a scale of 1 to 5, one being very poor and five being excellent, I will grade each website/software on the following: cost, usability, rating, appropriateness for audience, summary and review.

Website One:

cost: 5, because it’s free.

usability 4, the site has extremely easy navigation and has appealing functions.

rating 4, the site can come across as a little to childish given that some of the topics covered are for higher elementary grade (i.e. 6th)


for audience 4, completely appropriate just not extremely appealing to the children on the brink of middle school.

summary Math Is Fun offers a great range of lessons, puzzles and games. The variety goes from algebra to money.

review The site is convenient, fun and extremely well organized. Overall I have to give it a 4.2.

Website Two:

cost 5, because it’s free.

usability 4, the site is very usable. Everything is broken down into categories making anything easy to find.

rating 4, it unfortunately lacks the ability to really excite kids however its cleanliness may be something sought after for high school students.


for audience 5, because the site appeals to everyone from grade school through high school; it even has a section entitled college bound.

summary Overall it’s a decent website. I think it could use some flashiness in its lower division areas just to make math seem a little more fun but other than that it’s good.

review The site, though lacking flash, is helpful. All things considered – 4.5

Software One: Where in the World is Carmen San Diego

cost 4, $14.99

usability 4, the software is a game that has you trying to catch a criminal that goes by the alias Carmen San Diego. Extremely usable at a home PC.

rating 5, the game itself seems less like an educational experience and more of something fun.


for audience 4, its more for fourth – sixth graders so it doesn’t provide much for the youth younger than that. If anything, it does give them something to look forward to.

summary The game has you chasing the criminal. It tests your ability to put together different geological features as well as increasing your vocabulary by using some semi-large words. Having played the older version when I was young I have to say this is a great game for a 5th or 6th grader.

review This game I give a 4.2 because it does exclude some ages and limits itself to geography with a touch new vocab. But if that’s what you’re looking for then by all means pick one up.


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