The Suit of Wands -- The Fire Suit -- Representing ...

The Suit of Wands -- The Fire Suit -- Representing creativity, action, movement, enthusiasm, adventure, risk-taking, and confidence. A Masculine principle, it is the outer expression of ego and drive.

Page of Wands

Element: Earth of Fire

Astrological: Season of Spring

Myers Briggs: INTP

Joan Bunning: Be Enthusiastic, Courageous

Linda Gail Waters: The Initiator

WebWeaver: Wow!

-- A free spirit, Enthusiastic, impatient

Knight of Wands

Element: Fire of Fire

Astrological: Mutable Fire (Sagittarius)

Myers Briggs: ENTP

Joan Bunning: Charming, Daring, Fool Hardy, Hot Tempered

Linda Gail Waters: The Fulfiller, Inventor

WebWeaver: Errand

-- Taking a Journey, Passionate, Headstrong Action

Queen of Wands

Element: Water of Fire

Astrological: Cardinal Fire (Aries)

Myers Briggs: INTJ

Joan Bunning: Attractive, Whole-hearted, Cheerful

Linda Gail Waters: The Seer

WebWeaver: Optimist--Charismatic, Creative, Assertive, She knows what she wants

King of Wands

Element: Air of Water

Astrological: Fixed Fire (Leo)

Myers Briggs: ENTJ

Joan Bunning: Creative, Bold, Forceful,

Linda Gail Waters: The Field Marshall

WebWeaver: Entrepreneur

--Leadership, Visionary, The Idea Man, Presence, Enterprise

The Suit of Cups -- The Water Suit -- Emotions, spirituality, inner states, feeling, intuitive awareness, The Feminine principle of flowing energy and passive responses.

Page of Cups

Element: Earth of Water

Astrological: Season of Summer

Myers Briggs: INFP

Joan Bunning: Be Emotional, Loving, Be Intuitive

Linda Gail Waters: The Dreamer

WebWeaver: Sensitivity

--Affectionate, Expressive, Touch, Intuitive Messages

Knight of Cups

Element: Fire of Water

Astrological: Mutable Water (Pisces)

Myers Briggs: ENFP

Joan Bunning: Romantic, Imaginative, Introverted, Over-emotional

Linda Gail Waters: The Carefree Spirit

WebWeaver: Invitation

--Idealist, Fanciful, The Dreamy Romantic

Queen of Cups

Element: Water of Water

Astrological: Cardinal Water (Cancer)

Myers Briggs: INFJ

Joan Bunning: Deep Emotions, Loving, Intuitive

Linda Gail Waters: The Free Spirit

WebWeaver: Empathy

-- Damsel, Deep-feeler, Internalizes, Spiritual

King of Cups

Element: Air of Water

Astrological: Fixed Water (Scorpio)

Myers Briggs: ENFJ

Joan Bunning: Wise, Calm, Diplomatic, Tolerant

Linda Gail Waters: The Lover

WebWeaver: Liberal

--Expansive, Controlling, Artist, Priest, Emotional Maturity

The Suit of Swords -- The Air Suit -- Intellect, thought, reason, communication, truth, logic, reason, a Masculine principle of mental clarity and the constant state of mental change, volatile.

Page of Swords

Element: Earth of Air

Astrological: Season of Autumn

Myers Briggs: ISTP

Joan Bunning: Use your mind, Be Just, Be Truthful

Linda Gail Waters: The Professional

WebWeaver: Quickness

--New ideas, Quick and Lively mind, Over thinker

Knight of Swords

Element: Fire of Air

Astrological: Mutable Air (Gemini)

Myers Briggs: ESTP

Joan Bunning: Direct, Blunt, Logical, Opinionated

Linda Gail Waters: The Communicator

WebWeaver: Forceful

--Valiant, Quick witted, Sarcastic, Hell-bent Charger

Queen of Swords

Element: Water of Air

Astrological: Cardinal Air (Libra)

Myers Briggs: ISTJ

Joan Bunning: Honest, Forthright, Witty, Experienced,

Linda Gail Waters: The Provider

WebWeaver: Candor

--Structured, clear-eyed, demanding, Widow, Ice Queen, Amazon

King of Swords

Element: Air of Air

Astrological: Fixed Air (Aquarius)

Myers Briggs: ESTJ

Joan Bunning: Intellectual, Articulate, Just

Linda Gail Waters: The Administrator

WebWeaver: Analytical --Philosopher, Editor, Judge, Truth tempered with Mercy

Suit of Pentacles -- The Earth Suit -- Practicality, security, material concerns, work, stuff, money, a Feminine principle of a pragmatic understanding of them as a mutual singular, prosperity, wealth, need and charity.

Page of Pentacles

Element: Earth of Earth

Astrological: Season of Winter

Myers Briggs: ISFP

Joan Bunning: Be Practical, Prosperous

Linda Gail Waters: The Listener

WebWeaver: Diligent

--Studious, Fascinated with the new, Messenger

Knight of Pentacles

Element: Fire of Earth

Astrological: Mutable Earth (Virgo)

Myers Briggs: ESFP

Joan Bunning: Unwavering, Cautious, Stubborn, Pessimistic

Linda Gail Waters: The Promoter

WebWeaver: Reliable

--The Boy Scout "Be Prepared" Faithful, Hesitant

Queen of Pentacles

Element: Water of Earth

Astrological: Cardinal Earth (Capricorn)

Myers Briggs: ISFJ

Joan Bunning: Down-to-Earth, Big Hearted, Resourceful

Linda Gail Waters: The Builder

WebWeaver: Nurturing

--Warm, Generous, Hospitality, Crafty, Domestic Goddess

King of Pentacles

Element: Air of Earth

Astrological: Fixed Earth (Taurus)

Myers Briggs: ESTJ

Joan Bunning: Enterprising, Adept, Reliable, Steady

Linda Gail Waters: The Conservator

WebWeaver: Resourceful

--Captain of Industry, Successful, Reaches his Goals

1. Describe your family tree as the court, who are you and who is your Mother, Father, siblings, spouse and children?

2. Which court cards repel you, why do you think that is?

3. Which court cards attract you and why do you think that is?

4. Do you think others would see you as a different court card than you see yourself?

Adapted from:

Solaris’s “Wizard of Oz” Tarot Spread

Divide the Tarot deck into separate piles of Aces, 2-10s, courts, and Major Arcana cards.

Draw 1 card from the Aces pile:

• YELLOW BRICK ROAD—path to enlightenment, creativity.

Draw 4 cards from the 2-10s pile:

• DOROTHY—values, self-actualization, your part in the situation

• LION—where you find your courage

• SCARECROW—what you think about

• TIN MAN—love, what you wish for

Draw 1 Court card:

• GLINDA—who will help you

Draw 1 Major Arcana card:

• WIZARD—advice

Put all the remaining cards back together into the one deck and draw 5 more cards:

• TOTO—surprises

• WICKED WITCH—shadow side, obstacles

• KANSAS—your surroundings, conscious

• OZ—your inner world, subconscious

• EMERALD CITY—what you aspire to, direction headed

Spread developed by:

Court card questions….

You will be given a court card randomly and, embodying that card, answer some questions below…

If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?

What is your favorite way to wake up and what’s the first thing you do? 

What would be your dream vehicle?

What characteristics do you dislike in yourself?

What is your favorite item of clothing and why?

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with?

What did you want to be when you were little?

If you were an ice cream what would you be?

What are you really afraid of?


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