Skyline High School

5652135-11176012th0012thSkyline High School Senior Course Request Form 2020 – 2021What is the Legacy of Excellence you want to create? Skyline High School is a place to meet your academic and extra-curricular goals. You can accomplish anything with a goal, a plan, time, dedication, and effort. This is the time to develop your course plan to enable you to “Create your Legacy of Excellence”. The selection of courses is a vital and critical step toward the success you will achieve.PLEASE COMPLETE ENTIRE COURSE REQUEST IN PENCILSeal Options: ___ Service Learning ___ Academic ExcellenceEducational Goal:___ University ___ Community College/Trade School ___ Military ___ Straight to WorkCareer Goal: _____________________________(COMPLETE ONLY IF THERE IS NO I.D. LABEL)Student Name_______________________________________Student ID # _____________________ Sex____Birthdate_____________ Phone_____________________English Teacher ______________________________Students typically take six classes each semester. However, seniors who are on track to graduate may take fewer (a minimum of four) if all graduation requirements are met. At this time, you are making course requests. Next year’s school staff along with the hour(s) courses are offered is determined by your requests; every effort is made to grant your requests. Changes will likely not be possible. First SemesterCourse Number & NameSecond SemesterCourse Number & Nameoptional0optional01EN1EN2MA2MA3SS3SS445566Alternate Alternate MDLP/Summer School Plans0 Period Class Options: 0 hour is a requested option for students who wish to extend the school day to include a 7th period of instruction. Seven credit-bearing classes are free; typically, students take 6 classes. If you select a 0 hour class and it makes, you are committed to the 0 hour and will not be able to opt out. Select 0 hour option carefully. No transportation provided for 0 hour.Typical 0 Hour Options:Marching Band (MU81)Jazz Band (MU86)Team Sports (PE58)Academic Classes(6:55-7:50) M,T,W,Th,F(Single Semester)(Single Semester)(Single Semester)(Year-Long)(Fall)(Spring)(Fall and/or Spring)Note: 0 Hour Seminary is not registered through Skyline High School. Register for 0 hour by contacting Seminary.Interscholastic Athletics is offered through PE50 & meets every day one hour during the school day which provides students an opportunity to work with coaches throughout the school year. PE50 is considered a year-long program (both semesters). Sports programs in season will begin daily practice after 7th hour continuing into the afternoon. For those athletes in PE50 but not in season, they will be conditioning through an intensive, rigorous skill improvement hour administered by one of the out of season coaches. Prerequisite for PE50: must have passing grades in all classes.If you plan to participate in an after-school sports program, please indicate the sport(s) Only 1 sport per semesterFirst SemesterBoth SemestersSecond SemesterBoys FootballBoys/Girls BasketballBoys BaseballGirls/Boys Cross CountryBoys/Girls SoccerBoys VolleyballGirls/Boys GolfWrestlingGirls/Boys TennisGirls/Boys Swim/DiveGirls/Boys TrackGirls BadmintonGirls SoftballGirls VolleyballHonors/Weighted Courses – All students may elect to enroll in advanced courses in subject areas where these courses exist. These advanced courses frequently carry a College Core weight, which is earned only after completing the full year of the course. We encourage students to take these courses if they believe they have the preparation, skill, and determination to be successful. Success in these classes is achieving a C or better. Progression through the advanced track will prepare students to take college level work while in high school. Once enrolled in the honors courses, it will likely not be possible to move to the traditional level during the school year. MDLP (online) might instead be an option. See the schedule change policy below.Support Courses – If student academic progress and performance indicate need (as measured by grades, AzMERIT, and other assessments), students will be assigned specific remediation courses (including but not limited to Academic Intervention). Schedule Change Policy: Your course request leads to your placement in specific first and second semester courses. This is completed prior to Spring Break so staff can be contracted for next year. All course requests will be locked in on February 21st. Registration Process and Timelines: Registration requests are entered into a computer by students or by Skyline staff. (February)Last minute changes are submitted to the Counselor for consideration. Deadline: February 21, 2020Students are placed in course sections based on their requests. (March)Based on course sections needed, school staff is hired and selected. (March until completed)Students and families can see schedules via their portal (July)Students and families review the portal prior to school starting. Any errors (which should be none) should be taken care of in person at “registration station days” (July / August)Do you understand that course request changes will be difficult and are likely not possible?YesNoDo you understand the registration process and timelines?YesNoDo you understand the school will remove electives for support courses should need be determined?YesNoDo you understand the honors/ weighted opportunities available to you?YesNoDo you understand that change requests to move from honors to regular classes will most YesNolikely not be possible and that other options such as MDLP may be explored?Student Signature: _____________________________ Date: _________ SHS Counselor OK_________Student Email: ________________________________ Student Phone : __________________________________Parent Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________Parent Email: ________________________________ Parent Phone: __________________________________We will contact you at the email or phone number listed above for changes related to your course requests including the change of an elective to an alternate course. Please email your Counselor should you have questions or concerns. ................

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