TOP GUN II codename: Airwolf

This story is written by Kendall C. Wright, 2002

This story is based on characters from the Paramount Pictures motion picture TOP GUN copyright 1986 of Paramount and Jerry Bruckheimer/Don Simpson Productions.

This story is also based on characters from the Universal Pictures television series Airwolf copyright 1984 of Universal Pictures and Bellasarius Productions.

Top Gun II

codename: Airwolf

The month and year is November 1990, and America is at war in the Middle East. The hot and bright desert sand is blowing all around the battle areas by the strong fierce winds. Two brothers are in an air combat in attack helicopters. These young boys are very brave men, who have a lot of love and respect for each other. These boys’ parents died years ago in a boating accident, and were raised in foster homes ever since. The youngest brother, who is 21, Stringfellow Hawke, lost his longtime high school sweet heart in a car accident three years prior; the night of their senior prom. The other brother, St. John Hawke (pronounced Sin Jin), who is 24 is the stronger, more sophisticated individual. He is like a father to his younger brother String (Stringfellow). He would give his life to protect String from harm, and he believes String would do the same for him.

String yells, “St. John, St. John, over, I can’t see a fuckin’ thing man, this shit is just too thick, where are you man?” St. John replies, “Don’t worry, I’m right behind you!” String replies, “I need a spot, I need a guide!” St. John replies, “ Don’t worry buddy, just slow down a little and let me get in front of you.” String replies, “Roger that.” An enemy helicopter is coming at String’s chopper from the eastside, and fires. String tilts his helicopter to the side, but his gunman is shot in the legs. String’s Gun man yell’s, “Oh shit, I’ve been hit man, oh God!” The gunman falls forward and looses his balance and falls from the helicopter. String yells, “Man down, we got a man down, St. John, over, I’m going down!” St. John replies, “String no, don’t do that man, he’s probably dead anyway, just stay with me…..” The whole tail and rotor of the back of String’s chopper has been blown off! String yells, “Fuck shit, I’ve been hit, I’m goin’ down!” St. John says to his co-pilot, “Well, that’s it, we’re going down, I got to save my little brother.” The co-pilot says holding a gun to St. John’s head, “Oh no we’re not, I’m not going to die out here just for your pussy little brother.” St. John yell’s, “Fuck you, you sick fuck, he’s all I have left!” The co-pilot cocks the gun, and St. John hears it, and tilt’s his chopper very violently to the east, and the co-pilot falls from the chopper. St. John turns the chopper around and spots his little brother crawling out of the remains of his helicopter. St. John lands the helicopter. In the mean time, St. John’s co-pilot is shot down by enemy ground troop gunfire. St. John runs over to String, and say, “String are you okay man?” String replies, “Yeah, except my leg.” St. John says, “Well, looks like a pretty bad cut, but I think you’ll live, oh shit!” String says, “What?” String looks over to where his brother is looking, and sees enemy troops headed right for them. String says, “Well, looks like we’d better get to the chopper huh?” St. John replies, “We can’t, I was hit in the fuel tank, and now it is completely out of fuel, just go, get out of here, I got ‘em!” String yells, “St. John! No!” St. John grabs a machine gun and says, “Now String, don’t make me shoot you, get out of here, I got these fuckers!” String tries his hardest to run while looking back and crying at the same time. St. John opens fire on the enemy and yells, “Take that you dirty mothers!” The enemy is firing back the whole time. When St. John runs out of ammo, he holds up his weapon. String stops and looks back and sees nothing because the wind blowing sand is too thick for him to see. About 20 minutes pass of walking, and the wind dies down, String sees an American Medical Helicopter, and he is waving it to drop down to pick him up. The helicopter comes down, and the medical team helps him into the chopper. String says out of breath, “St. John, my brother, we have to find him.” The nurse says, “Don’t worry we’ll find him.” String replies, “Thank you miss.” The nurse tells the pilot. Moments later, the pilot tells String some bad news, “Sir, I’m sorry, but I think he’s dead, we aren’t seeing anything.” String says, “No, that can’t be, he has to be down there somewhere!” The pilot replies, “I’m sorry sir.” String starts to weep, “St. John, oh St. John, no!”

Two weeks later, String is sitting up in his bed, and his nurse comes to him and says, “Good morning Mr. Hawke, how are you feeling?” String replies, “Huh! I could be better.” The nurse replies, “I understand, the NAVY, the ARMY and the Air Force did all they could to find your brother but they didn’t have any luck. The doctor says that you are ready to be released as of right now.” String says, “Really?” The nurse replies with a smile, “Yes, I’m going to miss such a nice looking guy like you, and by the way, there is someone waiting out side to see you.” String says, “Who?” The nurse says, “I don’t know.” String says, “Well bring him in.” The nurse says, “No problem, Good bye Mr. Hawke.” String replies, “Bye.” An aging man with gray hair and mustache enters the room wearing a white military shirt, black tie, and dark navy blue pants. He says, “Stringfellow Hawke?” String replies; “Yes sir.” The man holds out his hand and String grips it and they do a hard one small shake. The man replies, “My name is Commander Michael Metcalf.” String replies, “Nice to meet you sir, what brings you here today sir?” The Commander replies, “First of all, I like to say that I’m sorry about your brother.” String replies, “St. John isn’t dead sir, I know.” The Commander replies, “Look Hawke, I’m sorry, but sooner or later, his death is going to be something that you are going to have to come through. I’ve had a lot of people close to me that have died too.” String says, “Sir, but my parents….” The commander replies, “Yes, I know all about your parents, and your girl friend, I’ve read all your files. I also understand that now your brother is dead, and that you are now one of the best pilots in the world. Your brother was number one, but now that he’s gone, you’re number one.” String replies, “What’s that’s supposed to mean?” The commander replies, “Stringfellow Hawke, in 3 months, you’re going to TOP GUN, to fly with the best F-16 pilots in the world. Do you accept?” String replies, “umm…Yes sir, Yes, I’ll go.” The commander says, “good, I’ll be seeing you.” The commander leaves, and String sits up with his feet on the floor, and stands up and takes off his hospital pajama outfit. He puts on his deodorant and goes to the mirror and shaves. He then goes to the closet and grabs his street clothes and puts them on. He has to use the bathroom, but can’t, because it is out of order for some reason. He leaves his room and walks down the busy hospital halls desperately searching for a restroom, but can’t find one. He finds a door, and sees a flight of stairs, he goes down the stairs, and reads a sign that says basement, and says to himself, “hmmm.” He sees a sign that says restrooms pointing to the left. He heads down the left hallway, and sees an overweight man with big curly brown hair wearing a long white doctor’s style of coat. The man is carrying three boxes of pizzas and a can of Mountain Dew. String says, “Umm, excuse me sir, could you tell me where the restroom is?” The man can’t hear him, but String notices that he is wearing ear protection. String follows the man anyway; the man punches in numbers on the wall, some kind of high tech security device. String says to himself, “Neat toy.” The heavy stainless steel door opens. String looks around the big huge room, and sees a very sleek looking high tech helicopter being put together. String looks at the back wall, it reads: Top Secret: AIRWOLF “The Most Advanced Military Weapon Ever.”, he says to himself, “Airwolf?” The helicopter looked like it was about 75% put together. The entire frame and interior was all completed it looked like, and most of the body attachments with painted white primer were on as well. He noticed two big boxes labeled Jet engine on each one. String says, “Holy shit, a stealth helicopter?” He sees a man wearing white as well, with a sewn tag that read Dr. Moffet. The overweight guy in front of String yells, “Hey! Hey Charles, I’m sorry I’m late, but I brought you some left over pizza!” Dr. Moffet yells, “What? Oh, okay, just put it down over there.” The overweight guy trips over a heavy metal pipe on the floor, and the pizza goes flying. The pizza hits an attractive dark complexioned lady’s chest. The lady replies, “Christ Tommy!” Tommy replies, “I’m sorry Marella.” Dr. Moffet says to himself, “Fucking fat ass!” Dr. Moffet looked up and noticed String standing in the back. He turns off the machine that’s causing the very loud noise and says, “Hey, who the hell are you?” String replies, “The name is Hawke sir, Stringfellow Hawke, nice helicopter you got going there. I just wanted to know where the restroom is, that’s all.” Dr. Moffet replied, “Oh what the hell, you can use ours, it’s right over there.” String replies; “Thank you sir.” String comes out a moment later, and leaves the area. Dr. Moffet yells in anger, “Tommy, the next time your fat ass leaves this place, make sure you take your ear muffs off so you can hear if someone is behind you, do you understand?” Tommy shakes his head “yes” very nervously. Dr. Moffet then looks at Marella and yells, “Marella, how many times do I have to tell you to get that fucking sign fixed out side? The restroom is not to the left, but to the right!” Marella replies, “Okay sir, I’ll fix it right away.”

Three months later at String’s 2-story log cabin in the mountains by a lake, String is looking at a picture of him, his brother, and an aging man together and gets interrupted with a phone call. He picks it up, “Yeah?” A mans voice replies, “Hello Stringfellow Hawke?” String replies, “Yeah, that’s right.” The man replies, “Remember me, this is Commander Mike Metcalf, I visited with you at the hospital?” String replies, “yeah, I remember.” The commander replies, “Okay, good, go to the airport tomorrow and give them your name and they’ll put you on a plane.” String says, “Fine with me, I’m just glad it’s tomorrow and not today, cause I gotta get me a trophy before I go.” The commander replies, “A trophy?” String says, “A deer.” The commander says, “Huh, oh, do you hunt?” String says, “Yeah, so I guess I’ll see ya later.” The commander says, “Bye.” String hangs up, and goes to the hat rack, and grabs his camouflaged cap and jacket and puts them on. He then goes to the gun rack and grabs his shotgun and heads out the door.

The next day, the plane arrives at Top Gun. Commander Mike Metcalf and another younger man wearing aviator-sunglasses are outside waiting for him. The Commander shakes String’s hand. The commander says, “Stringfellow Hawke, meet my assistant Top Gun Instructor, Commander Pete Mitchell.” String Commander’s hand. The Commander says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” String replies, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too sir. Looks like we got the same taste in style.” String and Commander Mitchell resemble each other a lot since they both have on the same sunglasses. The Commander says, “I was thinking the same thing, maybe we’re long lost brothers or something. I understand that you’re one hell of a pilot, is that true?” String replies, “Gee sir, I don’t know, we have yet to find out though right?” The Commander says, “Come on, follow us inside.” String says, “Okay sir.” The Commander says, “Commander Metcalf here told me all about you and your brother, and I have to say sir that I am really sorry about your brother. I had a really close friend once that felt like a brother to me die too four years ago.” String says, “Thank you sure.” The Commander says, “I also hear that you like to hunt, is that true?” String replies, “Yeah, that’s part of what I am I guess.” “I like to hunt as well,” added the Commander. Commander Mike Metcalf says, “So Hawke, did you catch that big trophy last night?” String replies, “No sir, it wasn’t a good night for game.” Commander Metcalf and Commander Mitchell both laugh. Commander Mitchell says, “Commander Metcalf will do most of your in class teachings, and I’ll be with you out in the air all the time, okay?” String replies, “Yes Sir.” Commander Mitchell replies, “Okay, let’s get started, my call name is Maverick. You are as of right now, Lieutenant Stringfellow Hawke, so what do you want your call name to be? String replies, “Hawke.” Commander Mitchell replies, “I was hoping you would say that, because that is one tough sounding name. If that was my last name, then by God I’d be using that as my call name too!” String replies, “Before we get started sir, I need to make a quick phone call to an old friend because I couldn’t get a hold of him last night. The Commander replies, “Sure, go right ahead, when you’re done, put on your flight suit, and meet me on the launch pad, we’re gonna do some one on one flying.” String says, “Okay sir.” String looks around the room, and sees a pay phone. He calls his aging friend from the photograph. His friend was his father’s best friend; a Vietnam veteran named Dominic Santini. He now runs a movie stunt company called Santini Air in southern California. Dominic answers the phone, “I’m sorry, but I’m all booked up for the week.” String says, “No, Dom, it’s me, String.” Dominic says, “String! Where in the hell have you been kid, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day today!” String replies, “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you, but I did try to get a hold of you last night.” Dominic replies, “Yeah I know, but I was busy with this new big-budget Jerry Bruckheimer film.” String replies, “Jerry Bruckheimer? Damn, you with the big boys now huh Dominic? Now listen, I don’t want you to be upset for me telling you at the last minute, but I thought that you would feel like I was leaving you or something. I’m at TOP GUN Dom!” Dominic replies, “TOP GUN?” String replies, “Yeah, are you mad?” Dominic replies, “Why hell yes I’m mad, because you didn’t ever tell me before hand.” String replies, “I’m sorry, I just had too much on my mind, about St. John and all.” Dominic says, “I understand, but hey, congratulations kiddo!” String replies, “Thanks. Say Dom, I gotta go, okay.” Dominic replies, “Okay so do I, I think they need me for a helicopter-train stunt, but you be careful okay?” String says, “Okay, you too, bye.” Dominic says, “bye.” A very attractive woman with blond hair approaches String with a flight suit and says, “Stringfellow Hawke?” String is standing with his back turned, and turns around quickly and replies, “Yeah?” She says, “Hi, I’m Charlotte Mitchell, but you can call me Charlie if you want.” String answers, “Nice to meet you, hmm…Let me guess, Maverick’s wife, right?” She replies with a smile, “That’s right, and here is your flight suit, and the boys room is straight down that hall over there, then hook a right, okay?” String replies, “I gotcha.” Charlie answers, “Good bye and good luck.” “Yeah, catch you later”, adds String.

String is now outside on the launch pad, and sees two men waiting for him, Maverick and some tall, thin guy with a receding hairline. “Stringfellow Hawke, meet Lieutenant Gary Brownstone,” says Maverick. “Hi there, my call name is Boomer, so you can call me Boomer, okay?” says Lieutenant Brownstone. String says, “I guess mine is Hawke.” “Mr. Hawke, Boomer will be your co-pilot, so he’ll be there right behind you when ever you need him,” says Maverick. “That’s right,” adds Boomer. String says, “What ever you say Sir.” “Okay, load ‘em up boys,” says Maverick. String and Boomer walk to their F-16 fighter jet, and String notices his name printed on the aircraft, and says to himself; “hmmm…” “What?” asks Boomer. “Oh nothing, saddle up partner,” says String. All three men are in their planes and ready to take off. The two planes take off into the air. Maverick asks, “What’s your speed there Hawke?” “About 400 knots,” replies String. “Oh God, I think I’m getting sick,” says Boomer. “No you’re not, it’s all in your head,” insists String. The two aircraft are flying almost as fast as light, criss-crossing, going up side down, straight down, straight back up, side ways through a narrow canyon, etc. String says, “You know something Boomer, your name reminds me of a song.” Boomer says, “Oh yeah, there’s a song named after Brownstone?” Hawke begins singing, “We been dancin’ with Mr. Brownstone, He’s been knockin’, He won’t leave me alone oh no no oh, He won’t leave me alone…. I used to do a little but a little wouldn’t do, so a little got more and more…” Boomer adds in, “I just tryin’ ta get a little better said a little better than before..” String says, “So you’re a Guns N’ Roses fan too huh?” Boomer says, “Oh they’re okay I guess, I like that Paradise City song though.” They both start singing, “Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty…oh won’t you please take me home…yeah…yeah…” Maverick says, “Oh shit, a couple of head bangers! Okay you guys, enough fun. Hawke, I want you to try and fly straight toward the canyon wall like you are going to hit it, and pull straight up, do you think you can do that?” “Sounds like fun to me Maverick sir.” String speeds up even more, and heads right to the canyon wall. “Oh shit Hawke, we’re gonna die!” “Hold on,” says String. String slams back the stick toward his stomach full force, and the plane shoots straight up, and goes upside down and over the top of Maverick’s aircraft, and slows down to Maverick’s speed. Maverick can now see both men’s faces directly above him. String says, “Boomer, got a Polaroid back there with you?” “Sure thing Hawke,” says Boomer. String says, “Good, take a snap of Mav, and look, he’s giving you the Birdie signal.” Maverick has his middle finger sticking up at String, and Boomer takes a picture. “Who is this guy, my own clone?” says Maverick to himself. String says, “Huh, what was that?” “Oh nothing, just talking to myself,” replies Maverick. “I see,” adds String. “Okay boys, that’s enough for one day, let’s bring these suckers down.” “Okay sir, but first…” “What asks Boomer?” “Nothing,” says String. “Oh God, not the tower,” says Maverick. “Yes the tower,” adds String. “Don’t do it Hawke!” says maverick. String’s fighter jet flies right by the tower, so close that the tower kind of shakes a little. A man in the in the tower is drinking coffee and spills it all over himself, and says, “Oh Shit!” String and Boomer are laughing. “Oh no, it looks like it’s gonna be my ass too!” says Maverick. Both planes land and the men climb out and head back into the Top Gun school. String and Boomer are in the locker room, and Maverick comes in. “Stringfellow Hawke and Gary Brownstone, Commander Mike Metcalf wants a word with you two.” The two men enter the commander’s office moments later, and they both salute the officer. The commander speaks, “I have seen some outstanding flying here today, in fact, the most outstanding flying since Lieutenant Pete Mitchell was a student here back in 1986. Very Good gentlemen, but there is a problem, Don’t you ever fly by the tower like that again, or you two will be history, is that understood?” “Sir! Yes Sir!” reply the two young men. “Good, now get the hell out of here,” says the Commander. The two men leave, and the commander gets on the Intercom, “Maverick, get in here!” Moments later, Maverick enters the room and salutes the Commander. “Let me ask you something, what do you think of Stringfellow Hawke?” “I don’t know sir, he is an excellent pilot sir,” says Maverick. “Do you see yourself when you were his age Maverick?” asks the Commander. “Sir, I don’t know sir, there is a resemblance between us sir.” “Have you ever thought that he may be a clone?” jokes the commander while. “Yes sir, I was thinking the same thing earlier sir. I don’t know why, but I see something really special in him sir,” says Maverick. “I understand, I completely understand,” says the commander.

Two nights later at String’s apartment at TOP GUN, the phone rings. He goes over to pick it up. “Yeah?” asks String. “Hello String, this is Boomer, what are you doing tonight?” “Nothing much, just watching a little TV, that’s about it,” adds String. “Do you feel like goin’ bar hopping tonight and maybe pick up some women?” asks Boomer. “Ha ha, hell, I don’t know, maybe,” adds String. “Good, meet me downstairs in 5 minutes, okay?” says Boomer. “Make it fifteen,” says String. “Yeah sure,” replies Boomer. String shaves and takes a quick shower, and puts on his Top Gun uniform, and goes downstairs, and him and Boomer leave. The bar scene is crowded with government service men and beautiful local women and government women as well. Most of the people there are from TOP GUN. There is a lot of good music, dancing, drinks, and people standing around socializing. String spots Maverick and his beautiful wife, Charlie. Maverick motions him to come over there to them. “Hey buddy, how you doing?” asks Maverick. “Fine Sir,” says String. “Honey, meet Lieutenant…” says Maverick to his wife. “I already have, Stringfellow Hawke, right? How can I forget a name like that.” Charlie shakes String’s hand. She ads, “Glad you’re here, sir.” “Thanks,” says String. Maverick grips String’s shoulder and points out to an attractive intelligent looking brunette woman sitting at the bar. “You see that woman over there, I think she’s lost it man.” “Huh?” mutters String. “She’s lost it, you know, she’s lost that lovin’ feelin’,” says Maverick. “Oh that Loving feeling….She’s lost that loving feeling now it’s gone gone gone…” sings String. “Come on, let’s go, it’s either now or never,” says Maverick. “Oh what the hell,” says String. “Okay, wait right here honey, we’ll be right back,” says Maverick to his wife. “Oh no!” says Charlie shaking her head and smiling. The two men approach the attractive woman, then Maverick walks over to the juke box, and puts in a quarter, then walks back over to Maverick and the woman. The woman stares at the two men nervously. Maverick motions the bartender to come over there. Maverick whispers into the bartender’s ear and the bar tender hands him a microphone from underneath the counter. The song starts playing, and Maverick and String are singing along with the song to the pretty woman and pretty soon every man in the bar including Boomer comes to gather around them. They all start singing, “Oh baby! Baby! I know it! You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’, Oh that Lovin’ Feelin’, You’ve lost that Lovin’ Feelin’ now it’s gone gone gone, Whoa Whoa Ba Boom Ba Boom Whoa!” “Hi there, my name’s Stringfellow Hawke, and yours?” asks String. The young woman’s face is blushing, and she can’t stop laughing. She finally speaks, “You got me there, I’m Gabrielle Ademaur.” “You got a pretty name,” adds String. “Thanks, do you approach every girl like that?” asks Gabrielle. “Nope, I believe you’re the first,” replies String. Maverick pats String on the back, and says, “Good job buddy, I guess I’ll see you later.” “Yeah, sure,” says String to Maverick. “Let me guess, that man set this whole thing up, right?” asks Gabrielle while glancing over at Maverick. “Well, how do you think he got her?” asks String while he points to Maverick’s wife. “Well, I guess it works,” says Gabrielle. “Yeah, I guess so,” says String. “Are you a TOP GUN pilot?” asks Gabrielle. “Yeah, I guess I am,” replies String. “You know, Stringfellow Hawke, that’s a funny name, but I like it, it’s a name you can’t forget,” says Gabrielle “No you sure cant ha ha!” laughs String. “I work at TOP GUN as well,” says Gabrielle. “Oh yeah, doin’ what?” asks String. “I’m head of operations in the computer control center,” says Gabrielle. “Maverick was right, you are a smart woman,” says String. “Not that smart,” laughs Gabrielle. “Heh heh,” laughs String. “Hey, do you want to get out of here?” asks Gabrielle. String says, “Sure, wanna go to my place?” “Okay, that sounds fine with me,” says Gabrielle. “Come on let’s go,” says String. They both leave, and moments later, they are at String’s apartment. They both sit down on the sofa next to each other. String lights a candle. “So do you have any friends or family or anything?” asks Gabrielle. “Well, I got a very close friend at home, his name is Dominic Santini, but now since all of my family is gone, he is my family I guess,” says String. “Oh God, I’m so sorry,” says Gabrielle. “Yeah, well my parents died when I was a kid in an accident,” says String. “Have you ever had a girlfriend?” asks Gabrielle. “I did once, when I was a senior in high school five years ago,” says String. “What happened to her?” asks Gabrielle. “Let’s just say that she is no longer on this earth,” say String. “Well, do you have any brothers or sisters,” asks Gabrielle. “I have a brother, his name is St. John. In Desert Storm, I got picked up and he didn’t. He was never found,” says String. “Maybe he’s…he’s…” says Gabrielle. “No he isn’t dead, St. John is alive, I know it,” says String. String leans over, with his hand rubbing the tears from his eyes, he sniffles. “Hey, Hey, it’s okay, I’m sure you’ll find him some day,” says Gabrielle. String looks up into Gabrielle’s eyes, with his watery red eyes, and their mouths meet each other’s mouths, and they kiss with their arms around each other. “Make love to me,” says Gabrielle. They both stand up, and String leans over to the right to the coffee table and picks up the stereo remote, and press CD 1, Track 10. String had just bought the new Guns N’ Roses albums Use Your Illusion I & II. The song “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses starts to play. They both walk back wards to the bedroom with their arms around each other and still kissing passionately. They slowly remove each other’s clothing, and crawl into the bed, and make strong, passionate love with the bright moonlight shining into the dark room.

The next day, Maverick gets a mysterious phone call at his desk at TOP GUN from a friendly woman named Marella. She tells him to go the airport, hop on a plane and go to Southern California to the FIRM. Maverick does as she instructed and arrives at the FIRM. Dr. Charles Henry Moffet is working on programming Airwolf’s computer systems. He hears the big heavy metal door open, and it’s Maverick. “Well, is she ready yet?” asks Maverick. “Almost,” replies Moffet. “What all can this bird do?” asks Maverick. A man wearing a white suit, white hat, glasses, and a mustache steps forward. “Lieutenant Pete Mitchell, hi I’m Michael Coldsmith Briggs III, I’m head of operations of the FIRM, but you can call me Archangel,” says Archangel. “I have to say, that is one hell of a helicopter you got going there!” The men shake hands. “She sure is, thanks to this man right here,” says Archangel. Archangel signals over to Moffet, and Moffet looks up and has a grin on his face. “Yeah, Dr. Moffet here broke every single law of physics known to man to make this mean piece of machinery,” says Archangel. “I would say so, can’t it climb faster than the speed of sound?” asks Maverick. “Mr. Mitchell, it can do that and a whole lot more,” says Archangel. “Really sir, like what? And please call me Maverick,” says Maverick. “First of all it has an aerodynamic lifting body with a twin turbine driven rotor system, capable of propelling itself to 800 knots. It disengages its rotor system 3.6 seconds after ignition to accede Mach 1+ from sea level to 65,000 feet. It can drop below radar using mountain ranges or canyons until it can accede Mach 1+ so it won’t be radar scanned. She will probably be able to do a hell of a lot more over time, as technology keeps getting better and better. It will take a few more years to get the weapons and defense systems working in proper order, but she is ready to fly. That is why I called you here today,” says Archangel. “Gee Sir, what an honor it is to fly this magnificent beauty,” says Maverick. “The pleasure is all mine, after all, you are known to be the best damn pilot in the world,” adds Archangel. “May I ask you something?” asks Maverick. “Sure,” replies Archangel. “Where does Airwolf get its name?” asks Maverick. “Well that’s easy, it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, in other words, Airwolf fools it’s enemies, it looks like an ordinary helicopter, only a lot prettier, but it’s really not. It is one mean Son of a Bitch,” says Archangel. “Well, let’s see what this mean Son of a Bitch can do, okay?” asks Moffet. Maverick and Moffet climb into Airwolf. Maverick is in the pilot’s seat, Archangel gets in the back in the computer area, and Moffet gets in on the other side in the co-pilot’s seat. “How do you start this thing?” asks Maverick. “Just push that white button at the top there.” Says Moffet. Maverick pushes the button, and all the computers come on, and the propeller starts pumping and spinning, and the helicopter is vibrating from side to side. “How the hell do we get this thing out of the building?” asks String. “See that square looking device above your head?” “Yes Sir,” says Maverick. “Good, now bush the button on that device,” says Moffet. Maverick pushes the button, and the whole roof opens up. Maverick then lifts Airwolf out of the building, and she is now airborne for the first time. “Marella is in the control room. She is recording Airwolf’s moves, and she’ll be instructing you on what to do through Airwolf’s radio-intercom system,” says Dr. Moffet. “Maverick, first fly Airwolf low to the ground, and go around the poles sticking up from the ground at 400 knots,” says Marella. “Do you really think this bird can do this?” asks Maverick to Moffet. “I don’t know, she is Airwolf, and you are the pilot,” says Moffet. Maverick flies Airwolf around the poles at 400 knots perfectly. “Yes! Ha! Ha!” says Maverick. “Good, now Archangel, activate the turbo thrusters on Airwolf’s computer like I showed you earlier today,” says Marella. Archangel replies, “Okay, I got it.” “Good, now Maverick, press the turbo thruster button at the bottom left of Airwolf’s flight control stick,” says Marella. Maverick presses the button, and Airwolf hauls ass, through the canyon. Everybody’s heads are pulled back to the head rests of their bucket seats. “Oh my God, this like Heaven,” says Maverick. Maverick then pulls Airwolf straight up, and then does a loop and comes back down toward the ground, and back up again, then tilts the whole chopper sideways, and flies right under a telephone pole wire at Mach 1+! “Okay guys, that’s enough for one day, Maverick, return Airwolf to base. Maverick, we want you to come here once every six months from here on out to test Airwolf for us, Okay?” asks Marella. “Sure, I’d be more than happy too, just so that you pay for my transportation out here, then there will be no problem at all,” replies Maverick. “Okay good,” says Marella. “We’re also recruiting another TOP GUN employee for Airwolf’s computer systems,” adds Archangel as he steps into the conversation. “Oh really? Who?” asks Maverick. “Mrs. Gabrielle Ademaur,” says Archangel.

Two months later, Stringfellow Hawke graduates from TOP GUN. Commander Metcalf presents a metal to String for being the best pilot of a squad of the world’s best ten young men. “Congratulations Lieutenant Stringfellow Hawke,” says Commander Metcalf. All the students at the ceremony are hooting and hollering. “Oh Hell Yeah!” yells Boomer. String walks over to Maverick. “Congratulations buddy,” says Maverick. “Thank you.” Replies String. “Boy, I sure am going to miss you,” adds Maverick. “Yeah,” replies String. A few hours later, Maverick and Gabrielle are walking on the beach holding hands and kicking sand. “Well what are you going to do now,” asks Gabrielle. “I think I’m going back home to my place for a while and help my friend Dom with Santini Air,” says String. “No, please stay with me, please!” weeps Gabrielle. “Hey, there’s nothing to cry about, you can leave here and stay with me for the rest of your life,” says String. “I’m sorry, I can’t, I just got involved with something the other day, and I can’t go,” says Gabrielle. “What another man?” asks String? “No, nothing like that, it’s something with the government, if I tell anyone about it, I’ll be locked up for the rest of my life,” say Gabrielle. “You know, it’s stuff like that that makes me hate the government,” says String. “My God I’m gonna miss you Gabrielle,” says String. “When are you leaving?” asks Gabrielle. “Tomorrow Morning says,” String. “Why so soon?” asks Gabrielle. “I’m sorry, but I have to get back, I have to. I promise I’ll come back some day, I promise, when Dom and I run out of work, I’ll be back,” says String. Gabrielle grabs String’s head and says, “I love you, forever.” They lock up and kiss as the sun sets by the beach.

Twelve years have gone by, the year is now 2003. Stringfellow Hawke is now 34, and Dominic Santini is now 58 years old. They are both currently working on a stunt for a movie, but they can’t seem to get it right. “You know something, I’m tired of this shit, no matter how good I do, you don’t like it. In this day in age, why can’t you just do the stupid stunts on the damn computer?” says String to the director, Michael Bay. “That sounds fine with me, well it looks like we don’t need you and your old friend Mr. Santini’s help anymore now do we?” asks the director “Come on Dom, let’s get the hell out of here,” says String. “String, what the hell are you doing, are you crazy?” asks Dominic. “Relax Dominic, Hollywood isn’t what it used to be, all it is now is just a bunch of stupid bull shit, all it is is just greed. Come on, let’s go home,” says String.

It’s a beautiful afternoon, and String and Dominic are laughing and telling old stories and jokes while fishing in a little boat in String’s lake by the his log cabin. String’s cell phone rings. “Yeah?” asks String. “Hello, Stringfellow Hawke?” asks the man. String recognized the voice, it was Maverick. “Maverick, how are you doing, it’s been a long time,” says String. Maverick says, “Indeed it has. I was wondering if you could come back to Top Gun and be an instructor?” “What happened to Commander Metcalf?” asks String. “That’s the problem, he retired yesterday,” says Maverick. “I see, yeah sure, why not, me and Dom seem like we’re out of business these days anyway,” says String. “Okay, good, there will be a plane waiting for you tomorrow at the airport at 11:00 a.m.,” says Maverick. “Okay, later Mav,” says String. “Who was that?” asks Dominic. “That was maverick, he wants me to go back to TOP GUN and be an assistant Instructor,” says String. “You mean you’re going to be leaving me again?” asks Dominic. “Yeah, just until they can find a replacement,” says String. “Okay, I sure hope you come back as soon as possible though,” says Dominic. “Don’t worry Dom, I won’t let you down. Hey, I think I got something!” “Really?” asks Dominic. String stands up and reels in a great big catfish. “Whoo hoo! She’s a beauty String!” exclaims Dominic. “Yeah, she sure is,” says String.

“Okay, listen up class, I want you to meet your new TOP GUN assistant instructor, Commander Stringfellow Hawke, and his call name is Hawke” says Maverick. “Hi there, how are you young men doing today?” “Fine Sir,” replies the class. “Okay class, go to the locker and get changed into your flight gear, it’s time for a little flying lesson. Everybody be ready and out on the launch pad in 15 minutes, and that’s an order,” says String. The class leaves and it’s just String and Maverick. “I’ve been needing to ask you something Maverick, what ever happened to Gabrielle?” asks String. “String, 12 years ago, right after you left, Gabrielle shipped off to a Top Secret government agency in southern California,” says Maverick. “Southern California, that’s where I live. Why didn’t she tell me?” asks String. “Listen, I know how you feel String, but if she told you anything, she probably would’ve gotten killed. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true,” says Maverick. “How do you know?” asks String. “Look, I know this is hard to swallow, but I know because I’m involved. Come on, let’s go to the launch pad,” says Maverick. All the men at the launch pad are in their flight gear, and climb into their F-17 fighter jets for a super realistic air combat simulation sequence.

The next day at the Firm after another test flight of Airwolf, Maverick is in restroom, and flips the light switch, but the light bulb burns out. “Damn bulb!” says Maverick to himself. Outside the bathroom, Moffet looks to the floor right underneath the bathroom door to see if a light was on or not. Maverick sits on the toilet to take a shit, and he hears Dr. Moffet talking to someone outside the bathroom. The other man talking has an accent. Maverick frowns when hears the man’s accent. Outside the bathroom, it is clear that Moffet is talking to a man of Middle Eastern descent. “In just a couple of weeks, we are going to take over the world, starting with this country you’re standing on right now. Come on let’s go some place else to talk,” says Moffet. “Yes Dr. sir,” says the Middle Eastern man. “That son of a bitch!” exclaims Maverick quietly to himself. Maverick stands up from the toilet, pulls up his jeans and goes over to the sink and washes his hands. He stands by the door and hesitates to open it in fear that Moffet is still outside. Maverick walks out of the bathroom, and sees Moffet and the Middle Eastern guy walking north. Moffet turns around in shock and says, “Oh hi, there you are, I was looking all over for you.” “Yeah, I bet you were. Who is that guy?” asks Maverick. “Who, this guy? Oh, he’s just lost, that’s all,” replies Moffet shakingly. “Oh, I see,” says Maverick. “How the hell did he get through all the high-tech security?” asks Maverick to himself. “Tonight, that man is heading on a plane at 8:00 p.m. to go back to TOP GUN where he works, follow him, and kill him, understand?” asks Moffet as he whispers into the man’s ear. The man nods.

Two days later, after one exciting flight, all the men’s planes at TOP GUN head back to base. Maverick and String come in behind the boys to make sure all of them land safely. Maverick and String get out of their aircraft. All of a sudden, there is a man in a far away distance with his back visible with a gun with a silencer. The gun’s scope is pointed right at Maverick’s left chest. He pulls the trigger, and Maverick hits the ground. String turns around and runs toward Maverick. “No!!!! Maverick!!!! It’s gonna be okay man, come on stay with me Mav!” says String. “I’m dying. I’ve been shot in my heart,” says Maverick. “Look Mav, just tell me where Gabrielle is and what she’s doing, okay?” asks String. “Gab, Gab, Gabrielle is, is um working on a Top Secret project, it’s, it’s, a helicopter. It’s called Airwolf. The inventor’s name is, is Moffet, he, he’s crazy, I, I think he is responsible for this. Just find him and, and kill him, please, he can’t be…….”, says Maverick, in his last words. “No! Maverick!” yells String as he weeps. Maverick passes away in String’s arms. String thinks to himself, “Hmm, Moffet, Airwolf…” He then remembers Airwolf and Moffet from almost 13 years ago.

“We gather here today on March 11, 2003, at this military funeral of a very loved and respected TOP GUN pilot, Commander Pete Mitchell, also known as Maverick, who was not only a pilot, but a husband and a father as well. His father was a pilot who went down in combat as well. Mr. Mitchell now lives in peace with his father and best friend, Lieutenant Nick Bradshaw, also known as Goose,” says the Priest. After the final prayer, Marines fire shots into the air, and an American Flag is laid to rest over Maverick’s casket. Maverick’s widow, Charlotte Mitchell, and Goose’s widow, Carole Bradshaw, and both men’s teenage and pre-teenage boys are there as well. Standing next to them is the retired Commander Mike Metcalf, Stinger, and Stringfellow Hawke. Iceman is there too, even though String hasn’t met him yet. “Why is it that all the good men have to die so young?” asks Carole Bradshaw while crying in sorrow to Maverick’s widow. “I don’t know, I just don’t know,” says Charlotte weeping. Both women hug each other while sobbing. Stringfellow Hawke shakes hands and puts his arm around people to show sorrow and leaves.

The next day, Stringfellow Hawke resigns from TOP GUN. He makes a speech to all of his fellow flight students and officers. “I’m sorry, but under the circumstances and my personal life, I believe this is the right thing to do. I really enjoyed teaching and flying with all of you young gentlemen very much. I’d like to now present to you, your new TOP GUN instructor, Commander Thomas Kazanski,” says String. A tall semi-built blonde headed man steps up to the podium. “Hi there, I’m Commander Tom Kazanski, and my call name is Iceman, and what an honor it is to be here today,” says Iceman. String leaves and heads to the airport.

The next day String is back at his cabin with his old friend, Dominic Santini. “Dom, I’m afraid I got some bad news for you,” says String. “Well, I’m happy to see you too, String,” says Dominic. “No listen to me, Maverick was killed by a sniper. Three days ago was his funeral. When I was in the hospital back in 1990 in Desert Storm, I saw something real strange. I saw some kind of a stealth helicopter being put together. I saw the name Airwolf, it’s been in my head ever since. It’s powered by two jet engines,” says String. “No way, that’s impossible,” says Dominic. “Obviously it’s not, then why are people being killed?” asks String. “I see your point, but over some damn helicopter?” asks Dominic. “Exactly, I believe this Moffet guy is going to use Airwolf to take over the whole damn world, and the government is too fucking stupid to see that!” adds String. “Oh My God”, says Dominic. String’s wide screen TV hanging up on the wall automatically comes on. It is a close up of an aging man with gray hair, mustache, glasses, and wearing all white sitting in a very fancy hi-tech office. “Stringfellow Hawke, how are you doing, and yes, I can see you too. I need you to come to the FIRM immediately, we lost our head pilot, Commander Pete Mitchell a few days ago, and I understand that you are now probably the best F-17 Fighter pilot in the world?” asks the man. “I don’t know, maybe,” replies String. “My name is Michael Cold Smith Briggs III, but you can call me Archangel. Is that man standing there with you somebody I can trust?” asks Archangel. “Who Dom, why yes sir, you can trust him with all your heart,” says String. “Okay good, that just makes things faster then. In two weeks, the Senator is coming to see our prototype helicopter, Airwolf. We believe Airwolf will be all ready for show when the senator gets here, because we need your help. Dr. Charles Henry Moffet will need your help in getting Airwolf ready when the time comes. In case you didn’t know, Airwolf is state of the art, and quite possibly has broken every law of physics know to man. Just watch these clips of Airwolf in action, and you’ll get idea. String watches all the clips of Airwolf for 5 minutes, he sees Maverick flying Airwolf, along with two other crewmembers, he watches it fly at Mach 1+ just inches above the ground, etc. He also watches how Airwolf’s body and paint had changed from just plan white to being super slick and shiny black over the top and sides, and white on the bottom sides and underneath. “So what do you think Hawke?” asks Archangel. “I think I get the picture,” says Hawke. “Good, I’ll see you in an hour,” says Archangel. “No, don’t go String, please!” begs Dominic. “I’m sorry Dom, but I have to get Gabrielle, find out about this Moffet guy, and maybe, just maybe learn something about St. John,” says String. “Oh String, you’ve always were so damn hard headed, but why?” asks Dominic. “You would be too if you were me Dom,” says String. “I’ll be back in two weeks, I promise, I always come back. It’s always my close friends, family, and lovers that don’t,” says String. “Good bye String, and you be careful,” says Dom. “Yeah, you too Dom,” says String. String gets into his garage and into his Hummer and backs out the drive, and Dominic stands outside and watches him drive away.

String is now at the FIRM, and Archangel is leading him into where Airwolf’s location. “Stringfellow Hawke, meet Dr. Charles Henry Moffet, the genius behind this magnificent machine,” says Archangel. String looks at Moffet and Moffet looks at String shockingly. “I uh, believe we already met,” replies String. “How is that possible?” asks Archangel. “He had to use the restroom, it’s a long story,” says Moffet. “I see. Come on Hawke, let me introduce you to my personal assistant, Marella” says Archangel. They both walk over to a beautiful dark complexioned lady wearing all white like Archangel. “Marella, meet Stringfellow Hawke,” says Archangel. “I believe I have, 13 years ago, you’re that good looking man that had to use the restroom, right?” asks Marella. “Yeah,” laughs String. Archangel laughs too. “Come on Hawke, lets see how you fly this thing,” says Archangel. “Yes sir,” replies String. Two weeks have now came and gone, String now knows everything about Airwolf and what it can do. He still hasn’t found Gabrielle, and is too afraid to ask about her. Dr. Moffet and Marella both remembered String from 13 years ago when he asked for the bathroom. Airwolf is now ready for the test for the senator. “Airwolf, Redstar control, you have a go,” says a man’s voice in the computer room. “All right Hawke, are you ready, this isn’t a simulation anymore, those guns out there real,” says Marella. “Lady, I’m more ready than ever,” says String. Ten F-17s are coming right at Airwolf firing at String with missles. “Okay Tommy, give me sunbursts,” says String. String hits the flight stick trigger, and the sunbursts destroy all the missles coming at Airwolf in all directions. “I think we’re being radar scanned,” says Moffet. String pulls the stick back and goes straight up and does a back wards loop, and dives straight into the canyon. “Damn, I didn’t know a helicopter could do one,” said Dr. Moffet. “Yeah well, it looks like Airwolf can,” says String. “Okay, now lets show the Senator how the terrorist’s scanner works, okay Tommy?” asks Marella. “You bet,” said Tommy. The terrorist scanner scans a famous terrorist’s face that the guards have a hold of at the Red Star control for the demonstration. The Terrorist’s face shows up on the Red Star Control’s computer from Airwolf’s computer and also stating where his current location is at, which is the Red Star Control. “Wow, that’s amazing, congratulations gentlemen!” says the Senator. “And the show isn’t even over yet,” adds Marella. “It is now,” says Dr. Moffet. “Huh?” ask Marella and Archangel. Dr. Moffet takes a gun and points it at Tommy and says, “You know, I never liked your fat ass, cause you’re a worthless piece of shit,” says Moffet. Tommy gets really nervous and starts shaking, and Moffet shoots him right in the head. “Now wait just a minute here, what the fuck?” asks String angrily. “Shut up, land her and get the Hell out, I’m letting you go, because I like you, so don’t make me kill you. Oh, and by the way, I know where St. John is,” says Moffet. String gets out and takes off running. Moffet lifts Airwolf back up and hovers it in front of the Red Star Control. All the people stare in horror then run as Moffet lets out every kind of weapon Airwolf has onto the Red Star Control at the FIRM. He then launches rockets into the building and blows it all to hell. String runs all the way around the building, and sees a familiar woman heading towards the building. She notices who he is, and starts yelling, “String, Oh my God, String! I’m so sorry! “Come on Gabrielle, there’s no time for that, we gotta get the hell out of here!” yells String. They both get into a chopper, and String notices that Airwolf is no longer in site, and knows that it is probably long gone.

String and Gabrielle both arrive at the cabin, and tell Dominic their story, and how Moffet said he knew where St. John is. String told Gabrielle that he knew about Airwolf way back to its birth 13 years ago. He tells her that he can stay at his cabin, and once he learned of Moffet’s location, he and Dominic were going after him and kill him before he takes over the world with that damn helicopter. Hawke even told Gabrielle about Maverick’s death.

Three months have gone buy, one evening when String, Gabrielle, and Dominic were all relaxing in the family room by the fire place, String’s wide screen TV comes on. Archangel comes on the screen but there is something different about him, he has a black patch over one of his glasses lenses. “Hello Hawke, I got a mission for you. I found Dr. Charles Henry Moffet’s location, its in Libya,” says Archangel. “I thought you were dead,” says String. “No, just my left eye is dead, that’s all. Listen, I need you to go come to the firm and get on an F-17, go to Libya, get back Airwolf, and terminate Dr. Moffet,” says Archangel. “Why can’t I just blow it up instead of stealing it?” asks String. “Listen Hawke, when Moffet blew up the FIRM, we lost all of Airwolf’s information, so it is impossible to build another one. Besides, I’m paying you 10 million dollars to do it,” says Archangel. “I don’t want your money, I want St. John,” says String. “Hawke, listen to me, St. John has been gone for 13 years, the chances of him being alive are next to nothing,” says Archangel. “Oh yeah, Moffet said he knew where he is. Now look, I’ll do the mission, but I believe a man’s life is more important than money or some damn helicopter. I’ll only do the mission under one circumstance,” says String. “Oh yeah, what’s that,” asks Archangel. “When I find Airwolf, I get to keep it in my possession until St. John is either found alive or dead, do you understand? I will use Airwolf to fly missions for you and your FIRM until he is found. Do we have an agreement?” asks String. “Deal”, says Archangel. “Hey, hey now, do I get to go too this time?” asks Dominic. “I don’t know Dom, I’ll leave that up to Archangel,” says String. “Sure you can go Dominic, but please be careful, okay?” says Archangel. “Hey, I was a Vietnam fighter pilot now,” says Dom. “Okay, I want you two to meet me at the FIRM at 5:00 in the morning, okay?” asks Archangel. The TV now shuts off. Gabrielle hugs String and says, “Please be careful and please come back to me safely, I’ll be here waiting for you, okay?” String does nothing but looks and her, and grips her tightly with all his heart. She looks into his eyes full of lustful sexual desire. “Please make love to me tonight. It could be the last night I’ll ever see you again,” says Gabrielle. “Don’t say that baby, I always come back, I promise. It’s you who wouldn’t,” says String. “Oh String,” says Gabrielle as she rests her head on his shoulder. String picks her up and walks her up to the upstairs master bedroom as she puts her hands on his cheeks and they begin kissing passionately. Dominic looks at the couple in a strange way. “Well, I guess I’ll see you kids later, I’m going to go get some sleep. Don’t you kids fool around all night now, String and I got a hell of a day ahead of us,” says Dominic. String laughs while shaking his head. “Don’t worry Dom, I’m always ready,” says String.

String leans over the bed and kisses Gabrielle on the cheek as she’s sleeping like a baby. “Don’t worry baby, I just hope that you’re here when I get back. I love you,” says String. String walks over to the doorway and stands there and stares at the sleeping beauty one last time before he leaves. He has eyes water up and then he steps out. String and Dominic drive out the drive in String’s Hummer. String’s small 16 x 9 shape widescreen LCD screen on his DVD radio comes on. It’s Archangel. “Come on you guys, you’re going to have to hurry,” says Archangel. “We’re just ten minutes away,” hurdles String. “I have a map of the American Embassy near Libya here waiting for you. They will assist you in a 2-man submarine and weapons. You will use the submarine to get to Kahdafi Island through the Mediterranean Sea. No one from the embassy will be assisting you through this mission because we are not about to start another war. I have a special Airwolf locator device here for you and a fueled F-17 fighter jet as well. Is all of this clear?” asks Archangel. “Yes Sir,” reply String and Dominic. String and Dominic spot land underneath the sea in their submarine. They use the sub’s telescope to see if there is a palace up above, and sure enough there is. “Well, it looks like we found it Dom, let’s get out of this sub and find a way in,” says String. “Sure thing String,” says Dominic. They both climb out of the submarine and walk onto the sandy shore and remove their dry suits. String goes around the island a little ways, and finds an iron lid on the stone wall. “Hey Dom, I think I found something!” yells String. Dominic rushes over to him. “Help me get this thing off of here,” says String. The two men pull and pull, and finally free it open. They both notice a tunnel. “Hey Dom, do you think you can crawl in here?” asks String. “Gee, I don’t know String, why, because you think I’m too damn old?” asks Dominic. “Now Dom, did I say that?” asks String. “No, but you sure make me feel like that,” says Dominic. “No you make yourself feel like that. Why don’t you go in first then?” asks String. “Really, can I?” asks Dominic. “Yeah, sure,” says String.

Mean while, a small, but very fast desert camouflaged helicopter arrives at String’s Log cabin. Men dressed in black with ski masks jump from the chopper and enter the cabin with machine guns. A voice alarm goes off, “Intruder alert, intruder alert!” Gabrielle wakes up and screams. The gunmen point their guns at her while one of them knocks her out by smacking her across her head.

String and Dom have been walking through tunnels and crawling under pipes and big metal fans for the last 20 minutes. String spots a ladder with his flashlight. “Hey Dom, I found a ladder,” says String. “What’s that beeping sound?” asks Dominic. “I don’t know, I think it’s that computer device Archangel gave me,” says String. String looks at the device, and his eyes widen with excitement. “Dom, it’s Airwolf, it’s up here!” says String. They both climb up, and String feels a heavy iron lid directly above his head. He pushes up, and he sees Airwolf’s bottom sitting directly above his head. He also notices a trap door leading up into Airwolf’s interior. “Come on Dom, we're going up very quietly, okay?” asks String. String gets the trap door open and goes up into Airwolf as Dominic follows closely behind.

Meanwhile, a small desert-camouflaged helicopter arrives at the top of Kahdafi’s Palace on a helicopter-landing base. Out come four men dressed in black holding machine-guns, and Gabrielle with a black bandanna tied around her eyes and nose so she can’t see. They lead her down to a dungeon and they lock her up.

String and Dominic are inside of Airwolf. There are men holding AK-47 machine guns standing all around Airwolf. “You know something Dom, I’ve been thinking, how come Moffet hasn’t just taken Airwolf already and start blowing things up? He’s kept it here for 3 months and hasn’t done anything with it. I think that son of bitch is up to something, says String.” “I don’t know String, I just don’t know,” says Dominic. “Hey, I wonder if Moffet is even here right now. Check Airwolf’s computer by typing in Terrorist locator and hit enter. Then type in Dr. Charles Henry Moffet, then hit enter again,” says String. “Hey I got something String! There’s a big desert-camo painted helicopter heading over the Atlantic blowing things up, it looks like American F-14 landing ships!” says Dominic. “Let me see, fuck! I knew he was up to something, damn it! Another Airwolf, only a different color, how the hell are we gonna get past that? Dom, hit that spin button back there, it’s right in front of your nose, By the way, those were F-17s not F-14s,” says String. “You got it kiddo,” says Dominic. “Okay Dom, I’m starting the engine. Now put Airwolf into weapons to combat mode, just above your right eye brow,” says String. Airwolf engine starts, and it spins around and around, while shooting gun fire all over the guards. “Holy Shit!” yell some of the guards. All the guards in the dark room drop like flies. String opens up the base above them and flies Airwolf out into the Libyan daylight.

Meanwhile, Gabrielle is locked up in her cell, and she keeps staring at this mysterious man with long brown hair and beard. She realizes the man looks familiar. He appears really dirty, and is about in his mid to late 30s. She then recognized his face as the one from Strings photograph at his cabin. “St. John?” she asks. The man looks at her with a strange look on his face underneath that long mane of hair. “St. John Hawke? Are you Stringfellow Hawke’s brother?” asks Gabrielle. The man is trying to talk. He probably hasn’t spoken in years. “Yyyyeessss. Iiii am.” The man clears his throat and spits on to the dirty concrete floor. The guard hears the two’s conversation, and grabs his cell phone and calls some one. “Hey, I think we might have a problem down here. I believe this man down here needs to be moved to another location at once,” says the man. “String always knew that you were alive, but some people had their doubts, even me,” says Gabrielle. “Shut up Bitch! Shut the hell up!” yells the guard. The guard goes in to her cell, and starts backhanding her over and over again across her face. “Hey leave her alone you son of bitch! Why don’t you come and hit me like that!” yells St. John. Gabrielle is knocked out cold, and three more guards enter the room. They move St. John from his cell, and are beating him the whole time. “We got a problem sir, Airwolf has been stolen!” says one of the guards to another guard. “Oh shit, how the hell did that happen, Shit!” yells the other guard. The guard that answered grabs his gun and shoots the guard that said Airwolf was stolen in the head.

Meanwhile, at the 2003 TOP GUN graduation ceremony, Iceman makes a speech to the men at the microphone. “Gentlemen, listen up, we got a crisis situation here out on the Atlantic Ocean. An unidentified aircraft is heading right into our country; it is blowing the hell out of ships and aircraft carriers. Gentlemen, this is what you have been trained for, now lets go!” All the men yell, “Yeah! Lets go!” The men take off running. Moments later the planes head over the Atlantic Ocean. In the control room, Iceman, Stinger, and another man is staring at the hi-tech computer radar system. “Holy shit!” yells Stinger. “What? Oh my God! It’s a helicopter, but how?” asks Iceman. “You got me,” says Stinger. Iceman looks over at the other man. “Slider, if this mission goes down, you and I are going in, okay?” asks Iceman. “I don’t know, I got an awful feeling about this one,” says Slider. “I was in the CIA the last fifteen years, and I can already tell that this is going to be something really dirty,” quotes Iceman.

Meanwhile, String and Dominic are flying Airwolf and blowing up enemy aircraft, one right after another. They get a message from Archangel. Archangel appears on a 16x9 shape wide screen monitor (a very small one) in the middle of the front dash of Airwolf. “Congratulations boys, you all got Airwolf. The mission isn’t over yet. Gabrielle was kidnapped last night String from your home by terrorists working for Moffet. Moffet also built another Airwolf and is using it to kill Americans out on the Atlantic. I believe he is going to take over the world starting with our country first,” says Archangel. “I already knew about the other Airwolf, but Gabrielle?” asks String. “Oh no,” says Dominic. “Dom, we’re going back, and I need you to stay in Airwolf while I go find Gabrielle,” says String. “Hey, I got her location right here!” yells Dominic. “Great, let’s land her down,” says String. They land Airwolf on top of Gabrielle’s location. “Give me one of those guns back there Dom, I got business to take care of,” says String. String jumps out of Airwolf and finds the stairway leading down to the dungeon, and shoots the only guard down there. “String, oh String! How did you know?” asks Gabrielle. “Archangel, come on lets go,” says String “St. John, I saw St. John!” says Gabrielle. “Huh, come on let’s go,” says String. They climb into Airwolf, and String puts on his helmet. “Dom, I want you up here with me,” says String. Gabrielle puts on an Airwolf helmet as well. “Gabrielle says she spotted St. John here,” says String to Dominic. “Gabrielle, look on the computer on the where abouts of St. John,” says String. String is flying Airwolf all over the island.

Meanwhile, Moffet and his two other men seem to be having a blast killing off Americans over the Atlantic. They are blowing up battle ships, F-17s, and shooting rapid fire all over the men jumping from the exploding ships. “First we’ll nail the Statue of Liberty, then we’ll nail the World Trade Center, then…” says Moffet “Dr. Moffet, our lord, Osama Bin Laden already took care of the World Trade Center,” says Moffet’s co-pilot. “Bin Laden is a fucking pussy, don’t you ever call him your lord again, I’m your lord now. Bin Laden is dead!” yells Moffet as he pulls out his guns and shoots the co-pilot in the shoulder. Oh shit, you shot me, oh fuck!” yells the co-pilot. “That’s right I did, and if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll but a bullet between your eyes next,” says Moffet. The co-pilot looks at Moffet shakingly. “Iceman, Iceman, come in, almost all the guys are dead, this super aircraft appears to be invincible,” says an American fighter pilot. “No shit Froger! Abort, abort! This mission is over, all remaining planes come in at once!” exclaims Iceman. “Oh shit!” yells Slider. “What?” asks Iceman. “Froger has been blown to hell!” says Stinger. “Slider, you and I are going in right now,” says Iceman. “I don’t think so, I got a wife and kid to think about,” says Slider. “Look Slider, if we don’t go out there and terminate this thing, there ain’t going to be a wife or kid for any of us on this God damn planet, now lets go!” yells Iceman in anger. Iceman and Slider head out over the Atlantic as the only two remaining planes come in.

“I’m not seeing anything, there is no sign of your brother any where String,” says Gabrielle. “Damn it, he’ probably long gone, we got to get to the Atlantic and kill Moffet. Gabrielle, activate the turbos in Mach 3+ mode,” says String. “Mach 3+? String, that’s never been done before, are you sure you can handle it?” asks Gabrielle. “I don’t care, just do it!” yells String. “Turbos activated,” says Gabrielle. “Everyone hold on, this ain’t gonna be fun!” yells String. String hits the turbo button. Airwolf hauls some major ass, it’s going so fast that all three’s heads are cemented to the headrests of their seats. Airwolf arrives at the Atlantic Ocean and spots the other Airwolf in 10 seconds flat. It is a very sad site, American marines are in the ocean drowning, a lot of them are dead, and bodies are floating all over the waters. The ones that are alive are jumping off of ships. “Oh my God String,” says Dominic. Moffet’s Airwolf quickly spins around and sees String and Dominic. “Give it up Moffet, or I’ll put you in Hell,” says String. “Not today,” says Moffet. Moffet then starts shooting gunfire directly at String and Dominic. String shoots rockets at Moffets, but it does no good. String pulls Airwolf straight up into the air, and hits the turbo button. Moffet chases him.

Moffet then cuts off to the left and heads toward New York City toward the Statue of Liberty. String hits the turbo button. Moffet fires rockets at the Statue of Liberty, String pulls ahead of the launched rockets, and puts sunbursts on them to stop them. String’s Airwolf’s propeller blade accidentally knocks off a blade off the Statue of Liberty’s crown. “Damn he’s a hell of a fighter pilot,” says Moffet in anger. “String, you just busted a blade off of her crown,” says Dominic. “Don’t worry it can be fixed. Say Dom, I was just thinking, I wonder why he was only using machine gun fire on us?” asks String. “I don’t know String, may be he was out of rockets or missiles or something, says Dominic” “That’s impossible, Airwolf broke every law of physics known to man, it has it’s own weapon making system. In other words, when it runs out of ammo, it makes more. There has to be a weak spot,” says String. “You mean like a small hole for just one bullet to go through to blow the whole thing up?” asks Dominic. “Exactly. Gabrielle, check Airwolf’s computer for a weak spot,” says String. “Sure thing honey,” says Gabrielle. String smiles. The high-speed chase continues between the two Airwolfs.

The two Airwolfs continue their chase through out New York City flying at extremely high speeds low to the ground with Moffet in the lead. The helicopters are flying inches above traffic and under stoplights and many cars are being blown over. “String, this is dangerous, we need to get Airwolf out of the city immediately and back out on the Atlantic, because innocent people could be killed,” says Dominic. “I sure as hell hope the son of a bitch follows us,” replies String. The two Airwolfs fly right over a yellow cab in a long line of traffic. “What in the Fuck?” ejaculates the cab driver in absolute astonishment.

At a New York City bar everyone is watching the news on CNN. A female news anchor is reporting live breaking news. “Hi my name is Cindy Williams, and I am reporting a breaking news coverage. It appears that a state of the art Mach 1+ helicopter destroyed everything in it’s path a few moments earlier out on the Atlantic Ocean, blowing up ships aircraft carriers and F-17 fighter jets. Now it is in New York, and it appears that a similar helicopter of a different color finally came to the rescue. We can only sit here and pray that it can defeat it. This could be the worst day of our lives since the September 11, 2001 attacks on this city and the Pentagon in Washington. Since it appears that these two helicopters are invincible, it looks like we’re in for even worse. We now take the coverage over to Washington to hear some words from our president.” A drunken man in the bar starts talking to the bartender. “I’m a pilot, I’m a fighter pilot, but I had to give it up, I had too, me and my buddy Merlin here, I had too,” says the drunk man. “Shut the hell up, or you’re going to have to leave, we heard this stupid TOP GUN story of yours a million times Cougar!” yells the bartender. The two Airwolfs fly at Mach 1+ just inches above the bar’s roof, and it shakes the whole bar. Bottles shake, rattle and fall off the shelves and pictures fall from the walls. “What in the sam Hell?” asks the bartender.

Airwolf is now back over the Atlantic with Moffet on their tail. Iceman spots the two Airwolfs. “People in the black helicopter, please identify yourselves,” says Iceman. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, lets just say that we’re the good guys, okay?” asks String. “Stringfellow Hawke? Is that you?” asks Iceman. “No, it’s the one-armed man, don’t worry we got this son of a bitch, just get the hell out of here before you get hurt sir!” says String. Iceman and Slider pull to the left to turn around. “Gabrielle, you found anything on the weak spot yet?” asks String. “Not yet,” replies Gabrielle. “Try blue print. Type in blue print,” says String. “Okay sir, are you sure you got the son of a bitch?” asks Iceman. “No, I’m not sure, I know I got him,” says String. “Okay Slider, lets move ‘em home,” says Iceman. “Roger,” says Slider. “Okay I think I found something,” says Gabrielle. “Yes! Now bring it up on me and Dom’s screen,” says String. String and Dominic are studying the blue print. “Now look here String. See that pipe coming out of the nose of Airwolf?” asks Dominic. “Yeah,” replies String. “Okay, that pipe as you can see here, it leads directly in to Airwolf’s fuel tank,” says Dominic. “Fuckin’ ‘A’. Okay, everybody hold on,” says String. String closes his visor on his helmet, and flies Airwolf straight up in the air, and does a backwards loop and comes back down, faces Moffet like he’s going to hit him head on. String’s computerized visor focuses in on the target like a magnifying glass. String fires gunfire directly into the target, then does a Mach 1+ in reverse to back away. Moffet’s Airwolf is blown all to Hell. The explosion is so big, that it looks like a nuclear explosion. After the blast clears away, String notices something. He sees Moffet on a parachute down below. “Damnitt! That son of a bitch is still alive! Gabrielle, get that bungee cord ready for me” yells String. “String, what are you doing,” asks Dominic. “Look Dom, that son of a bitch isn’t going live on this planet as long as I’m on it,” adds String. String dives from the helicopter’s trap door toward the water. He gets close to Moffet and grabs ahold of him and takes Moffet’s Airwolf helmet off. “Did you miss me you sick fuck? Now where’s St. John?” “Fuck you,” says Moffet. String has his arm around his head, and starts strangling him. “Wrong answer you sick Bin Laden fuck!” says String in extreme anger. String takes his gun and whacks Moffet over the head; he then takes his knife, and cuts his parachute off and lets Moffet go. Moffet lands on top of a fuel tank that has fallen from an aircraft carrier, while String is bouncing from the bungee cord some 50 feet above the sea. Once String stops bouncing, he signals for Gabrielle to reel him in. Once String gets close to the helicopter, he points his gun down at Moffet who is lying on top of the fuel tank, and shoots at the tank. There is an enormous explosion. “That’s for Maverick, my brother, and every innocent person in this world,” says String. Gabrielle helps String back into the helicopter, and String goes back to the pilot’s seat. “Okay, let’s get the hell out of here,” says String. “Good, because I’m tired and hungry,” says Dominic. Archangel appears on the screen. “Congratulations, Hawke, Dominic, and Gabrielle. I sure hope you bring Airwolf back to the FIRM safely now, okay?” asks Archangel. “I’m afraid not Archangel, I believe we had our agreement. I keep Airwolf myself until St. John is found, and I will fly missions for you when ever Airwolf is needed,” says String. “Oh yes, now I remember, I just hope that you can figure out a good hiding location to hide her,” says Archangel. “Don’t worry, Dom here knows the perfect place, and it will be all three of ours secret,” says String. “Three?” asks Archangel. “Yeah, me, Dom, and Gabrielle,” says String. “Gabrielle, you mean you’re not coming back to the FIRM?” asks Archangel. “Nope, I am retired,” says Gabrielle with a laugh. “Hey listen everybody, I’m sitting here at String’s cabin petting his dog Tet. There are a few more people here setting up a dinner party for when you all get here,” says Archangel. “Oh yeah, who?” asks String. “Marella, Lieutenant Gary Brownstone, but you might know him better as ‘Boomer’, retired Commander Mike Metcalf, and Maverick and Goose’s widows, Charlotte Mitchell, and Carole Bradshaw.” String smiles and says, “Okay sir, we’ll be home in 45 minutes, because we have to hide Airwolf,” says String “Okay, we’ll all be here waiting for you guys,” says Archangel. “Okay. I’m hungry,” says Dominic. The screen now goes blank. String turns the radio receiver off. “So Dom, where are we going to hide this beauty?” asks String. “I know the perfect place,” says Dominic. “Oh yeah, what’s that, Heaven?” asks String. “Nope, but you’re close. It’s called The Valley of the Gods,” says Dominic. All three start laughing. “Come here my stud man fly-boy you!” says Gabrielle. String leans back and tilts is head to the far right, and puts his hand behind Gabrielle’s head and pulls her forward. They begin to make out. “Uh String, String?” says Dominic. The Helicopter is about to crash into the ocean. String breaks away from Gabrielle and goes back to Airwolf and hits the turbo button to pull Airwolf back up into the air. “Shit, that was a close one. I guess we have to save that lovey dovey stuff till we get home,” says String. “Well, I should say so!” exclaims Dominic. Gabrielle whacks Dominic on the back of the head lightly. “Hey, why did you do that for?” asks Dominic. String laughs, as they all three fly over the New York City sunset.



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