- Legal Aid WA

-95255551805Objecting to confiscationPart 2 – Forms00Objecting to confiscationPart 2 – Forms3045460231711500IntroductionThis is Part 2 of Legal Aid WA’s Objecting to confiscation kit and includes the forms to be used if you have received a freezing notice or freezing order under the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000 (WA) and wish to object to the confiscation of property included in the notice or order. This part also includes the Statutory Declaration form you need to complete and provide to the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) when you receive a freezing notice or order.BEFORE USING THESE FORMS please read Objecting to confiscation – Part 1 – Information kit, which provides important information about freezing notices and freezing orders and the action you need to take when you receive such a notice or order and how to object to the confiscation of your property if it is the subject of such a notice or order. It will help you understand the purpose of each of the forms and how to complete them. Forms included in this PartThe forms included here are based on original Supreme Court forms, however, they have been adapted specifically to be used when objecting to the confiscation of property. If you wish to access the original forms from the Supreme Court, you may contact the Supreme Court Registry and ask for hard copies, or go to the court’s website ( and download the forms.The forms here are in Word format, so you may download and complete them electronically before printing, or you may print the blank forms and complete them by hand. The forms are:Statutory declaration Application to Reduce Fee (Form 2)Originating summons - for objecting to freezing notice (Form 75)Summons - for objecting to freezing order.Copyright and Disclaimer? Legal Aid Western Australia 2024. You may use, copy or share part or all of this resource for non-commercial purposes if you make it clear it was created by Legal Aid WA. For any other use, you must get prior written permission from Legal Aid WA. This resource contains general information about the law. Speak to a lawyer if you need specific legal advice. Legal Aid WA aims to provide accurate information but does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies.WESTERN AUSTRALIAOATHS, AFFIDAVITS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT 2005STATUTORY DECLARATIONI,...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................{name, address and occupation of person making declaration}sincerely declare as follows:-................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................{insert content of the statutory declaration; use numbered paragraphs if content is long}This declaration is true and I know that it is an offence to make a declaration knowing that it is false in a material particular.This declaration is made under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act 2005at.............................................................................{place}on............................................................................{date}in the presence of -................................................................................{Signature of authorised witness}................................................................................................................................................................{Name of authorised witness and qualification as such awitness}by....................................................{Signature of person making thedeclaration}*Important This Declaration must be made before any of the following persons:Academic (post-secondary institution)AccountantArchitectAustralian Consular OfficerAustralian Diplomatic OfficerBailiffBank ManagerChartered secretaryChemistChiropractorCompany auditor or liquidatorCourt officer (magistrate, registrar or clerk)Defence Force officerDentistDoctorElectorate Officer (State – WA only)EngineerIndustrial organisation secretaryInsurance brokerJustice of the Peace (any State)LawyerLocal government CEO or deputy CEOLocal government councillorLoss adjusterMarriage CelebrantMember of Parliament Minister of religionNurseOptometristPatent AttorneyPhysiotherapistPodiatristPolice officerPost Officer managerPsychologistPublic Notary,Public Servant (State or Commonwealth)Real Estate agentSettlement agentSheriff or deputy SheriffSurveyorTeacherTribunal officerVeterinary surgeonOr any person before whom, under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 of the Commonwealth, a Statutory Declaration may be made.Full definitions of these professions are available at: authorised witness for the State of Western Australia may also witness a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration, as long as they are in Western Australia at the time of witnessing {Schedule 2, item 231 of the Commonwealth Statutory Declarations Regulations 1993}.Further information on witnessing documents is available at dotag..auIMPORTANT INFORMATION: as of 1 January 2006 there is no provision forCommissioners for declarations in the State of WA.Form 2APPLICATION TO REDUCE FEEIn the Supreme Court of Western AustraliaNo. of ?2Plaintiff/Appellant*:(*strike out word that is not applicable)Defendant/Respondent*:(*strike out word that is not applicable)Fee type for which request is made:? Application fee?Hearing fee?Transcription fee?Other (please describe below)Concession Card Holder: Yes? No?Pension Concession Card No:______________Health Care Card No:______________Grant of Legal Aid under a legal aid scheme or service?Yes? NoApplicant Details:Full Name:Please indicate your party type:? Individual? EntityAddress:Date of Birth:If you are applying for a fee reduction because of financial hardship or in the interests of justice, please give supporting reasons for your request (attach a separate page if required). If the reasons include financial hardship you must complete the information on the following pages.I certify that the above information and disclosures in this form are true and correct.Applicant’s SignatureDated:*Note: A person who makes a statement or representation in this application that the person knows or has reason to believe is false or misleading in a material particular commits an offence under the Supreme Court (Fees) Regulations?2002 regulation?8B(1).COURT SEALFINANCIAL DETAILS: APPLICANT WHO IS AN INDIVIDUALIf the reasons for application include financial hardship, the following sections of the form must be completed by the applicant if the applicant is an individual.Occupation:Employer:Employer’s Address:Marital Status:? single? married? partner ? de facto? separatedDependants:? dependant wife/husband/partner/de facto_____ (number of) dependant childrenINCOME AND FINANCIAL ASSETS DETAILSIncome / financial assets (net)SelfPartnerTotalWage / salary / benefit$ _______$ _______$ _______Money in financial institution$ _______$ _______$ _______Cash$ _______$ _______$ _______Income from investments$ _______$ _______$ _______Other income$ _______$ _______$ _______Money loaned and to be repaid$ _______$ _______$ _______Total$ _______$ _______$ _______EXPENDITURE DETAILSExpenditureSelfPartnerTotalRent / board$ _______$ _______$ _______Mortgage payment$ _______$ _______$ _______Maintenance for dependants$ _______ $ _______$ _______Food$ _______$ _______$ _______Utilities (gas / electricity)$ _______$ _______$ _______Telephone$ _______$ _______$ _______Water$ _______$ _______$ _______Rates and taxes$ _______$ _______$ _______Court orders$ _______$ _______$ _______Credit card/s$ _______$ _______$ _______Other debts (provide details)______________________$ _______$ _______$ _______Total$ _______$ _______$ _______TOTAL INCOME$ ________TOTAL EXPENDITURE$ _______ASSETSVALUEHouse or other property (provide addresses)$ ______Motor Vehicles (car, utility, motorcycle, truck etc.)1Year: Make: Model: Registration Number: $ ______2Year: Make: Model: Registration Number: $ ______Other assets (provide details)$ _______TOTAL ASSET VALUE$ ______HOME CONTENTS (please complete appropriate box where applicable)Television$ _______DVD player$ _______Computers$ ______Other electronicdevices$ _______Dishwasher$ _______Microwave$ ______Furniture$ _______Collection of coins, stamps etc.$ ________Other collectables$ ________Other assets$ ________Interests in business or company$ _______LIABILITIESTOTALMortgage to:$ _______Other to:$ _______Time to Pay Order:$ _______TOTAL LIABILITIES$ _______FINANCIAL DETAIL: APPLICANT WHO IS NOT AN INDIVIDUALIf the reasons for application include financial hardship, the following sections of the form must be completed by the applicant if the applicant is an entity.Income$ _______Assets$ _______Liabilities$ _______TOTAL$ _______IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CPCA No /20___ IN THE MATTER OF the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000IN THE MATTER OF Freezing Notice WAPFN _______________________________________PlaintiffandTHE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIADefendantORIGINATING SUMMONSDate of Document:Date of Filing:Filed on behalf of:PlaintiffPrepared by:PlaintiffAddress: Tel: Fax: _________________________________ Let the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia attend before the Judge in Chambers at the Supreme Court, Perth, on the ______ day of _______ 20___ at _____ o’clock in the __________ noon on the hearing of an application by the Plaintiff to object to Freezing Notice WAPFN_______________ dated _______________ and any confiscation of property under that Notice.DATED the day of It is intended to serve this originating summons on the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia.This summons was taken out by ______________________, the Plaintiff whose address for service is Postal address: __________________________Telephone: __________________________Note: If the Defendant does not attend personally or by his counsel or solicitor at the time and place abovementioned such order will be made as the Judge may think just and expedient.IN THE SUPREME COURT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA CPCA No / 20___IN THE MATTER OF the Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000IN THE MATTER OF a Freezing Order THE STATE OF WESTERN AUSTRALIAPlaintiffand_________________Defendant SUMMONSDate of Document:Date of Filing:Filed on behalf of:DefendantPrepared by:DefendantAddress: Tel: Fax:_________________________________Let the Plaintiff attend before the Judge in Chambers at the Supreme Court, Perth, on the ______ day of __________ 20___ at _____ o’clock in the _______ noon on the hearing of an application by the Defendant to object to Freezing Order _______________ dated _______________ and any confiscation of property under that Order.DATED the day of It is intended to serve this summons on the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia, solicitors for the Plaintiff.This summons was taken out by ______________________, the Defendant, whose address for service is Postal address: __________________________Telephone: __________________________Note: If a Plaintiff does not attend personally or by his counsel or solicitor at the time and place abovementioned such order will be made as the Judge may think just and expedient. ................

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