Maine - Global Choices


Employer ID: E-100469

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Kennebunkport, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeping, Where Needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. Your primary duty will be housekeeping (doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, changing sheets, making beds, etc.). You should also be prepared to fill any of the following positions - laundry help, landscape/groundskeeper (may include mowing lawns, lifting, moving heavy things, taking out garbage), kitchen help (this may include washing dishes, helping the kitchen staff, helping to prepare dishes, mopping floors).

Uniform/Dress Code:

Salary Per Hour: $7.50.

Bonuses: If you complete your work commitment, at the close of the season, a percentage of the money you paid for your summer accommodation will be refunded to you based on your work performance.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 6-7 hours per day; 6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 50

Accommodation Description: A housing deposit of $200 will be deducted from their paycheck. The deposit is refundable only if you leave your housing in good condition.

Housing is provided in a small room at the inn. Be prepared to share the room with other students. The room has a refrigerator, a television, and a telephone. You will have the option to buy food for $5 per day.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $50.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This country-style resort is nestled in landscape grounds on a secluded tidal cove. It is a great place to relax and unwind. Less than a mile into the heart of Kennebunkport, it offers a scenic walk into town or to a small local beach.

Description of Area: Kennebunkport is a well-known ocean resort town in the state of Maine. Attractions include the best native lobsters in New England, a quaint harbor, many galleries and shops, and a beautiful rocky coast.

Employer ID: E-100567

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Northeast Harbor, Maine

Possible Positions: 4

Job Title: Where Needed.

Work Description: Your employer will place you in any or all of the following positions as he sees fit. Your responsibilities may include:

Housekeeping: Cleaning rooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. Kitchen help/Dishwashing Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook. Dining room staff: Helping waiters and waitresses. Serving water and clearing and setting tables

You will be expected to assist in all aspects of running the inn.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Your employer will help you purchase your work clothes; they should cost between $20 and $40. Visible tattoos and body piercing are not permitted. For women: you may only wear one small pair of earrings. Men: you are not permitted to wear earrings while on the job. Facial hair is not permitted and any long hair must be above collar length.

Salary Per Hour: Dining room staff $6.25 plus tips. Other non-tipped positions $8.00 an hour.

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day, 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $60

Accommodation Description: You should expect to share a room with 1 to 3 other students, and share a bathroom down the hall with others. Rooms will be either in the main inn or across the street. Cooking facilities are located in the employee dining room. You will receive 3 free meals a day. You must bring your own sheets, pillows, and towels, or plan to purchase them there.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This historic inn located in Northeast Harbor, a beautiful coastal town in Maine. Sailing, swimming, and other beach activities are available at the harbor.

Description of Area: Northeast harbor is also in the Acadia National Park area, so you will have great opportunities for hiking, biking, fishing, rock climbing, and generally exploring this beautiful natural area.

Employer ID: E-100709

Employer Type: Mid-Size Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Ogunquit, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning guests’ rooms - vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, folding clothing, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc.

Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Houseman: Doing laundry, assisting the housekeepers, taking out garbage, and possibly doing maintenance work. You should also be prepared to take on other duties to help run the inn at your employers request.

Uniform/Dress Code: Uniform shirts are purchased, but up to 2 can be returned at the end of the season for a refund. Please bring tan pants or shorts (should be no shorter than the knee). Facial hair should be kept neat and trimmed. No facial piercing, or more than two earrings in each ear. Hair of any length is fine, as long as it is a natural-looking color and kept neat. You should bring comfortable shoes.

Salary Per Hour: $7.96.

Overtime Information: $10.50 for any hours worked over 40 hours per week.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 6-8 hours per day, 6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $65

Accommodation Description: You will be required to pay a housing deposit of $50 that will be returned to you if you leave the housing in good condition. You will be living about 1 mile from work, in apartment-style housing with other employees. You will be sharing a bedroom with at least one other person. There are kitchen facilities available within the housing (meals will not be provided by your employer). You will have access to transportation to and from work and a nearby grocery store.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $55.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Located in the heart of Ogunquit, this hotel offers everything guests could want in a vacation resort. There are beautifully decorated rooms opening onto unforgettable views of the ocean. The hotel has indoor and outdoor pools, hot tubs, a sauna, a whirlpool and an ocean-front, poolside cafe and bar.

Description of Area: The hotel is located in a beautiful tourist town, directly on the beach in Maine. Ogunquit's famed Marginal Way is accessible from the property and follows the rugged coast into picturesque Perkins Cove, Ogunquit's quaint fishing village which is spanned by a charming footbridge-drawbridge at it's mouth. This tiny cove offers splendid scenery, numerous small shops and galleries housed in weathered fishing shacks, sightseeing or deep sea fishing cruises and a variety of dining

establishments. It is close to the town of Portsmouth, NH. The property is located one hour away from Boston, and also one hour away from the scenic White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Employer ID: E-100727

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine

Possible Positions: 9

Job Title: Dishwashing/Kitchen Help/Dining Room Worker/Janitorial Work.

Work Description: Your employer will assign you to a job upon arrival. Your primary duty will be dishwashing. You will be washing dishes, helping the cooking staff, mopping floors, taking out the garbage. You may also be asked to help clean tables, set tables and keep the dining room clean in a very busy restaurant. You may also be asked to do janitorial work or work in our employee dorm. You must be in good physical condition as you will be required to lift 25 pounds up to 100 times per day.

Uniform/Dress Code: Bring comfortable cotton shorts or pants and white skid-resistant shoes/tennis shoes. A pair of brown or black casual shoes should also be brought.

Women please bring plain white socks; men please bring dark socks and plain white socks. No open toe shoes. Your employer will provide a shirt and a hat. Tattoos must be discreet and non-offensive. No visible tattoos when working in the dining room. No extreme hairstyles or unnatural colors. Piercing are limited to ears (when working). Salary Per Hour: $8.50 for dishwashing/ kitchen help. $6.00 plus tips(averaging $2.50 per hour) for dining room staff.

Bonuses: You may be eligible for a bonus depending on how well you perform your duties and if you stay through your commitment.

Work Hours: 7-10 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $97

Accommodation Description: Housing and meals are provided for $97 per week. You will be living in a dormitory within walking distance of the restaurant. You will be living in a rustic setting, 4 people per room. 8 people will share a common living room. You will share a bathroom with all the students on your floor. Men and women live on separate floors. Please bring your own towels and twin sized sheets for your bed. You will have access to coin-operated laundry facilities. You will be about 8 miles from shopping, restaurants, and pubs. Meals are provided for $28 per week.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 10 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $50-$70.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This restaurant features its famous baked desserts and homemade ice cream, fresh Maine seafood, and the finest poultry, meats and vegetables. It provides a unique dining experience surrounded by the mountains, forests, and waters of a beautiful part of Maine.

Description of Area: The restaurant is located in beautiful National Park in a rustic, wooded environment. Hiking, biking, and exploring the outdoors are always available. Swimming is about 2 miles away. The main town, Bar Harbor, is small. It is about 8 miles away. You can find plenty of shopping and activities in town. The nearest city is Bangor, 1 hour away. There are plenty of young students working and living together, you will have a great summer meeting people and enjoying the outdoors.

Please email your employer upon receipt of this job offer.

Employer ID: E-101402

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: South Harpswell, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to take any of the following positions: Kitchen Help (this may include washing

dishes, helping the cook staff, helping to prepare dishes, mopping floors), Bus Person (this may include clearing

& setting tables, mopping floors, helping the wait staff), Cook/Cook's help (this may include making meals, chopping foods, washing dishes), Host (this may include helping customers, seating them, taking their orders), Maintenance (this may include general cleaning, fixing things, washing windows, cleaning bathrooms, steam cleaning the kitchen floor etc.).

Uniform/Dress Code: You should always maintain a neat and clean appearance on the job. You may be required to wear a uniform, which will be provided. Hair below the shoulders must be tied back. All piercing must be removed for work. Smoking is not permitted during work hours.

Salary Per Hour: $6.50

Overtime Information: You will receive time and a half for hours worked over 40 per week or $9.75 per hour.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 8-10 hours per day; 6-7 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $70

Accommodation Description: Housing and three meals a day are provided for $70 per week. You will be living in dormitory style accommodations with other Global Choices students. The housing is new but basic. You will share a room with the other Global Choices students working at the restaurant .There are bunk beds and two shared bathrooms. The housing is located 300 feet from the restaurant. There will be a recreation room for you to use. It has a TV, pool table, and limited internet access; there will also be a refrigerator, microwave, and coffee machine for you to use. Your employer will help you on your day off and provide free transportation to shopping, Laundromat, movie theaters etc.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $50.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: It is a family restaurant in the heart of Casco Bay. The restaurant has been serving lobster and other fresh seafood in this Casco Bay fishing village for more than 50 years. The dining room has a panoramic ocean view.

Description of Area: This part of Maine is renowned for spectacular views, distant islands, rocky coast line, and picturesque sunsets. The restaurant is located in a remote and quiet fishing town, but it is a vacation destination in the summer. The city of Brunswick, Maine is about 25 miles away. Boston is about three hours away by car.

Employer ID: E-101771

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Kittery, Maine

Possible Positions: 6

Job Title: Dishwashing

Work Description: Your primary duties will be washing dishes, pots, pans, etc. You should be flexible and ready to help with other aspects of running the kitchen if asked.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your employer will supply a uniform for you to wear. You will need to be well groomed and clean cut. Long hair needs to be tied back and worn under a hat. Be sure to bring comfortable sneakers.

Salary Per Hour: $7.50

Bonuses: There is a 30-day performance review and subsequent pay raise if your performance is satisfactory. A perfect attendance bonus may also be available.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 8-12 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing will be provided to you free of charge however you are expected to pay a $100 housing deposit. This money will be returned to you at the end of the summer if you leave the housing neat and in good condition. The housing will be located across the parking lot from the restaurant. There will be approximately four people to a room (dorm style). You will have access to a common area that will have a

television, couches, a computer, and a small refrigerator. There will be one bathroom that will be shared. Smoking is not permitted in the living area.

You will have Internet access.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60.00

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Opened in 1940 this seafood restaurant started out very small but now it can seat up to 350 people! This is a very popular restaurant located in a busy summer tourist area in Maine.

Description of Area: The restaurant is located in in the beautiful coastal area of Maine.

The lovely medium sized city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire is only a ten minute walk from Kittery. Many activities are available, and you can use public transportation to get there. Visit to learn more about you employer.

Employer ID: E-101945

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Ogunquit, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeper.

Work Description: Your primary responsibilities will include cleaning rooms and bathrooms, vacuuming, changing bed and bath linens, making beds, doing laundry, possibly some light kitchen or dining room work. You may be doing some wait staff and Host staff duties as well. Light gardening is sometimes available to employees.

Uniform/Dress Code: You must always maintain a neat and clean appearance on the ob, no visible tattoos or body piercing are allowed during working hours. Only one pair of small earrings are allowed - please no dangling earrings. Your hairstyle must be neat, long hair should be pulled back. You should plan to bring clean, black or tan colored trousers or shorts for work each day. Shorts shall be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.

Aprons and shirts will be provided. No sandals or heeled shoes may be worn during working hours. Flat soled shoes that can be securely tied such as sneakers or athletic shoes are recommended.

Salary Per Hour: $7.00 to start, $7.50 after the training period

Overtime Information: $11.25 per hour after 40 hours

Work Hours: You will be working 6 hours per day, 6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing is provided at no cost to students as a part of the employment contract and is available ONLY while in the employ of your Global Choices employer. Linens will be supplied. You will also have cable television. Meals will be responsibility as you will have a mini-kitchen/eat in area with a sink, microwave, coffeemaker, storage area and refrigerator. Dishes and cookware will be included. No burners allowed in room. You will be sharing a room and a bathroom with another international worker.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This bed and breakfast inn is centrally located within walking distance from the center of Ogunquit, shops, restaurants and the beach. This newly renovated inn is popular for its hearty four course breakfast, luxurious rooms, and amenities such as a Jacuzzi and in ground pool.

Description of Area: Ogunquit, Maine is also known as the Beautiful place by the sea.

This town has about 3 miles of white sand beaches, galleries, shops, restaurants, tour boats, playhouse, and more.

Employer ID: E-103733

Employer Type: Mid-Size Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Ogunquit, Maine

Possible Postions: 2

Job Title: Where Needed

Work Description: Your primary responsibility will be housekeeping (making beds, cleaning guest rooms, doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, etc.). You should be prepared to assist with any other aspect of running the motel upon your employers requests, such as working outside to maintain the grounds.

Uniform/Dress Code: You are expected to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Your employer will provide you with a T-shirt which is part of your uniform. You will have to wear white or beige pants or shorts (conservative length) and white comfortable shoes/sneakers. If you have any of these items, please bring them from home because or be prepared to buy them in the U.S. Long hair must be tied back.

Salary Per Hour: $7.00

Work Hours: You will usually be working 5-6 days per week, 4-6 hours per day.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing will be provided for free by your employer. You will have to pay a $100 housing deposit at the beginning of your stay but it is refundable if you work through your commitment dates and as long as you don’t damage the housing. Housing is dormitory style, you will share a very large room with three other Global Choices participants. The bathroom and kitchen are across the hall and the shower is upstairs. Your employer will provide you with bed linens, towels, dishes, pots, and pans. You will be responsible for buying your own food.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This mid-size hotel is located in Ogunquit, Maine. The motel is centrally located and offers many activities. They not only have a beautiful outdoor AND indoor pool but are only steps away from the beach!

Description of Area: The Motel is located in a quiet, country setting in the beautiful vacation area of Maine, close to the beach. There is a bus service that connects the town to other historic, vacation towns in Maine. There are

events organized by the town on weekends, there are 3 movie theaters and an historic playhouse. Besides the beach, there is a nearby mountain that is popular with hikers and Boston is 1.5 hours away.

Employer ID: E-106413

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Kennebunkport, Maine

Possible Positions: 3

Job Title: Where Needed/Kitchen Help/Cook’s Helper.

Work Description: Washing dishes, clearing tables, assisting the cooks.

Uniform/Dress Code: Employees should be well groomed. No tattoos, body/facial piercing, dyed hair, earrings are OK. You will need to bring nice, casual clothing to wear to work. Blue jeans, and conservative shorts and skirts are allowed. You should bring nice pair of slacks in case you are needed to work upfront. You should also bring comfortable shoes (sneakers are OK).

Salary Per Hour: Starting at $8 per hour. A monthly increase will be considered based on merit.

Work Hours: 6-8 hours per day; 6-7 days per week. The restaurant is open from 5p.m. to 9 p. m. . You will probably be working from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. each night. You may get a part time job if you wish, so long as it does not interfere with your schedule and performance at the restaurant.

Accommodation Cost: 60

Accommodation Description: You will be living in an apartment above the restaurant with 2 other Global Choices Students. Used bikes are available at a nominal fee at a local bike repair shop, if needed. There is a TV in the apartment (no cable). The Town Library is across the street, with Internet Access. Please, no parties!

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $60.

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This employer is a popular restaurant in Maine.

Description of Area: Kennebunkport is a well known ocean resort town in the state of Maine. Attractions include the best native Lobsters in New England, a quaint harbor, plenty of galleries and shops, and a beautiful rocky coast in either direction.

Employer ID: E-107490

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Bar Harbor, Maine

Possible Positions: 4

Job Title: Dishwashing/Kitchen Help/Dining Room Worker/Janitorial Work.

Work Description: Your employer will assign you to a job upon arrival. Your primary duty will be dishwashing. You will be washing dishes, helping the cooking staff, mopping floors, taking out the garbage. You may also be asked to help clean tables, set tables and keep the dining room clean in a very busy restaurant. You may also be asked to do janitorial work. You must be in good physical condition as you will be required to lift 25 pounds.

Uniform/Dress Code: Bring comfortable cotton shorts or pants and white skid-resistant shoes/tennis shoes. A pair of brown or black casual shoes should also be brought.

Women please bring plain white socks; men please bring dark socks and plain white socks. No open toe shoes. Your employer will provide a shirt and a hat. Tattoos must be discreet and non-offensive. No visible tattoos when working in the dining room. No extreme hairstyles or unnatural colors. Piercing are limited to ears (when working).

Salary per Hour: $8.00 for dishwashing/ kitchen help.

Bonuses: You may be eligible for a bonus depending on how well you perform your duties and if you stay through your commitment.

Work Hours: 7-10 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 100

Accommodation Description: Housing is provided for $100 per week. You will be living in a dormitory within walking distance of the restaurant. Please bring your own towels and twin sized sheets for your bed. You will have access to coin-operated laundry facilities.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 10 hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $70

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Waterfront restaurant that offers both indoor and outdoor dining and serves a great menu filled with daily fresh catch selections, seafood dishes, steak, chicken, and pasta

Description of Area: The restaurant is located in beautiful Coastal Maine. Swimming, Hiking, biking, and exploring the outdoors are always available. You can find plenty of shopping and activities in town. The nearest city is Bangor, 1 hour away. There are plenty of young students working and living together, you will have a great summer meeting people and enjoying the outdoors. Please email your employer upon receipt of this job offer.

Employer ID: E-108488

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Brooklyn, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon arrival based on the needs of your employer at that time. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning rooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry, etc. Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, preparing food, taking out garbage.

Wait staff: preparing food, taking orders and serving food to guests, cleaning.

Maintenance: Mowing lawns, painting, carrying heavy objects, doing repairs, etc.

Note: You may also be asked to help with other aspects of running the inn. Although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times, but casual clothes are fine. Please bring closed-toed shoes. Bring black skirts or slacks and a white button up long sleeved shirt.

Salary per Hour: $6.00

Bonuses: Some positions will be tipped

Work Hours: You will usually be working 5-7 hours per day, 6-7 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Your housing will be provided for free. You will be living in a cottage with three bedrooms. Be prepared to share a bedroom and a bathroom. There will also be a kitchen, living room on premises. Breakfast and dinner will be provided. You will be responsible for you own lunch,

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 12 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $65

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This small bed and breakfast in Brooklyn, Maine is a charming retreat for tourists. They offer comfortable accommodations and world class cuisine. It is located in a small coastal village of friendly and creative people on Eggemoggin Reach. The town center has a general store, post office, café, library, antique shop, and a church

Description of Area: Brooklyn, Maine is a small tourist community. There is plenty of hiking, swimming, outdoor activities in the area. There are area a few restaurants and shops in the area. The town center has a library with internet access and different kinds of quaint activities.

Employer ID: E-110140

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: Food and Beverage: This consists of helping to set up, break down, organize and clean all areas of food production; also food product handling, service, food preparation and storage bussing tables, food runner and host/hostess and any other chores related to this customer service business.

Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage.

Uniform/Dress Code: Your overall appearance should be neat and clean. Earrings are acceptable but all other visible piercing are not permitted while working.

Salary per Hour: $7.00

Work Hours: 35-40 hours per week

Accommodation Cost: 85

Accommodation Description: You will stay in a 2 bedroom apartment above the restaurant. The apartment upstairs has a full kitchen for your use. You will have your own bedroom. When you are working, you will have shift meals, which means that your meals will be provided for you free of charge.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $100

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: You will be working in a small restaurant in a resort town in Maine. You will be allowed to seek a second job outside of your work hours at the restaurant.

Description of Area: The Restaurant is located in the heart of mid coast Maine at the gateway to Penobscot Bay—one of the most beautiful stretches of the Maine coast. Here you'll find dozens of islands, historic lighthouses, and quiet little protected harbors filled with working lobster boats.

Employer ID: E-110783

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: The Forks, Maine

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Housekeeper / Dishwasher

Work Description: Housekeeping: Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required. You will also be asked to assist with other aspects of running the inn such as possibly helping to cleanup campsites and limited groundwork.

Uniform/Dress Code: You are required to keep a neat and clean appearance while you are working. One staff shirt will be provided.

Salary per Hour: $7.50 per hour

Bonuses: $.50/hr for every hour worked if student completes the season

Work Hours: 40 hours/week, some split shifts, day and evening

Accommodation Cost: $10

Accommodation Description: You will be living and a rustic cabin. There is a shared bathhouse. It is a 100 yard walk from your worksite. You will receive meals, during the shifts you are working whether it is breakfast, lunch, or maybe dinner. In your cabin you will have a little refrigerator. You may cook in the Inn's kitchen with the manager on duty’s permission. There is a little general store a 1/2 mile walk away. Your employer has offered to take you to a grocery store if you wish on your day off.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 9.5 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $65

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Inn is nestled on a bluff overlooking the Kennebec River in the Forks, Maine, the heart of outdoor recreation. Inn By The River brings you the comforts of home while you enjoy the out of doors. There are a total of ten spacious guest rooms; each is individually decorated in a

charming country style and has a private bath. Some of the guest rooms have private screened porches and whirlpool tubs.

Description of Area: The Forks, Maine is a wilderness area with moose and deer by the roadside and osprey and eagles soaring overhead. Fly fishing; spin casting; whitewater canoeing, kayaking, and rafting; trail hiking; mountain biking; golfing; and theater are all at our doorstep.

Employer ID: E-111272

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Ogunquit, Maine

Possible Positions: 5

Job Title: Housekeeping

Work Description: Your duties will include cleaning guests’ bedrooms and bathrooms, vacuuming and dusting, emptying garbage, changing sheets and towels, doing laundry, etc.

Uniform/Dress Code: Comfortable, neat blue, black or khaki pants or shorts. Company

T-shirts are provided at no charge. You should wear comfortable shoes or sneakers, but NO SANDALS. No body/ facial piercing should be visible at work, no visible tattoos, and no strange colored hair. A neat and clean appearance is required as you will be working around families.

Salary per Hour: $6.50 per hour.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 6-8 hours per day; 6-7 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a 2 room suite with other international students. There is a living room and kitchen on-site. There is no cost for housing but you must adhere to your employer’s rules: No visitors allowed on site, no alcohol on the premises, and no vulgar language,.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $90

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The motel is located in a quiet, country setting in the beautiful coastal area of Maine. It is a medium sized hotel that is within walking distance of the town and beaches!

Description of Area: The hotel is located in a beautiful tourist town, directly on the beach in Maine. Ogunquit's famed Marginal Way is accessible at the edge of the property and follows the rugged coast into picturesque Perkins Cove, Ogunquit's quaint fishing village which is spanned by a charming footbridge-drawbridge at it's mouth. This tiny cove offers splendid scenery, numerous small shops and galleries housed in weathered fishing shacks, sightseeing or deep sea fishing cruises and a variety of dining establishments. It is close to the town of Portsmouth, NH. The property is located one hour away from Boston, and also one hour away from the scenic White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Employer ID: E-111633

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Old Orchard Beach, Maine

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Front Desk and Chambermaid (housekeeping)

Work Description: Upon arrival and assessment of your skills, your employer will decide if you will be placed in a front desk position or as a chambermaid. Front desk duties will include answering the telephone, checking in and out guests and assisting guests as well. If you are a chambermaid, your responsibilities will include: cleaning rooms and bathrooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry. You may be asked to help with other duties so please remain flexible. Some weeks you may be asked to work only as a chambermaid, where as the next you may just be working the front desk. You also may be asked to work some late evenings.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be provided with a shirt which you will need to wear on the job. You should bring tan, Bermuda length (almost to the knees) shorts, white socks and white sneakers. If your hair is long, you will need to have it tied back on the job.

Salary per Hour: Front Desk: $6.50 per hour. Chambermaid: $6.00 per hour

Work Hours: If you are assigned to the front desk position, you will be working 40 hours per week. Chambermaids may only work 20 hours per week, however the employer states that second jobs are easy to find, and that she would help you. The employer may be able to find you more work in the motel as well. Students in the past were very happy and able to make a lot of money.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing will by provided free of charge. You will be living in housing arranged by your employer. You housing will be a 3 bedroom apartment and will have a full kitchen and bath and you may be sharing a bedroom with other students. Your linens will be provided; your housing is 5 minutes walking from work. You will be responsible for your own meals.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This motel is located right on the picturesque beach. It is also convenient to all the activities that the town of Old Orchard Beach has to offer. The motel rents out single rooms as well as apartment suites. Hence is it a popular place for families to come and stay. It is family owned and operated and the friendly staff will do their best to make you feel right at home.

Description of Area: Old Orchard Beach is resort town on the coast of Maine. In the summer it is popular with families and tourists. There are many restaurants and stores nearby, within walking distance from the motel and your apartment. Downtown Old

Orchard Beach has so much to do. It is located just 1/4 mile away, within easy walking distance. You will find everything from shops and eateries, to

full scale dining restaurants, arcades, the famous Old Orchard Beach pier, and the Palace Play land Amusement Park. The pier and downtown area offer a variety of fun and entertainment, including casino cruises.

Employer ID: E-112027

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Southwest Harbor, Maine

Possible Positions: 5

Job Title: Where needed

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon arrival according to the specific needs of your employer at that time. You should be prepared to do any (or all) of the following positions, during any workday.

Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage. Chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook. Stocking and cleaning storage areas.

Bus Person: Helping wait staff .Serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, washing dishes, etc.

Wait staff: Waiting on customers, answering questions, serving food, and setting and clearing tables. Perform duties relating to job area, such as cashier, serving ice cream, washing dishes, answering telephone etc.

Uniform/Dress Code: A uniform will be provided. You will be required to maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. No visible tattoos or visible body piercing will be allowed while working.

Salary per Hour: $7.00, you may also get tips.

Work Hours: Up to 10 hours per day; 6 days per week. There may be two split shifts, and on call as needed.

Accommodation Cost: $50 per week.

Accommodation Description: You will share a small furnished apartment with one other employee of same gender. You should expect to share a bedroom. The apartment is non-smoking. Transportations will be provided

to and from employment .Laundry and Internet available. Meals will be your own responsibility.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 10 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $50-70

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This cafe and ice cream shop serves up the best meals and snacks on this side of the island. It is loved by both locals and visitors, so you will have a chance to practice your English! The owners have experience working with international students in the past and are looking forward to meeting you this summer!

Description of Area: Southwest Harbor, Maine, is located at the southwestern entrance to Some Sound on Mount Desert Island. It is often referred to as the quiet side of the island because it has a mellow pace and is an easy distance from the more tourist oriented and busy Bar Harbor, located on the Northeast side of the island. Southwest Harbor has some great shops, galleries and eateries worth checking out.

Employer ID: E-115646

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Old Orchard Beach, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon arrival based on the needs of your employer at that time. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning rooms; vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, doing laundry, etc.

Front Desk Attendant: Greeting guests, taking reservations, checking people in & out, helping guests with problems, answering phones, handling U.S. currency, and general office help. Maintenance: Mowing lawns, painting, carrying heavy objects, doing repairs, etc. Laundry help: washing and folding laundry.

Note: You must be flexible and prepared to do any or all of these jobs. Although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: You should always maintain a neat and clean appearance on the job. Long hair should be tied back and tattoos should not be visible. Unconventional piercing will not be allowed to show while working. You will be provided with a uniform shirt. You must provide you own tan/khaki pants and shorts (knee-length) to wear while you work.

Salary per Hour: $8.00 per hour

Work Hours: You will usually be working 6-8 hours per day; 5-6 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: $80

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a condo across the street from the hotel. There will be beds for up to 4 students and a full bathroom and eat in kitchen, living room, cable TV & internet connection and pool. Laundry facilities are available for use at the hotel.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This establishment is a quaint, colonial style inn that is conveniently located directly across the street from seven miles of sandy beach. All rooms have color cable T.V., refrigerators, microwaves, and A/C. We have some rooms with hardwood floors.

Description of Area: Old Orchard Beach is resort town on the coast of Maine. In the summer it is popular with families and tourists. There are many restaurants and stores nearby, within walking distance from the motel and your apartment. Downtown Old

Orchard Beach has so much to do. It is located just 1/4 mile away, within easy walking distance. You will find everything from shops and eateries, to full scale dining restaurants, arcades, the famous Old Orchard Beach pier, and the Palace Play land Amusement Park. The pier and downtown area offer a variety of fun and entertainment, including casino cruises.

Employer ID: E-118139

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Moody, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where Needed

Work Description: Your primary responsibility will be either grounds keeping or housekeeping .Grounds keeping. You will be doing a variety of duties and will participate in the overall maintenance and upkeep of the camp's grounds. This includes mowing grass, planting trees, simple repair, painting, moving heavy objects, general cleaning, and providing support during events, etc.

Housekeeping: cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Note: although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving. Occasionally you may be asked to do other things around the property and you should remain flexible.

Uniform/Dress Code: You must have a clean and neat appearance while at work, and may not have any visible body piercing (this includes facial piercing). Your employer will provide you with a uniform.

Salary per Hour: $7.00 and $7.50

Work Hours: Usually 8 hours per day; 5 days per week. There is plenty of opportunity in the area for second jobs.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: Housing will be provided for free by your employer. You will be living in the park’s camper mobile homes on the camping ground, which will fit 2 people. You will have a bathroom and kitchen facilities. You are responsible for your own meals.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 6 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $60

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This camping resort is in a beautifully wooded property located just minutes from Ogunquit Beach. This company owns many camping resort sites throughout the east coast of the United States. You will have the opportunity to meet and interact with American families and individuals who come here for a relaxing vacation.

Description of Area: You'll enjoy whale watching and deep-sea fishing in the Atlantic, shopping, hiking, great seafood restaurants and a variety of local attractions. If you've never been to Maine, you're missing one of the most picturesque areas of the country.

Walk along the beach, smell the fresh salt air and relax in the easy charm of coastal living. The employer recommends not to over pack, the weather is warm in the summer.

Employer ID: E-120094

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Wiscasset, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position based upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You will be working either at a small family run inn. You should be prepared to do any or all of the following:

Housekeeping: Cleaning guests’ rooms. This includes vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, folding clothing, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc.

Kitchen Help: Washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, mopping floors, taking out garbage, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook.

Bus Person: Helping waiters and waitresses .Serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc. Wait staff: Waiting on customers, answering questions, writing down lunch and dinner orders, serving food, dealing with U.S. currency, and possibly setting and clearing tables.

Maintenance: Painting, carrying heavy objects - including guests’ luggage – mopping floors, doing repairs, shoveling snow, general handiwork etc.

Uniform/Dress Code: You will be expected to maintain a clean and presentable appearance at all times. No facial piercing or visible tattoos will be permitted.

Salary per Hour: 7.50

Work Hours: You will usually be working 7 hours per day; 5 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: You will be sharing a large room with at least one other person .Your the room will be on the Inn’s property and will have a TV and bathroom.

Linens will also be provided to you. You will be provided with free meals during working hours. At all other times you will be responsible for your own food. The housing is located on your job site. Note: SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE RESTAURANT OR IN YOUR HOUSING. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 8

Approximate Travel Cost: 80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The Inn, Bed and Breakfast is a quiet country inn surrounded by fields, stone walls and woods. A peaceful salt-water marsh with rowboat and dock beckons beyond the pasture while several barns house goats and chickens. This Maine Bed and Breakfast Inn is located away from tourist crowds but situated conveniently for coastal adventures. Combining the charm of antiquity with modern comforts, each of the rooms is adorned with handmade quilts and antiques, all reflecting New England style and tradition. The Main House rooms, where the Squire lived, are more formal, with high ceilings, decorative moldings, king size beds and wood-burning fireplaces.

Description of Area: This part of Maine is renowned for spectacular views, distant islands, rocky coast line, and picturesque sunsets. Boat trips, whale watching, shops, deep- sea fishing and ocean sciences are in nearby Boothbay Harbor. In Bath, you can visit the Maine Maritime Museum and

antique shops. The quaint old village of Wiscasset has many antique shops along with a jail museum and a Music Wonder Museum full of old music boxes. In Georgetown, visit the Reid State Park Beach (miles of crashing Atlantic ocean) and then have lobster on the dock at Five Islands. Take a trip to Pemaquid and see the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, the Fisherman’s' Museum and Art Gallery, Pemaquid Beach, or Fort William Henry. Or simply take it easy in the beautiful and relaxed surroundings of the inn.

Employer ID: E-120521

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Castine, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to take any of the following positions:

Housekeeping (may include doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, changing sheets, making beds) or maintenance and grounds keeper (may include fixing broken things, mowing lawns, lifting furniture, cleaning pools, taking out garbage).

Uniform/Dress Code: You should always maintain a neat and clean appearance while on the job. You will need to have a pair of black pants and a white shirt for your shifts.

Salary per Hour: $7.00

Bonuses: You will receive a $.50 per hour bonus for completing your contract.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 35-40 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 40

Accommodation Description: The cost is $40 per week with a full kitchen, bathroom, and TV. There is no smoking in the accommodation.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $100

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: Restaurant provides the traveler with a place to relax and enjoy this historic coastal town of Castine, Maine. Our grounds are might see a croquet game in progress at any given time or possibly a wedding.

Description of Area: Castine, a small coastal village of approximately 7.9 square miles, is located on a peninsula in the East Penobscot Bay Region of Maine, 1 hour from Bangor, and 1.25 hours from Camden and from Bar Harbor. The town, on the National Register of Historic Places, consists of two distinct geographic areas referred to as the Village and off neck, a narrow strip of land that separates the Bagaduce River on one side from the Penobscot River on the other.

Employer ID: E-121234

Employer Type: Mid-Size Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Surry, Maine

Possible Positions: 1

Job Title: Housekeeping, Restaurant Server, Where needed

Work Description: You will be working at a small hotel where you will assist in different areas of running the inn. Your duties will include, but are not limited to:

Housekeeping: Cleaning Guest Rooms, making beds, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, washing windows, washing sheets and towels, and general clean up. You may also be asked to help clean other areas of the inn as well.

Server: Working in the restaurant, setting table, taking orders from guests, serving food, clearing off tables, and general restaurant cleaning help.

Your employer may ask you to assist with other areas of running the inn, so please remain flexible.

Uniform/Dress Code: Please maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Long hair should be tied back and any unconventional piercings or tattoos should not be visible. For daytime housekeeping duties you should wear slacks or knee length shorts (no jeans) and a blouse or nice T-shirt. For

wait staff you will need a white blouse and black pants or a black knee-length skirt. For both duties you should wear comfortable, close toed shoes.

Salary per Hour: $6.75

Overtime Information: No

Work Hours: 6 hours per day, 6 days per week, with potential for more hours.

Accommodation Cost: 50

Accommodation Description: You will be living in an on-site apartment with a private bathroom and a view of the ocean.

Food is available for $50 per week as well.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This inn, a gracious farmhouse on sprawling grounds, provides comfortable, friendly accommodations and exceptional dining to visitors as did the original inn in days of yesteryear. The Inn offers eight rooms, six with private bath and many with water views. There are several spacious sitting areas.

Description of Area: This inn is located right near national park and also offers access to the Atlantic Ocean. The Inn is strategically located to take advantage of all this beautiful area has to offer.

Visit the many artists' galleries and antique shops in Blue Hill and Deer Isle. Or hike on Isle au Haut, one of the beautiful islands that dot the coast, by hopping the mail boat from Stonington just 40 minutes away. The expansive grounds have shore walks and a beach with the warmest saltwater bathing in the area. Relax on the beach, read on the lawn, or go for a spin in the rowboat or canoe. You can put-in kayaks from our beach to paddle on quiet Contention Cove.

Employer ID: E-122302

Employer Type:

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Hulls Cove, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon your arrival dependent upon the needs of your employer. You should be flexible and prepared to do any or all of the following positions:

Kitchen Assistant: this may include washing dishes, helping the cook staff, helping to prepare dishes, mopping floors, taking out garbage, cleaning appliances.

Bus Person: this may include clearing & setting tables, mopping floors, helping the wait staff, working in the kitchen

Bakery Assistant/ Food Manufacturer: helping prepare and cook baked goods and cleaning. Dining Room Wait staff: Wait staff positions may be available toward the second half of the season. These positions require that you speak excellent English.

Note: although you will be filling support staff positions, English will still be a fundamental part of your job and so you are encouraged to practice your speaking and comprehension skills as best you can before arriving.

Uniform/Dress Code: Men will need to bring navy blue slacks (no denim), a plaid button-down short sleeved shirt and leather tennis shoes/sneakers. The employer will help you pick out a plaid, button-down shirt for around $20, if you do not have one.

Women should bring a plaid button-down shirt, white leather tennis shoes or nurses shoes. Your shoes must be completely closed. A blue skirt will be provided for you by the employer for a reasonable cost. Hair must be neat, a natural-looking color, and pulled back if it is long. One pair of simple small earrings allowed for women. No visible piercing for men. Attire, hygiene and appearance must be neat at all times.

Salary Per Hour: Dependent upon position. $3.00 starting rate per hour plus gratuities for tipped positions, $7.00 for non-tipped positions.

Bonuses: You might receive an ending bonus upon successful completion of your work commitment. All positions except waiters may receive a $0.50 per hour worked bonus.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 6-8 hours per day, 6 days per week (about 35-40 hours per week at least).

Accommodation Cost: 75

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a 5 bedroom House. You should expect to share a room with at least 1 other person. In general, there will be private bathrooms for each room, sitting area, microwave and refrigerator. Laundry facilities are located nearby.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 10hours.

Approximate Travel Cost: $90

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The restaurant is open Daily 7am-9pm. Full bar & lounge area with Happy Hour specials daily .All You Can Eat hot breakfast buffet .Homemade desserts from our bakery .Home-style menu including prime rib, steaks, seafood, lobster, burgers & sandwiches .Bountiful salad bar featuring soups & ALL YOU CAN EAT MUSSELS .PLENTY of parking for large groups and bus tours .Full service take-out window with large outdoor deck .Country store featuring Maine products and gifts. Visit us on Route 3 in Bar Harbor or on our web site.

Description of Area: Hulls Cove, which is actually part of the Mount Desert Island town of Bar Harbor, Maine, is a very nice cove providing an easterly view of the ocean along Route 3. There are several places to stay and a fine restaurant right next to the water.

Employer ID: E-122651

Employer Type: Mid-Size Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Scarborough, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeper

Work Description: As a housekeeper, you will be cleaning guest accommodations. This will include, but is not limited to, making beds, vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms and toilets, cleaning kitchens, and dusting. Please be aware that you will be working with cleaning solution chemicals. Also please be aware that you may be asked to help clean other areas of the hotel.

Uniform/Dress Code: A hotel shirt will be provided for you. You should wear tan colored pants (no jeans) and comfortable close-toed, non slip shoes while working (sneakers are okay.) Please tie back long hair and maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. Tattoos and unconventional piercing should not be visible.

Salary per Hour: $7.50

Work Hours: 8 hours per day, 5-6 days per week

Accommodation Cost: 80.50

Accommodation Description: You will be living at a hotel across the street from your hotel that has accommodations for international staff you will have your own bedrooms but will share a living room and kitchen with two female staff members from that hotel. Across the street is a large grocery store and a Wal-Mart is a short walk up the street.

Travel Time from NYC to Job Site: 7hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: This hotel is part of a nationwide chain. The hotel is designed especially for longer stays with studios featuring fully-equipped kitchens and plenty of work space.

Description of Area: Scarborough is a quaint coastal town located in the state of Maine.

It offers lovely sandy beaches and a rocky coastline made famous by a local artist, Winslow Homer. Scarborough is conveniently located in southern Maine, approximately 7 miles south of the city of Portland.

Employer ID: E-122781

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Damariscotta, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Housekeeping/Maintenance

Work Description: You will primarily work in Housekeeping at the Inn. Housekeeping may include but is not limited to cleaning rooms, vacuuming, changing linens and towels, making beds, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry, etc. The use of chemical cleaning products is required.

Uniform/Dress Code: There is no formal uniform needed for this job. You just need to bring neat and comfortable clothes (shorts, T-shirts, sneakers).

Salary per Hour: $7.00

Work Hours: About 6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week.

Accommodation Cost: 0

Accommodation Description: You will be living in a room at the inn for no cost. You will be responsible for your own meals and for keeping your room clean. You will have use of kitchen and laundry facilities, and we will provide you with bicycles. own is 1 mile from the inn. The supermarket is roughly1.5 miles from the inn. You may not have overnight visitors without notifying the owner beforehand.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $85

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: this is a family owned and oriented seasonal inn located very near the coast of Maine. It’s roughly an hour and a half in summer traffic from the nearest city, which is Portland. The Damariscotta river, a tidal river, runs through our town to the ocean. This is a bustling tourist town in the summer, because it's centrally located to a lot of Maine’s summer attractions.

Description of Area: Situated in Damariscotta, on one of the most unspoiled peninsulas on the rocky coast of Maine, The Inn is minutes from swimming, boating, fishing, and antiquing. Nearby, a variety of restaurants, including lobster wharfs, offer delicious local fare. Boat trips around beautiful Muscongus Bay, Pemaquid

Point, and to Monhegan Island are within easy reach. We are also convenient to the Boothbay Harbor Region, Augusta Historic sites, Freeport outlet shops, and the Camden Harbor area.

Employer ID: E-122995

Employer Type: Restaurant

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Gorham, Maine

Possible Positions: 25

Job Title: Where Needed

Work Description: Host/Hostess - this may include helping customers with questions, seating them, taking their orders, bussing tables once they are finished, maintaining cleanliness of general area, etc.

Maintenance - this may include general maintenance of the restaurant, dusting, sweeping, mopping, cleaning up after customers, cleaning public bathroom, etc.

Bus Person - Helping waiters and waitresses. serving water, clearing and setting tables, taking out garbage, mopping floors, etc.

Cook - this may include preparing and cooking meals, chopping food and vegetables, washing dishes, etc. The kitchen area, at times will have high humidity and temperatures.

Kitchen Help: may include washing and re-shelving soiled dishware and glassware, emptying garbage, sweeping and mopping floors, wiping down food service tables, chopping vegetables, and assisting the cook. The position requires standing, bending and walking. The kitchen area, at times will have high humidity and temperatures. Wait staff - Waiting on customers, answering questions, writing down lunch and dinner orders, serving food, dealing with U.S. currency, and possibly setting and clearing tables, etc.

You must be flexible since you may be asked to assist with other aspects of running the restaurant.

Uniform/Dress Code: You must maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times.

You should bring a pair of black pants. Your employer will provide you with a uniform shirt for $10 each.

Salary per Hour: $3.25 plus tips for WAIT STAFF, $7.00 for FRONT STAFF, $7.00 for KITCHEN STAFF, $3.25 per hour plus tips (Average $7-8 per hour) for BUS STAFF, $7.00 per hour for COOK STAFF, $7.00 per hour for GIFT SHOP ATTENDANT

Overtime Information: Overtime may be available

Work Hours: You will be working 30+ hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 85

Accommodation Description: You will be living in employee housing on the premises.

The cabins are exclusively for international employees of the restaurant. They are very basic. There is no kitchen; however, you should expect to share a room with at least 2 other individuals. You will be offered meals for the half the price at the restaurant.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 7-8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $80

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The Restaurant is one of the largest and busiest restaurants situated about 2 miles away from the activities of Old Orchard Beach. The restaurant can seat up to 300 guests and is well known for large events such as wedding receptions, baby showers, family parties, and holiday parties.

Description of Area: Old Orchard Beach is a busy seaside resort area on the cost of Maine, it is a 2 mile walk from where you will work. There is a seven mile stretch of beach, amusement parks, hotels and restaurants. In your free time you can enjoy the beach, the many amusements, live music, and water parks. There are also boat trips you can take to go whale watching.

Employer ID: E-124228

Employer Type: Small Hotel

Employer Region: East Ocean

Location: Castine, Maine

Possible Positions: 2

Job Title: Where needed.

Work Description: You will be assigned a position upon the needs of your employer at the time of your arrival. You should be prepared to take any of the following positions:

Housekeeping (may include doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, changing sheets, making beds) or maintenance and grounds keeper (may include fixing broken things, mowing lawns, lifting furniture, cleaning pools, taking out garbage).

Uniform/Dress Code: You should always maintain a neat and clean appearance while on the job. You will need to have a pair of black pants and a white shirt for your shifts.

Salary per Hour: $7.00

Overtime Information:

Bonuses: You will receive a $.50 per hour bonus for completing your contract.

Work Hours: You will usually be working 35-40 hours per week.

Accommodation Cost: 40

Accommodation Description: The cost is $40 per week with a full kitchen, bathroom, and TV. There is no smoking in the accommodation.

Travel Time From NYC to Job Site: 8 hours

Approximate Travel Cost: $100

Travel Mode: Bus

Description of Business: The Inn, with its Pub and restaurant provide the traveler with a place to relax and enjoy this historic coastal town of Castine, Maine. Our grounds are might see a croquet game in progress at any given time or possibly a wedding.

Description of Area: Castine, a small coastal village of approximately 7.9 square miles, is located on a peninsula in the East Penobscot Bay Region of Maine, 1 hour from Bangor, and 1.25 hours from Camden and from Bar Harbor. The town, on the National Register of Historic Places, consists of two distinct geographic areas referred to as the Village and off neck, a narrow strip of land that separates the Bag Duce River on one side from the Penobscot River on the other.


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