How to get free medications from drug companies

Most drug companies offer a variety of patient assistance programs to the needy. They provide free medications, prescriptions, and more. For example, some of the leading programs include, but are not limited to:

Abbot offers free medications to people who are experiencing a financial hardship. The Abbott prescription assistance program helps tens of thousands of patients per year and provides numerous medications free of charge.

AstraZeneca - Free or low cost medications are offered for three different types of situations. The uninsured,  patients on government insurance programs, and the low income who are faced with a crisis will tend to be the primary recipients of the prescription medications from AstraZeneca. Tens of thousands of patients benefit every year. Click here for more information, including phone numbers and details on the application process.

Eli Lilly has increased the income cutoff for its Lily Cares assistance program so more families can get free prescription drugs. Millions of dollars worth of items are distributed to the low income and uninsured every year. Learn more.

GlaxoSmithKline is offering additional prescription drug assistance. It is making their medications easier to obtain, and it is targeted for people who are uninsured, unemployed, or who may be struggling to make ends meet. The program is called Bridges to Access. Click here to read more.



Johnson and Johnson. This leading pharmaceutical company also offer a prescription assistance program to patients who lack health insurance or have a limited income. Learn how to get free prescription drugs from Johnson and Johnson.

Merck has expanded its Patience Assistance Program to provide more medications to a greater percentage of the population. The income level has been increased so more people qualify, and the funding provided by Merck has increased. More .

Pfizer has greatly increased both the types and amounts of free medications that they are providing to those who are unemployed and need help. The MAINTAIN (Medicines Assistance for Those who Are In Need) was created to provide free prescription medications to those who have lost their jobs or who had a substantial reduction in their income. Continue.

So while the economy has been weak, many pharmaceutical companies are stepping up to the plate to provide additional discounted and free drugs to people. The unemployed and low income often qualify, whether they have insurance or not. Be sure to look into these Patient Assistance Programs.




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