News Release GGO Now Offers Marylanders Grants Training …




February 1, 2010

(410) 260.3909


The Governor’s Grants Office Now Offers Marylanders Grants Training On Demand

Annapolis, Maryland…The nationally recognized Maryland Governor’s Grants Office has begun instituting its workshops in the form of webinars that are then recorded and posted to the What’s New box at grants.. With a grant from Verizon, these webinars are made free of cost to the state, and thus, to viewers interested in learning the best ways to find, win and manage grants.

Governor Martin O’Malley said, “We are fortunate that the nation’s top experts in grants-related fields are willing to present these webinars on a variety of topics. More people have access to this invaluable information, as the recorded webinars become information for Marylanders “on demand.” I congratulate my Grants Office for devising a way to reach thousands of more constituents per training, and saving them time, money and gas, at the same time. And I thank Verizon for stepping up to the plate to help State government help constituents, especially during these difficult times.”

The Director of the Governor’s Grants Office, Eric Brenner said, “We always have offered workshops around the State on a variety of grants topics. Today, by employing webinar technology, we can reach more communities who are actively pursuing creative ways to meet their needs. These webinars allow us to expand the resources we offer, the expert advice that local governments and non profits seek, especially as funds become more difficult to find, and more competitive to win. Overall, the process of applying for grants, particularly Federal grants, can be daunting. We hope to be able to help people better understand the laws and processes involved regarding grants, in order to be successful in winning and managing them for their projects.”

Governor’s Grants Office webinars as of Jan. 29, 2010

Posted in the What’s New box at grants..

The Process for Federal Grants

The Central Contractor Registry (CCR) Process

The D&B D-U-N-S Number in the Federal Government Grant Process

The Foundation Center: Research Private Grants

Web Resources for MD Congressional Staff

Recession-Proof Your Grantwriting

Tracking Where Recovery Dollars Flow

Recovery Act Reporting Requirements



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