[Pages:135]Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) Supplemental Educational Services


ROUND II OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES Monday, January 23, 2012 - Monday, February 13, 2012

For Eligible Students in Kindergarten ? 2nd Grade Only

1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Stone Mountain, GA 30083-1027 678-676-1200

Board of Education Dr. Eugene P. `Gene' Walker, Chair

Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, Vice Chair Ms. Sarah Copelin-Wood

Mr. Jesse `Jay' Cunningham, Jr. Ms. Donna G. Edler Ms. Nancy Jester

Mr. Donald E. `Don' McChesney Dr. Pamela A. Speaks

Mr. H. Paul Womack, Jr.

Superintendent Dr. Cheryl L. H. Atkinson

January 23, 2012

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

The Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, (NCLB) requires that parents who have children attending schools identified as Needs Improvement to be notified of the school's academic status. The Georgia Department of Education and your local school are working hard to provide programs to help all students succeed. These efforts include implementing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This law supports parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and schools working together to raise student achievement.

As part of our efforts to improve student achievement and implement ESEA, your child may be eligible to receive Supplemental Educational Services (SES), which is free tutoring provided by State Approved Providers. This service provides free tutoring to enhance instruction provided outside the regular school day. Only parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of students in Kindergarten ? 2nd grade who qualify to receive free or reduced price meals may request SES. If the school district does not have sufficient funds to provide services to all eligible children, priority will be given to those eligible children with the lowest test scores.

Each child enrolled in the SES program will receive an allotment of $1,660. Funds are paid directly to the tutoring company or provider by the school district on behalf of the participating student and at no charge to the parent(s)/legal guardian(s). A list of Georgia Department of Education State Approved Providers is included in this brochure. The Georgia Department of Education State Approved Providers list is also available at your child's school, the DeKalb County School System's website at, or by accessing the Georgia Department of Education website:

To enroll your child in the SES Program, first review the enclosed SES provider list and choose the program you believe to be the best for you and your child. You are encouraged to ask questions to ensure that you make an informed decision. This list includes a short description of the services offered, the style of delivery (i.e., online, one-on-one, group), the location of services, and the transportation provisions. As you review the provider summaries, you will notice many providers have addresses located out of state. Each of these providers has tutors in the DeKalb County area and will offer services to students in the DeKalb County School System. Enclosed is a provider report card for each provider and a SES Request for Service form. The SES Providers must address specific and targeted deficits/objectives for each student served on their respective Individual Student Plan (ISP). It is essential for the provider to use the ISP form provided by DCSS or the Georgia Department of Education. The provider is required to document the

instructional services addressing the deficits/objectives listed on the ISP in a progress report form that is provided by DCSS or the Georgia Department of Education.

Parents/guardians who wish to apply for SES for the 2011-2012 school year may do so in Three ways. 1) Online (ePortal) 2) Paper application returned to child's home school 3) Paper application mailed to the District office

After reviewing the list of providers, complete the Request for Services form to enroll your child in the SES program.


Please note that your child must be a registered DeKalb County student at an eligible school. In order to apply online for ESEA Supplemental Educational Services, parents/guardians must have an active ePortal account. ePortal is DeKalb County School System's web application designed to deliver secure student information and content to parents/guardians, students and staff. Parents/guardians may log on to the DeKalb County School System website at to access their ePortal account. This access will give parents/guardians the ability to register and view select information regarding their student(s).

Parents/guardians without an ePortal Account To obtain an ePortal account you must apply online and be authorized by your home school. The authorization process may take up to 48 hours. To apply visit the DeKalb County School System website at, under the Community tab, select Parent Portal. From the Parent Portal page, under School Choice, click Supplemental Educational Services. At the SES Home screen, click the Enrollment link for instructions on how to complete the SES Free Tutoring process.

The following information is needed to apply for an ePortal account: First & Last Name of the Student Seven-Digit Student Number Student's Date of Birth Georgia Testing Identification (GTID) Number

Parents/guardians with an Existing ePortal Account If you already have an existing ePortal account, then registration for SES Free Tutoring is simple. Log on to your existing ePortal account via the DeKalb County School System website at Under the Community tab, select Parent Portal. From the Parent Portal page, under the School Choice section, click Supplemental Educational Services. On the SES Home screen, click the Enrollment link for instructions on how to complete the SES Free Tutoring process. The open enrollment period for registration will be Monday, January 23 ? Monday, February 13, 2012.

Note: If an authorized ePortal account has not been obtained prior to January 23, 2012, please submit an ESEA Request for Services form in person to the DeKalb County School System, Office of School Improvement, Attn: ESEA SES Free Tutoring Division, 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd., Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083, during the open enrollment period.


To further assist you with registration for ESEA SES Free Tutoring Program, the following option is also available .

Mail in Applications Parents/guardians new to the district who have completed the new student registration process at the home school and current DCSS parents/guardians may complete an ESEA Free Tutoring Request for Services Form and return it via US mail during the open enrollment period of Monday, January 23 Monday, February 13, 2012. Request for Services forms should be mailed to:

DeKalb County School System Office of School Improvement Attn : ESEA Free Tutoring Division 1701 Mountain Industrial Blvd. Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083

All mailed Request for Services forms must be postmarked no later than February 13, 2012.

The DeKalb County School System cannot guarantee that your child will be approved for the free tutoring program. If the school district does not have sufficient funds to provide services to all eligible children, priority will be given to those eligible children with the lowest academic achievement starting with the highest grade level.

The DeKalb County School System, SES free tutoring enrollment dates are January 23?February 13, 2012. Please remember that the Office of School Improvement must receive? the ESEA SES Request for Services form by February 13, 2012. This gives you a minimum of 20 school days from January 23, 2012 to request services. If you are interested in additional information regarding , SES free tutoring , contact Dr. Linda Crowley at or at 6.78?676?0309.

As the Georgia Department of Education continues to make efforts toward ensuring the success of all

DeKalb County School System students, we encourage you to support this effort by participating in the SES

free tutoring program.


Dr. Cheryl L. H. Atkinson Superintendent

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for services? All students from low-income families who attend a school that is in the second year of Needs Improvement or in corrective action are eligible for services. However, the district may not have enough funds to serve all eligible students, in which case the district will give priority to the lowest performing students.

Who are the tutors? The Georgia Department of Education has a list of State Approved Providers in your area from which to choose. Please review the attached list to choose a provider to serve your child.

Where is the tutoring? It varies by provider. Tutoring may take place in your home, at the student's school, a local community center, place of business, library, church, neighboring school or college.

How much is tutoring? Tutoring is free for eligible students and will be paid for by the school district. The school district will spend a maximum of $1,660.00 on each student for tutoring services.

When is tutoring? Tutoring services are provided outside of the school day. Services may be offered either before school, after school, on the weekends, or during the summer, depending on the provider. By receiving free tutoring, student academic achievement may increase.

How do students get to tutoring? Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from tutoring services unless the provider offers transportation.

Why should I consider additional assistance for my child? To ensure that students increase their academic achievement, particularly in reading, language arts, and math.

What will my child study? Students will receive extra help in the areas in which they struggle academically. The school and the SES provider will assist parent(s)/legal guardian(s) in identifying the academic needs and establishing goals for each student.

How will I know what my child is doing during the tutoring session? SES providers are required to submit progress reports throughout the program to inform parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of each child's progress.

How do I choose the right SES provider for my child? First, identify the areas that are causing your child to struggle in reading and math. Not all providers offer services in both reading and math. Review the attached list of approved providers, the services they offer, the style of delivery (i.e., online, one-on-one, group) and the location of services if transportation is an issue. Choose a tutoring provider that has a program that you believe will work for you and your child. For additional help contact Dr. Linda Crowley at 678.676.0309 or to assist you in selecting a provider to tutor your child.

What if tutoring does not help my child? A parent may contact the district to discuss concerns and request a different provider if the child is not having success.

Thank you for all that you do to support your child's education.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (ESEA)

(as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 1965, NCLB) FREE TUTORING!

Elementary schools that must offer Supplemental Educational Services for students in Kindergarten ? 2nd grade ONLY

Elementary Schools

Chapel Hill Fairington Flat Shoals Idlewood Indian Creek

Jolly McNair Discovery Learning Academy

Midway Oak View Panola Way Stone Mill Stoneview Woodward

Supplemental Educational Services FREE TUTORING!

The DeKalb County School System invites you to the 2011-2012 Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Providers' Fair. This important and informative meeting is to discuss SES guidelines and procedures for receiving services for your child.

SES Providers' Fair

Location: Stone Mill Elementary School 4900 Shelia Lane Stone Mountain, GA 30083

Dates: Saturday, February 4, 2012

Time: 10:00 a.m. ? 12:00 p.m.



2011-2012 Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Application Monday, January 23 ? Monday, February 13, 2012

This application is for Kindergarten ? 2nd grade students only.

Parents/Guardians- To participate in the free tutoring program your child must attend one of the schools listed on the following page of this application and be eligible for free or reduced priced meals. Any application that is altered or submitted to the school district by another party other than the parent/guardian will not be valid or processed. PLEASE PRINT ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION AND SIGN WHERE REQUIRED. Please feel free to call Dr. Linda Crowley at 678.676.0309 with any questions that you may have regarding this program.

Student Name:





Apt #:



Phone #1: ( )

Phone #2: ( )


My child needs tutoring in (check only one):

Reading/Language Arts


List three tutoring company names and the 3-digit ID numbers in order of preference. There are 116 providers currently approved to serve the DeKalb County School System. Please refer to the packet of providers or contact the district if you need assistance in selecting a provider for your child.

Choice #1 with Provider ID #:

Choice #2 with Provider ID #:

Choice #3 with Provider ID #:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understanding and agreement:

? I understand that it is my responsibility as the parent/guardian to submit this application as indicated by the school district.

? I may not submit this application to any provider soliciting my child's participation in the program. ? I understand if my child cannot be placed with any of the preferred SES providers listed, the LEA will contact me to select

another provider.

? I understand that the school system is not responsible for providing transportation to and from these services. The school district will pay for tutoring in the amount of $1,660.00 on behalf of my child at no expense to me for a specific number of hours.

? I authorize the school district to release my child's state test score data to the selected provider in an effort to assist in developing a tutorial program that addresses the specific needs of my child.

? In certain cases, if funding is limited, I understand that students will receive services based upon a rank ordering of student achievement data as determined by the school district.

This SES application must be submitted by the parent/guardian using one of the following options. Any application not submitted as described below will not be processed or approved. Option #1: Return to home school or mail through the United States Postal Services Option #2: Complete Request for Services Form via online process at

Parent Name (PRINT):

Parent Signature :


This application will not be eligible if it is not signed by parent/guardian. Students may not sign for parents.

Your child must attend one of the following schools and be eligible for free or reduced priced meals to be eligible for this free

tutoring program.


Chapel Hill


Oak View

Panola Way

Flat Shoals Stone Mill

Idlewood Stoneview

Indian Creek Woodward

Jolly Midway McNair Discovery Learning Academy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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