Life Story AssignmentI am interested in getting to know you as a whole person, not just a student in my English class. In essay format, please write your autobiography/life story for me. Directions and Requirements: Use paragraph form and feel free to include more information than is listed below. Note: this docum8600ent is confidential and will only be read by me and your SS teacher. It will not be shared with any other individuals*. Must be two pages single spaced minimum of 800 words. You will earn credit for meeting the requirements and turning in your life story. If it is not turned in, you will not receive credit. DUE: Monday, September 9, 2019 (Printed or hand written. If writing by hand, must still meet word requirements and be legible—use your best judgment)Use the following questions as a guide to creating your life story:Where were you born? Have you always lived here? If not…where else have you lived? Who do you live with? Where have you been to school so far? What class/teacher was your favorite and why? What class/teaching style did you not care for and why? (please, no teacher names)How do you learn best?What do you do outside of school (work, sports, care for siblings)? What special skills or talents do you have? What stereotypes do you think people have about you? What do people not realize about you? What quote best defines how you think about your life? What makes you great?Etc. (*Please note that we are mandatory reporters. Should you choose to include any information that shows you are in harm, we are, however, required to seek assistance.) ................

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