Andrew Norriss

Questions for Ctrl-Z by Andrew NorrissThis is a free resource which can be used by anyone anywhere in conjunction with the book Ctrl-Z by Andrew Norriss. ISBN-13: 978-0141324296 The questions and answers, which I hope are all correct, can be used to check that a child has read the book or to make a quiz. There are five questions for each chapter. Feel free to use them in any way that suits or adapt them as you like. More information and resources can be found at anorrissbooks.Chapter 1What was last year’s birthday present from Godfather John?A Make Your Own Explosions KitWhat did Alex have to do before he could try out the laptop?The drying-upName one of the things Alex did to check our Ctrl-Z.Moved things, tipped books and then lego on the floor.How many times did Alex do the drying-up?3What is the name of Alex’s friend?CallumChapter 2What is the name of Callum’s sister?LillyHow many weeks had Lilly been in hospital?6What was Callum doing when Alex called round?Blowing up balloonsHow many runs did England need to win the cricket match?17What happened when the dog jumped off the chair?The chair floated up into the air and hit the satellite dish.Chapter 3Name one of the reasons Alex had to use Ctrl-Z at the party.Spilt Ribena, dropped cutlery, fireWhat did Alex hear his parents arguing about?Cooking a mealWhy had Mrs Howard forgotten to cook a meal?She was working on her car.When Mrs Howard remembered to cook supper, what did they eat?SpaghettiWhat job does Alex’s mother have?Garage receptionistChapter 4Why did Alex use Ctrl-Z to go into the garden next door?To get his cricket ball back/Mr Kowalski was scarey.What is the name and nationality of Alex’s neighbour?Mr Kowalski is Polish.What sort of gun does Mr Kowalski have?Air pistolHow had Callum nearly strangled himself?His pyjamas got caught in the paper shredder.How many ways of legitimately making money did Godfather John say there were?27Chapter 5Where did Callum get his foot stuck at school?In the toilet.What clothes did Alex get for Callum to wear?Small PE shorts and a girl’s blouse.What did Alex tip over Sophie Reynold’s head?A bucket of wallpaper paste.Where did Alex find the spare house key?Under a loose brick.What did Alex do at home before he pressed Ctrl-Z?Had a can of drink, a chocolate bar and watched TV.Chapter 6What sort of car does Mrs Howard have?TR4When Alex first drove the TR4 what got knocked off the car?The wing mirror.How many times did Alex drive his mother’s car altogether?7What did Alex do to Sophie that was not fun after all?He sprayed her with the fire extinguisher.How did the boys help Sophie and her mother?They pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and to the car.Chapter 7How long did it take Alex to walk to the shops?15 minutesWhat did Alex take to try to get home faster?A bicycleWhat did Alex say to his mother when he phoned home?Don’t let Callum into the house.When Callum had thrown the dart, where had it landed?In his father’s foot.In his letter to Alex, Godfather John said there would be plenty more what?DangersChapter 8Name one thing Ctrl-Z was useful for.No more pain, watching all of a DVD, playing computer games, eating.What could Alex stop his parents from doing?ArguingWhat job was Mrs Howard training for?AccountantWhat make of car did Mr Howard think he would buy for Mrs Howard’s birthday?ToyotaWhat did Mrs Howard want for her birthday?An engine hoist.Chapter 9Why was Callum more relaxed now that Alex had Ctrl-Z?There were no accidents.What happened to the eggs Alex put in the microwave?They exploded.A firework landed in a dish of what flammable liquid?ParaffinWhy couldn’t Alex press Ctrl-Z when the fire was burning?The fire was between him and the laptop in the dining room.Who rescued Lilly from the fire?Mr KowalskiChapter 10Who did Sophie bake a cake for?Alex’s motherWhat filling did the cake have?Strawberries and creamWhat was in the bag that Mr Kowalski brought to Alex’s house?All the balls that Alex had lost in his garden and an extra football.What does Mr Kowalski hate to have in his garden?Children and animalsWhy did the Howards think Mr Kowalski kept all his windows shut?They thought he must be hiding something.Chapter 11What dangerous thing did Callum find Lilly about to do?Climb out of the window.At what time does Mr Kowalski have his tea?4 o’clockWhat was it like inside Mr Kowalski’s house?DarkWhat kind of snake did Mr Kowalski keep in his house?An African PythonWhy hadn’t Callum pressed Ctrl-Z?Mrs Howard had shut the laptop and swept Callum away to help her.Chapter 12Where had Alex left the cable that he needed for charging the laptop?At Callum’s house.Who took Saskia the snake away?The policeWhy was Mr Howard sure that Mrs Howard had got the accountant job?He knew the man who runs the company. No one else was being interviewed.Why couldn’t Alex turn back time using Ctrl-Z?It was past midnight.Why did Alex feel so miserable?He had made so many mistakes.Chapter 13Who arrived to visit Alex?Godfather John.What is the new computer that Godfather John brought like?A small palmtop.According to Godfather John, what are the only things to do after making a mistake?Decide not to do it again, and apologise to anyone hurt.What does Godfather John say mistakes are for?To learn and to grow.What is szarlotka?Polish cakeChapter 14When Mr Howard visited the garage, where was Mrs Howard?In the workshop.What was Mrs Howard’s big mistake?Not telling Mr Howard the she wanted to work in the garage.What does Godfather John say Callum will do to his hand?Smash it on a brick.What is Mr Kowalski’s niece Mishka expert at?KarateWhat does Alex have fun doing now?Making lots of mistakes. ................

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