Professional Education Coursework (7 credits)

APPLICATIONFor Admission into Health Education MST 4+1For Undergraduate Physical Education Program MajorsOne of the tracks in the Health Education MST graduate program has been specifically designed to meet the needs and interests of undergraduate physical education majors who know early in their undergraduate program that they would like to pursue a graduate degree in health education. The MST Track C program allows selected students to begin meeting health education certification requirements while completing their undergraduate physical education program at Cortland and then move directly into the health education graduate program.PROGRAM COMPONENTSGRADUATE COURSESProfessional Education Coursework (7 credits)EDU 631Curriculum Construction in Health Education(3 credits)EDU 632Seminar in Health Education(3 credits)EDU 664Advanced Field Experience in Health Education(1 credits)Health Coursework (22 hours)orHLH 630or Human Sexuality *HLH 601Research Methods in Health Education-Statistics-Prerequisite(3 credits)HLH 635School Health Program(3 credits)HLH 641Graduate Readings in Health(2 credits)HLH 694 Assessment and Evaluation in Health Education and Health Promotion(3 credits)HLH Health Free Elective(3 credits)HLH Health Free Elective *Student may take both HLH 530 and HI-H 630, but must take at least one of these courses.Culminating Activity (0-6 credits)(3 credits)Oral comprehensive examMaster's project (2-3 credits of project and 27-28 credits of(1 credit )course work)(3 credits)Thesis ( 5-6 credits thesis and 24-25 credits of course work)Note: "Health Free Electives" may be used to meet(6 credits)all of Master's Project or Thesis credit requirements.TotalUNDERGRADUATE 4+1 HEALTH REQUIREMENTS31-36 CreditsHLH Personal and Community Health HI-H 120Responding to Emergencies or(3 credits)HLH 220Safety Education and Emergency Response(2-3 credits)HLH 232NutritionHLH 302Human Sexuality Education or(3 credits)HLH 345Parenting Education(3 credits)HLH 314Mental Health and Counseling(3 credits)2225041678014HLH 509 Drug Education for Teachers (3 credits) HI-H 530 Family Life Education for the Classroom Teacher (3 credits)ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSStudents may apply for MST 4+1 Health Education program after they have been accepted into the physical education undergraduate program, and have finished at least one semester at Cortland and completed 45, but no more than 75 credits. At the point of application to the special 4+1 program, the student must have an undergraduate cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7 in order to be eligible for consideration.In order to be selected for the 4+1 M.S. T. program, students need to successfully complete the designated health education undergraduate courses (see above) and complete their baccalaureate degree with a 2.8 cumulative grade point average. Students who have been accepted into the program and5943604277641704088467095268884847014418412485436232 who have met all requirements will be accepted directly into the M.S. T. program.ADMISSION PROCESApply to the MST 4+1 program after having completed 45-75 credits and achieving at least a cumulative 27 GPA (See attached application plete remaining MST 4+1 undergraduate requirements.During last undergraduate semester, complete an application for admission in the MST 4+1 program. All students meeting the coursework requirements and achieving the necessary 2.8 cumulative GPA (Note: A cumulative GPA of 2.7 is needed for initial entry into the program as an undergraduate, and a 2.8 is needed for admission into the graduate portion of the program.) Note: Effective August 31, 2015 - anyone submitting an application for admission is required to submit scores for either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT).Each semester, the pool of candidates applying for the program will be reviewed by the Health Department. Based on academic performance, essay response and Department resources, the most qualified students will be selected for the program and will be admitted for the next semester. These students will receive a special code which will allow them to register for health major undergraduate course. Students who are not selected for this MST program track as an undergraduate (i.e., MST Track C), may apply for and be admitted into the MST Track A Health Education program after completing their undergraduate program.APPLICATION FOR MST TRACK C 4+1 PROGRAM800099130810NAME133350016636900ID NUMBER192405016382900CAMPUS ADDRESS170497612318900HOME ADDRESS166687617780000CAMPUS PHONE152400121336000HOME PHONE461962617272000NUMBER OF CREDITS THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED183832519304000CUMULATIVE GPA130492520002500SIGNATUREcenter142240DATEAttach the following to your application:1. All undergraduate transcripts (both Cortland and other institutions).2. Your response to the following question (please type):Why are you interested in pursuing a master’s degree in health education? Explain your motivation beyond your interest in increasing marketability and discuss something about your interest in the health area and how teaching in this field would be related to your career goals and aspirations. ................

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