English 10 Vocabulary List 1 - Library of Literature and ...

English 10 Vocabulary List 1

(Pgs. 17, 37)

1. Immolation (n): an offering or killing made as a sacrifice.

2. Succor (n): aid; relief.

3. Somber (adj): dark; gloomy.

4. Incantation (n): chant.

5. Ecstasy (n): great joy.

6. Teemed (v): was full of; swarmed.

7. Babel (n): confusion of voices or sound.

8. Subsided (v): settled; lessened; died down.

9. Void (n): empty space; total emptiness.

10. Expanse (n): very large open area.

11. Shrewdest (adj): most cunning or clever.

12. Duped (v): tricked; fooled.

13. Enmity (n): state of being enemies; antagonism; hostility.

14. Corrupt (adj): spoiled by sin or dishonesty; rotten.

15. Covenant (n): serious, binding agreement.

English 10 Vocabulary List 2

(Pgs. 37, 59, 77)

1. Comprised (v): included; consisted.

2. Glean (v): collect grain left by reapers.

3. Reapers (n): those who gather a crop by cutting.

4. Redeem (v): buy back; fulfill a promise.

5. Avenger (n): one who takes revenge.

6. Precepts (n): rules of conduct.

7. Lucid (adj): clear; apparent.

8. Steadfast (adj): firm; not changing.

9. Compassionate (adj): feeling or showing sympathy or pity.

10. Incurred (v): brought about through one’s own actions.

11. Affliction (n): something that causes pain or distress.

12. Recompense (n): payment of what is owed; reward.

13. Abhor (v): feel disgust for; hate.

14. Chide (v): scold.

15. Renown (n): fame.

English 10 Vocabulary List 3

(Pgs. 77, 85, 101)

1. Fervor (n): strong or heated feeling; zeal.

2. Inverted (adj): upside down.

3. Blasphemous (adj): showing disrespect toward God or religious teachings.

4. Adjured (v): ordered solemnly (seriously).

5. Indignantly (adv): in a way showing righteous anger or scorn.

6. Resolutely (adv): in a determined way.

7. Enraptured (adj): completely delighted; spellbound.

8. Munificence (n): great generosity.

9. Ominous (adj): hinting at bad things to come.

10. Repentance (n): sorrow for wrongdoing; remorse.

11. Pomp (n): ceremonial splendor; magnificence.

12. Myriads (n): great numbers of persons or things.

13. Piety (n): devotion to religious duties or practices.

14. Beneficent (adj): charitable.

15. Extortions (n): acts of obtaining money or something else through threats, violence, or misuse of authority.

English 10 Vocabulary List 4

(Pgs. 117, 129, 179)

1. Competence (n); ability.

2. Conduits (n): channels or pipes.

3. Malice (n): ill will; evil intent.

4. Solitude (n): isolation.

5. Fathom (v): probe the depths of; understand.

6. Taciturn (adj): not given to talking.

7. Malicious (adj): intending harm; spiteful.

8. Infirmity (n): weakness; illness.

9. Innuendo (n): indirect remark or gesture that hints at something bad; sly suggestion.

10. Diabolical (adj): devilish; wicked.

11. Estranged (adj): isolated and unfriendly; alienated.

12. Immortality (n): quality or state of being exempt from death; unending existence.

13. Distinguishing (adj): serving to mark as separate or different.

14. Stems (v): stops or dams up (as a river).

15. Palpable (adj): able to be touched, felt, or handled.

English 10 Vocabulary List 5

(Pgs. 191, 221)

1. Mitigated (v): moderated; eased.

2. Caricature (n): likeness or imitation that is so distorted or inferior as to seem ridiculous.

3. Scruples (n): feelings of doubt over what is ethical.

4. Pervades (v): spreads throughout.

5. Manifested (v): proved or revealed.

6. Dispel (v): cause to vanish.

7. Invoked (v): called on for help.

8. Pristine (adj): unspoiled; uncorrupted; innocent.

9. Obsequiously (adj): in a manner that shows too great a willingness to serve. (brown noser)

10. Rank (adj): foul; odorous.

11. Elixir (n): magical potion that cures all ailments.

12. Accrue (v): come to as an advantage or right; collect; inherit.

13. Tardily (adv): late.

14. Reprobate (n): scoundrel.

15. Extirpate (v): Exterminate; destroy or remove completely.

English 10 Vocabulary List 6

(Pgs. 221, 265, 279, 297)

1. Skulks (v): lurks in a cowardly way; sneaks around.

2. Manifestations (n): material forms.

3. Contention (n): disputing; quarreling.

4. Calamity (n): deep trouble.

5. Submissive (adj): yielding; giving in without resistance.

6. Homage (n): act of reverence and respect.

7. Chastisements (n): punishments.

8. Ritual (n): observance of prescribed rules.

9. Bias (n): prejudice; partiality; showing favor.

10. Bashful (adj): shy.

11. Eddies (n): waters moving in circles against the main current.

12. Scurry (v): to run hastily; to scamper.

13. Pathos (n): quality in something that evokes sorrow or compassion.

14. Imperceptibly (adv): without being noticed. (The student sat imperceptibly in class.) The student sat without being noticed in class.

15. Veiled (v): covered.

English 10 Vocabulary List 7

(Pgs. 297, 307, 319, 413)

1. Bland (adj): mild; without flavor; boring.

2. Serenity (n): peace; tranquility.

3. Earnest (adj): serious; not joking.

4. Chastised (v): punished.

5. Loathsome (adj): detestable; hated.

6. Indefinitely (adv): without a specified limit.

7. Sustained (v): maintained; supported.

8. Epidemic (n): rapidly and widely spreading disease.

9. Mediocre (adj): not good enough; inferior.

10. Anticipate (v): expect.

11. Rebuked (v): scolded sharply.

12. Sleek (adj): smooth; glossy.

13. Murmur (n): low, indistinct, continuous sound.

14. Tenuous (adj): slender or fine, as a fiber.

15. Suffuses (v): overspreads; fills with a glow.

English 10 Vocabulary List 8

(Pgs. 413, 423, 439)

1. Endeavor (n): earnest attempt at achievement; serious attempt to do well.

2. Accordance (n): agreement; harmony.

3. Incredulous (adj): disbelieving; doubtful; skeptical.

4. Manifold (adj): many; various.

5. Tangible (adj): definite; objective; real.

6. Consummation (n): state of supreme perfection, skillfulness, and expertise.

7. Culmination (n): highest point or climax.

8. Commiserate (v): share of grief or sorrow; sympathize.

9. Eloquence (n): fluent, persuasive speech.

10. Affidavit (n): legal document containing sworn testimony.

11. Lamented (v): felt deep sorrow for; mourned.

12. Avenged (v): took revenge on behalf of.

13. Exhorting (v): urging; pressuring; encouraging.

14. Impudence (n): rashness; boldness.

15. Indictment (n): formal accusation; a charge of wrongdoing.

English 10 Vocabulary List 9

(Pgs. 439, 467, 533)

1. Piety (n): respect for the gods.

2. Blight (n): destructive disease, usually to crops

3. Pestilence (n): plague; deadly disease.

4. Induced (v): persuaded; caused.

5. Dispatch (v): kill; murder; slaughter.

6. Invoke (v): summon; cause to appear.

7. Prophecy (n): prediction of the future.

8. Countenance (n): the look on a person’s face.

9. Malignant (adj): very harmful.

10. Notions (n): ideas.

11. Perjured (adj): purposely false; lied.

12. Guile (n): trickery.

13. Tumult (n): commotion; confusion.

14. Unfettered (adj): unrestrained; free.

15. Blaspheming (adj): irreverent; disrespectful; mocking.

English 10 Vocabulary List 10

(Pgs. 533, 549, 557, 599)

1. Desecrating (v): treating as not sacred; damaging; vandalizing.

2. Portents (n): signs that suggest what is about to occur.

3. Dominion (n): kingdom; area of rule.

4. Sequence (n): order; succession; arrangement.

5. Poised (adj): balanced and steady, as though suspended or floating.

6. Conflagration (n): large, destructive fire.

7. Unhampered (adv): freely; without interference.

8. Destitute (adj): extremely poor.

9. Antiquity (n): early period of history; ancient times; olden days.

10. Precipitous (adj): steep ascent, cliff, or climb; sheer height.

11. Demarcation (n): boundary; limit.

12. Munificence (n): great generosity.

13. Vassal (n): person who holds land under the feudal system, pledging loyalty to an overlord.

14. Prowess (n): ability; skill.

15. Exulting (v): rejoicing.

English 10 Vocabulary List 11

(Pgs. 599, 629, 657)

1. Unrestrained (v): not checked or controlled; free.

2. Malice (n): ill will; spite; hate.

3. Sinister (adj): wicked; threatening harm.

4. Intrepid (adj): brave; fearless.

5. Thwarted (v): hindered; frustrated.

6. Sovereign (adj): chief; superior; highest.

7. Navigated (v): piloted; steered (a boat).

8. Elated (adj): extremely happy; joyful.

9. Serene (adj): clear; calm; peaceful.

10. Nimble (adj): able to move quickly and lightly; agile; fast.

11. Esteemed (v): valued; respected.

12. Importunity (n): persistence; determination.

13. Abases (v): lowers; brings down.

14. Flounders (v): struggles to move.

15. Tremulous (adj): quivering; shaking.

English 10 Vocabulary List 12

(Pgs. 657, 729, 743)

1. Zeal (n): ardor; fervor; enthusiasm.

2. Putrid (adj): rotten; stinking.

3. Despicable (adj): deserving to be despised; contemptible.

4. Lamentation (n): weeping; wailing; crying.

5. Scorn (v): reject; mock; ridicule.

6. Reprimand (v): a severe or formal rebuke or scolding.

7. Sated (v): completely satisfied.

8. Exults (v): rejoices greatly.

9. Sojourn (n): visit; trip; journey.

10. Crone (n): very old woman.

11. Languishing (v): becoming weak.

12. Reposes (v): puts to rest; sleep.

13. Courtly (adj): dignified; polite; elegant.

14. Sumptuous (adj): costly; lavish.

15. Frugally (adv): thriftily; economically; to handle money carefully.

English 10 Vocabulary List 13

(Pgs. 743, 757, 769)

1. Deference (n): courteous regard or respect.

2. Affably (adv): in a friendly manner.

3. Impertinence (n): insolence; impudence; impoliteness; disrespect.

4. Despondent (adj): dejected; hopeless.

5. Manifest (adj): clear; evident.

6. Conspicuous (adj): easy to see or perceive.

7. Multitude (n): a great number.

8. Impelled (v): pushed or driven forward.

9. Derive (v): to get or receive from a source.

10. Diffidence (n): lack of confidence in oneself.

11. Constitution (n): structure or makeup of a person or thing; foundation.

12. Conjectures (n): guesses.

13. Infatuation (n): foolish or shallow feelings of affection; not real love.

14. Ingenuity (n): cleverness; inventiveness.

15. Incongruous (adj): inconsistent; lacking in harmony.

English 10 Vocabulary List 14

(Pgs. 769, 789, 801, 845)

1. Appropriate (v): take for one’s own use.

2. Illustrious (adj): distinguished or outstanding.

3. Buffeted (v): struck sharply.

4. Hazards (n): dangers.

5. Impervious (adj): not affected by, or unable to be damaged

6. Prone (adj): lying face downward.

7. Endowed (v): given or provided with.

8. Candor (n): open honesty and frankness.

9. Vivacity (n): liveliness or animation.

10. Prodigy (n): a person of very great ability.

11. Clemency (n): mercy toward an enemy or offender.

12. Envoys (n): messengers.

13. Fervent (adj): intensely devoted or earnest; serious.

14. Primal (adj): original; fundamental; ancient.

15. Obstinate (adj): determined to have one’s own way; stubborn.

English 10 Vocabulary List 15

(Pgs. 845, 875, 885)

1. Fetters (n): shackles; chains.

2. Tenacity (n): persistence; stubbornness.

3. Insatiableness (n): the quality of being impossible to fill.

4. Painstakingly (adv): using great diligence or care.

5. Fathomless (adj): immeasurably deep; so great or enormous, there is no end or limit; infinite.

6. Ancestral (adj): inherited, as from an ancestor.

7. Morose (adj): gloomy; in a bad or sullen mood.

8. Resplendent (adj): brightly shining; dazzling.

9. Mutely (adv): silently; without the capacity to speak.

10. Proffering (v): offering.

11. Nonchalantly (adv): in a casually indifferent manner.

12. Sovereign (n): monarch or ruler.

13. Adroit (adj): skillful in a physical or mental way.

14. Flourish (v): fanfare, as of trumpets; grand show.

15. Strains (n): passages of music; tunes; airs.

English 10 Vocabulary List 16

(Pgs. 885, 905, 941)

1. Monotone (n): sound or song that repeats a single note.

2. Pillaging (v): plundering; looting; stealing.

3. Superimposed (v): placed on top of something else; cover up.

4. Placidly (adv): calmly.

5. Discord (n): dissension; conflict.

6. Prostrate (adj): lying with one’s face down.

7. Taciturn (adj): almost always silent.

8. Benevolent (adj): doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitable.

9. Spendthrift (n): person who spends money carelessly.

10. Squandering (v): spending money wastefully.

11. Prodigal (n): person who spends money wastefully.

12. Indiscreet (adj): unwise or not careful.

13. Frivolous (adj): silly and light-minded; not sensible.

14. Contraband (n): unlawful or forbidden goods.

15. Subordinate (adj): inferior; ranking under or below.

English 10 Vocabulary List 17

(Pgs. 1065, 1117)

1. Impracticable (adj): not capable of being put into practice.

2. Obstinancy (n): stubbornness.

3. Exuded (v): discharged a liquid through the skin.

4. Rectify (v): to set things right or restore balance.

5. Imminent (adj): ready to happen at any moment.

6. Gyration (n): circular or spiral motion.

7. Pallid (adj): pale.

8. Debacle (n): overwhelming failure or defeat.

9. Supple (adj): easily bent; flexible.

10. Connoisseur (n): person with an expert knowledge and taste.

11. Convalescent (n): person who is recovering their health after illness.

12. Enraptured (adj): filled with great pleasure.

13. Iridescent (adj): showing rainbowlike shifts in color.

14. Serpentine (adj): resembling a snake.

15. Congealed (v): thickened; solidified.

English 10 Vocabulary List 18

(Pgs. 1127, 1145, 1161)

1. Plight (n): a sad or difficult situation.

2. Paternal (adj): like a father.

3. Discrimination (n): show of partiality or prejudice; bias.

4. Vitality (n): energy; life force.

5. Retorted (v): replied, especially in a sharp or challenging way.

6. Stoically (adv): done with indifference to pain or pleasure; uncomplaining.

7. Incongruous (adj): not fitting a situation; inappropriate.

8. Harrowing (adj): disturbing; frightening.

9. Monotonously (adv): done in a way that goes on and on without changing.

10. Exalted (adj): lifted high because of dignity or honor.

11. Sensual (adj): pleasing to the senses.

12. Invokes (v): calls on.

13. Anoint (v): to rub oil or ointment on.

14. Sheaves (n): bundles of cut stalks of grain.

15. Meager (adj): thin; lean; small.

English 10 Vocabulary List 19

(Pgs. 1161, 1201, 1219)

1. Terminology (n): terms used in a specific discipline.

2. Frugality (n): thrift; penny-pinching.

3. Connotations (n): ideas suggested by a word that go beyond its concrete meaning; suggestions.

4. Equable (adj): steady; uniform; levelheaded.

5. Squandered (v): wasted.

6. Disdain (n): strong dislike.

7. Myriad (adj): many; varied.

8. Enumerating (v): counting; listing.

9. Bountiful (adj): generous; abundant.

10. Labyrinths (n): structures with an intricate network of winding passages.

11. Haggard (adj): wasted; worn; gaunt.

12. Resistant (adj): strong; firm.

13. Destitute (adj): completely poor.

14. Jetty (n): wall or barrier built into a body of water to protect a harbor.

15. Loomed (v): appeared in a large or threatening form.

English 10 Vocabulary List 20

(Pgs. 1219, 1231, 1253)

1. Wharf (n): structure built as a landing place for boats.

2. Scorn (n): contempt; open dislike or derision.

3. Stupor (n): mental dullness, as if drugged.

4. Cue (n): prompt or reminder.

5. Plateau (n): elevated tract of relatively level land.

6. Siege (n): the surrounding of a fortified place by an opposing force, such as an army.

7. Foretaste (n): slight experience or hint of something that is still to come.

8. Mobilized (v): ready for action or battle.

9. Denounce (v): accuse publicly.

10. Fraternized (v): associated in a brotherly way; socialized.

11. Furtive (adj): done in a secret or sneaky way.

12. Sordid (adj): filthy; depressingly wretched.

13. Prophetic (adj): giving a prediction of the future.

14. Intuition (n): instinctive of understanding; instinct; sixth sense.

15. Affinity (n): close relationship; natural liking.


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