Sing Your Style Studio


Showcase Performer


For Questions, please email showcase@

Or feel free to ask your instructor during your scheduled lesson

This packet contains vital information designed to give you an overview of the Showcase process with many of its details. We hope it will answer some questions and stimulate others. Thank you for your interest in participating.

Please understand that as we near the date of each showcase we get an overwhelming amount of emails with questions regarding the showcase, making it difficult for us to reply to everyone in a timely manner. Thus, we have created this packet to help clarify specifics.

Hello Studio Singers,

Sing Your Style Studio is pleased to offer you this invitation to join us. Contained in this packet is vital information regarding Sing Your Style Studio Showcases. The packet contains the following:

Table Of Contents:

o Forward

o Preparing for the Showcase

o Working with your Instructor

o Auditioning and Deadlines

o Showcase Coordinator/Staff Information

o Audition Checklist Sheet

o Judges

o If You Are Selected

o Showcase Host Information

o Sheet Music and Chord Sheets

o Your Bio

o Headshots

o Showcase Participation Fee

o Working with the Band or Pianist/Rehearsing

o Studio Rehearsals

o Background Singers

o Referencing Showcase Music

o Group Number

o Showcase Venue

o Ticket Sales

o Baked Goods

o Film and Photography

o Promotion and Preparation

o Volunteer Work

o Stage Spotlight Preferences/ Plan

o Showcase Code Of Ethics

o Your Showcase Performance

Forms For You To Fill Out, and Hand In with your packet:

o Audition Checklist Sheet

o Showcase Host Information

o Don’t forget to email your bio to showcase@, and include a printed copy with your audition packet.

o Photo/Video Release Form

o General Release Form


Our goal at Sing Your Style Studio is to:

- provide performance opportunities for students by creating paths for our talented singers to realize their full potential.

- utilizing the material created by the showcase to promote and network themselves, if they chose, into the entertainment industry via professional video photography and photo photography captured from their stage performance.

Our showcases create synergies between all styles of music, all ages of performers, in one exciting evening of anticipation. Each showcase proves to be very different. For some, we decide to have themes attached to them. Due to the type of showcases we are offering and the number of participants involved, there may be a necessity to limit the time length of each song. As the showcase program evolves, we will have a better understanding of what specifically will be needed. We reserve the right to make changes we see needed, at any time.

For years we’ve noticed that offering these showcases have assisted to change the way people sing, inspiring individual creativity. In many instances, we have been thanked as students of all ages have mentioned that these showcases have literally served to make dreams come true. Although, we know that the real success is achieved one student at a time, one voice at a time, through personal diligence in private instruction.

There has never quite been a studio organization such as Sing Your Style that reaches to the extremes of what we offer. Through working towards participation in our showcase, we truly come to understand that learning is without end or limits. Our hope is that through this experience, it will help our students grow and learn, to bring forth the beauty and freedom in each student’s voice/performance.

Preparing For The Showcase

Preparation for the Showcase will include choosing a song for your audition, completing your audition & Showcase materials in a timely manner, rehearsing with the band & backup singers, and continuing your vocal instruction to keep your voice in shape. Please understand that there are many options for you to choose in performing your number: utilizing the band, performing with instrumental/karaoke backing track, choosing piano accompaniment only, or accompanying yourself via guitar or piano. You are also welcome to bring in your own accompanist or band already familiar with your song to play with you.

Working With Your Instructor

It is strongly recommended that you work with your instructor, in your lessons, prior to submitting your audition materials. This will increase your chances of having a successful audition! It is also recommended that you print this packet and bring it with you to your lessons; use this time to ask your instructor specific questions you may have regarding the showcase, especially if this is your first.

Auditioning and Deadlines

All materials MUST be turned in by the deadline noted on the enclosed calendar. There are no exceptions to this rule, and any auditions that are turned in after the date will not be accepted. Please do not call/email the front desk asking for special favors regarding materials not prepared on time.

View checklist for specifics on how to submit your music and audition materials. If you turn in an “incomplete packet,” please be understand that it will be placed in an “incomplete” pile, and be among the last auditions to be heard by the judges, if time allows. Please note: Students are welcome to audition with up to three songs. ALL submissions will be due BY the audition date. Following is a list of what is needed, in addition to this packet, for ALL submissions:

1. Your audition CD, cassette tape, or VHS recording of you singing with a backup track.

2. The band needs five copies of the full score of sheet music (usually 3-10 pages long and includes accompaniment).

3. Five copies of a full chord sheet of your song and guitar tab (usually 1 to 2 pages in length).

4. Your professional black and white 8x10 headshot photo, with correct spelling of your full name on the backside.

Showcase Coordinator/Staff Information

The positions of Showcase Coordinator and Informational Staff varies each showcase, as a board is chosen based on a volunteer basis or delegated among instructors. Those coordinating can be contacted by emailing showcase@.

Audition Checklist Form

A checklist for your audition preparation is enclosed at the end of this packet. Please make sure it is printed, filled out, and handed in with your audition materials. This checklist is to help you!


A panel of three judges will evaluate every student’s audition CD that has met all qualifications and deadlines. The panel typically consists of one band member, one teacher associated with SLS, yet teaching outside of our studio, and either someone with a recording studio, or a performing actor. The Studio and its instructors do not have any influence over the final outcome; this is necessary so that the Showcase can be fairly cast.

Audition Results Posting

After the judges have made their decision regarding which students will be in the Showcase, a list will be posted to the student login section of the Sing Your Style Studio website (), as well as an email sent to those that the judges have chosen. This list will be posted to the website within two to three weeks from the audition deadline (please understand that it takes the band time to get together, review songs, and confirm that the chord charts submitted were correct and playable, etc.)

Showcase Host Information

All students who have been selected for the Showcase will need to provide some simple, brief introduction to your number, or something about yourself for the showcase host introducing you. (For a better idea of what we are looking for, think American Idol or other shows) Please print and fill out the simple form in the forms section of this packet to turn along you’re your other audition materials.

Sheet Music and Chord Sheets

Please note that the key of the song is extremely important. The key that you purchase/ sheet music that you submit will be the key that the band plays on the night of the showcase. So, please make sure that it matches the key of your vocal audition submission. If not, the song may be different than you’re used to, making it difficult for you to sing. When ordering music through the music store, you can request what key you want the chord chart and the sheet music to be in. Also, note that the chord chart and the sheet music song keys match! The band will not transpose any sheet music with out an additional fee charged directly to the student.

Both the sheet music and the chord sheet are mandatory because the band needs to learn your songs with the entire score of sheet music prior to the Showcase. They need the chord chart during your performance at the Showcase (they can’t be turning several pages while playing).

A great place for sheet and chord music is The Music Store 2630 West Baseline Road - Mesa, Arizona (480) 831-9691 or (800) 318-9692 and Milano’s Music 38 W. Main Street Mesa, Arizona 85201 480)-827-1111. Online, you can try , , etc. There are some places online that have an extensive database of sheet music and chord charts that can be immediately printed for use upon purchase, opposed to waiting for days to receive your purchase by mail. In store, you can expect to pay about $3.95 per song; purchasing online, you can expect to pay about $4.95.

We will need 5 copies of both your sheet music and chord charts for the band. If you have additional questions regarding the sheet music or chord charts, please ask your instructor for help during your scheduled lesson.

Your Artist Biography

Please write and edit (spell check, etc.) a short bio about yourself that will be placed underneath your headshot on the bio boards, which will be displayed in the lobby. Please complete the following actions:

1. Email it to us (showcase@). Please include first and last name (or your artist pseudonym), and make sure to spell check/edit your information correctly. This is important so that your name does not get misspelled on any of the Showcase information.

2. Include a hard copy with your audition packet.


All students auditioning for the Showcase need to have a professional black and white headshot taken. It doesn’t matter where the headshot is done, as long as it looks professional, is black and white and is an 8 x 10. This photo needs to be handed in with your audition packet.

For those who need a referral, we highly recommend contacting Kathryn (Kathy) Crouse! She does excellent work at capturing the human essence, and has done fantastic work for many of our students. She has very reasonable rates. Her contact information is:

Kathy Crouse

Phone: 480.354.2080

Address: 3010 E. Camellia Drive Gilbert, AZ 85296 (Higley and Ray, next to Joe's Farm Grille in

the Agritopia subdivision)

Showcase Participation Fee

The high costs of renting the performance center, hiring the live band, rehearsal costs, photographer fees, stage hand fees, sound engineer fees, and many other costs unmentioned and several hours of volunteer work, add up to be a considerable amount, when pulling off such a large event. Upon being accepted to perform in the Showcase, it is only fair to be expected of those wishing to participate that they share in a small part of the overall costs for the creation and continuation of this opportunity. A non-refundable showcase participation fee of $50 is expected by each participant (whether utilizing the band or not) within one month of your email acceptance/ notification. Please make your check payable to Sing Your Style Studio and note the participant’s name on the check.

For the studio’s records and accuracy, we prefer that you mail payments to the Gilbert Studio address (below), opposed to handing it directly to your instructor.

The Gilbert Studio Address: 3296 E Fairview St. Gilbert, AZ 85295

Payments may also be accepted via paypal. If you chose this method, please send payment to “payments@singyourstyle,com”

Please understand the overall cost required to pull off an event like this is much greater than the combined total of all participation fees.

If fee payment is not made with in one month, your place in the showcase may be forfeited to another who is willing/able to share in the overall costs.

Working With The Band/Rehearsing

There will be a designated time for you to meet with the band prior to the showcase to prepare your song. Typically we chose the Saturday before the Showcase to be the band rehearsal day, although it is subject to change as each showcase is unique and requirements may differ with time. (The band does a lot of additional work, outside of your rehearsals.) For whatever reason, if you are unable to attend the Band Rehearsal on the day designated, you will forfeit the opportunity to rehearse with the band, as the band is not expected and cannot be asked to make special arrangements to meet the needs of the varying student schedules. If all goes well and as planned, we will have time for a short rehearsal the evening of the showcase, prior to the showcase. (This is not a guarantee! We have always planned a rehearsal prior to showcases, and have learned through time that we can never know what unexpected issues will arise on the day of the showcase that may interfere and cut into rehearsal time prior to the showcase, regardless of how much preplanning is done).

Band rehearsal order will be posted along with the performance order, in the student login area of the Sing Your Style Studio website () under the Showcase link. Please check the website frequently for updates regarding the Band rehearsal. Your time to rehearse will be assigned to you, as it will be following the showcase performance order.

Each participant is designated a ten to fifteen minute slot to rehearse with the band. In most cases, this should give you up to three opportunities to go through your song in its entirety. The more prepared, seasoned performer is comfortable with one or two reviews. The younger performers may need three or four run-throughs.

PLEASE NOTE: Please go in with the understanding that the sound will be slightly different, when played by a live band, than the original artist recording or karaoke track. Do your best to jump in. They are very cool and want to help you however they can. They only want your success.

Be prepared to take charge of your rehearsal. The band wants to know your needs/ feelings/ requests - ask them for what you need while you are in the rehearsal. Please share your feelings with them- they can only help you with what you communicate. IF THERE IS SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH, PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE REHEARSAL TO EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT THE REHEARSAL TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR, AS TIME IS LIMITED. If you wait until after the rehearsal, there is little that your instructor can do to help you. IT IS UP TO YOU TO REQUEST WHAT YOU NEED.

Ex: If the band is playing too fast, ask them to slow down; if they are to slow ask the to speed up; if you feel the band is not following you, and you are being forced to follow the band, ask them to follow you; if you feel that they are not familiar enough with your song, let them know, and ask them to become more familiar with it; if there is an area in your song where you are struggling to hear your pitch, ask them for some additional assistance by playing those notes with you not only in the rehearsal but in the showcase, to ensure your success.

Working With Piano Accompanist

There are some Showcase participants who chose the preference of a live pianist to accompany their work opposed to the band. (If you chose to work with an accompanist rather than the band, please note this on your audition checklist.) Please note that the rehearsal with an accompanist will be at a separate time than the band rehearsals. The Studio will schedule a time for this separate rehearsal. If you need additional rehearsals, there will be a small fee for having the accompanist rehearse with you.


In addition to rehearsing your song in your private voice lessons, early Saturday mornings, from 9-11, have typically been utilized as an ideal time to meet for rehearsals, at the Scottsdale Studio. The parking lot is completely empty as all other businesses are closed on Saturday, which provides the appropriate space needed to resemble that of the large stage.

If you chose to have background vocalists as a part of your number, your instructors will find backgrounders for you and give you their contact info so that you can schedule rehearsals with them. Please know that these rehearsals are your responsibility. Your instructor is not responsible in any way for your personal rehearsals. Performers who have background singers are responsible for contacting, setting up a time to meet, and rehearsing.

Please remember to bring your own CD/song and battery operated CD player for your group rehearsals.

Background Singers

Background singers are required to rehearse with the performer prior to the Showcase. It will be up to you to schedule those practices, and carry them out.

If you are wondering what to wear as a background singer, and your lead singer has not specified, please ask the lead singer. You can also ask advice from your instructor. But to note: black always works well for background singers, although attire will differ greatly depending on the style and choice of song.

Important Note: If you, as a performer, want background singers, then you need to create lyric sheets for the background singers with highlighted notes where you want them to sing, etc. While we may help students arranging for background singers and helping to coordinate the number, you must still contact them to schedule additional rehearsals, and provide any information they might need to perform your song, and know the very background vocal parts to teach it to them in your rehearsals. Create a specific plan for backgrounders physical movement/ performance to be synchronized with vocals. This is a huge area to consider which is often over-looked. (We recommend you your lesson time to ask your instructor to help you come up with a specific plan for staging movement)

Use space provided to list names/ contact numbers for backgrounders your instructor has provided:


Referencing Showcase Music

A great free reference to all of the performer’s songs that you will need access to can be found on

Children’s Group Number

With every Showcase, there is a children’s group number, which will afford more of our younger students the opportunity to perform. Once the group song is selected, and auditions complete, you will be notified of the performance attire, taught the choreography & then given the rehearsal dates & times for you to practice together.

Choreography: The main goal is to be highly involved with movement while singing! BE THE TOTAL PERFORMER. Going overboard with the performance, is the right idea. We are not concerned that everyone is doing identical movement. In fact, it would look better to have a few unique movement differences among the group. Remember, musical theater is a more

relaxed free form of dance, not as strict as serious dancers in its technique. The main goal is to get the general idea and feel for the song, in order to be comfortable enough to sing while dancing, and moving on stage. It might be helpful for some of you to keep this in mind while rehearsing and during the performance; you are playing the role of a character, not the role

yourself, so it’s okay to be cheesy and larger than life. It's as simple as ACTING and playing on stage while having FUN!

Showcase Venue

The Showcase will be held at the Higley Center for the Performing Arts, located at 4132 E. Pecos Rd. Gilbert 85297 (Recker and Pecos are the cross streets). Specific directions & a map are available on the Studio website under student password area… however, it may be easier to do your own search on the internet.

Ticket Sales

Tickets will be available for purchase via PayPal. Once we’ve confirmed your purchase order, your tickets will be set aside and waiting for you to pick up at your next scheduled lesson. If someone outside of the studio wants to purchase tickets, they can purchase via PayPal and we’ll hold their tickets in reserve for them to pick up at Will-Call (evening of the Showcase), or upon special request, if they have included their address, we will mail their tickets to them. We will have tickets available for purchase at least six weeks prior to the Showcase.

To purchase tickets, log onto . Send your total purchase amount to “payments@”. Please specify under payment notes how many adult and/or children tickets are being purchased, so that we can accurately confirm your purchase and set aside your tickets.

Ticket sales are $14 per ticket. Children under 12 years of age can purchase tickets for $12 each. There will be no refunds or exchanges.

All those who are not directly performing in the Showcase will need a ticket to get inside. Seating cannot be guaranteed, so if you know you need a certain number of tickets, you should purchase them in advance. We will not hold any tickets without advance payment. We do not sell tickets based on assigned seating. Seating is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

We are asking that all participating in the showcase to be willing to help promote this event by selling tickets to your family and friends. This allows us to continue providing opportunities such as this for our students’ benefit.

Baked Goods

Where possible the Studio can use assistance by having students and volunteers bring something for the bake sale. Participation in the bake sale is a great way to support the Showcase. There is an option on the audition checklist form asking for those willing to participate to bring something for the sale. All proceeds from the bake sale are deposited into an

account that helps to fund the Showcases.

Film and Photography

Thanks to popular demand, a professional Videographer has been hired to tape & film the entire showcase. Josh Skehan Productions will be creating a DVD of the showcase available for sale to all participants. Additionally, Josh offers a special package to individual participants to do additional development of their particular song. Additional information about this arrangement as well as purchasing of the DVDs can be made by visiting his website:

Any questions regarding purchasing DVDs or filling out forms, you can contact him by email via his website.

Promotion and Preparation

Here are a few ideas for helping to promote the Showcase. Remember, the more people who purchase tickets, will allow us the opportunity to continue holding showcases, the more successful it will be, and the more people will have the opportunity to enjoy your musical number!

We will be sending you an email that includes a printable flyer promoting the showcase. We will ask you to forward this email to all of your friends and family inviting them to come support you by watching your performance. We also ask/encourage you to help us promote these showcases by printing a few copies of the flyer, and hanging them in areas where they will be highly visible (school, work, mall, music stores, grocery stores, etc.).

Volunteer Work

The Showcase is in need of volunteers to help with many different things before, during & after the Showcase. To successfully pull off events as large as this, we ask that every participant in the showcase volunteer in at least one area. Some of the jobs in need are: Door greeters, ticket takers, handing out programs, selling baked goods, seating the audience, setting up and taking down equipment, setting up tables and bio boards in the lobby, assisting the band, running errands, someone to hang signs outside, inside, and on stage, setting up the stage, grabbing the music folders from the band at the end of the showcase, etc. There will be sign up lists at each studio regarding area where volunteer help is needed. We ask that every participant choose and sign up for volunteer work with one area. Specifics will be given to you prior to showcase. Additionally, you can contact the showcase staff at showcase@ with further questions regarding your area to volunteer.

Stage Spotlight Preferences/ Plan

Stage lighting is a flexible tool in the production of performance art. It will assist the mood and tone of your scene, will alter the perception of shapes on stage and can direct the audiences attention to an area onstage, distracting them from another. Harsh red light has a totally different effect than a soft lavender light. Lighting can be used to act as ‘scenery’ for you onstage. A lighting event may trigger or advance your certain actions on stage. Your lighting will be used to “paint the picture” you wish to create.

Sing your Style Studio hires lighting techs for these events. It is our responsibility to specifically communicate with them exactly what we have in mind for each number. This is the student’s responsibility. Instructors are willing and want to help you. Please allow time in your lessons to figure out lighting and stage movement specifics for your number. Things they need to know: color, intensity, pattern, focus of lights desired, would you like them changing- how fast or how frequent, direction of lights, would you like a focus spotlight, would you be requiring a moving spotlight to follow you, etc.

They have requested from us a form for each number that diagrams the overall idea of your performance on stage and how you will be moving. Example: standing or sitting, will you be using a bench, where will you be positioned on stage- stage right, stage left, or center, etc.

If we fail to do this, your number will have little effects, and may seem plain. A copy of your lighting preference plan will also be given to our stagehands, so that they will know if you require a chair/ bench or two, where you would like it placed, if you would like a mic stand, where you would like that placed, or if you prefer to hold the mic in hand.

Showcase Code of Ethics

• Please be reminded that each participant is a member of a team and their actions directly affect all other participants.

• Participants should set an example of professionalism and ethics in all of their public discourse.

•It is unethical to adversely criticize the work of fellow students/teachers as well as to air grievances regarding fellow students to other students/teachers.

•Showcase participants should publically and privately support Sing Your Style Studio- its showcase participants, teachers, staff, band members, etc.

• We prefer, as a courtesy to those rehearsing with the band, that only those performing in the number be in the rehearsal space. All others will be asked to wait in the lobby until that rehearsal is over, when the next group will trade out.

• Background singers will be asked to only attend the rehearsal with the band if the number is learned and ready to go – if additional ‘learning’ is required, please do this at a separate time, as our rehearsal time with the band is extremely limited.

• Audience / Performers will only be permitted to enter / leave the performance space between songs. Please be aware that there are video cameras running, and we need to be as respectful as possible to the performers and the work they’ve done.

• As long as there are seats available, we ask that all performers sit further to the back while they are not performing, as you will be coming in and out. Again, this is to prevent interruption of the videotaping, and to minimize distraction during numbers.

• To limit distractions, please only move around between performances. Please be ready and waiting back stage prior to your number. When using the big theatre, performers will be backstage. When utilizing the smaller theatre, performers will be waiting to the front right side of stage. After your number, you are welcome to return to the back of the auditorium to watch the remaining showcase, but again please be cautious to avoid blocking the video photographers.

• PLEASE turn off ALL Cell Phones, Pagers, PDAs, etc. Also, please refrain from talking during the performances. If you must use your phone, or converse, please leave the auditorium between songs.

We reserve the right to pull anyone from the showcase at anytime for any reason of concern.

Your Showcase Performance

You’ve worked hard, and now it’s time for you to have fun, and enjoy the moment! We can’t wait to see you on stage!

Please sign and return this page:

I, ____________________ , have read and understand everything that the studio has put forth in this packet, including, but not limited to:

-I have read and understand that by participating in the showcase, I am responsible to share in the overall costs of this opportunity. I am expected to pay a non-refundable $50 participation fee (whether utilizing the band or not) within a month of notification of acceptance. If my payment has not been made with in three weeks, my place in the showcase may be forfeited to another who is able to help share in the overall costs.

-I understand that if I am unable to attend the Band Rehearsal on the day designated, I forfeit the opportunity to rehearse with the band, as the band is not expected and cannot be asked to make special arrangements to meet the needs of the varying student schedules.

Student: ________________________________

Guardian (if minor): ______________________

Date: __________________________________

Important Forms

Please print and fill out the following forms, and make sure they are included with your audition materials, by the audition date.

Sing Your Style Studio Audition Checklist / AuditionForm

If you do not know the answer to any of these questions, your teacher can help you fill this out in your lessons (please don’t wait until the last minute to ask them).

Name: ___________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Who do you study with? ______________________________

How long have you studied with them? ___________________

Song Title: _________________________________________

Sung in the style of: __________________________________

Original key of: ______________

Preferred performance in the key of: ____________

Are you performing your original music? (Circle one) YES NO

Would you like the band to back you up? (Circle one) YES NO

Would you like a piano with the band? (Circle one) YES NO

If no band, would you like piano accompaniment? (Circle one) YES NO

If no above, are you accompanying yourself? (Circle one) YES NO

Please provide details: ________________________________

Do you have 5 copies of the full score/sheet music for your performance? (Circle one) YES NO

Did you prepare your music for the band by taping pages together so they turn easily like a

book? (Circle one) YES NO

Is all of your music hole punched and ready to go into the 4 band folders? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you have 5 copies of the chord charts? (Circle one) YES NO

Hint: best way to find chord sheets- Google search “chord charts, song title, by artist name”

Are the 5 chord charts also in book form and hole punched? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you also have guitar tab, for the bands easy use? (Circle one) YES NO

Hint: Best way to find Guitar tab- Google search “guitar tab, song title, artist name”

Is your name, phone number and title of song on the front side of all of your music? (Circle one) YES NO

(this really helps each member of the band while learning your songs, also really helps the night of the Showcase)

Did you check to see that your sheet music matched the key of your song sung by the original artist? Or is it in the preferred key you changed it to? (Circle one) YES NO

Do the keys of your sheet music match the same key of your chord charts? (Circle one) YES NO

Does all the text match up in your original music with the text of your chord chart? (Circle one) YES NO

TIP: The closer your song is to 2 minutes in length the better your chances are in the audition.

If you cut/copy your song to reduce length please make sure you have done the same thing to

all the copies of chord sheets, and sheet music.

Please think carefully, and include any special notes for the band members to be aware of

concerning your song.








Will you need backup singers? (Circle one) YES NO

How many?_____ Male______ Female_______

Are you interested in backing up other artists? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you have your 8x10 black and white headshot with your name on the back? (Circle one) YES NO

Did you include a short bio on yourself to be posted with your headshot? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you have a backup song choice ready to go, with everything included in case something is missing or incomplete with your first choice? (Circle one) YES NO

Are you willing to make and bring something for the Showcase fundraising bake sale the night of the Showcase? (Circle one) YES NO

Are you willing to Volunteer for the showcase in any other capacity? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you have a preferred assignment? (Circle one) YES NO ________________________

Showcase Host Information Form

Email this form to showcase@ by deadline

Name or Pseudonym:

Performance Order: (to be filled in later)

Song Title:

Original Artist:

How would you like to be introduced? Please include a few things regarding your song for the Showcase, or yourself, so that the Showcase host has some information to introduce you with.


Showcase Artist Bio Form

Email this form to showcase@ by deadline

Name or Pseudonym:

Please include whatever information you feel is crucial to post in your Artist Bio on the Bio- boards the evening of the showcase (musical background, musical aspirations, education, interests, etc.)




I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to being photographed or otherwise recorded by Sing Your Style Studio or any of its affiliates, and I also give permission to put the finished photographs, films or videotapes, to any legitimate uses it may deem proper. Furthermore, I hereby relinquish and give Sing Your Style Studio all right, title and interest I may have in the finished pictures, negatives, reproductions, and copies of the original prints and negatives, and further grant Sing Your Style Studio the right to give, sell, transfer, and exhibit the negatives, original prints, copies and facsimiles thereof to any individual , business firm, or publication, or to any of their assignees and to circulate the same for any and all purposes and in any matter, including publications and advertisements of all kinds in media.


I, the undersigned, do hereby further agree and acknowledge that I have not, and will not claim to have, either under this agreement or otherwise, any right, copyright, title, or interest of any kind or nature whatsoever, in and to any program, film, or videotapes taken by Sing Your Style Studio in reference to any present, past, or future Studio Showcases.


I further hereby release Sing Your Style Studio, its associates, successors, agents, licenses, customers and assigns from any and all claims for damages, libel, slander, invasion of the right of privacy, or any other claim based on the use of said material.


This release is made on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and is to be governed by the law of the State of Arizona

Full Name____________________________________

Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________

Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________

               (Signature of Parent or Guardian if Under 18 years of age)

Full Name_____________________________________


Witness_______________________________________ Date _____________


General Release

I, ____________________________________, agree to the terms below.

(Print name)

For good consideration, the undersigned jointly and severally hereby forever release, discharge, acquit, and forgive from any and all claims, actions, suits, demands, agreements, and each of them, if more than one, liabilities, judgments, and proceedings both at law and in equity arising from the beginning of time to the date of these presents and as more particularly related to or arriving from:

Sing Your Style Studio, Showcase, and the Higley Performing Arts Center

This release shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns, and personal representatives.

Signed this __________ day of ___________, 20_____.

In the presence of:

Studio: _________________________________

Student: ________________________________

Guardian (if minor): _______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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