Nurses: Help Your Patients Stop Smoking

NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Nurs e s : He lp Your Patie nts Stop Sm oking

Nurs e s Can He lp Sm oke rs Quit Mos t Sm oke rs Are Re ady to He ar from You How You Can He lp The Fac ts : Sm oking Caus e s De ath, Dis e as e , and Dis ability Be ne fits of Quitting Challe ng e s to Quitting Withdra w a l Sy m ptom s Nic otine Re plac e m e nt The rapy Ste ps for Nurs e s ' Sm oking Inte rve ntion

National He art, Lung , and Blood Institute Smoking Ed ucation Prog ram P.O. Box 30105 Be the sd a, Maryland 20824-0105

Y ou can he lp your patie nts stop smoking . How? Talk to p atie nts ab out the ir smoking , p rovid e some simp le b ut e ffe ctive q uit smoking ad vice , and ask othe r he alth p rofe ssionals to d o the same . This concise g uid e will he lp you d o this succe ssfully.

Smoking is a p rove n he alth hazard , and the re are cle ar b e ne fits to q uitting . The re is no safe cig are tte and no safe le ve l of smoking . Nurs e s have a re s pons ibility, as he alth profe s s ionals , to talk to all the ir patie nts who think about quitting . This is true whe the r you work in a hosp ital, he alth d e p artme nt, worksite , school, p hysician's office , p atie nt's home , or any othe r se tting .

This g uide c ontains :

Information you can use to confid e ntly talk ab out q uitting smoking

A q uick and e asy-to-use te aching g uid e : "Ste p s for Nurse s' Smoking Inte rve ntion"

A p ocke t summary of the te aching g uid e

Five hand outs that can b e cop ie d and g ive n to p atie nts.

Be g in to us e this te ac hing g uide this we e k or, be tte r ye t, today.

Role -p lay the ste p s of the smoking inte rve ntion with a frie nd or colle ag ue b e fore talking with p atie nts.

Take e ve ry op p ortunity to p ractice and make it p art of your routine .

If you smoke , use this b ookle t to he lp yourse lf quit.

Nurs e s Can He lp Sm oke rs Quit Mos t Sm oke rs Are Re ady to He ar from You How You Can He lp The Fac ts : Sm oking Caus e s De ath, Dis e as e , and Dis ability Be ne fits of Quitting Challe ng e s to Quitting Withdrawal Sym ptom s Nic otine Re plac e m e at The rapy Ste ps for Nurs e s ' Sm oking Inte rve ntion

T hre e out of four smoke rs say the y want to quit.

Most smoke rs know that smoking cause s lung cance r, e mp hyse ma, and he art d ise ase .

Se ve n out of te n smoke rs have trie d to quit smoking .

Nine ty p e rce nt of forme r smoke rs q uit on the ir own without p articip ation in formal p rog rams. Smoke rs can q uit with your ad vice .

Sm oke rs e xpe c t to he ar c onc e rn about the ir s m oking in he alth s e tting s . Whe n you use the Ste p s for Nurse s' Smoking Inte rve ntion liste d late r, you will not b e se e n as nag g ing or p re aching . Your ad vice will b e se e n as g ood nursing p ractice .

One Nurs e 's Expe rie nc e

"When I first started talking to patients about their smoking, I was hesitant. I thought patients would think their smoking was none of my business. I found just the opposite. Many patients were willing to talk about their smoking and plans to stop. Some tried to quit, and a smaller group did so. I feel good knowing I am making a difference in the health of my patients."

Mos t Sm oke rs Are Re ady to He ar from You How You Can He lp The Fac ts : Sm oking Caus e s De ath, Dis e as e , and Dis ability Be ne fits of Quitting Challe ng e s to Quitting Withdrawal Sym ptom s Nic otine Re plac e m e nt The rapy Ste ps for Nurs e s ' Sm ok ing Inte rve ntion

Four Stag e s of Quitting Sm ok ing You will se e smoke rs at e ach of the four stag e s of q uitting smoking . With the Ste p s for Nurse s' Smoking Inte rve ntion, you can he lp smoke rs throug h the se stag e s of b re aking the hab it:

Stag e 1.

Not s e rious ly thinking about quitting (Pre conte mp lation)

Stag e 2.

Thinking about the pros and c ons of quitting (Conte mp lation)

Stag e 3.

Inte nding to quit and taking ac tions to do s o (Action)

Stag e 4.

Re m aining off smoking or re turning to it (Mainte nance or re lap se ).

You are succe ssful whe n you he lp smoke rs move close r to taking action and stop p ing smoking . Eve n if the y d on't quit, the y are furthe r on the ir way to q uitting -b e cause of you.

Most smoke rs will b e in the first two stag e s, not q uite re ad y to q uit. The y ofte n ne e d an outsid e p romp t to start the m thinking se riously ab out q uitting . Use e ve ry clinical op p ortunity, such as a p atie nt's p e rsiste nt coug h or re ce nt illne ss, to p e rsonalize the ne e d to stop smoking . Your advic e c an e nc ourag e the m to think m ore s e rious ly about quitting (s tag e 2) or to s e t a quit date (s tag e 3). Se e the Challe ng e s to Quitting se ction for ways to he lp those in stag e s 3 and 4.

As k Othe r He alth Profe s s ionals to He lp Sm oke rs Quit In ad d ition to talking to p atie nts yourse lf, re mind othe r me mb e rs of the he alth te am to d o the same . Whe n you le arn that a p atie nt smoke s, ask the p hysician to talk to him or he r ab out q uitting .

Encourag e othe r nurse s, re sp iratory care p ractitione rs, d ie titians, p hysician assistants, and othe r he alth care p rovid e rs to talk to smoke rs, also. Re p e tition of the same nosmoking me ssag e b y se ve ral source s will e ncourag e smoke rs to think more se riously ab out quitting smoking .

Docume nt on the p atie nt re cord or chart the p e rson's smoking history, d e sire to quit, and quit d ate . Use note s in the p lanning p ortion of the re cord to p romp t othe rs to d iscuss stop p ing smoking with the p atie nt.

How You Can He lp The Fac ts : Sm oking Caus e s De ath, Dis e as e , and Dis ability Be ne fits of Quitting Challe ng e s to Quitting Withdrawal Sym ptom s Nic otine Re ple s e m e nt The rapy Ste ps for Nurs e s ' Sm oking Inte rve ntion


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