HOUSEWARMING POEM - Perfect Party Games


Circle one of the first three items that completes the poem in the tradi onal manner.

Traditional Wheat, Rice or Corn: that there may always be food in your home

Bread, Pasta or Coin: that there may always be friends and family to share with

Oregano, Garlic or Salt: that there always be a little spice in your lives

Sugar, Candy, or Strawberries: that sweetness touch even our worst of days

Light, Candles or Sunshine: that you may always find your way back home

Beer, Wine or Tequila: that there may always be reason to celebrate


Circle one of the first three items that completes the poem in the tradi onal manner.

Traditional Wheat, Rice or Corn: that there may always be food in your home

Bread, Pasta or Coin: that there may always be friends and family to share with

Oregano, Garlic or Salt: that there always be a little spice in your lives

Sugar, Candy, or Strawberries: that sweetness touch even our worst of days

Light, Candles or Sunshine: that you may always find your way back home

Beer, Wine or Tequila: that there may always be reason to celebrate


Answer Key

Traditional Rice that there may always be food in your home

Bread that there may always be friends and family to share with

Salt that there always be a little spice in your lives

Sugar that sweetness touch even our worst of days

Candles that you may always find your way back home

Wine that there may always be reason to celebrate


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