Idaho Commission for Libraries – We assist libraries to ...

Contents for Bag #1

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #1 include:

• If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

• I Stink!

• Amazing Tigers

• Knuffle Bunny

• Bookworm handout on print motivation

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #2

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #2 include:

• Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

• 26 Letters and 99 Cents

• Bad Kitty

• Eating the Alphabet

• Bookworm handout on letter knowledge

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #3

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #3 include:

• The Very Hungry Caterpillar

• Barnyard Banter

• Caps for Sale

• Red-Eyed Tree Frog

• Bookworm handout on vocabulary

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #4

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #4 include:

• Llama Llama Red Pajama

• One Duck Stuck

• My First Action Rhymes

• Rhyming Dust Bunnies

• Bookworm handout on phonological awareness

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #5

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #5 include:

• Goodnight Gorilla

• Say Hello

• The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog

• Mouse Mess

• Bookworm handout on print awareness

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #6

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #6 include:

• What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?

• Three Little Pigs

• Guess How Much I Love You?

• Gingerbread Man

• Bookworm handout on narrative skills

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #7

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #7 include:

• Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book

• Curious George

• Rosie’s Walk

• Biggest, Strongest, Fastest

• Bookworm handout on early literacy

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #8

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #8 include:

• Bark, George

• Splat the Cat

• Harry the Dirty Dog

• A Cat and a Dog

• Bookworm handout on play literacy

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #9

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #9 include:

• Alphabet Under Construction

• Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site

• Building a House

• Froggy Builds a Treehouse

• Bookworm handout on blocks and play

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #10

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #10 include:

• Harold and the Purple Crayon

• Mouse Paint

• I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!

• The Dot

• Bookworm handout on art

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #11

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #11 include:

• Click, Clack, Moo

• Chester

• Click, Clack, Quackity Quack

• Diary of a Worm

• Bookworm handout on writing

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #12

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #12 include:

• Chicka Chicka 1,2,3

• Actual Size

• Ten Little Caterpillars

• 1-2-3 Child’s First Counting Book

• Bookworm handout on early math

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #13

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #13 include:

• In the Small, Small Pond

• Bugs A to Z

• What Do Roots Do?

• My Five Senses

• Bookworm handout on science

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #14

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #14 include:

• Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes

• Giraffes Can’t Dance

• Miss Mary Mack

• Seals on the Bus

• Bookworm handout on music and singing

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #15

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #15 include:

• Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain

• Hush! A Thai Lullaby

• Whoever You Are

• Mama Do You Love Me?

• Bookworm handout on multicultural literature

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #16

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #16 include:

• Animal Tracks

• Wonderful Worms

• Birds

• Owl Moon

• Bookworm handout on nature

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #17

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #17 include:

• There is a Bird on Your Head

• Pigsty

• Edwina the Emu

• Tacky the Penguin

• Bookworm handout on humor and young children

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #18

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #18 include:

• Goldilocks and the Three Bears

• Corduroy

• Bear Snores On

• Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?

• Bookworm handout on bears and bedtime reading

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #19

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #19 include:

• Apple Banana Cherry

• Feast for 10

• Bread Bread Bread

• Let’s Eat

• Bookworm handout on cooking with kids

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #20

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #20 include:

• Lola at the Library

• Maybe a Bear Ate It

• Library Lion

• The Library’s Secret

• Bookworm handout on going to the library

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #21

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #21 include:

• Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

• Yo! Yes?

• Froggy Gets Dressed

• More Bears!

• Bookworm handout on print and punctuation marks

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #22

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #22 include:

• My Friend Rabbit

• A Splendid Friend Indeed

• Margaret and Margarita

• Stellaluna

• Bookworm handout on friendship

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #23

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #23 include:

• Dinosaurs A to Z

• How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?

• Dinosaur Roar!

• Big Dinosaurs!

• Bookworm handout on dinosaurs

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #24

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #24 include:

• Five Little Monkeys

• Here Comes the Big Mean Dust Bunny!

• Each Peach Pear Plum

• Very Short Mother Goose Tales to Read

• Bookworm handout on rhyming fun

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #25

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #25 include:

• Not a Box

• Ish

• Pocket Poems

• Where the Wild Things Are

• Bookworm handout on imagination

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #26

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #26 include:

• Freight Train

• Roadwork

• My Truck is Stuck

• ABCDrive!

• Bookworm handout on things that go

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #27

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #27 include:

• Abuela

• Henry and Mudge: The First Book

• Kitchen Dance

• The Relatives Came

• Bookworm handout on sharing family stories

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #28

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #28 include:

• Weather Words and What They Mean

• The Snowy Day

• The Apple Pie Tree

• What Will the Weather Be Like Today?

• Bookworm handout on exploring the weather

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #29

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #29 include:

• When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry

• It’s Okay to Be Different

• Leo the Late Bloomer

• Yoko

• Bookworm handout on feelings

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Contents for Bag #30

Reading aloud is the single most important thing you can do to help your child succeed in school. The Books to Go program is intended to provide easy access to high-quality, age-appropriate books. All the books in the bag were obtained at a large discount and can be replaced without a problem. So take them out and enjoy reading them with your child! When you are done reading these books, return them for another bag.

Items in Bag #30 include:

• Garden Friends

• Surprise Garden

• Up, Down, and Around

• Farm Alphabet Book

• Bookworm handout on gardens and growing

Your public library is a great resource for books and family programs. You can also access hundreds of fun books online at your library or from home.  TumbleBooks™ is a free animated collection of quality children’s books on your public library’s website. At you can read a book of the day and find songs, rhymes, videos and other activities to help build your child’s language skills. Visit your library or your library’s website today!

Books to Go is sponsored by your library and the Idaho Commission for Libraries’ Read to Me Program. It was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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