Chapter 1 – Week 1

UAL Diploma Creative Media ProductionStudent Name………………………………..Pathway ………………………………………Figure 1 Please add a picture of your choice, make this your own personal portfolioUnit 5 Investigating Audio Production and TechnologyUnit 6 Investigating Visual Production and TechnologyUnit 7 Investigation Interactive Media Production and TechnologyContents TOC \h \u \z Chapter 1 – Week 14Chapter 2 – Week 25Chapter 3 – Week 36Chapter 4 – Week 47 HYPERLINK \l "_3as4poj" \h Chapter 5 – Week 58Chapter 6 – Week 69Appendicies10Appendix 110Bibliography10Appendix 211How to add pictures, graphs, etc to your Table of Figures in your Portfolio11Appendix 312Unit Criteria’s and Learning Outcomes12Appendix 414Allocation of Criteria to Chapters14Appendix 515Trimester 2 Calendar15Appendix 616Loading your Portfolio16Table of Figures TOC \h \u \z Figure 1 Please add a picture of your choice, make this your own personal portfolio2Chapter 1 – Week 1You will be given a visual problem, a problem that needs a solution. You will look at the nature of the problem, what is being asked of you, and how you are going resolve it and therefore find a solution to it.You will research the problem through review and experimentation.You will then analyse the results of your review and your experiments.You will then detail what the solution is, both in words and practically.You are going to sign up to Twitter and Instagram, follow as many relevant people and create as many # as you can think of.You are going to produce a General Interactive Media Report, that looks at the current state of Social Media today.Camera AnalysisThe Tumbler Chase Scene – The Dark KnightWe get a well-rounded view of the police motorcade, as well as the direction they are heading in, and the camera moves along with them. We then cut to a policeman walking over to a lorry, and then a shot of the driver just emotionlessly turning his head. This is followed by The Joker shooting the cop, letting us know something is about to go down. Next we get a high angle shot of the police motorcade, and as it tilts upward, we can see a fire in the distance. As they continue ahead, we get a first person view, giving us a closer look at the fire, and that they are heading straight towards it. Another high angle shot appears showing the motorcade make a left turn avoiding the fire. A later shot shows them driving down into a lower road, and then we see each of them make a left turn one by one, and in the corner we can see arrow signs pointing left.The next shot starts on one of the police cars, and then a rubbish truck drives in from the right. A shot of the truck driver laughing, after smashing some of the cop cars stands out to me, because it is a sign that he is clearly enjoying this. In a shot of the SWAT van driver, you can see a group of SWAT cops in the back looking as if they are just waiting for something, or just sleeping. Immediately after, we see a lorry drive in and push the SWAT van into the river, to let us know they are completely out of commission. Then a later shot pans across from the lorry’s trailer, which is to reveal the side door opening. After we see The Joker shooting at them, we get shots of Harvey Dent inside the police van, telling us how the bullets are affecting him and the officer with him.We soon get a quick long shot of The Tumbler, after The Joker is briefly seen looking in the distance. We then immediately see The Joker again looking on, but we also see one of his henchmen looking for a bit, but then he heads to back inside the trailer as if he has gone to get something. The next shot is of Batman inside The Tumbler, which is important because not showing him could imply there is someone else in there. When Batman drives head on into the rubbish truck, the camera pans straight forward past where he drove into it, as if to imply how hard he drove into it, or how fast he was driving.Several shots later, we see the police van driving and the camera panning toward the left side, as if we are in the lorry’s point of view. We also see them drive past a taxi just to show the road is not completely empty. One thing I feel could be considered a continuity error, is when Batman activates The Tumbler’s afterburner, he just magically jumps over the car in front of him as if there was a ramp in front of him. I realise that he fired up a boost of speed, but I doubt in a big tank vehicle like that, he could just wheel up into the air like a plane taking off. Another continuity error is that when Batman is driving up to the car, you can clearly see the police van in the other lane. However, after Batman has jumped, been hit by the RPG, and landed back on the road, the police van is nowhere to be seen. (0:05–3:23)No. 1No. 2No. 3No. 4No. 5No. 6No. 7No. 8No. 9Twitter and Instagram JourneyI set up the Twitter account @DanielPerry0011. I followed: David Fincher, Focus Features, Walt Disney Studios, Dreamworks Animation, Dreamworks Pictures, Miramax, Lionsgate Movies, MGM Studios, Paramount Pictures, Canterbury College, Netflix US, Netflix UK & Ireland, Universal Pictures, Star Wars, Adam Driver, HamillHimself, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Rian Johnson, Tom Holland, The Last Jedi News, Patty Jenkins, James Gunn, Gal Gadot, Zack Snyder, Ben Affleck, Quentin Tarantino, Stan Lee, DC, Marvel Entertainment, Walt Disney Company, Disney-Pixar, BBC, and iTV. I posted my Hello Project to #helloproject. I tweeted "Why are are all movies based on games so bad? Metal Gear would make a great movie #MetalGear #needagoodvideogamemovie." "DC Comics seem to be doing great in the TV department, but are failing in the film department #makeDCmoviesgreatagain." "When The Empire Strikes Back was first released, it had none of the love it has now. I'm hoping the same will happen with The Last Jedi #defendthelastjedi."I set up the Instagram account @mr.deepe. I followed hamillhimself, showtime, disney, leonardodicaprio, paramountmovies, imdb, gameofthrones, hbo, starwars, marvelstudios, matvel, strangerthingstv, stevenspielberg_official. General Interactive Media ReportInteractive media is any form of digital media where the user interacts with the programme, and where output such as text, graphics and moving images, depends on the user’s input. Traditional media, such as television, film and newspapers is a passive form of communication in which the user watches or reads, but cannot navigate the content or influence the output. With the development of the internet, graphic user interfaces, computer programming and operating systems like Windows, interactive media is replacing the traditional one-way form of media. Since Ivan Sutherland designed the first Graphic User Interface in 1963, interactive media has developed rapidly. The following are examples of interactive media:Video gamesPong, released in 1972, was the first real video game. Current video games make it look very basic. Gamers now have access to a huge range of engaging and entertaining games, with incredibly realistic graphics, where they can feel part of a digital world by directing and reacting to the game, using a controller.Social MediaFacebook, Twitter, Instagram and other sites allow information to be created and shared instantly with millions of people. Users can interact with the sites by posting information, following other users, commenting on things they read and navigating to items of interest.AppsIn 1983, Steve Jobs gave a speech at a conference in Aspen, when he talked about a digital system which would be like a record store where users would be able to download software over phone lines. He was predicting the evolution of the app, a computer programme designed to run on a mobile device, and the app store. Along with the technological advances in smartphones and tablets, the mobile app has become an essential form of interactive media. There are apps for banking, news, email, gaming, shopping, fitness, weather, social media. In fact, these days, there seems to be an app for just about everything. It is difficult to imagine life without the mobile app.Virtual RealityVirtual reality takes interactive media a step further, by making you feel as if you are actually part of a virtual world, rather than just looking at it from the outside. Virtual reality is a computer generated environment which the user enters and interacts with by means of special equipment, such as headsets and gloves.Chapter 2 – Week 2You will be given an audio problem, a problem that needs a solution. You will look at the nature of the problem, what is being asked of you, and how you are going resolve it and therefore find a solution to it.You will research the problem through review and experimentation.You will then analyse the results of your review and your experiments.You will then detail what the solution is, both in words and practically.You will review your Twitter and Instagram accounts from last week and analyse the activity on the accounts. You will then add more footage and more # and follow more people.Production of Specific Interactive Media ReportResearch Planning for Audio and Visual Problems – Life on Mars (2006)Having watched Episode 1 Series 1, your research planning will commence.Audio AnalysisOur task was to record and re-create We started off by forming a group, then we began to brainstorm what sounds we could try and find to record, as well as creating our own. Our first sound was to create the sound of a goat walking across a bridge. We first tried using the sounds of a wooden crocodile toy, then we knocked on a wooden wall, and then on a wooden bench. We next created the sound of the goat landing on the bridge by punching a chair. For the sound of a river running, we just recording a tap running, and we recorded some outside noises to give it more environment. We also tried to record the sound of an actual goat eating, but unfortunately we could not use it because the wind was so strong that day, it completely covered up the entire recording. Once the sound effects were all done, we went on to record for the voice-overs. I was the voice for the Goat and The Troll, and Ben did the voice for the Narrator. For The Troll, I put on a loud Cockney accent with a hard man attitude, and for the Goat, the voice was more of a calm posh sounding voice. Ben on the other hand, just used his regular voice for the Narrator. It took us a few takes to get it right, and we had to go back and redo it due to hearing non-stop static sounds. When I got to the editing, I used the sounds we had recorded that sounded good, and I made sure not to include the sounds that should not be there. Afterwards, I went on a site called , and downloaded a ‘Splash Rock In Lake Sound.’ However, some of the audio was either too loud or too quiet, so I tried my hand at tweaking the audio to make it all sound consistent. At first I struggled because was unsure how to properly balance it all out, but it was easy once I figured it all out.Health and Safety: For some of the sounds, we had to go outside, so we had to be careful to watch out for any incoming cars. It was also very cold and windy that day, so in future we should be sure to dress warmly. We also had to be careful when going near the goat, because it could take your hand off if you get too close.Evaluation: I had a lot of fun with this exercise, going around recording certain sounds was great teamwork. I also thoroughly enjoyed doing some voice-acting with an actual voice-acting experience, and I would gladly do it again in a heartbeat. As for the editing, it took me awhile to recap my memory on how everything worked in Avid. However, I soon got back into in the swing of everything.Movie: and Instagram ReviewSo far, as of last week, my twitter @danielperry0011 has gained one follower, @tarantino4ever. I also recently started following @TheGNShow, @HBO_UK, @HBO, and @theswlegacy. My most recent hashtags were, #netflixandhbo and #HardyVenom. The first was about asking for the true explanation as to why HBO shows are never on Netflix. The other, was me showing my absolute faith in Tom Hardy as Venom in the upcoming Venom film.As for my Instagram, mr.deepe, I uploaded a new profile photo, gained taniawpc18 as a follower, and recently started following _tomhardy_, tomhardyblog and vemnommovie.Interactive Media ReportA current interactive media project that is still being used to this day is Playstation VR. It is a device similar to the Oculus Rift, that goes on your head and gives you a feel for the virtual environment. It works for video games such as horror game Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, shooter Doom, Batman Arkham VR, and sword slasher The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.The device only works for the Playstation 4, and can be found in game shops such as Game and CeX. It is not a must requirement to play those games, however, it does give a you a different experience.This device is strictly targeted towards gamers and consumers for all ages. For Resident Evil 7 in particular, it gives players a much more realistic and scary experience. In the VR, the game’s environment completely surrounds you, and allows gamers to completely immerse themselves into the game’s experience.Research Planning for Audio and Visual ProblemsLife on Mars season 1 episode 1 visual and audio problems, opening scene. Visual problems involved include shaky cam during the chase on foot what is happening. As well as, a lot of quick cuts like going to one location, and then immediately being at the next. For example, when Sam Tyler walks into the house, every few seconds just cuts forward to him being in a different location, rather than just showing him explore the entire house in one camera take. Plus, when he walks outside, the shot goes from just appearing out the door, to immediately climbing over the wall. Another quick cut, is when he fights the suspect and hits him with his nightstick, and then in the next shot he screams in pain. The way they are edited together looks rather inconsistent, like as if the pain sound comes in a bit late after being hit. As for sound problems, one that seems to stick out to me is the moment when the police force through the door. There were a few problems, first off, I assume they are kicking the door in, yet I feel I am hearing the door make an opening sound right before that happens. Secondly, the door does neither look nor sound like it was hit that hard because there was no loud noise for impact, and nor did the door fly open. The loud music in the scene makes it more difficult to hear some of the sound effects in the scene, such as the dog barking, and the traffic the two run past. Another visual problem that may have been intentional, but feels out of place to me, is that when Sam and Colin are running through the traffic, there are these two extras in the background just standing completely still, and not looking at each other. (0:35 - 1:43)Chapter 3 – Week 3You will be given a visual problem, that needs a solution. You will look at the nature of the problem, what is being asked of you, and how you are going resolve it and therefore find a solution to it.You will research the problem through review and experimentation.You will then analyse the results of your review and your experiments.You will then detail what the solution is, both in words and practically.You are going to produce an Analysis of Interactive Media Report Life on Mars (2006) Research PlanCamera Equipment Techniques HYPERLINK "" \h picked the clock as our starting point, and then we slid the camera downward diagonal. next move was a straight zoom, so we had the camera slide closer in on one of our group members. While the camera’s focus began to blur out the closer we got, we managed to quickly fix it and then move in closer. then moved onto using the dolly, and moved to a location with more space. Once we got there, we used the space to its fullest and moved the camera on wheels around in circles and fast movement. We managed to catch one of the college caretakers in a few shots, however I do not think he minded. next one was further back from the previous location, and was used more safely with slower movement. We managed to get a few people in the shot as well, but their appearances were very brief. onto the third piece of equipment, the location was in a tighter space. So our camera technique just revolved around some short panning around me. next shot was in the same location, however this revolved around carefully moving the camera along without shaking or wobbling., we picked a bigger location, and did a full 360? turn in the middle of the group. movie started out inside, going up the stairs, and leading outside. With our first shot, we implemented several camera pans and following shots. For the next shot, we used match on action from opening the door from inside, to walking outside. We followed up that shot with walking backwards till we got to the steps. The next shot was going down the steps and moving the camera, making it look like the camera is going down with it. Our next shot was from a higher distance; filming from higher up allowed us to filming a much longer shot, and move further into the distance. Afterwards, we turned things around with quick camera rotation, and headed back up, ending with a single shot without movement. Evaluation: This exercise was more challenging than expected, however it was a good exercise for teamwork. I enjoyed trying out all the different equipment, and how differently they all worked. However, some of the equipment’s functions were hard to properly figure out, but in the end all our shots managed to stand out from each other. As for the editing, that would have gone better if Avid had been working properly. Unfortunately, due to not using my default computer, the Avid on the computer I was using, did not remember the right movie quality, and as a result, the movie came out with a small screen.Health & Safety: We had to be very careful not to damage any of the equipment, nor to cause too much trouble. A piece of the dolly did come loose; however it looked as though the part that broke already looked as though it had been glued on before. We also had a little mishap with the camera that may have caused some major damage, so we must be even more careful next time. When we were filming our movie, we did most of it outside, and it was rather cold that day. Unfortunately, I neglected to bring my coat, so I shall ensure to be more aware of that next time.Interactive Media ReportThe things I have found out about both Twitter and Instagram is that they both have very similar formats in terms of recognition. While Instagram may be more reliant on just pictures and hashtags. Whereas Twitter has multiple functions, such as spreading the word about a cause or something important, stating your opinion on something, or just like Instagram, posting a memorable picture, while also using hashtags. The strengths of both these sites is that if you stay active on them frequent enough, or provide your own unique content often enough. Then, people start to notice you, follow you, and before you know it, they become your fans and they begin to respect what you do, and before you know it, a professional employer could become interested in taking you on. However, with these strengths, there can also come weaknesses. For instance, you could start to think you can do no wrong and that your followers will stay loyal to you no matter what. Whether it is due to talking about something controversial or preachy, or just changing up your content to something completely different. Then there is the case of something you are passionate about and you start to express your opinion about it, depending on how you deliver it, people’s respect for you can instantaneously diminish. Not to mention, if you take things too far and start talking in offensive way or showing offensive things, it could permanently destroy you in a matter of seconds, even if you quickly apologize for it or try to remove it.I had no trouble setting up the accounts for both sites, since I already had a previous Twitter account, and Instagram seemed to have the same format. While Instagram seems to feel far less simple in terms of posting and uploading, compared to Twitter. Uploading a profile picture was simple enough, but as of now, I have yet to figure out to upload pictures through a computer. To improve, I shall start by looking further into the website’s layout to see if I can find the option to upload. If that does not work out, then I shall search for a video on YouTube containing instructions on how to do it.Interactive media has been evolving every year, from just messaging friends, to posting videos from your phone, to putting up statuses for the world to see, to getting noticed, to creating your very own piece of entertainment, to be introduced to new people around the world. The future for interactive media could mean anything, whether it be virtual beings, advanced methods of contacting one another, or even device that is used for your mind, but whatever happens with interactive media in the future, I hope it is more positive than negative.Twitter and Instagram ReviewOn Instagram, I gained danielle_bradley_95, taniawpc18, and hughes_photography18 as followers. I began to follow danielle_bradley_95, taniawpc18, hughes_photography18, therealstanlee, starwarsmovies, gal_gadot, screenjunkies, johnboyega, theflickpick, papiliodream, and chrisstuckmann. I also started posting some pictures of me at London MCM Comic Con, when I went as Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat, when I went as Bane and met another Bane, and when I met a group of three Lara Crofts. I also posted when I met Funimation voice actors Jason Liebrecht and Trina Nishimura. I recently uploaded a new profile picture, and also started following @papiliodream, @theFLICKpick and @Chris_Stuckmann. I also made a new hashtag called #funimationarethebest, which demonstrates my love for Funimation Entertainment.Life on Mars ResearchSome of the visual problems I mentioned were shaky cam and quick cuts, as well as audio problems, like something not sounding real or consistent enough. These visual problems could be fixed by better communication between the camera crew and the editing department. Whether the camera’s were intentionally cut at those moments, or the editors themselves were responsible, it looks too obvious either way. If it was due to keeping the episode in the planned air time, then I am sure the studio could have easily fit a few more seconds in, or cut a few seconds in a few other scenes. Or if it was due to time constraints, then it is more understandable, however I recommend the editors try to look more closer in the future. As for the shaky cam, that is a common technique when filming action scenes, however I feel it could have been avoided if certain equipment like a dolly were used to make the camera follow more smoothly. As for the audio problems, I recommend lowering the sound of the music a little bit, so that it, along with all the sounds, can all be comprehensible at once. As for when the door is kicked in, you can either search for a loud door breaking sound and edit it in. Or you can create your own in a separate environment, recording nothing but the sound itself, in order to make it sound as real as possible.Chapter 4 – Week 4You will be given an audio problem, a problem that needs a solution. You will look at the nature of the problem, what is being asked of you, and how you are going resolve it and therefore find a solution to it.You will research the problem through review and experimentation.You will then analyse the results of your review and your experiments.You will then detail what the solution is, both in words and practically.Research for your pre-prpoduction planning for Friendship - See Separate BriefMic Recording ExerciseIn this exercise, we tested out three different microphones, a boom/shotgun mic, a lapel/lavailer mic, and a dynamic mic, as well as how well they work in interior and exterior environments. We tested out the different mics by asking three different questions for each location. Evaluation:During the exercise, we came across a few problems with the microphones. The lapel mic was the one we had the most problems with in the exterior and one of the interiors. The sound was either too quiet, picking up static, or being on show. In order to stop it from on being on show, we moved all the wires out of the way, and made sure none were appearing in frame. For the volume issues, we tried turning up volume on the recorder so that it can pick up the dialogue audio a lot better. Unfortunately, it did not work, because of the sounds in the environment being caught in, making the audio less understandable. A problem we had with the shotgun mic in the exterior environment, was that we had trouble positioning it in a way for it to properly pick up both people’s voices. We tried tilting it back and forth for when the two speak, but that created some voice balancing issues, as well as causing it to appear in frame. So instead, what we did was have one of them talk louder than the other, and that made the audio balance out. Now for the editing process, I had forgotten the method on the best way to sync the audio together. So I started out to by syncing the visuals and the audio together the hard way. It may have taken longer but some of it actually turned out ok, but then I was reminded on how to properly sync the audio in. After all that was taken care of, I started to add in titles representing the interior/exteriors and the mics being used for each clip.Health & Safety:For when we filmed outside, we did have to deal with a few vehicles driving past when we were trying to film. Luckily we were in an area where the vehicles could not drive at high speed, giving us enough time to get out of the way.Mind MapTreatmentWhat I intend to achieve with the shots for the film is build up sadness and sympathy for the character of the film who has lost his friend. As well as a few small attentions to detail like pans and zooms on people and objects. I also felt music would be far more fitting for the movie instead of dialogue because it can truly express the scenes and their tones, especially when there is just one person carrying a scene. I also felt demonstrating the things he does on his own, and then with his new friend, would be a good comparison on how you can have more fun with a friend then without one, as well as demonstrate how important friendship truly is.SynopsisA young man has lost his friend and he is feeling really down, and does not know how to cope without him. He tries playing cards and video games, but they all just remind him of old habits he and his friend had. One day he is seen throwing a ball at a brick wall outside, then suddenly, he accidentally throws the ball wrong, causing it to be caught by someone else. The one passing by assumes the boy feels lonely, and reveals he too has recently lost a friend. They then start to hang out with each other, playing games and cards together. When they day has ended, they both are happy to have been reminded the true meaning of friendship, they then shake hands and part ways.StoryboardsNo.1 Description/DialogueThe boy is playing his Xbox 360.Camera AngleMedium shotNo.2Description/DialogueHe is starting to get really into it.Camera AngleClose-upNo.3Description/DialogueHe looks to his side where his friend usually is and remembers he is no longer with him.Camera AngleMedium shotNo.4Description/DialogueThe boy misses his friend.Camera AngleClose-upNo.5Description/DialogueThe boy is dealing cardsCamera AngleHigh angle shotNo.6Description/DialogueThe boy tries to play cards by himself, but it does not work out.Camera AngleHigh angle shotNo.7Description/DialogueThe boy is throwing a ball at a brick wallCamera AngleEstablishing shotNo.8Description/DialogueThe boy is throwing the ball at the wall, looking miserable. Camera AngleHigh angle shotNo.9Description/DialogueSomeone notices the lonely boy in the distance and decides to talk to him.Camera angleLong shotNo.10Description/DialogueThe two walk towards each other and shake hands.Camera angleLow-angle shotNo.11Description/DialogueThe two are on the sofa playing Xbox together.Camera AngleMedium shotNo.12Description/DialogueThe two are playing a game of snap, and one of them gets a hand.Camera AngleHigh-angle shotNo.13Description/DialogueThe boy feels a lot more happy with himself, and he shakes hands with the stranger again, and the two part ways.Camera AngleLong shotNo.14Description/DialogueThe boy smiles before heading back into the house.Camera AngleMedium shotLocation ResearchPart of the location is inside my house which is safe from any outside interference. The other part takes place on the road right outside my house, where there is a large brick wall, a drive in, and a straight road. Filming near the road is also safe because cars do not drive at high speeds when driving in or out of this road. Pedestrians rarely walk by, but when they do, they tend to be rather friendly, or at least non-aggressive.REMOTE SURVEY CHECKLIST LOCATION RECEE SHEETDate of Survey29th January 2018Location9 Church LaneCanterburyKENTCT1 2NEDay of Shoot 29/01/18Time of ShootAfternoonProduction Contact Jenni BlackmannPower AvailableQuantityNot ApplicableExtension CordsNot ApplicableAC Outlets Quantity Not ApplicableReflection InterferencesNot ApplicableObstructions blocking camera viewPossible parked vehicles getting in the waySprinkler SystemNot ApplicableSun LocationUnknownView from inside looking outNot ApplicableExternal Surroundings (noise interference) Construction workVehicles driving byPedestrians Type of FloorCarpet Concrete Wooden floorType of WallcoveringWhite wallsBrick wallsCeiling HeightApproximately 3 metersWidth of hallwaysApproximately 110 cmWidth of Doors – for room dimensions, door and window locations (see attached diagram)85.5 cmPermits/ClearancesPoliceNot ApplicableParkingNot ApplicableFire DeptNot ApplicableNames of Contacts for Permits/ClearancesNot ApplicableSpecial Props NeededNoneExternal Filming – Traffic NoiseVehicles driving nearbyExternal Filming – Source of Power available?Not ApplicableExternal Filming – road access/parking Not ApplicableExternal Filming – public interference Pedestrians walking pastCars driving byAny Additional Location Specific Information/ObservationNone Production ScheduleHealth & SafetyRisk Assessment Hazard Checklist – Filming of [film title] Project NameFriendship ProjectAssessment Date 29/01/18Assessed By Jenni BlackmanApproved ByJenni BlackmanLocations CanterburyActivities Filming around Canterbury1INDOOR HAZARDS5HAZARDS ON HILLS AND MOUNTAINS1.1Inappropriate lighting 5.1Slips & trips on grass, mud, rock1.2TemperatureY5.2River crossings1.3Insufficient or unsuitable space5.3Remote locations1.4Untidiness – causing trip / fire hazard5.4Difficult communication – weather / distance1.5Stairs – dark / steep / no handrail5.5Falling debris1.6Lack of fire escapes / extinguishers / procedures5.6Extra work imposed by terrain type / angle1.7Slip / trip / fall hazards5.7Lack of shelter1.8Inadequate ventilation 5.8Separation of group members1.9Inhalation of dust5.9Getting lost1.10Poor surfaces for activities – slips / trips / impact5.10Falls from height1.11Electrical hazards5.11Extremes of weatherY6PEOPLE & ORGANISATIONAL HAZARDS2.1Uneven playing surface6.1Lack of information, training or instructionY 2.2Playing surface too hard or soft6.2Poor activity planning or preparationY2.3Hard or sharp objects on pitch6.3Poor activity delivery or organisation Y2.4Sliding on Astroturf or tarmac6.4Ignorance of rules and / or procedures 2.5Collisions / Conflict with surrounding objects or people6.5Unsafe behaviour or attitude2.6Impact from sports equipment6.6Lack of appropriate first aid equipment and experience 2.7Contact sport injury6.7Medical conditions of participants2.8Personal injury – fracture / sprains / cuts 6.8Poor safety control from group leadersY 6.9Poor safety awareness from participantsY3HAZARDS ON COASTS & COASTAL WATERS6.11Lack of cooperation within group3.1Falls from cliffs, piers, sea walls6.12Differing skill levels within groupY3.2Struck by falling objects from cliff6.13Low level of physical fitness / strength3.3Slips & falls on slopes / loose surfaces6.14Aggression between participants3.4Quick sand & mud6.15Aggression from crowd / publicY3.5Access problems due to steep angle of beach slope6.16Contact between participants increasing risk3.6Collisions between water users3.7Swept away by wave surges7EQUIPMENT AND OTHER HAZARDS 3.8Being washed against rocks / piers7.1Cash handling 3.9Low water temperatures7.2Transport to and from your activity 3.10Communication problems from waves / swell / distance 7.3Food poisoning3.11Struck by objects in water7.4Hazardous substances3.12Stranded by tides7.5Equipment with moving / hot parts3.13Swept away by currents7.6Heavy equipment3.14Rip tides7.7Electrical hazards from equipment 3.15Longshore drift7.8Noise from equipment 3.16Conflicts between beach users7.9Risk of trapping body / clothing in equipment 7.10Inadequate environment for equipment operation4HAZARDS ON STILL / MOVING WATER7.11Inadequate protective equipment4.1Getting swept away from equipment or people7.12Equipment in unsuitable condition4.2Collision with rocks in and to sides of rivers 4.3Striking / trapping by submerged obstacles8OTHER HAZARDS SPECIFIC TO YOUR ACTIVITY4.4Being dragged down by undertow8.1 Filmming on the Tube 4.5Restricted or impossible access to / from water8.2Filmming a person being hit by a car4.6Access problems – rescue / getting kit into water8.3Filming in a club4.7Falls from drops in level at weirs / waterfalls8.44.8Getting out of depth8.54.9Low water temperature8.64.10Separation from other people8.74.11Slips / trips on steep banks or uneven surfaces8.84.12Difficult communications8.94.13Remote locations8.10Chapter 5 – Week 5Production for Friendship - See Separate BriefChapter 6 – Week 6Post -Production for Friendship – See Separate BriefAppendiciesAppendix 1BibliographyChapter 1Anon, 2018. Interactive media. Wikipedia. Available at: , Strony Internetowe - Reklama w Internecie. Available at: , UC Berkeley History of Art Department. RSS. Available at: , What is Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality Society. Available at: , Writing. Fine Arts Research. Available at: , 2016. Batman the dark knight: tumbler tunnel scene HD. YouTube. Available at: , 2017. ギャンブル中毒が存在します。 しかし、私たちは苦しみません。 - 私たちはビデオゲームについて話しています. Parliamo Di Videogiochi. Available at: 2Koenig, Mike. “Splash Rock In Lake Sounds | Effects | Sound Bites | Sound Clips from .” Free Sound Clips, 2100-Splash-Rock-In-Lake.html.“Life On Mars - S01E01 - Video Dailymotion.” Dailymotion, 9 June 2014, video/x1yzjxq.Chapter 3“Series 1: Episode 1 (Life on Mars).” Life on Mars Wiki, 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Appendix 2How to add pictures, graphs, etc to your Table of Figures in your PortfolioTo make your portfolio even more professional than it already is, and to be correct, academically, you can add pictures, graphs etc to the already created Table of Figures.This is how you do it …..Add your picture/graph etc at the point you want it to be.Right click on the picture/graph etcClick on – Insert CaptionAt the top of the box there is a line saying CaptionIt will automatically tell you if it is Figure 1,2,3 etc – DO NOT ALTER THATThen put in the citation for the bibliography (after the Figure 1,2,3 ) and what you want to call it i.e. Focus Group Graph.Click – CloseRemember to note the layout, so you do the same for each figure i.e.Figure 1 : Hello Project – photo by myselfFigure 2 : Focus Group GraphFigure 3 : (Fred, 2013) Green Screen ExamplesThen go to the Table of Figures (at the bottom of the Contents Page at the front of the Portfolio)Highlight itRight clickAnd click on update field Click on update whole Table ……. And it is done! Appendix 3Unit Criteria’s and Learning OutcomesUNIT 5 - INVESTIGATING AUDIO PRODUCTION AND TECHNOLOGYLearning OutcomesThe student will:Assessment CriteriaThe student can1. Be able to analyse an audio-based problem in creative media production1.1 Analyze the requirements and parameters of an audio-based problem in creative media production.1.2 Apply research activities to support solutions to an audio–based problem in creative media production2. Be able to use an integrated approach to audio-based creative media problem solving and production.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize and present solutions to an audio-based problem in creative media production.2.2 Apply practical skills, understanding and methods to solve an audio-based problem in creative media production.3. Be able to evaluate solutions to an audio-based problem in creative media production3.1 Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio based problem in creative media productionUNIT 6 - INVESTIGATING VISUAL PRODUCTION AND TECHNOLOGYLearning OutcomesThe student will:Assessment CriteriaThe student can1. Be able to analyse a visual-based problem in creative media production1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of a visual-based problem in creative media production.1.2 Apply research activities to support solutions to a visual–based problem in creative media production2. Be able to use an integrated approach to visual-based creative media problem solving and production.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize and present solutions to a visual-based problem in creative media production.2.2 Apply practical skills, understanding and methods to solve a visual-based problem in creative media production.3. Be able to evaluate solutions to a visual-based problem in creative media production3.1 Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to a visual based problem in creative media productionUNIT 7 - INVESTIGATING INTERACTIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION AND TECHNOLOGYLearning OutcomesThe student will:Assessment CriteriaThe student can1. Be able to analyse an interactive-based problem in creative media production1.1 Analyze the requirements and parameters of an interactive-based problem in creative media production.1.2 Apply research activities to support solutions to an interactive–based problem in creative media production2. Be able to use an integrated approach to interactive-based creative media problem solving and production.2.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize and present solutions to an interactive-based problem in creative media production.2.2 Apply practical skills, understanding and methods to solve an interactive-based problem in creative media production.3. Be able to evaluate solutions to an interactive-based problem in creative media production3.1 Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an interactive based problem in creative media productionAppendix 4Allocation of Criteria to ChaptersChapter 1 – Investigating Visual Production and TechnologyUnit 6 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1 Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 1.1, 1.2Chapter 2 – Investigating Audio Production and TechnologyUnit 5 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1Chapter 3– Investigating Visual Production and TechnologyUnit 6 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1 Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1Chapter 4 – Investigating Audio Production and TechnologyUnit 5 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1Chapter 5 – Pre-Production of FriendshipUnit 5 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1Unit 6 – Assessment Criteria - 1.1,1.2 and 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1 Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1Chapter 6 – Production and Post Production of FriendshipUnit 5 – Assessment Criteria - 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1Unit 6 – Assessment Criteria - 2.1, 2.2. and 3.1 Unit 7 – Assessment Criteria – 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1 Appendix 5Trimester 2 Calendar Students Calendar, Scheme of Work and work to be produced for each UnitUnit 5 – AudioUnit 6 – VisualUnit 7 - Interactive1 JanChapter 1Week 1What is the solution to this visual production problem?General Interactive Media Report 1 Twitter and Instagram setup 8 JanChapter 2Week 2What is the solution to this audio production problem?Specific Interactive Media Report 2Add to Twitter and InstagramLife on Mars (2006) Research Plan15 JanChapter 3Week 3What is the solution to this visual production problem?Analysis of Interactive Media Report 3Life on Mars (2006) Research Plan22 JanChapter 4Week 4What is the solution to this audio production problem?Friendship Pre-production Planning 29 JanChapter 5Week 5Production of Friendship5 FebChapter 6Week 6Post-Production and Analysis of Friendship12 FebSelf-Directed Study WeekAppendix 6 Loading your PortfolioHow to Load Your Portfolio so that the latest one is at the topClick on Add and then click on media and then on Add New and then follow the instructions to your latest draft and load it into your wordpress.Then highlight it and click insertWhen you are ready to load the next version/draft, make sure that you have the cursor at the right placeSo that it goes above the previous draft, so that your latest is always on the topDon’t call it this! Call it Unit 12!Although you know your portfolio, loaded once a week, will be called :-Your name, the date, and the draft number i.e. Jenni B Jan 6 Draft 1 ................

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