Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council

The Link-Letter Nov. 30, 2012

v. 07-48

For more information click on the links provided.

New items are highlighted.


News for Agency Staff here

Events for Agency Staff here

Work Opportunities in the Senior-Serving Sector here

Items for Board Members here

Items for Seniors here

Volunteer/Work Opportunities for Seniors here


1. For an updated chart spelling out the division of responsibilities and working relationship between the Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council and City of Edmonton Seniors Team, including FCSS, go here.

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1. As recent news items about public organizations expensing political donations make headlines, it is an opportune time to remind charitable organizations about the Canada Revenue Agency rules that limit charities' engagement in political activities. Prohibited activities include direct contributions to a party by an organization as well as reimbursing staff for any purchases made in support of political fundraising events. To access a Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations’ resource on charitable advocacy guidelines, go here. For more information on permissible ways charities can have a role in the policy process, go here.

2. Volunteer Alberta is encouraging registered charities to ensure they comply with Canada Revenue Agency requirements regarding information included on donation receipts. “Including this information on your tax receipts is a quick and easy way to make sure that your donors have a valid tax receipt when tax season rolls around.” For details, go here. For a checklist on “issuing complete and accurate donation receipts” go here.

3. The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology enables you to download a free copy of its Canadian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines Handbook by going here. If you don’t want the entire handbook, you can choose to download only the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Adults 65 years and Older.

4. A Multi-Generational Collection is available as a free rental for special events through City of Edmonton Community Services. The collection includes games with a multi-ethnic flavor, a portable shuffleboard set, rubber horseshoes and bocce balls, an Apples to Apples board game, Treasure Chest of Memories, Mahjong, Carrom and Mancala, a game of strategy from Africa. The collection is part of the legacy of the city’s Aging in Place pilot projects and is suitable for mixing youth and seniors together. Rental is not restricted, however, to the age 65 and older age group. Call 311 for more information.

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1. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities will be celebrated on Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Edmonton Expo Centre, 7515 – 118 Avenue. Admission and parking is free. The event will be a celebration of arts and theatre. For an event poster with more information, go here.

2. The Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council is delighted to invite its member organizations to a seasonal gathering on Dec. 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the main level lobby and Ernest C. Manning Hall at the Art Gallery of Alberta. For an event invitation, go here. The deadline for RSVPs is Dec. 6.

3. The Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) is seeking nominees for its 2013 Recognition Awards. The deadline for submissions is Dec. 15. For more information on the awards criteria, go here. For a nomination form, go here. Fax or email nominations to 780-424-6313 or angie.barron@cpa-.

4. The Alberta Centre on Aging will host a Research on Aging Nibble, Nosh and Network event from 1:30 to 4 p.m. on Jan. 18 in the Lister Conference Centre at the University of Alberta. The guest speaker will be Alberta Seniors Services and Continuing Care assistant deputy minister Chi Loo on what role research and researchers might play in guiding and influencing the direction in aging related policy in Alberta. Attendees are encouraged to bring a poster highlighting their research. The pre-registration deadline is Jan. 11. To register, go here.

5. , “the leading resource for male survivors of sexual abuse in the United States”, will present a workshop for professional helpers and a free Dare to Dream event for male survivors and community members in Edmonton on Feb. 11 and in Calgary on Feb. 13. For more information and to register, go here.

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Ashbourne: A Garneau United Community is seeking an executive director for its 110 suite assisted living facility across from the University of Alberta Hospital. The residents consist of one-third independent living, one-third designated supportive living and one-third receiving home care. The Ashbourne was founded by members of the Garneau United Church and is owned by Garneau United Assisted Living Place, a registered charitable, not for profit corporation. “The board does not envision this new position as full time. The start date is expected to be March 1, 2013 but is negotiable.” For more information, go here and here.

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1. Belt tightening, cutbacks, and austerity are buzz words of the global economic slowdown. In the face of those cutbacks, the Canadian government announced a plan earlier this month to consider new ways to fund social programs. CBC's The Current spearheaded a conversation about Social Impact Bonds with Diane Finlay, Minister of Human Resources and Skill Development, and David Macdonald, an economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. To listen to the conversation, go here.

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1. Wicihtowin Circle of Shared Responsibility and Stewardship and Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre present a Memorial Round Dance to honour family, community and tradition on Dec. 1 at the Enoch Recreation Centre. The event begins with a pipe ceremony at 4 p.m. For an event poster, go here. For more information, go to wicihitowin.ca. WCSRS “advocates for the needs of Edmonton’s urban Aboriginal people”.

2. The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues is holding a Low Density Zone and Mature Neighbourhood Overlay workshop on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. at Glenwood Community Hall, 16430 – 97 Avenue. It is intended to “help you further understand the implications of the numerous regulation changes being proposed to create a more compact city in low density zone areas of new and mature neighbourhoods”. To RSVP, email Bev.Zubot@ so that sufficient resource material is available. For more information, go here.

3. Stephen Harper recently announced the redevelopment of the Canadian Museum of Civilization as the Canadian Museum of History (see Sheila Pratt’s op ed piece in the Edmonton Journal Nov. 2 here). The museum is going across the country to talk about what themes, perspectives, events, individuals and artifacts Canadians would like to see in the new museum. Go here to complete an online survey and RSVP to attend the meeting in Edmonton on Dec. 4.

4. Albertans wishing to be immunized against the flu virus can find the location of the clinic nearest them by going here. Clinics end in Edmonton on Dec. 19.

5. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital's Older Adult Rehabilitation Team will host monthly education sessions beginning Jan. 9 from 2 to 3 p.m. for caregivers of older adults. Facilitated by registered nurses, the sessions are open to the public at no cost. Topics include activities of daily living such as hygiene, oral health and dehydration; signs and symptoms of delirium; safety in the home, including falls prevention and medication management; and caregiver concerns. For more information and to register, call Sandra Holowaty at 780-735-6142.

6. “The word ‘dementia’ is an umbrella term for anything that can cause issues with brain functioning such as confusion, memory loss, or loss of problem solving ability. While Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia in older persons, there are many more varieties.” For access to a comprehensive Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Guide, provided by Home Instead Senior Care, go here. To attend a free Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Workshop at Westend Seniors Activity Centre on Jan. 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., RSVP by emailing pam.hayes@ or calling 780-439-9990.

7. Strathcona County has been awarded the 2014 55 Plus Canada Games. They will take place Aug. 27 to 30. Qualifying for Team Alberta requires participation in the 2013 Alberta 55 Plus Winter and Summer Games. The Winter Games are in Calgary from Feb. 13 to 16 and the Summer Games are in Barrhead/Westlock from July 25 to 28. For more information, visit alberta55plus.ca.

8. “Seniors concerned about keeping their walkways clear of snow this winter are invited to look for assistance from five not‐for‐profit agencies in Edmonton. They will help to match seniors with screened snow removal service providers that charge reasonable rates. This enables older adult home owners to comply with city bylaws, improve their own safety and that of others in their neighbourhoods, and enhance their opportunities to remain mobile and active during the winter months.” To read more of an ESCC news release, go here. To go directly to a service providers contact list, go here.

9. Wecan Food Basket Society is a non-profit organization that helps seniors “stretch their food dollars and buy healthy fresh food” at a reasonable cost. Every month the society organizes a group grocery buy and distributes the purchases through 30 depots in and around Edmonton. On or before the first Friday of the month, members (annual membership is $5 but potential members get a free one month tryout before they join) go to their nearest depot and pre-pay for their groceries. On the third Thursday or Friday of the same month, members return to the same depot to pick up their groceries. For more information, call 780-413-4525 or go to . To find out if there’s a depot near you, go here.

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1. The Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA), through the new Age Works Initiative, encourages seniors to be “active in the community and make a difference in others' lives” by taking advantage of its “open environment for seniors to learn about volunteering opportunities and the benefits of volunteering”. Through the CPAA’s Mentorship Program, seniors can “stay active after retirement within their professional or personal areas of interest”. For more information, go here. To attend a presentation about the benefits of volunteering, call Elizabeth Kaleta at 780-477-8030 or email elizabeth@. For more information about the CPAA, visit .

2. Seniors Assisted Transportation Society of Greater Edmonton (SATS) needs more volunteer drivers to handle 300 “new to us” older frail seniors. “SATS makes it easy to give volunteer time at your convenience and we reimburse gas monies of $10 to $20 a volunteer driven trip with an elder.” Call 780-732-1221 for more information. SATS screens and schedules volunteer drivers for seniors over age 65 who are walking and earn under $30,000 a year.

3. The Brick Sport Central is looking for volunteers to help with collection, inventory and repairing of sports equipment for children, as well as outfitting youth who need the equipment in order to take advantage of opportunities to participate in sport. The Brick Sports Central is a registered charity that makes sports equipment available at no cost to kids up to and including the age of 17. “Our charitable mandate is to help individual kids in situations where they cannot afford equipment for sport and recreation.” For more information go here or call 780-477-1166.

4. The Christmas Bureau provides a festive meal for more than 65,000 Edmontonians. “Our 2012 goal is to raise $1.8 million to make this possible. Our campaign relies largely on volunteers.” For a campaign poster, go here. Volunteers are needed at donation desks and gift wrapping stations in the malls; for stuffing envelopes, counting donations and helping with mail outs at the office; and to assist at special events and Walk-in Days. All opportunities are posted here. For more information call 780-414-7682 or email tanya.laughren@christmasbureau.ca.

5. To learn more about assisting at 2013 Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival on Jan. 12 and 13, attend a volunteer round-up on Dec. 6 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Alberta Avenue Community Centre, 9210 - 118 Avenue, Edmonton. Volunteers are needed to help round up crowds, assist with security, and serve as information ambassadors, team leaders, ushers and fire watchers. To register to attend the round-up, email deepfreezevolunteers@. Deep Freeze features dance, theatre, music, film, galleries, races, ethnic food, ice and snow sculptures, fireworks and winter sports. For details, go here or call 780-471-1580.

6. The Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre is seeking volunteers for a fundraiser at the Apex Casino, 24 Boudreau Road, St. Albert on Dec. 10 and 11. Volunteer shifts are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., 4:45 to 10 p.m., 9:45 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. and 11 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. The positions available are general manager, banker, cashier, chip runners and count room personnel. To sign up, call Donna Woodford at 780-973-4011 ext. 2285. For more information on the MFRC and other volunteer opportunities, go here.

7. Volunteers are needed to staff three boutique areas and four party stations at the Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in conjunction with Alberta Ballet performances of The Nutcracker. Boutique volunteers are required to engage patrons in a retail setting, handle cash and credit cards, count cash and credit card receipts, and count and replenish stock. Sugar Plum Party volunteers are required to help children with colouring, mask/hat making, and costuming. Volunteers receive a ticket to watch the show when they are volunteering (subject to availability). Volunteers are asked to select one of the following performances and arrive at the times indicated: Dec. 14 - 5:30 p.m.; Dec. 15 - 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.; and Dec. 16 - 11:30 a.m. To volunteer, call Mickey Melnyk at 780-428-6892 or email mickeym@.

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