Leonardtown Baptist Church

Homeschool Fellowship

1 Enrollment & Registration Packet

For the 2017-2018 Academic Year

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Please read and fill out all forms including the Registration Form, Parent Agreement, Student Agreement, Liability Form, and Parent Service Form.


The purpose of the Leonardtown Baptist Homeschool Fellowship is to encourage and edify one another as we seek to glorify God through the education of our families at home.


Our goal is to provide fellowship and support to homeschool families as they educate their children. We are not attempting to replace the parent as teacher or take over any responsibilities, but to come alongside and provide encouragement and enrichment activities.

Participation in the Co-op

The LBC Homeschool Fellowship is open to all area homeschoolers. Preference in admission is given to LBC members and returning families. The homeschool fellowship is a Christian co-op and all activities will be based on Christian principles. Families from other faith backgrounds will be asked to complete a personal interview with 2 or more committee members and sign an agreement to adhere to the co-op's statement of faith prior to joining. “Other faith background” is defined as any belief system that is not recognized by LBC as a Protestant Christian denomination.

All parents who will participate in our regular co-op meetings (Tuesday afternoons) will be asked to complete a background check. New members to the co-op will also be asked to submit references from their home church and complete an interview with the pastor who oversees LBC children's ministries. This is in accordance with LBC's policy for the protection of minors.


Rebekah Sours (301) 475-0030 rlsours97@

Rosalva Miller (301)475-1674 dandr90@md.

Elizabeth Herrera (240)237-0362 irishharpist@

Audrey Sidell (240)317-7575 audrey.sidell.@


3 Program Description 2017-2018

The following is a list of proposed meeting dates for the 2017-2018 school year:

September 12, 19, 26 January 9, 16, 23

October 10, 17, 24 February 6, 13, 20

November 7, 14, 21 March 6, 13, 20

December 5, 12, 19 April 3, 10, 17

Important Dates: Christmas Fellowship- Tuesday, Dec. 19th (no classes that day)

Parents’ Night/Talent Show- Tuesday, April 24th

Field Day- Tuesday, April 17 (Rain date, April 24)

Mom’s Night Out- October, February, dates TBD

2 Sample Schedule (Schedule & class divisions subject to change based on enrollment)

Week 1

|12:15-12:20 |Pledges and Prayer |

|12:20-12:55 |Lunch and Fellowship Time followed by Devotions |

|1:00-1:50 |Nursery |PK - 1st Art |2nd - 4th Music |5th-Up, Bible |

|1:50-2:40 |Nursery |Pk-1st |2nd - 4th |5th-Up, PE |

| | |Show & Tell |Show and Tell | |

|2:40-2:45 |Closing |

Week 2

|12:15-12:20 |Pledges and Prayer |

|12:20-12:55 |Lunch and Fellowship Time followed by Devotions |

|1:00-1:50 |Nursery | Pk - 1st Music |2nd-4th Art |5h-Up, TBD |

|1:50-2:40 |Nursery |Pk - 1st PE |2nd -4th PE |5th-Up, TBD |

|2:40-2:45 |Closing |

Recently the 6+ students have had the following classes: Biology, Yearbook, Apologetics, Church History, First Aid, and Public Speaking

Week 3

Special event - Field Trip, Party or Activity

Special Events and Activities: We hope to offer several exciting opportunities to enrich your educational program. These may include:

Mom’s Night Out End of Year Field Day/Family Picnic Field Trips

Parents’ Night HSLDA Membership Discount

Holiday Parties MACHE membership

Policies And Procedures

Parent Obligations

One of the fundamental principles of home education is the primary role of parental authority for the education and welfare of their children. Parents are responsible to comply with the Maryland home school law (Annotated Code of Maryland: Education 7-301a), to oversee the student’s work and behavior, to ensure the safety of their children, to be informed, to volunteer their time for the benefit of the group, and to model godly behavior. Our Fellowship is designed as a cooperative effort for families who educate their children at home. In order for the Fellowship to run smoothly, we need a parent from each family to participate and remain on the premises for every activity. Parents are expected commit to participation in the co-op for the full school year.

If your family will not be attending co-op on a day that you are scheduled to work in a class or help with other duties, please let a committee member know as soon as possible so that a substitute can be found.

If you are unable to attend co-op, but would like for your children to attend without you, this must be approved by the committee ahead of time (except in last minute emergency situations). To obtain approval for your children to attend without you present in a non emergency situation, you must submit an absence form to the committee at least one week prior to the date you will be absent. The committee will approve absences for unavoidable situations (such as children being cared for by a friend due to travel or hospitalization, or an appointment for which you could not choose the date and time). Choosing to be involved in another activity that conflicts with co-op is not considered an unavoidable situation. If you must be absent for a very short period of time, please speak with a committee member about the situation.

2 Student Responsibilities

• Act in a well-behaved and respectful manner (as defined in the Student Agreement) toward all adults, instructors, and peers.

• Come prepared to participate in activities.

• Complete activities cooperatively and with a good attitude.

• Take care of church property and equipment.

**Each inappropriate behavior will be dealt with on an individual basis.






8 Procedures/Guidelines

• Report directly to the Christian Life Center. Make name tags when applicable. Parents of Pk-K children should place and identifier on the child's arm and sign them in as being present that day. If your child has allergies, please have them put on an allergy alert arm band.

• Parents are responsible for supervising their children during Opening Exercises and lunch. Following lunch, children should remain in the designated area until classes start.

• Teachers' assistants will escort children to devotions and their next class. Parents are always welcome to observe and/or participate with their child.

• Parents should plan to pick up their children in the CLC at the end of the last class.

• Parents should check at the desk for information regarding upcoming events. Announcements will also be communicated through email.

• It is the parents’ responsibility to stay informed with the happenings of the group. In the event of absence, it is advisable to check with someone who attended the last event to find out if any special announcements have been made.

9 Safety Precautions

Each child's safety is ultimately the parent’s responsibility. The following procedures are intended to assist parents in the monitoring of their children and to provide a pleasant environment for everyone.

• Children who are not participating in a class may not be left unattended. They must have appropriate supervision. Parents are responsible for supervising their children during lunch and fellowship times before and after co-op.

• Running and rough playing are not permitted in the classrooms or hallways. Running will be allowed in the Christian Life Center only under supervision of the physical education leaders or program coordinators. Please do NOT allow your child to run around in the CLC or parking lot during our lunch and fellowship time.

• Photographs may be taken for use in scrapbooking projects, church newsletters, the HSF website, or the county newspaper for announcements or promotional purposes.

Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather: If St. Mary’s County Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, classes will be canceled and no email message will be sent. If there is a delayed opening, an email notice will be sent to verify status of classes. Please do not call the church office.

1 Registration Form

|Parents’ Name(s) |

|Address |

|City State Zip |

|Phone ( ) - Cell ( ) - |

|E-Mail |

|Emergency Contact Phone ( ) - |

|Are you a member of LBC? (check one) [ ] Yes [ ] No |

|If not, Which church do you attend on a regular basis? pastor’s name? |

|Names of ALL Children ATTENDING LBC HOMESCHOOL GROUP (even if not school age) |


|(include Last Name if different than parents) |


|(circle ONE) |

|AGE |


|2017-2018 |

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|M / F |

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|M / F |

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|M / F |

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|M / F |

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|M / F |

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|M / F |

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|Please note any special issues of which instructors may need to be aware (Food allergies, other allergies, asthma, physical impairments, |

|LEARNING DISABILITIES, ETC.) (use back if needed) |

|Mail Registration Form, Parent & Student Agreements, Service Form, and a $30.00 minimum donation/family payable to Leonardtown Baptist Church|

|HSG to: Rebekah Sours |

|20840 Penansy Lane |

|Leonardtown, MD 20650 |

| |


3 LBC Homeschool Fellowship

Parent Agreement

• I have read and understand the Statement of Faith for Leonardtown Baptist Church, as well as the Policies and Procedures stated in the registration packet for the Homeschool Fellowship.

• I agree to adhere to these policies and to hold my children accountable to them as well. I understand that repetitive offenses to any of these expectations or responsibilities may lead to dismissal from this group.

• I understand that in order for the successful administration of this ministry, I will be expected to contribute or volunteer in some capacity. I am committing to volunteer in the co-op for the duration of one school year.

• I understand that the Leonardtown Baptist Church’s general liability policy will not provide coverage for this group or its members for claims that are the result of negligence.

• I will not hold program supervisors, assistants, or other leaders responsible for damage, loss or injury occurring to myself or children in my care as a result of participation in this group.

• I commit to participate and complete my assigned area of service for one full co-op year (September - April).

• I understand that if my child is present at the homeschool fellowship, then one of his or her parents must also be present.




10 Registration and Payment

Registration and enrollment packets will be available to current Homeschool Fellowship members first. On June 15th, we will open registration to LBC members, then on a first come-first serve basis to others until the group is filled to capacity as determined by the committee.


The suggested minimum donation is $30.00 per family (this donation is tax-deductible). Checks should be made payable to Leonardtown Baptist Church HSG (Home School Group).

Registration package should consist of:

➢ Registration Form

➢ Parent Agreement

➢ Student Agreement

➢ Parent Service Form

➢ Statement of Faith

➢ Liability Form

➢ $30.00 suggested minimum donation

2 LBC Homeschool Fellowship

Student Agreement

As a participant in the Leonardtown Baptist Church Homeschool Fellowship, I promise to adhere to the following:

• I will not run in the church buildings (except when appropriate during supervised activities in the Christian Life Center).

• I will treat all church facilities and class materials/equipment with respect and care.

• I will treat all teachers and assistants with respect. I will not talk back or argue with teachers or assistants.

• I will not speak out of turn during class and will raise my hand when I wish to speak.

• I will work diligently during classes, participate fully in class discussions and activities, and concentrate fully on the tasks (not talking to others at inappropriate times).

• I will treat fellow participants with kindness and respect. I will not participate in negative teasing, criticizing, or name-calling, but rather will use my words to be encouraging and supportive.











Parent Name _________________________________________________

Parent Service Information

We need your assistance in order to keep this ministry running smoothly. Please indicate you preferences below. we will try to assign everyone according to their preferences, but may need to ask you to serve in a different way in order to have all areas of need covered.

1. Please select one of the areas below where you would like to serve:

Art teacher Art Assistant PreK-K

Music Teacher Music Assistant Nursery

PE Teacher PE Assistant

If you have any particular skills or interests, not mentioned above,

that you would be willing to teach a class on, please indicate that here:


Please indicate which grade level you would prefer to work with.

1-2 3-5 6 and up

2. We will need all parents to help with other responsibilities, please indicate when you would prefer to help. (Minimum commitment of 4 times per co-op year.)

Set up before lunch Clean up after co-op

(11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.) (2:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m.)

3.If you are willing to volunteer in any of the following areas, please indicate that here:

Party planning Field trip coordination Field Day planning

* Parents who attend lunch and do not need to leave immediately afterward to lead devotions or prepare for a 1st period class are asked to help with clean up of the CLC to prepare for the PE class.


IT IS THE INTENTION OF (__________________________________) BY THIS

(Parent or Guardian of Minor)


(Name of Minor/Minors)


For and in consideration of permitting (_________________________________________) to observe or (Name of Minor/Minors)

use any facility or equipment of LEONARDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH, or engage in and/or receive instruction in any activity or activity incidental thereto SOME OF WHICH MAY INVOLVE DANGERS AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY at: LEONARDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH in the city of LEONARDTOWN, County of ST. MARY’S, and State of MARYLAND, beginning on the day of SEPTEMBER 9, 2014, the undersigned parent and/or guardian of (____________________________):

(Name of Minor/Minors)

hereby voluntarily and absolutely releases, discharges, waives, and relinquishes any and all loss or damages or actions or causes of action for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death occurring to (_____________________________________________) as a result of (Name of Minor/Minors)

(___________________________________) observing or using facilities or equipment of

(Name of Minor/ Minors)

LEONDARTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH, or engaging in or receiving instructions in any activities SOME OF WHICH MAY INVOLVE DANGERS AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY or in activities incidental thereto wherever or however the same may occur, and for whatever period said activities or instructions may continue.

The undersigned parent or guardian of (_____________________________________) for him/herself, (Name of Minor/Minors)

his/her heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns agrees that in the event any claim for personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death shall be prosecuted against LEONARDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH or its officers, agents, servants, or employees, the undersigned parent or guardian will indemnify and hold harmless LEONARDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH and its officers, agents, servants, or employees from any and all claims or causes of action by (__________________________________) or

(Name of Minor/Minors)

by any other person or entity, by whomever or wherever made or presented, and under no circumstances will the undersigned parent or guardian of (_______________________________________) present

(Name of Minor/Minors)

any claim against LEONARDTOWN BAPTIST CHURCH and said persons for personal injuries, property damage, wrongful death, or otherwise, caused by any act of negligence by


The undersigned parent or guardian represent that he/she has read this Release, has requested and

has been provided with, or has requested and declined advisement on the potential dangers/risks of

engaging in the observation, activities, or instruction offered, assumes all risks associated with such

dangers and risks, and is fully aware of and understands the terms and the legal consequences of the

signing of this Release. The undersigned parent or legal guardian intends his or her signature to be a

complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and if any portion

of the Release is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal

force and effect.







LOS ANGELES CA 90010-1578

(213) 386-6900


Leonardtown Baptist Church Homeschool Fellowship

Statement of Faith

Please initial each statement:

1. God– There is one and only one living and true God. He is an intelligent, spiritual and personal Being, the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and Ruler of the universe. He is infinite in holiness and all other perfections. God is all powerful and all knowing. God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.

2. Christ – Christ is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation as Jesus Christ, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He is without sin. Through his substitutionary death on the cross, He made provision for the redemption of men from sin. He was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven and is now exalted at the right hand of God where He is the One Mediator, fully God, and fully man.

3. Man – Man is the special creation of God, made in His own image. By his free choice, man sinned against God and brought sin into the human race. Only the grace of God can bring man into His holy fellowship and enable man to fulfill the creative purpose of God.

4. The Bible – The Bible consists of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God's revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. All scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It is the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried.

5. Salvation – Salvation is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. It is a change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit through conviction of sin, to which the sinner responds in repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is by grace through faith alone.

6. Education - Christianity is the faith of enlightenment and intelligence.  In Jesus Christ abide all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  All sound learning is, therefore, a part of our Christian heritage.  The new birth opens all human faculties and creates a thirst for knowledge.  Moreover, the cause of education in the Kingdom of Christ is coordinate with the causes of missions and general benevolence, and should receive along with these the liberal support of the churches.  An adequate system of Christian education is necessary to a complete spiritual program for Christ’s people.” 

7. Parental Responsibility – Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth.

I have read and understood the above statement of faith.

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________


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