INTERNET INVESTMENT SITES - AAII Los Angeles - Investing ...


Editor: DGimpel@ May 13, 2008

To go to an investment site, click on it’s address.


|A- |AAII | | |AAII headquarters internet site. |

|A |Beige Book |bb | |Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis offers their Beige Book |

| | | | |on US economic conditions. |

|A |Bonds | | |Moody’s Investor Service is the ultimate voice on bond |

| | | | |issues with top notch forecasts and a must for fundamental |

| | | | |investors. |

|B |Bonds | | |Yahoo Finance bond center provides news. |

|B |Bonds | | |BondsOnLine sells bonds and other securities |

|B |Bonds | | |SIFMA, voice of the Bond Market provides info on bonds. |

|A |Brokers, find | | |Xolia helps you find OnLine brokers. |

|A |Business, small | |$ |JaxWorks offers Excel based business spreadsheets and |

| | | | |graphing tools. |

|A |Calculators | | |CNN Money provides lots of useful financial calculators. |

|A+ |Calculators, | | |Gummy-stuff provides some useful retirement calculators |

| |retirement | | | |

|A |Charts | |$ |StockCharts offers effective charts with three subscription |

| | | | |levels starting at $9.95/month, 16.95 and 19.95. |

|A- |Charts | |$ | offers technical analysis tools for a fee. |

|A |Charts | | |Charts and more charts |

|A |Charts, snapshot | | |Adrich provides an 18 chart market real time snapshot. |

|A |Charts, snapshot, | | |International exchanges from Gummy-Stuff |

| |international | | | |

|A |Chat room | | |Silicon Investor provides serious market talk and other |

| | | | |investment services. |

|A |Chat room | | |Motley Fool provides not-so-foolish talk about the markets. |

|A |Chat room | | |Raging Bull offers outstanding chat room. |

|A |Chat room | |$ |Silicon Investor fee based active investment bulletin board |

| | | | |emphasizing technology. |

|B+ |Clubs | | |IClubCentral is all about investment clubs; accounting, |

| | | | |setup and operation. |

|A |Clubs, investment | | |BiVio is devoted to investment clubs and helps track |

| | | | |investments and provides an accounting service. |

|A |Commentary | | |The Street offers market commentary several times daily |

|A- |Commentary | | |Navarro, Prof. Peter provides investment commentary. |

|A- |Commentary | | |Prudent Bear offers good commentary. |

| |Commentary, market | | |KPP Financial provides market commentary. |

| |Commentary, market | | |Ivan Martchev provides market commentary . |

| |Commentary, mutual | | |John Bollinger provides mutual funds services and |

| |funds | | |commentary. |

|A |Data | |$ | offers fee based commentary and data. |

|A |Data | |$ |Moody’s provides economic data. |

|A |Data, real time | | |Free Real Time offers real time quotations. |

|A |Demographics | | |ZipSkinny offers ZIP code demographic data |

|A |Dictionary, market |categories/buzzwords.asp | |Investopedia offers a dictionary of market buzzwords. A |

| |buzzwords | | |real education in itself. |

|A |Economic conditions, | | |Federal Reserve System Beige Book on US economic conditions.|

| |current | | | |

|A |Economics, blog | | |Professor De Longs blog site for economic commentary. |

| | | | |Outstanding. |

|A |Economy | |$ |Moody’s provides economic news |

|A |Economy | | |Hodges, M. W. Grandfather Economic Report discusses US |

| | | | |economic problems |

|B |Economy | | |Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provides National Economic|

| | | | |Trends information |

|B |Economy |bb/ | |Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis offers its Beige Book. |

|B |Economy, FRED2 | | |Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provides economic data at |

| | | | |FRED |

|A |Edgar | |$ |EDGAR Online Services provides financial and company info. |

| | | | |It has three subscription plans. |

|A |Education | |$ |Armchair Millionaire provides a broad investment education |

| | | | |with style emphasis. |

|A |Education | | |Forbes offers educational articles. |

|A |Education | | |Motley Fool offers a little of everything about investing. |

|A+ |Education |gummy- | |Gummy-stuff is possibly the best investor education site on |

| | | | |the internet and offers hundreds of useful Excel |

| | | | |spreadsheets. |

|A |Education | | |Motley Fool focuses on investor education with lots of |

| | | | |calculators, products and services all with a stron focus on|

| | | | |personal finance. |

|A |Education | | |Investools offers investor education lessons. |

|A |Education | | |AAII Los Angeles Chapter news and events. |

|A |Estate planning | | |NOLO Press Slf-help Law Center offers free links, probate |

| | | | |info and more. |

|B |ETF’s | |$ |XTF Global Asset Management offers portfolios of ETFs |

| | | | |including (1) Tactical, (2) Target Date and (3) Country or |

| | | | |Sector Rotation plus ETF articles. |

|A |ETFs | |$ |Masterdata provides index and ETF composite breadth reports,|

| | | | |charts and data. |

|B |ETF’s | | |Morningstar provides ETF valuations |

|B |ETF’s | | |Select SectorsPDRs provides free ETF sector information on 9|

| | | | |different sectors. |

|B |ETF’s | | |NASD provides ETF expense analyzer tool. |

|B |ETF’s | | | allows investors to sort ETFs by the index|

| | | | |they trade. |

|B |ETF’s | | |ETFScreen provides ETF performance data organized by |

| | | | |markets. |

| |ETFs | | |QuantumOnLine offers information on Preferred stocks and |

| | | | |ETFs |

|A |ETFs, Jeremy Siegal | | |WisdomTree is home to Prof. Jeremy Siegal a man worth |

| | | | |listening to. |

|A |Exchange Rates | | |University of British Columbia provides an exchange rate |

| | | | |table. |

|A |Forecasts, economic |econ/forecast/ | |Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia offers economic |

| | | | |forecasts. |

|A |Forecasts, economic | | |Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia provides their survey |

| | | | |of macroeconomic forecasters. |

|A |Forums |forums |$ |FastTrack Forums is for serious investors who use Investor’s|

| | | | |FastTrack software. |

|A |Futures, quotations | | |Futures quotations comprehensive site. |

|A |Glossary, investment | | |Stocks and Commodities Magazine provides a market glossary. |

|A |Glossary, investment | | |InvestorWords offers a glossary of investment terms. |

|A |Guru, grading |gurus/#snapshop | |CXOAdvisory grades the gurus and keeps them honest. |

|A |Ideas, Investment | | |Fidelity site offers about 50 independent expert strategies |

| | |1. Click on Research & Monitor in left hand column | |with at least one that ought to match your objectives and |

| | |2. Click on Research Overview then in center column click on | |makes you feel comfortable. These are stock selection |

| | |3. Screen for Ideas then select | |strategies designed to identify specific opportunities. |

| | |4. Independent Expert Strategies | |Simply the most comprehensive site on the internet. |

| | |5. Choose one that makes you comfortable | | |

|A |Income Investments | | |QuantumOnLine provides information on all kinds of income |

| | | | |producing investments such as REITs, preferred, debt |

| | | | |securities, etc |

|A |Indexes | | |Big Charts provides index charts. |

|A |Indexes |index.php?section=6&id=1167 | |IndexUniverse is all about indexing. |

|A |Indexes, |home.asp | |Wisdom Tree is the home of Professor Siegal. No need to say|

| |Earnings-weighted | | |anything more. |

|A |Index, grades |marketgradernew/index.jsp | |MarketGrader offers a unique proprietary index. |

|A |Indexes, Real time | | |Adrich offers hourly index charts. |

|A |Indexes, Real time | | |ADVFN offers access to real time domestic and international |

| | | | |market indexes. |

|A |Indicators, economic |education/bythe.html | |Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides information on the|

| | | | |indicators that they track. |

|A |International | | |Emerging Markets Companion has excellent global markets |

| | | | |data. |

|A |IPO’s |ipo | |123jump provides IPO calendar, filings, prices, withdrawals,|

| | | | |reports. |

|A |IPO’s | | |Edgar provides list of prospective filings |

|A |IPO’s | | |IPOHome by Renaissance Capital provides IPO news and |

| | | | |information. |

|A |Legal | | |NOLO Press self-help Law Center offers free links, probate |

| | | | |information, legal documents including living trust |

| | | | |documents and more |

|A |Links | | |Investor Home provides lots of good links and other |

| | | | |information. |

|A- |Magazine | | |Economist offers articles and economic commentary |

|B+ |Magazine | | |Forbes is a business news magazine with lots of lists. |

|A |Markets, emerging | | |Emerging Markets Companion is a comprehensive site focused |

| | | | |on emerging markets. |

| |Markets, forecasting | | |Fascinating site with loads of good material. |

|A |Markets, worldwide | | |Gummy-stuff provides charts of 18 worldwide market indexes. |

| | | | |Very handy if you want a quick worldwide review. |

|A |Megasite |\ | |StockMaven offers a little bit of this and a little bit of |

| | | | |that. Stocks, futures and options, links and a lot more. |

|A |Megasite | | |MSN.Money provides comprehensive information. |

| | | | | |

|A |Megasite | | |Motley Fools has answers for everything |

|A |Megasite | | |Reuters offers a bit of everything. |

|A |Megasite |Finance. | |Yahoo has one of the best overall investor sites. |

|A |Megasite |moneycentral.home.asp |$ |Microsoft MoneyCentral fee based offers free quotes, |

| | | | |portfolio tracking, charting tools and more. |

|A |Megasite | | |Morningstar’s comprehensive site is the authority on mutual |

| | | | |funds. |

|A- |Megasite | | |ClearStation offers recommendations and analysis tools. |

|A |Megasite | | |Yahoo is a comprehensive investment management site. |

|A |Megasite | or | |Yahoo! Finance offers news, quotations. Research. |

| | | | |Commentary, everything. |

|A |Megasite | |$ | offers fee based market commentary, quotes, |

| | | | |charts, portfolios, sector ratings, calendars and more |

|A |Megasite | | | offers, quotations, charts, commentary and more. |

|A |Megasite | | |Dow Jones market megasite offers a bit of everything. |

|A |Megasite | | |Smart Money has a rich assortment of investment tools. |

|A |Megasite | |$ |Zacks Investment research is focused on stocks. Site |

| | | | |provides data and more data. Some services free. |

|A |Megasite | | |C|NEWS is a highly rated site for investment news. |

|A |Megasite | | | provides news, intraday quotes, links to other |

| | | | |investment sites and a lot more. |

|A |Megasite | | |MSN Money offers a little bit of everything. |

|A |Megasite | | |Stock Maven is a megasite with everything you can think of. |

|A |Modern Portfolio |ef/index.shtml | |OnLine Journal of Practical Asset Allocation home page. |

| |Theory | | | |

|A |Money, lost | | |State of California Unclaimed Property Office |

|B |Money Managers | |$ |Money Manager Review provides investment manager rankings |

|B |Money Managers |wbmm/login.asp?desturl=wbmm/default.asp | |Americap Advisors offers links to touted Money Managers |

|B |MPT | | |Efficient Frontier Journal of Practical Asset Allocation |

| |Mutual Fund, ratings | | |FundAlarm rates funds. |

|A |Mutual Funds |home.asp | |Wisdom Tree, Professor Jeremy Siegel provides funds based |

| | | | |upon fundamental principals such as dividend or earnings |

| | | | |weightings. |

|A |Mutual Funds | |$ |Morningstar is a fee based source of info on over 15,000 |

| | | | |stocks and funds |

|A |Mutual Funds | | |SmartMoney offers mutual fund expertise via tools and data. |

|A |Mutual Funds | | |Brill’s Mutual Fund interactive provides news, columns and |

| | | | |analysis about mutual funds. For beginners. It has a good |

| | | | |message board. |

|A |Mutual Funds | | |FundAlarm focuses on when you ought to sell funds. |

|? |Mutual Funds | | |Morningstar provides mutual fund data. |

|A |Mutual Funds, timing | | |Fundbuster offers mutual fund and ETF timing advice. |

| | | | | |

|A |Mutual Funds, when to | | |Fund Alarm tells you when to sell mutual funds. |

| |sell | | | |

| |News | | |Dow Jones provides market news |

|A |News | | |Reuters supplies fast and free financial news. |

|A |News | |$ |The Wall Street Journal offers the best coverage of |

| | | | |financial and market news. |

|A |News | | |CNET offers market news wih a technology bias. |

|A |News | | |Bloomberg provides market news, data and tools. |

|A |News |?avatar=seer | |CBS is financial news. Includes stock quotes and a |

| | | | |portfolio tracker. |

|A |News | | | provides international and domestic news and |

| | | | |info on interest rates, real estate and more. |

|A |News | | |MarketWatch from Dow Jones provides news and quotations and |

| | | | |more |

|A |News | | |Drudge Report fills you in on all the dirt. |

|B- |News, analysis | | |Stocks and News is updated once-a-week. |

|A |News, economic | | |Yahoo Finance provides release dates for government economic|

| | | | |information with forecasts and expectations. |

|A |News, International | |$ |WSJ Wall Street Journal spans the globe with its coverage. |

|A |News, international | | |Financial Times (FT) is from the UK and provides |

| | | | |comprehensive worldwide financial news reporting. |

|A |News, market | | |Wall Street Journal Digital Network offers market news. |

|A |News, market | | |StockMaven Research Center offers a little bit of this and a|

| | | | |little bit of that |

|A |News, science | | |Science news that keeps you up to date. |

|A |News, talk radio | | |Business Talk Radio Network provides live radio commentary. |

|A |News, technology | | |CNET provides timely technology news |

|A |Opinion | | |GlobalGuru offers worldwide market opinion. |

| |Opinion | | |Financial Sense offers market opinions. |

| |Opinion | | |Opinions from Cape Town |

|B |Options | | |CBOE is an options megasite offering education, quotations |

| | | | |and trading. |

|A |Options | |$ |INO Global Markets calls itself the WEB center for futures |

| | | | |and options. It tracks exotic securities. A sophisticated |

| | | | |site. |

|A |Options/Futures | | |MarketForum provides futures & options quotations, message |

| | | | |board, ETFs and more. |

|B |Options/Futures | | |CBOE provides index option data. |

|A+ |Overview | | |M. W. Hodges Grandfather’s Economic Report talks about the |

| | | | |major problems and their resolution. A truly outstanding |

| | | | |site. |

| |Podcast, market |watch_and_listen.php | |Conselo Mack provides market podcasts. |

| |Podcasts/market |podcasts/ | |Market Watch provides market podcasts |

|A |Portfolio, Tracking | | |Morningstar offers excellent portfolio tracking and analysis|

|A |Portfolio, Tracking |moneycentral. | |CNBC on MSN Money offers free customizable portfolio |

| | | | |tracking tools. |

|B- |Portfolios, suggested | | |Merriman Capital Management suggests some portfolios. |

|A |Prices | | |Intraday index and commodity prices |

| |Preferred stocks | | |QuantumOnLine offers information on Preferred stocks and |

| | | | |ETFs. |

| |Public Records, | | |VirtualGumshoe provides links to public records and sells |

| |investigate | | |investigation services |

|A |Quotes | | |Yahoo! Finance is a good site for stock and fund quotations |

|A |Quotes, real time | | |FreeRealTime provides real time quotes plus analysis and |

| | | | |commentary. |

|A |Real Estate | | | provides comprehensive housing valuations. |

| |Reference, | | |Provides access to the encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, etc.|

| |encyclopedia | | | |

| |Reference, | | |The Encyclopedia Britannica is a comprehensive resource. |

| |encyclopedia | | | |

| |Reference, Google | | | |

| |Reference, Google, | | |Access to a wide range of books. |

| |books | | | |

| |Reference, Library | | |The British Library is a major search resource. |

| |Reference, Library | | |Access to The Library of Congress |

| |Reference, Library | | |The Library of Congress Virtual Reference Shelf. |

|A |Research | | |Reuters news and research on stocks and funds. |

|A |Research, economy |research/index.html | |Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides access to their |

| | | | |research library. It is very high level economic research. |

|A |Research, stock | | |Hoovers on line fee based efficient site also provides |

| | | | |access to their profile database on 3,000 companies |

|A |Retirement planning | | |Fidelity Investments terrific retirement calculators. |

| | | | | |

|A |Retirement planning | |$ |Professor Sharpe’s site for retirement and financial |

| | | | |planning. As good as it can get. |

|A |Rotation, sector | | |Invest-N-Best offers advice on market sector rotation. |

|A |Screening, stock |moneycentral.investor | |Microsoft’s MoneyCentral offers free screening of 8000+ |

| | | | |stocks with 200 data fields. They provide a very broad |

| | | | |range of services. |

|A |Screening, stock | | |Smart Money provides an in-depth screening tool for stocks |

| | | | |and funds. |

|A |SEC | | |U, S. Securities and Exchange Commission offers news and |

| | | | |regulations. |

|A |Sector, charts | | |StockCharts offers sector SPDR charts. |

| |Snapshot, ETFx | | |Gummy-stuff provides 16 ETF charts |

| |Snapshot, indexes | | |Gummy-stuff provides 18 sector and market indices |

| |Snapshot, | | |Gummy-stuff provides a snapshot of 18 international indexes.|

| |International markets | | | |

|A |Software | | |Quicken provides access to their home and business software |

| | | | |and services. |

| |Software, free | | |SoftwareFree offers free utility software that is usually |

| | | | |not high-end stuff. |

| |Software, free | | |Major Geeks offers free software. |

| |SPDRs | | |Select Sector provides information on SPDRs. |

|A |Stock, analysis | |$ | offers analysis on 3 levels. Free simple |

| | | | |analysis, gold and platinum fee based analysis. |

|A |Stock, Strategies | |$ |Invesr-N-Best provides comments on ETF’s, stock and mutual |

| | | | |fund strategies |

|A |Stocks | | |CBS provides comprehensive stock reporting |

|A |Strategies, investment| | |Peter Navarro’s website offers opinions. |

|A |Strategies, investment| | |Vailea pro strategies |

|A |Taxes | | |Tax Analysts provides more than you want to know about |

| | | | |local, state and federal taxes. |

|B |Taxes | |$ |GainsKeeper (Wolters Kluwer Financial Services) provides |

| | | | |automated tax-based financial tools and services with a |

| | | | |strong tax orientation. |

| |Technical Analysis | | |Dave Landry offers a 1-minute chart commentary. |

|A |Timing, market | | |DecisionMoose is an interesting market timing service. |

| |Timing, market | |$ |Invest-n-Best provides opinion and tools. It is an |

| | | | |interesting site loaded with opinion and advice. |

|A |Timing, Mutual Funds | | |Fundbuster offers mutual fund and ETF market timing. |

|A |Trading, day | | |TradeHard free internet site helps identify trends with |

| | | | |first-rate commentary. |

|A |Unclaimed funds |sco.col/ucp | |State of California site for reclaiming unclaimed funds. |

| |Valuation, stocks | | |ClearStation touts stocks, markets and industries |

|A+ |ZIP Codes | | |ZIPSkinny provides detailed statistical information for each|

| | |. | |ZIP code. This is a treasure for marketers. |

| | |.. | | |

Descriptions, ratings and classifications represent the opinions of the editor. The AAII or its Los Angeles Chapter is not responsible for the content of this document.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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