
Human Resources Operational Plan

The Human Resources (HR) Operational Plan is guided by a number of interrelationships which is reflected in our approach to supporting the business of the University.

Our business decisions are driven at the highest level by the strategic direction of the University encapsulated by the Australian Catholic University Strategic Plan. The People and Culture Thematic Plan enhances the ACU Strategic Plan, providing clear direction as to where the HR Directorate needs to focus its services, develop initiatives, respond to issues and achieve enhancements to core work.

Beneath the two strategic documents are the legal employment framework and our identified HR initiatives. To enable the enhancement of core work there is a need to have core systems that underpin our work, such as PayGlobal and PageUp, and a continued focus on system design and development to support business decision making.

Our legal employment framework falls across the strategic and the operational arena. Particular emphasis is given to the implementation of enterprise agreements and the supporting and enabling policies. Both provide assistance to the development of HR initiatives and interventions.

Core work covers matter that is essential to the day to day working operations of both the HR Directorate and the day to day operations of the University.

Examples of core processes are payroll, recruitment, workers compensation, case management, workforce planning, change management, reporting for internal/external bodies and the managing performance framework.

HR service delivery is informed both top-down and bottom up. University planning identifies strategies and outcomes and provides for the focus and direction of core work processes, and likewise, the core work of HR can inform organisational strategies. For example, an increase in core work with respect to case management may lead to a strategy being identified for a core competency in people management. The strategic response would be that a Competency and Capability framework is developed and implemented which is then reflected in the ACU strategic plan and associated plans.

The HR Operational Plan is achieved through the context of our Human Resources Strategic Intent and HR Service Charter. The strategic intent is aspirational identifying both who we are and providing future focus. It tells us how we will work to support the business of the University. The Service Charter assists in meeting client expectations in our day to day relationships with the greater university and external community.

To create a sustainable HR service, staff in HR must take full responsibility to find efficient and effective ways of working and to inform core processes and business decisions.

Human Resources Strategic Intent

Our goal is to provide integrated professional services continuously aligned to the business strategy of the University.

We achieve this by: Knowing our internal environment:

o Strategic Planning ? Implementation o Producing reports and commentary on our workforce profile and

identify workforce issues o Working collaboratively with organisational units o Understanding our customers

Knowing our external environment:

o Maintaining links to the HR Profession and update knowledge o Undertaking benchmarking o Representing ACU at industry forums and seminars

Effecting Change:

o Developing staff, managers, and leaders o Communicating with staff o Creating enabling people management frameworks (policies,

procedures, systems and outcomes) o Developing and supporting innovative workforce interventions o Encouraging a high performance culture

Continuous business process improvements:

o Finding new ways to do business processes o Streamlining administrative processes.

HR Service Charter

to be developed however the following points have been identified to be included Collaborative Approach Professionalism Timeliness Communication Confidentiality

Business Process Improvement

Review and maintain staffing delegations that enable management decision-making Continuous enhancement of the capabilities of the various HR systems Continued enhancement of workforce planning capability to faculties and directorates Refining procedures to minimise burdensome administration on the University E-workflows and E-forms investigation, recommendation, development and implementation

Core Work

Ensure that the University's staffing policies are designed to appropriately support effective decision-making by managers, and are consistent with the University's strategic requirements and legal obligations The continuous improvement of human resources practices to support the whole of employment life cycle experience of an employee and thereby the effective human capital management of a significant ACU resource Creation of reports in timely manner to bodies either internal or external including, but not limited to, workforce planning/profile, remuneration and benefits, Completion of various deadline driven tax compliance requirements and end of financial year reporting requirements Provision of advice & guidance on practical application of industrial instruments to line managers and staff Managing change and provision of effective support and guidance to line managers during change management processes Ongoing implementation of University-wide grievance management process and effective case management Development of national policies, procedures and information sessions on OH&S, Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance Provision of effective and timely support to staff and line managers through the administration of worker's compensation claims and throughout the rehabilitation process for injured staff The employment of sessional and casual staff is annually reviewed Provision of targeted learning and development programs to meet the identified needs of general staff and the ongoing needs of the University Performance Development Plan management and associated development programs meeting both individual and business needs

Operational Plan: HUMAN RESOURCES


Strategic Goal: Thematic Plan

Learning and Teaching

Student Experience

Goal No. Goal Title

ACU offers a diverse,


information-rich and collegial learning


Goal Description

ACU provides a learning environment which fosters a collegial approach to learning, a variety of physical and accessible virtual learning spaces, access to technologies, ICT skills training programs and help desk support.

Organisational Unit Plan Strategy No.

Operational Plan Operational Plan

Strategy Strategy Title No.

Operational Plan Strategy Description



5.4 Library Services

The Library will further develop it services, facilities

and collections to meet the evolving needs of a


Library Services re-structure and change management program.

diverse University community, including providing a greater emphasis on supporting research. Human Resources will guide and support Library

A new Library structure will be implemented in July 2010.

No further action required

management and staff in the change management

transition to the new structure.

Status Update


Operational Unit Organisational/





Employment Relations; HR Consultancy Services

Library, SL&T

Thematic Plan Student Life

Goal No. Goal Title

Goal Description


Campus Life and Culture ACU provides opportunities for students to engage in activities on campus, build relationships with peers and staff, and support their learning through campus engagement.

Organisational Unit Plan Strategy No.

Operational Plan Operational Plan

Strategy Strategy Title No.

Operational Plan Strategy Description



Status Update


Operational Unit Organisational/




1.1 Catholic Identity and Mission

The University will promote the development of a

campus culture characterised by free inquiry and


academic integrity, commitment to service, the Staff's catholic identity and promotion of the common good and the dignity of Mission awareness reflected the human person. The University will invite in interactions with students. students to engage with the Catholic Identity and

Mission of the University. The University respects

1. Enhanced Employee Induction Program incorporating Catholic Identity and Mission implemented by June 2010 (Completed). 2. New one day induction program commenced in March 2010 (Completed).

1. Review the implementation of U@ACU in November 2. Pilot E-Induction in September 2010 with rollout in November 2010.


1. 2.

On On

Target Target

Learning and Development; Office of the Director HR


and, where possible, will support the traditions of

students of other faiths.

Activity Summary for the Reporting Period:


Operational Plan: HUMAN RESOURCES


Thematic Plan

Goal No. Goal Title

Student Life


Access and Equity

Goal Description

ACU is committed to equality of access and outcomes for students who have traditionally been under-represented at university, especially those who have experienced prior educational disadvantage. These include: Indigenous people; People from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds; People from regional and remote areas; People with disabilities; People from non-English speaking backgrounds; Women and men in non-traditional study.

Organisational Unit Plan Strategy No.

Operational Plan Operational Plan

Strategy Strategy Title No.

Operational Plan Strategy Description


Australian Catholic University, in partnership with

stakeholders and donors, will provide scholarships

and bursaries that assist students, including those

from equity groups. To achieve this the University

2.2 Scholarships and Bursaries


Equity for Scholarships and will:


a) review current scholarships and bursaries to


establish their availability at each campus;

b) develop a program to fund a bursary scheme.

c) monitor the scholarship and bursary schemes of



Status Update


Operational Unit Organisational/




1. Establish irregular mechanisms (where required) to pay scholarship holders through payroll. 2. Due to a change in external reporting requirements commence discussions with Finance on opttion or potential for a transfer of tasks.

1. On Target Remuneration and SL&T, Ac,

2. Commenced Benefits


Activity Summary for the Reporting Period:


Operational Plan: HUMAN RESOURCES


Strategic Goal: Thematic Plan Research

Research Knowledge and Transfer

Goal No. Goal Title


Research culture:

Organisational Unit Plan Strategy No.

Operational Plan Operational Plan

Strategy Strategy Title No.

Goal Description The University will create and foster an organisational-wide research culture.

Operational Plan Strategy Description



Status Update


Operational Unit Organisational/




1.3 Research Capacity and Capability

The University will proactively grow and renew its

workforce to increase its research capacity and

capability. The University will recruit excellent

academics, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and

research students to build research capacity that is


Building and supporting research capacity and capability

strongly aligned with the University's identity and mission. The University's employment processes and working arrangements will embed research performance standards and foster research capability. The University will enhance opportunities, professional development and support for promising and excellent researchers including Indigenous and equity groups, early and mid-career researchers and research leaders through a wide range of mechanisms. Staff exchanges with research centres, industry and international partner

1. Postdoctoral fellows: By the end of January 2011, the number of postdoctoral fellows will have increased by 8% 2. Research active staff: By the end of 2011, the proportion of researchactive staff will have increased 3. Academic qualifications: By the end of 2011, the proportion of academic staff with doctoral qualifications will have increased by 4% (and 10% by 2013)

1. Integrate research capacity and capability into appointment processes. 2. Record and report research active staff on Pay Global. 3. Report academic qualifications on Pay Global. 4. Publish reminders of qualifications process update. 5. Review and/or develop reporting mechanisms identifying research capacity and capability from Pay Global.

On Target for all

HR Systems; HR


Services Unit;

Research, Ac

Remuneration and


organisations will be facilitated. Within a culture of

increased opportunities, expectations and support,

and recognition of achievement, the number of staff

with doctoral qualifications and the proportion of

research-active staff will increase.

Activity Summary for the Reporting Period:


Operational Plan: HUMAN RESOURCES


Strategic Goal:

Catholic Identity and Mission

Thematic Plan Identity and Mission

Goal No. Goal Title


Opportunities for staff formation

Goal Description

Many and varied opportunities will be offered for staff formation that is personally enriching and renewing through engagement in doctrinally, spiritually and pastorally rich dialogue about Catholic intellectual thought

Organisational Unit Plan Strategy No.

Operational Plan Operational Plan

Strategy Strategy Title No.

Operational Plan Strategy Description



Status Update


Operational Unit Organisational/




2.2 Formation Programs


Staff Formation

Contemporary, accessible and challenging programs will be designed and led by skilled facilitators to assist staff in exploring the Catholic Intellectual tradition and key Catholic documents

Comprehensive staff induction, development and formation programs are developed and deployed from Semester Two 2010

1. Strategic Employee Induction Framework inclusive of EInduction. 2. Staff Formation inclusion requires further exploration and integration.

1. On Target 2. On hold

Learning and Development; Office of the Director HR


Activity Summary for the Reporting Period:



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