Educational Plan - Nevada Homeschool Network

Educational Plan

Items below will be used as appropriate for the age and level of skill of the child as determined by the parent.

All subjects will be covered with Encyclopedias Newspapers Educational games Library loan books, tapes, magazines Educational computer software and on-line services Art and craft supplies Musical instruments Field trips Courses offered through local colleges and parks and recreation

English (including reading, composition and writing)

Dictionaries Writing supplies Fiction and non-fiction books for reading as chosen by the child Journal writing Chosen compositions and writing projects

Mathematics Calculating and measuring tools and utensils Computer Calculator Education supplies and manipulative

Science Reference books and materials Magazines (Scientific American, Seed, etc.) Calculating and measuring tools and utensils Science lab equipment Gardening tools Science projects

Social Studies Including (history, geography, economics, and government)

Atlases Reference books and materials (such as field guides, time lines and global maps, etc.) Government participation (such as campaigning, elections, and lobbying) History museum


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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