Kentucky Department of Education

Using Lexile and Lexile Analyzer

1. Go to to become familiar with the site and the tool. Let’s begin by learning how to use the Lexile Analyzer. Click on tools in the menu bar and scroll down to the Lexile Analyzer.


2. When you click on the Analyzer you will go to a registration page. Registration is free and must be completed to use the Analyzer.


3. After you register you will see the login page.


4. Next you must prepare the text for submission. The text must be saved as a plain text file (.txt). You highlight the text from the article and place it in a word document. Then you must do save as and find plain text (you may have to scroll down on your Save As Type to find plain test as an option).


If the text is from a website you may have to save it in a different manner, using paste special. When you paste special you must paste the text as unformatted text.


It helps to save the document on your desktop so when you have to browse to find the text document, it is right there on your desktop to submit for analysis.

5. Here is the screen that allows you to submit your text. Just browse through your documents and highlight your text document and click open. [pic]

6. Here is what you will see when you click on browse and then select your document.


7. Next hit submit and you will be given this screen:


This is where you will see the results of the analysis for the piece of text that you submitted. You should either print this screen or write down the results. When you navigate away from this screen the results are lost and you would have to redo the analysis. This data is not saved on the site.

Let’s watch the video, The Lexile Video Overview, and learn about why this is such an important tool for helping our students succeed in becoming proficient readers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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