Lesson Plan - CUS

Individual Lesson Plan - Language – Creating a media campaign | |

|Date(s): Days 3-9 of the media unit |Topic: Creating a media campaign on a water related issue |

|Grade Level: 8 |Time(s): 6 - 40 min class plus one art class |

|Background information: Where does this fit in to the overall unit plan? |

|The Language Media unit will be done parallel to the Water unit in science and the Patterns in human geography unit in Geography. All are |

|being done through a “Water lens” in that we are looking specifically at how water affects many of the patterns in human geography and do |

|our media project on a water issue that comes out of either the science or geography unit. |

|The visual part of the campaign will be assessed for art if it is a poster campaign and the radio or video script will be assessed for Drama|

|as part of the arts strands. |

| |

|These six classes build on each other as the students plan and create a media campaign to address a social justice issue pertaining to |

|water. One class during the creation of the campaign will be an Art/Drama class allowing them to use their full creativity on the project. |

| |

|Note: In Language arts the media unit will be done alternating with a Novel study on a novel of their choice with a e theme of water – |

|Drought, floods, river voyages etc. are all fair game |

|Curriculum Expectations: |

|3. Creating Media Texts |

|Over the course of this part of the unit they will be producing a media text relating to a water related issue so will be touching on |

|almost every expectation in this strand |

| |

|Purpose and Audience |

|3.1 explain why they have chosen the topic for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a poster advertising a class fund-raising campaign to|

|appeal to local parent groups, businesses, or service organizations), and identify challenges they may face in engaging and/or influencing |

|their intended audience |

|Teacher prompt: "What are the challenges involved in reaching each of these groups? How can you appeal to all of the groups in a single |

|poster? If you were to develop three posters, one for each of them, how would the posters differ?" |

| |

|Form |

|3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create (e.g., a multimedia presentation |

|about their class or grade, to be presented to parents during graduation ceremonies) and explain why it is an appropriate choice |

|Teacher prompt: "What different types of media could you use for the presentation? How would they be organized and combined?" |

| |

|Conventions and Techniques |

|3.3 identify conventions and techniques appropriate to the form chosen for a media text they plan to create, and explain how they will use |

|the conventions and techniques to help communicate their message (e.g., conventions in advertisements for a product to appeal to different |

|age groups among the students: text, images, "free offer" promotional gimmicks; techniques: use of age-appropriate content in all elements |

|of the advertisement) |

|Teacher prompt: "What are the important things you need to know about your audience when designing your media text?" |

| |

|Visual arts |

| |

|- produce two- and three-dimensional works of art (i.e., works involving media and techniques used in drawing, painting, sculpting, |

|printmaking) that communicate a range of thoughts, feelings, and experiences for specific purposes and to specific audiences |

|– describe, in their plan for a work of art, the main idea they wish to communicate and the artistic decisions they have made to support |

|that message; |

|- identify strengths and areas for improvement in their own work and that of others, and describe possible strategies for improving their |

|work. |

| |

|Or |

|Drama |

| |

|-select appropriate themes that deal with specific situations and that are aimed at a specific audience; |

|– produce work as a member of an ensemble. |

|– review drama and dance performances, orally or in writing, critiquing the use of elements and techniques in the particular genre of the |

|piece; |

|– evaluate the overall effect of a performance in drama and dance, analyzing the key elements; |

|How does this address equity/Social Justice? |

|The media presentation explicitly addresses an area of concern about water – thus bringing the social justice aspects of water conservation |

|and access to safe water to the attention of the school where the presentations will be shown |

|Assessment Strategies: |

|Observation/notes on group work and discussion - Formative assessment |

|Observation/notes on oral presentations - Formative assessment |

|Interviews and conferences with working groups – Formative assessment |

| |

|Rubric for written responses, final project and reference lists – Summative assessment |

|Assessment Strategies: |

|X Observation |X Learning Log/Journal | Presentation/Performance |

|X Anecdotal Notes |Self-assessment |Audio/Video/ |

|Work Samples |Peer-assessment |Technological Presentation |

|X Interview/Conference |X Rubric |X Project |

|Checklist | |X Oral Reports |

| | |Other |

|Indicators: How will you know that your students have achieved the expectations? What will the achievement look like? |

|They will be able to identify target audience in both the ads they will view and those they create. They will critically analyze the ad |

|using criteria. They will write using grade level writing conventions. |

|Accommodations and Modifications: |

|By working in groups this allows the students who did not fully understand the assignment to get clarification from their group mates. By |

|allowing the final product to be in a number of different forms this allows the kids who have weaknesses in areas of written work to still |

|accomplish the task by producing a video, sound or visual presentation. If some kids need more time these 5 classes may not be consecutive |

|but may be alternated with other language activities allowing more time between classes to get ideas and get them together. |

|Resources: |Outline: |

| |Over a number of days students will research a topic and create a media ad around a |

| |water related issue targeted at a specific audience. |

|Day 1 |Beginning – Day 1 |

| |In groups of 3-4, based on the examples of storm water ads, they are to come up with|

|Results of the water testing science lab |a water related topic for their ad campaign. They could choose from one of the |

|Land use maps from geography unit |suggested topics or come up with one of their own. Suggested topics include: |

| |consumption of bottled water and tap water |

|Background information sources for them to use to |Water usage by various appliances |

|research water related issues such as: |Beach closure statistics |

|consumption of bottled water and tap water |Erosion of shoreline |

|Water usage by various appliances |Flooding |

|Beach closure statistics |High water safety issues |

|Erosion of shoreline |Ice safety issues |

|Flooding |groundwater |

|High water safety issues |Land use issues |

|Ice safety issues |Other areas of interest they have identified |

|groundwater | |

|Land use issues |Middle - Day 1 |

|Other areas of interest they have identified |With their group they are to decide upon the subject of their ad, what group they |

|This could be hard copy text or fact sheets and on line|will be targeting with their ad, the format and what basic message it will convey. |

|information. |to start thinking of a message for their ad and a target audience. Their audience |

| |could be students, families, business people or another target group. |

|Assessment – none however they must have submitted a | |

|topic and target audience for approval |They are to get verbal approval of their topic and target audience from the |

|(done/not done on checklist) |instructor before proceeding |

| | |

| |They are then to start planning their ad and come up with a story board for a media |

| |campaign to get their target audience to change their behavior. This will involve a |

| |script, identifying the audience, planning the ad and reflecting on WHY they feel |

| |this ad would be effective at promoting the desired behavioral change. |

| |The ad can be a radio ad (script) a television/u-tube ad (story board or power point|

| |style story board), a skit that could be filmed (script) – (video can be done but is|

| |not required) or a poster campaign of at least 3 different posters (could be on |

| |power point on the theme) – one for transit, one for print, one for billboards |

| | |

| |If a radio or television ad format is chosen it will also be evaluated as a DRAMA |

| |project |

| |If a poster campaign is chosen it will be evaluated as a VISUAL ARTS project |

| | |

| |End – Day 1 |

| |Have them decide what information they need to gather to design their ad and be |

| |ready to bring that wish list in for next class. |

|Day 2 and 3 |Day 2 |

| |Beginning |

|Examples of how to reference materials |Review how to reference various sources of material for a bibliography – Books, |

| |articles, websites etc. At the end of each research day they will need to |

|Some computer resource time (one period) |individually turn in a list of materials searched and a one or two line description |

| |of what they found out. |

|Library research time (one period) | |

| |Middle |

| |One library day and one computer lab day to research and do creative work on their |

|Assessment – Diagnostic of the referencing information |ad |

|submitted | |

|To inform future instruction |End |

|(done/not done on checklist) |An individual summery of resources found (books, articles, websites etc.) and a |

| |minimum one line description of each reference they used and what they found out on |

| |each to be turned in at the end of each of these classes to help keep them on task. |

| |(teaching referencing and bibliography skills) This will also be revised and |

| |attached for the evaluation at the end. |

| | |

| |This will not be marked at this point but will be used as a diagnostic assessment as|

| |to the referencing skills of the class and inform teaching for the next research day|

|Day 2 and 3 |Day 3 |

| |Beginning |

|Examples of how to reference materials |Correct any overall problems with referencing materials with examples. |

| | |

|Some computer resource time (one period) |Middle |

| |Same pattern for research as day 2 with the same reference requirement at the end of|

|Library research time (one period) |the day. This day will be the opposite of day 2 – Library or computer lab depending |

| |on availability |

|Assessment – submission of reference list – formative –| |

|to see if any audience for approval |End |

|(done/not done on checklist) |Collect reference list at end of class |

|Day 4 |Day 4 |

| |All reference lists returned |

|Paper, markers, paint etc for making posters or story |Start/continue working on the creative part of their media presentation - On all |

|boards for media ads |three work days try to check in with all of the groups to ask questions and make |

| |notes as to how the process is going and scaffold areas that are not progressing as |

|Assessment- Notes on group conferences and observations|desired. Clear up any misunderstandings and areas of confusion for the whole class |

| |and take the opportunity to conference with each group to see what they are |

| |thinking. A rough outline of the campaign (storyboard or rough script or rough |

| |concept drawings for poster campaign) identifying target audience, message and |

| |method to reach them as well as an outline of the content of the campaign is to be |

| |handed in at the end of this class. |

| | |

| |End |

| |This is also when they must request any equipment for the final presentations so |

| |that it can be available for the presentation day. |

|Day 5 |Day 5 – Art class – see detailed art lesson |

|Same as day 4 |Concentrated creative work on presentations – On all three work days check in with |

| |the groups and ask questions and make notes as to how the process is going and |

|Assessment- Notes on group conferences and observations|scaffold areas that are not progressing as desired. |

| | |

| |Ongoing assessment on all three work days with group conferences, Observation and |

| |Anecdotal Notes |

|Day 6 |Day 6 |

|Same as days 4 and 5 |Beginning |

|Writing journals |Final creative work on presentations |

| | |

|Assessment- Notes on group conferences and observations|End – for last 20 minutes of class have the students reflect individually in a |

| |journal on the effectiveness of their ad, how well their ad reached its target |

| |audience and how well it communicated its point. How the artistic elements came |

| |together and how it functioned as a piece of drama or visual art. What conventions |

| |of media campaigns they used and what they feel the strengths and weaknesses of |

| |their ad are and how it could have been improved. This reflection will be turned in |

| |for marking at the end of the final class |

|Day 7 |Day 7 |

|Projector and laptop for the final day to show power |Beginning |

|point presentations |Presentation of media campaigns to the class by each group. (5 min presentations – |

|TV and video Player to view video produces media ads |Each group member must participate) |

|for final presentations | |

| |Middle |

|Writing journals |After all have been presented have an overall class discussion about what the |

| |successful aspects of the ads were. Moderate this discussion closely to keep in |

| |focused on what worked and not allow trashing of the work. |

|Assessment - Notes on presentations | |

|Rubric for actual media campaign |End |

|Rubric for reference list |After the discussion have the students individually add to their reflections about |

|Rubric on journal reflection |how they thought their ad went over to the class and what they might change given |

| |the opportunity. They are to assess there work both as a media campaign and on its |

| |merit as a piece of artistic work. This reflection will be turned in for marking at |

| |the end of the class along with the bibliography/reference list |

| | |

| |Final campaigns, reflections and reference lists will be marked with a rubric. |

| |Follow Up: |

| |Post graphic media campaigns on school bulletin boards |

| |Play audio campaigns at announcement time |


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