ABLAZE:Prepare Your Heart for RevivalPersonal Study GuideDear Friend,Welcome to the personal study guide for Ablaze: Prepare Your Heart for Revival. You have embarked on a journey to impact your life. I would love to hear from you after you complete this journey. You can send an email or video to me at Kristi@.This study guide goes along with every chapter. I have left space for you to write on this guide. Feel free to add a journal if you run out of space. I am praying for the Spirit to overwhelm you and for revival to break forth. To God be the glory!Blessings,Dr. Kristi LemleyCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONWhat do you hope to get from reading ABLAZE?Are you serious about desiring more of God? If yes, why?CHAPTER 1: THE HEART OF REVIVALPrayer-Lord, I pray that you would search my heart and reveal to me any areas that keep me from intimacy with You. I give the Spirit permission to open my eyes to see and my ears to hear in order that my heart would be prepared to receive more of You. I know Lord, that sometimes the truth hurts, but I long to experience more of You and am desperate for You. Have Your way in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Have you pulled back from the Lord recently? If yes, how? What happened that made you pull back?After reading the letters to the seven churches, can you identify with any of them? If so, which one(s)?Write your tendency to want to control your life regarding fears, pride, or hidden sin.?Do you have an issue with focus? Is it hard to keep your eyes on Jesus?Are you complacent in your walk with the Lord? Do you allow worldliness to enter?Do you need personal revival?CHAPTER 2: DEFINITION OF REVIVALPrayer-Oh Lord, help me to grasp what it means to have more of You in my life. Help me to understand what it looks like when You move among Your people. Give me discernment when learning about Your Spirit. I want to glorify You and not myself or the enemy. May Your truth abound in my life and help me to recognize You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.What about the definition of revival surprises you or something you find interesting about it?List the characteristics of revival.?There are three participants in revival?God, the devil, and us. List potential problems regarding the devil and humans. Have you seen the above issues before? If yes, when?Do you think you would respond in an unhealthy way to the outpouring of the Spirit? Why do you think this way?CHAPTER 3: BIBLICAL REVIVALSPrayer-Lord, I pray that I would see You differently than I have ever before. Let the scriptures open up to me and reveal Your character in multiple ways. I am excited to see You work among Your people. Give me insight to what moves You and what hinders You. Increase my faith as I read the history of Your people. In the name of Jesus. Amen.What surprised you regarding the book of Judges? What stood out to you most regarding the kings in 2 Chronicles?What inspired you about Nehemiah?Acts reveals the beginning of the Church. What happened within your spirit as you read how the Spirit poured forth on the early Christians?CHAPTER 4: THEOLOGY OF REVIVALPrayer-Lord, thank you that You are revealing Yourself in new ways to me. I am in awe of who You are and what You do for Your people. I pray that I grasp that You alone bring revival and there is no step-by-step process for me to “make” revival happen. However, Lord, I realize that my role is vital in order for You to work through me. I give You space in my heart and allow You to overtake My life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.What does the sovereignty of God mean to you?Discuss the purposes for revival.How important is your obedience to the leading of the Lord? Why?Are you ready to pay the cost of being prepared for revival?CHAPTER 5: 2 CHRONICLES 7:14Prayer-Lord, You are wonderful! You are powerful! You are above all! Thank you, Lord, for revealing how important it is for me to be prepared to receive more of You. Help me to recognize that Your word is imperative and alive. Teach me Your ways. Thank you, Lord, that You want me to receive all that You have prepared for me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Identify divine retribution and divine discipline. Which one are we currently under?Is 2 Chronicles 7:14 applicable for today? Why do you believe this?What happens when believers do not do their part?Is God ready to do His part? Why do you think this?CHAPTER 6: IT’S NOT ABOUT USPrayer-Lord, thank you for wanting to give me more of You. Thank you that it is Your best for Your people to overflow with Your presence. I want to be filled until I cannot contain it or control it. More of You oh Lord, is my heart’s desire. Help me to humble myself in every area of my life. Reveal hidden areas that I have not put under Your leadership. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Why is humility so difficult for people? Why is it difficult for you?How do you define humility?What scripture stood out to you the most regarding humility? Why?Which biblical example do you relate to the most? Why?What did you find inspirational from the lives of revivalists?What areas of the process of humbling yourself did you find useful?Did the section of personal reflection speak to you? If yes, how? If no, why do you think that is?CHAPTER 7: APPROACH THE THRONEPrayer-Lord, thank you that I sense my heart softening up to You. I want to be closer to You and reflect You to the world. Help me to experience Your power and presence as I learn the importance of prayer. I want to become a prayer warrior and to receive all that You have prepared for me. Lord, remove hindrances to prayer in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.What did you find interesting about Esther’s experience and how it relates to us approaching God?How do you define prayer?What scriptures do you find helpful regarding prayer?Did you learn something from the biblical examples? What did you learn?Which revivalist did you connect with in this chapter?What hinders your prayer life?What location and time do you pray at?Do you pray God-sized prayers? If no, why not? If yes, how often?Do you live righteously?Do you persevere in prayer? What might this look like in your life?Did the personal reflection speak to you in this chapter? If yes, how? If no, why do you think that is?CHAPTER 8: YOUR FACE OH LORDPrayer-Thank you, Lord for Your presence. I can sense it growing stronger and stronger as I take this time with You. I want Your will for my life. Help me to release my plans and seek what You have for me. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in my life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.What about the story of King Jehoshaphat resonated with you?How do you define seeking the face of God?Which scriptures mean the most to you?Which biblical or revivalist example can you relate to the most? Why?What aspects of seeking God do you need to incorporate into your daily life?Have you ever treated God like a Jeanie in a bottle where you thought if you did the right thing, that meant you should automatically be rewarded by God? Give an example.Did the personal reflection speak to you in this chapter? If yes, how? If no, why do you think that is?CHAPTER 9: TURNING FROM SINPrayer-Lord, I thank you that You are faithful. You have always been and will always be faithful. I know the truth sets me free, so I ask that You reveal to me any areas of hidden sin. I want to be as close to You as I can humanly be, but I understand that anything that separates me from You must go in my life. Help me to repent from all sin in order to have intimacy with You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Is there any sin in your life that you are already aware of that you need to repent of right now?Do you think it is difficult to be led by the Lord when sin is present? Why?How does holiness compare to repentance? Can you give an example in your life where once you repented something happened?Do you have unforgiveness in your life?Holiness is not only turning from sin but being separated to serve God. What does this look like in your life?Did the personal reflection speak to you in this chapter? If yes, how? If no, why do you think that is?CHAPTER 10: GOD’S RESPONSEPrayer-Lord, thank you for stretching me and revealing Your truth to me in ways that I may not have recognized before. Thank you for reminding me of who You are and what it means to be a follower of Christ. Help me to remain faithful to You as I watch You move in my life and the world. Help me to never take Your glory for granted. You are the same today, that You have been in the past, and will continue to be in the future. Show me Your glory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Write down a time that God moved in your life. How did you respond to it?How do you define hear, forgive, and heal?What is your favorite scripture in this section? Why?What biblical example can you relate to in the Bible?Do you have a favorite revival in history? What about this revival inspires you?What did the Lord speak to you as you read the stories?CHAPTER 11: CREATING THE ATMOSPHEREPrayer-Lord, I feel the Spirit increasing the more I read about revival and how You want Your people to live. Help me Lord to create an atmosphere in my life that invites and welcomes You into my daily life. Oh Lord how I need You, more of You. You are the air that I breathe. Come into my life and overwhelm me with Your Spirit. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Where are you a leader? Not sure, ask the Lord to reveal to you the people you lead.Is your heart prepared to receive more of the Lord? If yes, why? If no, why not?Have you studied revivals before? Which ones do you want to study further?Who could you teach about revivals? When could you teach them?Do you have prayer meetings? How could they be better?If you are a pastor, how do you need to prepare your church?Are you available for God to use? If yes, how? If no, why not?What caution do you need to keep in mind to keep God first and not try to “make” revival happen?CHAPTER 12: WHERE ARE WE NOW?Prayer-Lord, I cannot thank you enough for revealing Your heart to me. I know Your best is for me to live revived all the days of my life. You are the answer the world needs. I cry out to You to bring revival. Bring dead things to life again. Awaken the Church to complete the Great Commission. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Where do you think we are right now as a society?What did the Lord speak to you in Isaiah 42:1-4?What did the Lord speak to you in Isaiah 42:5-13?What did the Lord speak to you in Isaiah 42:14-17?What do you think the coming revival will look like?What is your understanding of the five-fold ministry?CHAPTER 13: EXPERIENCING PERSONAL REVIVALPrayer-Lord, I love you! Thank you for reviving me. Even if I am not currently experiencing it, I know that it is on its way. Show me Your glory Lord. You have given me power and authority and to allow miracles, signs, and wonders to go forth in Your name. Have Your way in the name of Jesus. Amen. Are you currently experiencing personal revival? If yes, write your experience. If no, how can you remain faithful as you patiently wait?How can you utilize wisdom with increased spiritual awareness? How does your desire to read the Word of God impact your life right now?Do you have a mentor for spiritual matters? If no, what can you do to obtain one?How do you abide in Christ? What does it look like in your life?Are you sharing with others what God is doing in you? If yes, what are you doing. If no, how can you begin?CHAPTER 14: HOW TO LEAD A REVIVALPrayer-Lord, help me to remain faithful to You as I live out Your calling on my life. Help me to embrace all that You are doing in me and through me. I pray for wisdom and guidance as I lead those around me during this time of revival. Even if I am not experiencing Your best right now, help me to prepare to walk it out when the time comes. In the name of Jesus. Amen.Are you committed to a life of prayer and discerning the presence of God? If yes, how?How are you maintaining godly character in your life?Have you developed a team, which includes the five-fold, and training new leaders? If yes, how is it going? If no, what is hindering you?What logistics have been dealt with and which ones still need attention?What is the most difficult part of handling opposition and “wild fire”?Are you willing to sacrifice your life and pay the cost for revival?CONCLUDING REMARKSWhat did you learn about revival through reading this book?Is your heart prepared to receive more of the Lord than before you read this book? How?What is your part in the coming revival?AN ENDING NOTE-I pray that this book has sparked a hunger for more of the Lord. I pray that you no longer accept life as usual but long for an outpouring of the Spirit so much so that you cannot contain it. I pray your life overflows with the presence of the Lord and impacts the world around you. Thank you for reading ABLAZE. I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me at Kristi@. BLESSINGS!BIBLIOGRAPHYFor further studyBackholer, Mathew. Reformation to Revival, 500 Years of God’s Glory: Sixty Revivals, Awakenings and Heaven-Sent Visitations of the Holy Spirit. ByFaith Media, 2017. Kindle.———. Revival Fire: 150 Years of Revivals, Spiritual Awakenings and Moves of the Holy Spirit Days of Heaven on Earth. ByFaith Media, 2017. Kindle.Baker, Ernest, and Douglas Porter. Revivals of the Bible. Evangelical Revival Series 16. The Revival Library, 2013.Baker, Allen, III. Revival Prayer: A Needed Paradigm Shift in Today’s Church. Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, 2013.———. Seeking a Revival Culture: Essays on Fortifying an Anemic Church. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016.Barna Group. “The State of the Church 2016.” Barna, September 15, 2016. Accessed May 8, 2018. , Edith L. Aimee Semple McPherson: Everybody’s Sister. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993.Broduer, Michael, and Banning Liebscher. Revival Culture: Preparing for the Next Great Awakening. Grand Rapids, MI: Chosen Books, 2013.Brown, Michael L. The Fire That Never Sleeps: Keys to Sustaining Personal Revival. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2015.Budiselic, Ervin. “The Old Testament Concept of Revival within the New Testament.” Kairos Evangelical Journal of Theology vol. 8, no. 1 (2014): 45-74. Accessed September 4, 2018, Ebscohost.Burns, William C. Revival Sermons: Notes of Addresses by William C. Burns. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1980.Campbell, Duncan. The Lewis Awakening: Revival in the Hebrides. Kraus House, 2015.———. “The Nature of a God-Sent Revival.” Accessed July 3, 2017. , David Yonggi. Prayer That Brings Revival: Interceding for God to Move in Your Family, Church and Community. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 1998.Copeland, Kenneth. John G. Lake: His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith. Fort Worth, TX: Kenneth Copeland Publications, 1994.Curry, Rick. “Revival Broke Out Near Historic Cane Ridge on Pentecost Sunday—And Has No Signs of Stopping.” Charisma Magazine. September 8, 2018. Accessed April 20, 2019. . Accessed 12/7/2018.Doe, Michael. “God is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith Is Changing the World.” Impact Religion 16, no 3 (September 2013): 374-376.Engle, Lou. Digging the Wells of Revival. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2011.Fletcher, Barbara, and Sarah Bertz. Nehemiah: From Rubble to Revival. Salem, OR: Salem Alliance Church Bible Study Department, 2017.Gaffin, Richard B., Jr., Robert L. Saucy, C. Samuel Storms, and Douglas A. Oss. Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? 4 Views. Counterpoints: Bible and Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1996. Kindle.Grubb, Norman. Continuous Revival. Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications, 2011.?????. Rees Howells, Intercessor. Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1952.Hansen, Collin, and John D. Woodbridge. A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories That Stretch and Stir. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012.Henard, William. Can These Bones Live? A Practical Guide to Church Revitalization. Nashville: B&H, 2015.Hudson, Neil. “Blessings and Burden of Revival.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Milwaukee, March 11-13, 2004.Ignatius, Dennis. Fire Begets Fire. Vancouver: Vision Publications, 2006. Johnson, Bill. Defining Moments: John G. Lake. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2016. Kindle.Lake, John G. Divine Healing: A Gift from God. GodSounds, 2016. Kindle.———. Heavenly Authority: The Right of the Believer. GodSounds, 2017. Kindle.LeClaire, Jennifer. The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2015.Lescelius, Robert H. “Revival: A Solution or a Problem? The Definition of Revival in the Old Testament.” Reformation and Revival Journal 11, no. 3 (Summer 2002): 126-144. Accessed on August 29, 2018. . LeStrange, Ryan, and Jennifer LeClaire. Revival Hubs Rising: Revealing a New Ministry Paradigm for the Next Move of God. Impact Awakening Ministries, 2016.Lindsay, Gordon. John G. Lake: Apostle to Africa. Pentecostal Pioneers Series 17. 1972. Reprint, The Revival Library, 2014. Kindle.McPherson, Aimee Semple. This Is That: Personal Experiences, Sermons, and Writings of Aimee Semple McPherson. Edited by Douglas Harrolf. 1919. Reprint, Happy Joliver Publishing, 2012.Miskov, Jennifer A., with Heidi Baker and Bill Johnson. Ignite Azusa: Positioning for a New Jesus Revolution. Redding, CA: Silver to Gold, 2016.?????. “Toward a Paradigm of Approaching and Living Effectively through Revivals: A Case Study on Carrie Judd Montgomery’s Approach to Early Pentecostal Revivals.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for Society for Pentecostal Studies, Virginia Beach, February 29-March 3, 2012.Moody, Dwight L. Moody’s Anecdotes and Illustrations Related to His Revival Work by the Great Evangelist. 1881. Reprint, Tradition Classics, 2013.Morgan, Talbert. John G. Lake’s Life and Diary. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006.Murphy, Owen. When God Stepped Down from Heaven. Center Mark Press, 2012.Murray, Iain H. Pentecost Today: The Biblical Basis for Understanding Revival. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998.———. Revival and Revivalism. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1994.Musgrove, Beth. “City of Paris Gives Away $650,000 Golf Course to Group Proposing Distillery.” Lexington Herald Leader, January 10, 2019. Accessed January 29, 2019. , Olea. South Africa’s Forgotten Revival: The Story of the Cape’s Great Awakening in 1860. Olive Twig Books, 2014. Kindle.Orr, J. Edwin. “Prayer and Revival,” J. Edwin Orr, accessed July 7, 2019, , T. L. Healing the Sick: A Living Classic. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1986.Pierce, Cal. “An Interview with Roberts Liardon about John G. Lake.” Spokane, WA: Healing Rooms Training Center. Accessed February 10, 2018. , Winkey. Revival: Principles to Change the World. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life Books, 2002.Ravenhill, Leonard. Revival God’s Way: A Message for the Church. 1986. Reprint, Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2006.———. Why Revival Tarries. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2004.Reidt, Wilford. John G. Lake: A Man Without Compromise. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1989.Roberts, Evan. The Story of the Welsh Revival by Eyewitnesses: E. W. Moore, Elvet Lewis, Arthur Goodrich, G. Campbell Morgan, W.T. Stead, Evan H. Hopkins, Evan Roberts. 1905. Reprint, Jawbone Digital, 2015.Scotland, Nigel. “Towards a Biblical Understanding and Assessment of Revival.” The Evangelical Quarterly 85, no. 2 (April 2013): 121-134.Shaw, S. B. The Great Revival in Wales. Pensacola, FL: Christian Life Books, 2014.Taylor, Jeremiah. “Sold Down the River: The Rise of Kentucky’s Slave Trade with the Lower South.” University of the Cumberlands, accessed April 28, 2019, , Carolyn. “Church Revitalization and Revivals.” Lecture, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO, February 25-March 2, 2018. ?????. “Toronto Blessing.” Unpublished paper completed for use by AG District Councils, 1995.Thomas, Geoffrey. Philip and the Revival in Samaria. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2005.Towns, Elmer, and Douglas Porter. The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 2000.Tozer, A. W. Rut, Rot, or Revival: The Problem of Change and Breaking Out of the Status Quo. New ed. Chicago: Wingspread-Moody, 2006.Waugh, Geoff. Flashpoints of Revival. North Charleston, SC: BookSurge, 2009. Kindle.Woodworth-Etter, Maria. A Diary of Signs and Wonders. Edited by Lee A. Howard. 6th ed. Lee A. Howard, 2013.Wyatt, Brett A. Fire of God: John G. Lake in Spokane. Pillars of the Faith Series. Spokane, WA: Riley Christian Media, 2002.?????. Healer: The Controversial and Supernatural Life of John G. Lake. Spokane, WA: Riley Christian Media, 2014. Kindle.Argentinian Revival SourcesAnnacondia, Carlos. Listen to Me, Satan: Keys for Breaking the Devil’s Grip and Bringing Revival to Your World. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 1998.Bottari, Pablo. Free in Christ: Your Complete Handbook on the Ministry of Deliverance. Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2000.Claudio, Freidzon. Holy Spirit I Hunger for You. Lake Mary, FL: Creation House, 1997.Grams, Rocky. In Awe of Argentina. Lake Mary, FL: Creation House, 2006.Hicks, Tommy. Millions Found Christ, Greatest Recorded Revival. International Headquarters, 1956. Miller, R. Edward. Cry for Me Argentina: Revival Begins in City Bell. Ossett, West Yorkshire: Sharon Publishing, 1988.———. Secrets of the Argentine Revival. Peniel Outreach Ministries, 1999. Kindle.———. Thy God Reigneth: The Story of Revival in Argentina. Healing Revival Series 80. 1964. Reprint, The Revival Library, 2014. Kindle. Scataglini, Sergio. The Fire of His Holiness: Preparing Yourself to Enter God’s Presence. Alexandria, LA: ReviveMe Publishing, 1999.Wagner, Peter C., and Pablo Alberto Deiros, eds. The Rising Revival: Firsthand Accounts of the Incredible Argentine Revival—And How It Can Spread Throughout the World. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1998.Azusa Street Revival SourcesAnderson, Allan H. “New Jerusalem: The Role of the Azusa Street Revival in the Global Expansion of Pentecostalism.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Pasadena, March 23-25, 2006.Archer, Melissa. “‘It’s Like Heaven on Earth’: The Influence of the Worship at Azusa.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Pentecostal Studies, Pasadena, March 11-13, 2010.Bartleman, Frank. Azusa Street: How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles. 1925. Reprint, Jawbone Digital, 2013.Brathwaite, Renea. “A Desperate Hope: The Azusa Street Revival and Racial Reconciliation.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Society for Pentecostal Studies, Seattle, March 21-23, 2013.Jones, Charles Edwin. “The ‘Color Line’ Washed Away in the Blood? In the Holiness Church, Azusa Street, and Afterward.” Wesleyan Theological Journal (Fall 1999): 252-265.Martin, Larry. 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