Service Level Agreement - Fermilab

GeneralThis document is under the Change Management Control Policy.DescriptionService Level Agreement for Central Web HostingThis document describes the elements of the Central Web Hosting Service PurposeThe document outlines the description of the service and the responsibilities of the Service Owner as well as the Customer and User.Applicable toAll processes SupersedesN/ADocument OwnerPeter RzeminskiOwner OrgComputing SectorEffective Date07-31-2010Review Date08-20-2013Document ApprovalsBy signing below, all parties agree to the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.NameTitleSignatureDateCore Computing Division Management:Tom AckenhusenDepartment HeadJon BakkenDivision HeadComputing Sector Services:Peter RzeminskiService OwnerDon FlynnService Co-Owner Jack SchmidtService Level ManagerJack Schmidt08-20-2012Tammy WhitedService ManagerCustomer:All employees and users of FermilabVersion HistoryVersionDateAuthor(s)Approved by (if needed)Change Summary1.107-31-2010Peter RzeminskiRob KennedyInitial draft208-03-2012Peter RzeminskiMajor update308-20-2012Jack SchmidtConverted to correct template. ReviewedTable of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u General PAGEREF _Toc295721875 \h 1Document Approvals PAGEREF _Toc295721876 \h 1Version History PAGEREF _Toc295721877 \h 2Instructions for using this template PAGEREF _Toc295721878 \h 31 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc295721879 \h 51.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc295721880 \h 52SERVICE OVERVIEW PAGEREF _Toc295721881 \h 52.1SERVICE DESCRIPTION PAGEREF _Toc295721882 \h 52.2SERVICE OFFERINGS PAGEREF _Toc295721883 \h 52.3LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT CONTEXT PAGEREF _Toc295721884 \h 63RESPONSIBILITIES PAGEREF _Toc295721885 \h 63.1CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILTIES PAGEREF _Toc295721886 \h 63.2USER RESPONSIBILTIES PAGEREF _Toc295721887 \h 63.3SERVICE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILTIES PAGEREF _Toc295721888 \h 64COMPUTER SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS PAGEREF _Toc295721889 \h 65SERVICE SUPPORT PROCEDURE PAGEREF _Toc295721890 \h 65.1REQUESTING CD SERVICE SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc295721891 \h 65.2STANDARD ON-HOURS SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc295721892 \h 75.3STANDARD OFF-HOURS SUPPORT PAGEREF _Toc295721893 \h 75.4SPECIAL SUPPORT COVERAGE PAGEREF _Toc295721894 \h 75.5SERVICE BREACH PROCEDURES PAGEREF _Toc295721895 \h 76SERVICE TARGET TIMES AND PRIORITIES PAGEREF _Toc295721896 \h 76.1RESPONSE TIME PAGEREF _Toc295721897 \h 76.2RESOLUTION TIME PAGEREF _Toc295721898 \h 76.3INCIDENT AND REQUEST PRIORITIES PAGEREF _Toc295721899 \h 76.4CRITICAL INCIDENT HANDLING PAGEREF _Toc295721900 \h 87CUSTOMER REQUESTS FOR SERVICE ENHANCEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721901 \h 88SERVICE CHARGING POLICY PAGEREF _Toc295721902 \h 89SERVICE MEASURES AND REPORTING PAGEREF _Toc295721903 \h 8APPENDIX A: SUPPORTED HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE PAGEREF _Toc295721904 \h 9APPENDIX B: OLA REVIEW PROCEDURE PAGEREF _Toc295721905 \h 9APPENDIX C: OPERATIONAL LEVEL AGREEMENT (OLA) CROSS-REFERENCE PAGEREF _Toc295721906 \h 9APPENDIX D: UNDERPINNING CONTRACT (UC) CROSS-REFERENCE PAGEREF _Toc295721907 \h 9APPENDIX E: TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY CUSTOMER PAGEREF _Toc295721908 \h 9E.1CUSTOMER 1 PAGEREF _Toc295721909 \h 9E.2CUSTOMER 2 PAGEREF _Toc295721910 \h 9APPENDIX F: ESCALATION PATH PAGEREF _Toc295721911 \h 9APPENDIX G: ITIL PROCESSES ACROSS SERVICE BOUNDARIES PAGEREF _Toc295721912 \h 9G.1INCIDENT MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721913 \h 10G.2PROBLEM MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721914 \h 10G.3CHANGE MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721915 \h 10G.4RELEASE MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721916 \h 10G.5CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721917 \h 10G.6CAPACITY MANAGMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721918 \h 10G.7AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721919 \h 10G.8SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721920 \h 10G.9SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721921 \h 10G.10SERVICE CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT PAGEREF _Toc295721922 \h 101 INTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) for the Central Web service with Fermilab users, employees and contractors documents:The service levels provided for the Central Web ServiceThe responsibilities of the Service Owner/Service providers , Customers, and UsersSpecific terms and conditions relative to the standard Service Offering.NOTE: For the purposes of this document, Customer refers to the organization which requests and receives the service; User refers to those individuals within the customer organization who access the service on a regular basis.SERVICE OVERVIEWProvides employees and visitors with enterprise web sites for any group or experiment at the laboratory. Basic site includes up to 8GB of space, registration on the Internet, and site configuration and system maintenance.SERVICE DESCRIPTIONProvide an Enterprise-level web service on Apache and IIS Web Servers.The following are the service owners and primary service providers associated with this SLA. NameTitleE-MailTelephoneTom AckenhusenESO Department Headtachenhu@3277Peter J. Rzeminski IIWeb Services Service Ownerptr@5524Paul LaussCentral Web Services Architectplauss@John KoncIIS Web Services Administrator & Plone Services Administratorkevinh@2068John InkmannCentral Web ServicesInkmann@SERVICE OFFERINGSSTANDARD OFFERINGAccess to a Professional Home PageAvailable to all Fermilab Employees with an FNALU account by placing “public_html” into their home directory.Static HTML only, no scripting is available.Accessed through home.~FNALUAccountNameApache Central Web Server - Shared Virtual HostContent served on port 80Initial quota of 200MB, up to a max of 8GBAccess to Perl/Python for low-utilization CGI scriptAccess to PHP for low-utilization scripts running per the terms of the PHP BaselineAvailability of Apache Server Side Includes (SSI) functionsCentrally managed email submission form with built-in CAPTCHA filtering.?ENHANCED OFFERINGSCentral Plone Service – Shared Virtual Host (depreciated)Access to port 443 and a issued secure certificate for all domainsAccess to port 443 and a secure certificate for all non- domains managed by ?OFFERINGS SPECIFICALLY NOT SUPPORTEDThe following types of software, forms of access, and functions are specifically not supported on the Central Web Service:Any form of Wiki software not run from within PloneAny form of Web Log (“Blog”) SoftwareAny form of Content Management SoftwareAny form of Bulletin Board softwareAny form of software that uses the SERVICES Domain to authenticate the user to the websiteAny form of CVS and/or SVN softwareInbound or outbound FTP and/or SSH access to any of the Central Web ServersServing content on any port other than port 80 and/or 443Any script that causes an load to the server that impacts the service quality of the other site owners on that same serviceAnything else as determined by management?OFFERING COSTSAll Web Services are offered for free within the limits of the described service. In the case where additional storage is required please contact the Service Owner. Negations for storage will be coordinated with the storage service owner. Access to the secure certificate is offered free of charge to any Fermilab website managed on the Central Web Service.Access to the non- certificate is available at a cost determined by our 3rd party vendor. Please contact the Service Owner for the current costs.LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT CONTEXTRequests for a new webserver is submitted via the designated form on the Computing Sector WebsiteThe user will define the initial parameters of what they require for their websiteThe requestor’s supervisor will be responsible for acknowledging the request by their subordinate for a new websiteThe Central Web Service Administrators will review the website request and approve or deny the request based on what is being asked for and the resources available as compared to what is being requestedThe list of website owners will be audited once a year; website owners must respond and acknowledge/update the information or the website will be taken offline after a set period of time.When a website is decommissioned, the content will be archived in a pre-determined manner and the vhost disabled at the server level. After 90 days, it will then be removed from the configuration files.?RESPONSIBILITIESThe Foundation SLA references Fermilab Computer Use and Security policies. The service should reference specific responsibilities or issues here.CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILTIESResponsible for users that report to the customer thru line management.USER RESPONSIBILTIESFollow all policies as stated within the currently approved Web Service Policy DocumentRespond to the annual Web Server rm the Web Service Managers when a change of ownership occurs with the website.AFS Group are created to manage the access rights to any given website that uses AFS for its file system. The site owners, and only the site owners, are responsible for managing the membership of those groups. Any requests to modify the membership of a group must be handled by the site owners as they are ultimately responsible for the content of their website. The Service Provider is not responsible for any such requests and will forward them to the site owners to be handled.The site owner is responsible for monitoring the content of their website and ensuring that nothing is posted that violates the standard Fermilab terms of ServiceSERVICE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILTIESMaintain a 99.99% availability on the Central Web Service where all dependent services are available and not impacting access to the service.Configure and make available the requested website within 2 business days of receiving the approval of the requesters supervisor.Patch the web server software within 60 days of a new release or within the time allocated by Security when the patch is made PUTER SECURITY CONSIDERATIONSRefer to the Foundation SLA.SERVICE SUPPORT PROCEDUREREQUESTING CD SERVICE SUPPORT Refer to the Foundation SLASTANDARD ON-HOURS SUPPORT8x5 as defined in the Foundation SLA.HOURS8x5, Monday – Friday, excluding Lab Holidays.SUPPORT DETAILSStandard Service Hours match those of the Fermilab Service Desk.STANDARD OFF-HOURS SUPPORTHOURS24x7 as defined in the base SLA.SUPPORT DETAILSOff-Hour service follows those of the Fermilab Service Desk. Refer to Foundation SLA text on critical incident handling.SPECIAL SUPPORT COVERAGE None supported at this time.SERVICE BREACH PROCEDURESIn event of a service breach, the Web Service Managers, along with the Service Owner and Incident Manager will conduct a full review of the incident to determine the cause of the service breach. If the cause of the breach was due to the Email Service Owner, the Web Service Managers will create a service improvement plan to try to prevent a recurrence of the circumstances which caused the breach. The creation of the service improvement plan may require the mandatory attendance of the customer or a representative for the customer.Once the cause of the breach and the improvement plan are created, the details of both will be published via the SLA Breach Report Page, and a full report emailed to the customer.For further detail, refer to Appendix F – Escalation Path.SERVICE TARGET TIMES AND PRIORITIESRESPONSE TIMEPlease see the Foundation SLARESOLUTION TIMEThe Core Computing Division’s subject matter expert or other knowledgeable staff member will respond to the Customer’s incident or request based upon the priority table outlined in the Foundation SLA.INCIDENT AND REQUEST PRIORITIES Refer to the Foundation SLACRITICAL INCIDENT HANDLINGRefer to the Foundation SLA. CUSTOMER REQUESTS FOR SERVICE ENHANCEMENTRefer to the Foundation SLA.SERVICE CHARGING POLICYRefer to the Foundation SLASERVICE MEASURES AND REPORTINGThe service will provide in this section a description of the service measures and reporting that customers and providers may use to track service performance.Report NameReporting intervalDelivery MethodResponsible PartyESO Department ReportLiveServiceNow Service ReportsWeb Service OwnerAPPENDIX A: SUPPORTED HARDWARE AND SOFTWAREHardware support is not applicable.Software Support is as follows:Apache 2.2.xIIS 7.xPlone 3.xAPPENDIX B: SLA REVIEW PROCEDUREThe following steps will be conducted on at least an annual basis. The Site Owner(s) , Service Owner, or Service Level Manager may request additional reviews as necessary.At least one month prior to the expiration of this agreement, the Site Owner(s) will be sent notification via email requesting that a face-to-face review be conducted between the Service Owner and the Customer regarding the web Hosting service.During the review, the Customer may negotiate changes to the Web Support Service Level Agreement with the Web Service Owner. Requests for changes are subject to approval based on the limitations of resources from the Web Support Service, a supporting organization, funding and effort available.If additional meetings are required, those meetings will be held as necessary in order to renew the SLA prior to expiration.Upon agreement, all concerned parties will sign the document and renew the agreement for a period no more than 1 year.APPENDIX C: OPERATIONAL LEVEL AGREEMENT (OLA) CROSS-REFERENCE Network Attached Storage OLAVirtual Servicer Hosting Service OLAIT Server Hosting Service OLADatacenter OLAAPPENDIX D: UNDERPINNING CONTRACT (UC) CROSS-REFERENCE N/AAPPENDIX E: TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY CUSTOMERNone defined at this timeAPPENDIX F: ESCALATION PATHThis section outlines the Escalation Path to be followed when there is an SLA Breach, an OLA Breach, or a reported Service Incident, and agreement cannot be reached as to the root cause or resolution. It is a combination of functional and hierarchical escalation, and its purposes are to ensure the restoration of service in a timely manner and to allow for the triggering of the CSIP process to prevent further recurrences of the incident or problem. This section outlines the Escalation Path to be followed when there is an SLA Breach, an OLA Breach, or a reported Service Incident, and agreement cannot be reached as to the root cause or resolution. It is a combination of functional and hierarchical escalation, and its purposes are to ensure the restoration of service in a timely manner and to allow for the triggering of the CSIP process to prevent further recurrences of the incident or problem.APPENDIX G: ITIL PROCESSES ACROSS SERVICE BOUNDARIES[This section defines how the services will work together to execute ITIL processes across the service boundaries, if and only if there are variations or unexpected responsibilities compared to the overall ITIL process definitions. Perhaps there is some historical variation to capture, or an explicit agreement to blur service boundaries to make more efficient use of resources or talents. The list below is a suggestion of topics to consider. Include only those areas needed.]G.1INCIDENT MANAGEMENTG.2PROBLEM MANAGEMENTG.3CHANGE MANAGEMENTG.4RELEASE MANAGEMENTG.5CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENTG.6CAPACITY MANAGMENTG.7AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENTG.8SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENTG.9SUPPLIER MANAGEMENTG.10SERVICE CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT ................

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