Clyde–Savannah Central School District

District Wellness Committee Meeting May 6, 2020 2:30-3:15/ Google MeetAttendance:Kristen Seyfried (District Wellness Coordinator; MS/HS Health) Kristin Viscardi (MS/HS PE Teacher) Shelby Taylor (CCE-SNAP Ed)Michael Hayden (Superintendent) Amy Bullard (SOAR)Melanie Cerra (MS Counselor) Adam Bullock (CCE-SNAP Ed) Jen Peeso (Parent, SOAR) HS Students ( Madison F, Madison P) Katy Lumb (Elementary Principal) Sandi Bastedo (CCE-SNAP Ed)Jessica Kouzan (CCE-CATCH) Jessica Orchard (DELPHI)Laura Bliss (HS Counselor) Heather Bachman ( GVBOCES)Program Updates: Staff Wellness Continuing to send “Wednesday Wellness” e-mails to keep wellness at the forefront of staff’s mindEncouraging staff to be active through fitness challenges with GC incentivesOpen to new ideas for staff wellness initiativesOpen to ideas for use of DWC Staff funds (incentive prizes - can be something other than gift cards)Staff Wellness Day (May 13) was cancelled – a day next spring will be devoted to a staff wellness day (date TBD based on approved calendar)LIFT ProjectMel Cerra and Kristen Seyfried are attending the train-the-trainer training through FLASHPThis will hopefully be offered to staff next school year at no cost (will use DWC funds)Looking at incorporating this program, or something similar, into a program for 21st Century or through the Student Wellness Group (mentoring and working with younger students within the program)*The LIFT Project is a 10-lesson program aimed at increasing a person’s overall well-being, with an emphasis on neuroscience and how the brain and wellness are connectedStudent Wellness GroupContinue to meet virtually once a weekBeginning to think of ideas for a “Stress-Free” day when school is back in session to help with the transition backWill help with the creation and content for a student MH Instagram account Cornell Cooperative- SNAP-EDThe new website is out - they will send the link to be put on the school’s websiteAdam Bullock took over as the new SNAP-ED Nutrition Educator for the region and will be the new contact for nutrition education in the classrooms next yearCATCHThey have a lot of materials and lessons for parents and students to use at home they will send the information to Melanie Cerra and she will post it to the FLEX Google ClassroomsThey can do Brain Break Trainings online and they can be posted to the Google Classrooms and FB PagesSOARPromoting school lunches in order to maintain funding for the distributionHelping with the funding for the senior banners that will be put up around town being put up 5/ 13 and there will be a celebration on 5/15 for seniors as they get their caps/gownsThey are open to Grant ideasLooking at creating a new “challenge” for people to participate in and they will make it more centered around promoting mental health they will post it to the Mental Health FB Page and the Mental Health Instagram AccountForming a new committee to create art to place along the new pathway in ClydePolicy UpdatesThe policy is up for its triennial review next school year (2020-2021)Heather Bachman and Kristen Seyfried met to go over the policy and look at the WellSAT Data (determines the comprehensiveness and strength of the policy and its language)Some language in the policy needs to be changed and some of the policies may not be being adhered to – Kristen Seyfried will need to meet with administrators to determine if the policy needs to be updated/revised based on the current policies and procedures of each schoolOther DWC BusinessHIV/Advisory Council No members had questions/comments regarding the new guidance documents. Kristen Seyfried is in charge of making sure the curriculum is being adhered to at the MS/HS level and Katy Lumb has the guidance document and is in charge of making sure it is being adhered to at the elementary level.III. Areas for Need/Focus for Upcoming MeetingWrapping up the school yearSummer planning sessions regarding the policy and a back to school plan for staff/students IV. Next StepsJessica Kouzan will send CATCH materials to Mel Cerra to be posted on the MS Google FLEX ClassroomsJessica Orchard will set up a Student Mental Health Instagram account and will connect with Kelly Haining (Student Council Advisor) to get contacts for more followersKristen Seyfried will create a Staff Wellness Facebook Page SOAR will send their “challenge” to the various school social media outlets to get more participationKristen Seyfried will meet with school administrators in regards to the policy and appropriate changes neededKristen Seyfried, Melanie Cerra and Jessica Orchard will look at how the LIFT Project can be brought to the MS/HS C-S students.*Next Meeting: June 3, 2020 2:30-3:30 Location: Online ................

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