Name of Lesson


Subject: Employment

Title of Lesson: Internet Job Searching

Prepared by: Stacy DeLano sdelano@

Name e-mail

|Objective/Purpose: What will be learned and why it is useful |

| |

|Participants will learn about the major job searching sites for the geographical area on the internet and will learn how to navigate those sites. The |

|folder is a substitution in those cases in which you do not have access to internet services with which to instruct participants. |

|Warm-up activity |Materials needed for warm-up |

| | |

|1) Facilitator will: |1) Pre Test (written or oral) |

|Welcome |[pic] |

|Distribute pre-test | |

|Learning activities |Materials needed for learning activities |

| | |

|1) Studying Job Search folder |1) Include the following information in the internet job searching |

| |folder: |

| | |

| |Pre/post test with instructions to return test to a specified |

| |location |

| |Self addressed, stamped envelop if you would like participants to |

| |mail the test |

| |A copy of instructions for using regional internet job searching |

| |sites including: |

| |-Local companies |

| |-Local universities or schools |

| |-Local governmental entities |

| |-County or state job search sites |

| |-Municipal or other government sites |

| |-Online classified ads for area papers |

| |For examples of site instruction |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |[pic] |

| |Copy of library card application |

| |Instructions on accessing library computers |

| |Free use internet pass for adults |

| |Internet safety handouts |

| |Notepad and pens |

|Conclusion |Materials needed for conclusion |

| | |

|1) Administer Post Test |1) Post Test |

| |[pic] |

|Extensions/Expansion/Support activities |

| |

|Offer one on one appointments if/when people come in to search employment sites |

|Support resources/Materials/Websites (Include title, source) |

| |

|Federal Trade Commission brochures to print or to order: |

| |

|Alerta en Línea: Pare. Piense. Haga Clic. |

|(OnGuard Online: Stop. Think. Click.) |

| |

|Tips to help computer users be on guard against Internet fraud, secure their computers, and protect their personal information. 4"x9", 16 pages, color.|

| |

|Fraudes de Trabajo en el Hogar |

|(Work At Home Schemes) |

| |

|Advises consumers interested in work-at-home opportunities (including medical billing, envelope stuffing, and craft or assembly work) to research these|

|offers carefully. 8.5"x11", 4 pages. |

| |

|Estafas de Empleos Federales y Postales: Recomendaciones para Evitar el Fraude |

|(Federal and Postal Job Scams: Tip-offs to Rip-offs) |

| |

| |

|Community contacts/Resources |

| |

|1) Distribute packets to all of your usual publicity sites, including churches, ESL classes, and bilingual storytimes. |

| |

|2) Be mindful of distributing material to worksites where you usually distribute flyers and information as you do not want to injure the partnerships |

|you have formed with these workplaces. |

| |

|3) Contact local unemployment offices, temp offices, etc. to see if they will stock the folders for you and distribute them to clients who speak |

|Spanish. These places may also have other tips for good online, local job searching sites. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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