
-41592500-847725-87630000 HOPE FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN TANZANIA P.O.BOX 162, MUGUMU – SERENGETI, MARA TANZANIAE-Mail: hopeforgirlsandwomenserengeti@ Website: : @hopeforgirlsTZ Cell: +255 756 600 806 PROGRESS REPORT AS FROM JULY TO AUGUST 2019:Hope for girls and women Tanzania is an NGO which registered legally at National level with its headquarter office in Mugumu – Serengeti with registration number 00NGO/0009414. The organization protests FGM, defends and advocates for girls’ and women rights against gender based violence and child marriage. We believe by providing education to girls and the community at large, strengthening love and solidarity in the community, we will create a community which is free from bad traditional ties, with dignity and development that will collectively declare an End to FGM, Child Marriage and other forms of Gender Based Violence. The organization established Hope Mugumu Safe house and Butiama safe house to protect girls fleeing from FGM and support women who have experienced gender based violence. Saying Goodbye to Charlie Stuarts at EU residence in Dar – ES SalaamActivities and achievements:Butiama Safe house: We have the total number of 43 children’s at Safe Butiama among them 3 are still young kids who are still under special parental care, the remaining number is 37 among them 15 are doing their primary school education, 6 are doing their secondary school education and 13 are doing their vocational training on Tailoring, entrepreneurship skills and other self-reliance activities. Food and other basic needs for girls were provided. 3 girls experienced rape violence, were brought by Police gender desk from Butiama and Bunda District waiting for their cases at the court.2 Girls from Bunda Police gender desk protected at Butiama safe house and one from Butiama Desk VTC : Butiama Safe houseGirls attending vocational trainings and Entrepreneurship skills in Butiama Safe house.Hope Mugumu Safe house: 53 We have the total number of 53 children’s at Safe among them 3 are still young kids who are still under special parental care, the remaining number is 50 among them 10 are doing their primary school education [ 4 are at English Media and 6 are at day Government school, 19 are doing their secondary school education[16 are at day school, 3at ward boarding school and 1 at A level at Geita region and 18 are doing their vocational training -Tailoring, entrepreneurship skills , 5 Hotel management and other self-reliance activities. Food and other basic needs for girls were provided. 2 girls namely Chausiku Marwa from Nyansurura village, Elizabeth Maro from Majimoto village were taken back home after the successful reconciliation. Girls at English medium school and day government primary school at Mugumu.Girls schooling at Secondary school in Serengeti AMINA RAMADHANI: A LEVEL STUDENT: Amina Ramadhani reported at Waja Girls secondary school – private school in Geita region. Special thanks to Maren whom supported TZS 3,600,000/= to enable Amina pay her school fees for the first year – form v, Amina is taking HGL.Girls schooling at vocational centre at Hope centre in MugumuVTC – TAILORING PROJECT AND BATIK MAKING: VTC – Tailoring project, Procurement of hand bags products were done. 24 women hand bags, 24 laptop bags and 10 Aprons were made. 30 Batik pcs were made for selling. Photo showing VTC Materials purchased for products making.CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING:Hope for Girls and Women in Tanzania participated on the road to Nairobi – committing to Ending FGM in Dar -es -salaam on 28th of September 2019 at UNFPA venue. We had presentation from UNFPA and Government social welfare officer. After presentation group discussions were formed to outline the barriers to end FGM and What should be done to End FGM. 6 NGOs namely ; HGWT, ATFGM Masanga, NAFGEM, HIMD,KIPUNGUNI and ESTL working to End FGM in Tanzania participated.BALOZI CHARLIE STUART OF EU FAREWELL AND AWARD :On 28th evening we were invited to an event organised by UNFPA, EU, Canadian Embassy, ICPD25. Participants from Government, Development partners and ambassadors from different embassies attended. It was as special day for saying goodbye to EU Balozi Mr Charlie Stuarts who worked very hard to coordinate to End FGM in Tanzania. Mr Charlie moved from Tanzania since 29th evening to his Home. In the event the Award of Recognition for Excellence in Working towards Ending Female Genital Mutilation [FGM] was given to 6 NGOs and 3 WP from Gender desk were given the award from Serengeti – WP Sijali , others are from Moshi and Manyara. During event at EU residence.THE SITUATION AT SERENGETI AND BUTIAMA:ABOUT FGM SITUATION:Due to the information’s received from good people whom fight against FGM and gender based violence that have received the secret information’s from traditional leaders, that there will be a very secret cutting to Wairege and few Wakenye to start anytime this September to December 2019. The information received from informers from Serengeti and Butiama Districts.ABOUT FOOD:Due to not enough rainfall , the food price is increasing every day. The price for 20 kg of maize was 10,000/= but now is 18,000/= to 20,000. As Hope we decided to buy maize and beans as the costs is increasing high to date. 6400 kg of maize was purchased for the price of 17,500 per 20kg and 1000 kg of beans for 2000 kg. ABOUT LAND SURVEY OF 20 ACTERS:We had a meeting involving Fourseasons officers Miss Shamim and Ahmed both are Relationship officers and HGWT Mugumu management Staff to discuss on the construction project, we go through quotations to decide which company to use for survey work. During the discussion, participants suggested to HGWT to do water survey, in order to have borehall to support construction and agricultural activities, Where Fourseasons promised to buy our gardening products.After the meeting the following were reached.To ask companies for cost reduction and select one company - HGWTLand survey to be done - HGWTAhmed to contact Mama Ben if she can help for drawings and BOQ – FourseasonsAhmed and Shamim to brainstorm a way to fundraise to support construction project - FourseasonsTo conduct water Survey – HGWTTo share water survey reports with partners/ visitors – HGWTVEHICLE MAITANANCE:HGWT managed to replace CV- JOINTS COMPLETE to maintain the vehicle as major maintenance, the old reached its final use, because when you cross the corner the big noisy occurs.OFFICE PRINTER.HGWT managed to procure new printer after the old stop working, we took to the technician in Musoma but was fail to work again. We Decided to solve by buying to enable our office work continue.FOLLOW – UPS TO GIRLS IN BUTIAMA.Follow -up to girls whom were taken back home conducted in collaboration with police gender desk and social welfare. GARDENING AND AGRICULTURE:Gardening activities continuing in our garden, we have grown different vegetables, such as spinach, mchicha, onions, tomatoes using organic farming. We have grown 2 acters of cassava and sweet potatoes in our new land. Photo showing girls working at our gardenVISITORS VISITED HGWT:Hope for Girls and Women in Tanzania, through Hope Mugumu Safe house from UCN - Denmark and Nomad Tanzania visited our centre.SUPPORT AND AIDS:HGWT through Hope Mugumu Safe house received support from Fourseasons, the following items received:- Beans kg 100, Maize flour kg 200, wheat flour kg 100, Washing bar 12, body oil doz 2 and tooth paste doz 2. Thanks to Fourseasons for this special support to us.Food and other items received from Fourseasons. CHALLENGES:The following challenges Water problemButiama safe house is facing water problem, where girls has to walk long distance looking for water.School desks is still a challenge, where some students are sitting down at Kyabakari– Butiama District.Funds to support construction of our permanent buildings.GREAT THANKS:Special thanks to all donors, all members fundraise for HGWT to support girls whom flee from FGM and other HGWT zwerk – HGWT - Running costsVanDoorn – VTC Support Fourseasons – Serengeti.Prepared by,Rhobi Samwelly – Director HGWT ................

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