Welcome to Dulwich College Beijing


Orientation Schedule


Welcome to Beijing and to DCB. We are all looking forward to meeting you and helping you settle into your new lives here. As you will see below, there are many opportunities to do some important jobs and then explore the local area in your first days here. All new staff are encouraged to arrive in Beijing by August 3rd; this will help you get settled in and meet your cohort.

Following your settling in days, the formal in-school programme begins on Wednesday 5th August at 9am at Legend Garden campus.

Please make sure you are in room 308 in good time: signs at the main Reception will show you how to get there. Refreshments, including lunch, will be provided throughout the day.

Dress code for orientation: Smart casual.

You may also like to refer to the New Teacher Website, for further information.

2020/2021 Orientation Schedule Overview

Schedule at a Glance

| |Morning 9:00 - |Afternoon – 3:30 |Evening |Notes |

|Monday |Arrivals in Beijing |Sim cards and laptop pick up|Dinner in Restaurant, |Bring passports for Sim |

|03/08/2020 | |at school |western option |cards |

|Tuesday |Medical Check up |Apps for Beijing Life |Dinner in Chinese Restaurant|Bring passports for Sim |

|04/08/2020 | |workshop + Sim cards if | |cards |

| | |needed | | |

|Wednesday |Day in School |BBQ with CLT, Buddies and | |

|05/08/2020 |Induction – details below |Mentors (TBD) | |

|Thursday |Day in School |Acrobats & Din Tai Fung | |

|06/08/2020 |Induction – details below |(TBD) | |

|Friday 07/08/2020 |Planning week – in your school |Welcome back BBQ – All staff| |

|Saturday |Carrefour Shopping (TBD) |Bus to Sanlitun for tour and|Dinner in Sanlitun (TBD) |** No Lunch ** |

|08/08/2020 | |shopping lunch | | |

|Sunday 09/08/2020 |IKEA trip | |Dinner (TBD) |** No Lunch ** |

|Monday 10/08/2020 |Planning week – in your school |Own time | |

|Tuesday 11/08/2020 |Planning week – in your school |Own time | |

|Wednesday 12/08/2020 |Planning week – in your school |Own time |Orientation Day for new |

| | | |students and families |

|Thursday 13/08/2020 |1st day of term – All Students Return | | |

|Monday 3rd August 2020 |


|A member of CLT (College Leadership Team) and HR will meet you at the airport to take you to your apartments. |

|You will receive a welcome pack- laptop, important information, local map, kitchen and bedroom starter pack (optional) and essential food items to get you |

|through your first few days here. |

| |

|Monday Afternoon you will have the option to sign up for your China SIM cards (Session 1of 2) in school. Remember to bring your passport to school, if you |

|choose to sign up for a SIM card. |

| |

|If you need any help during these first few days, please call HoS & Kevin on +86 138-1158-0647 |

|David on +86 137 1754 0166, Dan +86 158 1113 2993, or Rachel +86 185 1561 4652 |

|5.30pm |Dinner at Pinnacle Plaza (TBD) choice of western options |

| |A chance to visit a local restaurant for dinner. Dinner will be at the Swan with Two Necks and shopping at Pinnacle Plaza. A chance to |

| |visit one of the local entertainment areas for dinner and some food shopping at Jenny’s – the local Western supermarket. |

| |Buses have been arranged for this, leaving Legend Gate 7 at 5:30, King of Spanish East Gate at 5:35 |

| |A bus has been arranged to leave ID City at 5:30 |

| |There will be two buses home and they will leave Pinnacle Plaza at 8pm and 9pm |

|Tuesday 4th August 2020 – Kevin Elliott |

|6:30am |Bus pick up at ID City at 6:30am |

| |Bus pick up at Spanish Villas at 6:50am |

| |Bus pick up at LG at 7:05am |

| | Medical Check-Up – Group A. Group B to stay at home until lunch |

|8:30am – |Medical check-up only for the adults, please bring the passport and no breakfast on the day. You can bring some snacks to eat after |

|11:30am |doing blood test. |

|1:00pm – 2:00pm |Lunch at school |

|2:00pm – 4:00pm |ICT Introduction & SIM card sign ups – (session 2 of 2) Wayne Yang (Head of ICT) |

| |Time to ask questions about how to get started and onto school systems. |

| | |

| |Apps for Beijing Life Lead person TBD |

| |An opportunity to learn about a variety of applications that will help you in Beijing. QR code will be provided and help with set up and|

| |navigation within apps. |

| | |

|5:30pm |Dinner at South Beauty - Chinese restaurant - in Europlaza After dinner it will be possible to do some food and essentials shopping too.|

| |Buses have been arranged for this, leaving Legend Gate 7 at 5:30pm, King of Spanish East Gate at 5:35pm |

| |A Bus has been arranged to leave ID City at 5:30pm |

| |There will be two buses home and they will leave Europlaza at 8pm and 9pm |

| | |

|Wednesday 5th August 2020 |

|Time |Session Name | Led by CLT |

| |Bus pick up at Spanish Villas at 8:40am |

| |Bus pick up at ID City at 8:30am |

| Families are also invited along to school for the day. Amy Qu will coordinate this throughout the day. |

|9:00am |Introduction and Essentials | Kevin Elliott |

| |The essentials (toilets, emergency procedures) plus a brief introduction to what Orientation will cover, and details of social events for |

| |this week. |

|9:10am |Welcome and Introduction from CLT | Anthony Coles and CLT |

| |Welcome from orientation schedule Anthony Coles, Headmaster, and an introduction to the College Leadership Team and their areas of |

| |responsibility: |

| |Rachel Edwards (Head of Senior School) |Kevin Elliott (Director of Business Administration) |

| |Dan Nichol (Head of Junior School) |Xiaoxiao Qin (Director of Government Relations |

| |David Mumford (Head of Early Years) |SeeKay Leong (Director of Admissions and Marketing) |

| |Tour of Legend Garden campus (3 groups) | David Mumford/Dan Nichol/Rachel Edwards |

|9:30am | | |

| |Tour of Legend Garden campus buildings, which is where the EYFS, Junior and Senior Schools (EYFS, Key Stages 1-4 and IB) are located. To |

| |include locations of DCP personnel/admissions/marketing. |

| |After tour – there will be coffee and tea available. Break until 11am |

|11:00am- |Personal Administration | Rebecca Xue & Liu Ying |

|12:30pm |An introduction to personal administration, including details of allowances and how to claim them, banking, finance and visas. There will be |

| |an opportunity for individual questions and to find out how to submit claims during this session. |

|12:30pm |LUNCH - Please indicate at this time your confirmation for the optional events taking place this week. |

|1:10pm- |Safeguarding Introduction and Training | Dan Nichol & Richard McIntosh |

| |This session is designed to be interactive, so please come along with any questions you have on any aspect of living in China and Beijing. |

|2:15pm- 2:45pm |Banking HR, Standard Chartered reps |

| |This will be a talk from Standard Chartered bank about setting up your new bank accounts. Arrange a time for teachers to sign up later |

| |during ‘planning week’. Need address and SIM card to open bank account. |

|2:45pm- 3:15pm |Medical Insurance HR, MSH-Medical insurance providers |

| |A guide into your medical insurance and what it covers. |

|3:15pm-3:45pm |Keeping Healthy in Beijing BJU (Nursing service provider) |

| |A guide to helping you keep healthy and safe whilst working in China. Our school medical team will lead this. |

|4:00pm |Family BBQ @ Legend Heights Lead person TBD |

| |Come and enjoy a BBQ where you can share some food and drink with CLT and your Mentors and Buddies. Perfectly located next to the school so |

| |kids have an outdoor area for play. There will be a pub quiz through the evening so don’t forget your competitive spirit. |

| |The bus will leave Legend at 8:00 |

| | |

|Thursday 6th August 2020 |

|Time |Session Name |Led By HR |

|6:30am |Bus pick up at ID City at 6:30am |

| |Bus pick up at Spanish Villas at 6:50am |

| |Bus pick up at LG at 7:05am |

| Medical Check-Up Group B. Group A to stay at home until lunch |

|8:30am – |Medical check up only for the adults, please bring the passport and no breakfast on the day. You can bring some snacks to eat after |

|11:30am |doing blood test. |

|12:30pm |Lunch at school |

|1:00pm – |School Scavengers Lead person TBD |

|2:00pm |I hope you were paying attention to the school tours. You are now going to join forces with a group and race for the win. |

|2:00pm |Free time in School |

| |Have any questions answered. |

| |Support with your accommodation. |

| |Help with ICT. |

| |Orientate around the school and your classroom. |

| |Relax and socialise with other new colleagues. |

| |Or go home early and continue to recover from your jet lag. |

|4:00pm |Chinese Acrobat Show & Din Tai Fung Dumpling Restaurant (optional) |

| |A chance to go and watch the famous Chinese acrobat show and sample some of Beijing’s finest dumplings. |

| |More details to follow re Bus Pick Up times etc. |

|Friday 7th August – Wednesday 12th August |

|Teacher Planning Days – Your Heads of School will be organising this schedule for you. |

| |

|*Please note- you need to make your own transport arrangement to school from Wednesday 7th August. |

|During this week, the Standard Chartered bank will come to school open salary account for you – more details will be followed by Rebecca Xue (HR) – (ideally |

|doing this week, working with the bank now to make final dates) |

|Saturday 8th August 2020 - Lead person TBD |

|10:00am |Carrefour Shopping Trip |

| |A bus will be provided from Legend Gate 7 at 9:30am and from King of Spanish 9:35am for anyone wanting to go and do some shopping for |

| |food or for your apartments, for example, toiletries, electrical & bathroom items and other useful household items. |

| |Another bus will leave ID City at 9:30am |

| |The bus will leave Carrefour at 12:00pm |

|3:00pm | Sanlitun Tour Lead person TBD |

| |Join Sam and Jack as they show you around the high points of Sanlitun (large expat community), this is an excursion to see a suburb of |

| |Beijing. There will be dinner and drinks afterwards. |

| |A bus will be provided from Legend Gate 7 at 3:00pm and from King of Spanish 3:05pm |

| |A bus will be provided from ID City at 2:45pm |

|6:30 pm | Dinner in Sanlitun at Tairyo |

| |The expat hot spot of Sanlitun is home to some of the city’s most exciting places to eat, drink and be social in Beijing. |

| |Bus to bring people back after dinner – 8:00pm. (If you stay later, share a Didi with others) |

|Sunday 9th August 2020- Lead person TBD |

|9:00am | IKEA Shopping Trip |

| |A bus will be provided from Legend Gate 7 at 9:00am and from King of Spanish 9:05am for anyone wanting to go and do some shopping for |

| |your apartments |

| |A bus will leave ID City at 9:00am |

| |The bus will leave IKEA at 1:00pm |

|5:30pm | Dinner in Shine |

| |Home to the closest cinema to the school alongside many restaurants and shops, a bus has been arranged to Shine City for you to have a |

| |look around and have dinner. There is also a supermarket. |

| |Buses have been arranged for this, leaving Legend Gate 7 at 5:30, King of Spanish East Gate at 5:35. |

| |The bus will leave Shine City at 8:00pm. (If you stay later, share a Didi with others) |

|Saturday 16th or 23rd August (Optional) |

|9am- 5pm (approx.) |慕田峪长城 Mutianyu Great Wall Trip |

| |7:30am Bus pick-ups to start at Gate 7 followed by King of Spanish, and ID City |

| |A chance to go and see the iconic Great Wall of China. We will head out to Mutianyu, where you can go and explore the wall at your|

| |own pace - head up onto the wall by either sky lift or cable car and then have the opportunity to whizz down on the toboggan run! |

| |Take your own picnic to enjoy on the wall or eat at one of the restaurants when you come back down. |

| | |

| |Price will be confirmed with you before the trip for entry to the wall and other options. |


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