Nile C. Kinnick High School - CTE Europe

Nile C. Kinnick High SchoolSyllabus for Computer Gaming I (CTI 401)About the Program Computer Gaming I prepares students for entry level careers in the Computer Gaming, 3D Animation and Programming industry. The course sequence focuses on duties and tasks performed by professionals in Computer Gaming as well as pre-employment and employment skills. Major Concepts/Content: Computer Gaming I provides students with the opportunity to develop entry-level skills using the Blender Game Engine. This project-oriented course introduces the student to 3D Graphic Design and Computer Game creation. Hands-on activities are used as students develop skills, master techniques, and prepare products for a client-based environment. Students create original graphic designs and computer games using open source (free) software called Blender. The course also introduces students to document construction for publishing on the World Wide Web using authoring software. Units of instruction include fundamentals of the computer game industry, introduction to game engines, creating 3D objects, animation and armatures, game sounds and music, pre/post production sequencing, audience selection, digital image editing, copyright laws and product distribution. Major Instructional Activities: Within the parameters of this course student will be working in a cross curricular environment; performing and fine arts, computer programming, science, math, interactive multimedia, animation, computer services, technical writing, and audio engineering. Student centered learning will include problem solving, critical thinking, research, cooperative learning, through project based learning activities. It allows individual and group designed projects, software skill development, and culminates with a capstone project. The capstone project will be designed to simulate the industry work place by requiring the students to work in a team with a client and design a real world project. The content of these two courses will support STEM and Work Place Readiness Skills.Major Evaluative Techniques: Assessment will include checking on-going student work to ensure students adhere to course timelines and assignment completion. In addition, assessment may include tests, projects or other means deemed appropriate. Essential Software: The focus of this course will be the use of Blender to produce a variety of projects. Other game engines will be introduced for integration purposes.Text: noneSoftware: Blender 2.69Teacher Name: Robert TiffanyContact Information:Classroom phone: 243-3462Email: Office Fax: 243-7278Grading Policy: DoDEA Grading Scale:90 – 100:A80 – 89:B70 – 79:C60 – 69:DBelow 60:FClass Assessment:Activity20%Lab Assignments:80%.Final:20% of your overall gradeHomeworkHomework will come from class assignments and lecturesExtra homework may also be given depending on class participation and grades.Late Work Policy:Late work will be accepted for half credit. It will be worth your while to stay on task Grades: Grades will be submitted by the end of the day every Monday. If you have turned in late work, your work will be graded AFTER all other work. Larger assignments may take a bit longer to grade. Please understand that grades will be entered after all assignments are graded.Tutoring/Extra Help:You may schedule with me to come in before/after school, lunchtime, and during seminar for extra help as needed. Please give me 24 hours notice to plan for your time Classroom Management:Student guidelines are provided in the student planner. The following are a few reminders of the guidelines:Responsibility: Everyone is expected to behave in a responsible manner. Seating/Working Assignments:Assignments will be completed at home on your computer/laptop. Seating is your choice until there is a problem, and then you will be moved accordingly.You may request a change at a later date if you desire. Check with the puter Use Agreement – pages 43 and 44. These pages are very important to you while in this classroom. Anyone found in violation of this agreement is subject to suspension, and loss of computer privileges for up to 1 year. It will be very difficult to do your computer assignments in class if you have no use of a computer – this is for ALL of your classes, not just one!Essential Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will:KnowledgeUnderstand the basic principles of how a computer and computer game functionsUnderstand the basic principles of computer gamingUnderstand the basic principles of pre production and story boardingUnderstand the basic principles of ethics and professionalism in today’s computerized gaming industrySkillsIdentify all major components of a computer game and their functions. Demonstrate their competency by building a computer game using Blender.DoDEA workplace readiness skills (13).Abilities and ValuesDeveloped soft skills required for computer gaming design technicians.Exposure to moral and ethical values for the computer business work place. Essential abilities and values from the DoDEA readiness skills emphasis; basic reading, math, writing and communications skills as well as problem solving, computer literacy, work ethics, attendance, positive attitude and participation as a team member. 2013/2014 DoDEA Student Competency RecordGaming Technology ICTI 401 - 18 weeksStudent School Year Grade Term (fall, spring) School Teacher Signature Mastery is a level of performance that indicates a student has demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and abilities for a unit of instruction or subject area as defined by a recognized standard. DoDEA defines mastery as being competent in the task and non-mastery as needing task remediation. As students complete each competency, the student or teacher should assess the student’s level of performance and mark the appropriate column next to the competency. This record should be used to provide information about competencies mastered to employer, student-employee, or another school/teacher.CTI 401Gaming TechnologyMasteryNon-Mastery18 weeksTASKS/COMPETENCIESImplement DoDEA’s CTE Course Requirements and Student Expectations? 001 Demonstrate DoDEA's Workplace Readiness Skills in course activities.??? 001 Student will discuss and sign a computer usage agreement. ??? 001 Students will demonstrate appropriate behaviors and safe practices in a computer lab. ??? 001Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards.??Fundamentals of the computer game industry? 001 Student will apply STEM to real world gaming scenarios.??? 001 Student will explain the history of the gaming technology and its impact on society.??? 001Identify issues relating to this field of study that affect the individual, society and local and global communities.??? 001 Student will identify the social and ethical impact of the gaming technology from the Creator and User perspective.??? 001 Student will identify key principals in gaming industry.??Introduction to Computer Game Design, Game Engines, and Graphical User Interface (GUI) ? 001 Student will successfully identify computer requirements for game engine software.??? 001 Students will identify and differentiate between different types of game engines and the types of games created using that engine.??? 001 Student will demonstrate proper use of the game engine interfaces and menus to be used in their project.??? 001 Student will create and maintain file structures used throughout the game production process.??Blender and the 3D Workspace? 001 Student will create navigate the workspace and become familiar with the panels and screens involved.??? 001 Student will demonstrate how to work with the 3D cursor and Cartesian Coordinates.??? 001Students will demonstrate the use of Blender’s Screens, Scenes and Panels.Creating Objects, Materials and Textures and Utilizing Object Properties? 001 Student will create Objects and demonstrate how to apply Object Properties to them.??? 001 Adding Materials to Objects and use Material Properties??? 001Adding Textures to Objects and use Texture Properties? 001Student will demonstrate how Objects, Materials and Textures interact within the game environmentJoining, ParentingSaving in Blender? 001Student will learn about Blender’s file structure.? 001Student will demonstrate how to save and export in Blender.Generational savesLights and Lighting? 001 Adding lights to your game – theory and practice – types of lighting – direct, indirect, bounce, ….??? 001 Working with lights and lighting properties??Creative lightingCameras? 001 Introducing cameras and camera adjustments??? 001 ??Logic Bricks – the Heart of Blender? 001About Logic Bricks? 001Sensors? 001Controllers? 001ActuatorsIntroduction to PhysicsPhysics and the Physics TabTypes of PhysicsPhysics PropertiesRestarting Your GameCreating a TriggerMaking Platforms MoveAdding and Working with TextAdding textText PropertiesDynamic TextPoint SystemsSetting up your PointsCreating your Heads Up Display H.U.D.MessagingCreating a ShooterAdding and working with Empty ObjectsAnatomy of a shooterIntroducing Sounds and Music? 001 Student will learn to insert Sounds and Music in their project.??? 001 Student will explain how Sounds and Music affect their project??Creating and Filling Holes??????Creating a TrackerSimple Menu SystemPre-production for Final Project? 001 Student will create a game story to be used as their project.??? 001 Student will develop characters to be used in their first game.??? 001 Student will develop storyboard to be used in their first game.??? 001 Student will develop rules and regulations to be used in their first game.??? 001 Student will develop the navigation process to be used in their first game.??? 001 Student will develop world environment to be used in their first game.??Student will identify all resources and blockers for their projectProduction for Final Project? 001 Students will create a computer game using all pre-production elements and design features.??Post Production for Final Project? 001 Student will use peer to peer critique form to identify/recommend changes.??? 001 Student will modify/address recommendations provided by the peer critique form.??Introduction to Game Distribution? 001 Students will identify their target audience.??? 001 Students will identify how the game will be distributed.??? 001 Students will create an advertisement campaign for game distribution. ??? 001 Students will identify the online gaming market that supports their product.??**(Expressions and variables are scripting tools within the game engine that are similar to computer programming languages like C-lite and C++) ................

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