Biblical Counseling Manual - NTSLibrary

Biblical Counseling Manual

Adam Pulaski

Copyright ? 2004 Adam Pulaski, Steve Lihn


This book is dedicated to Ruth and Amy.

Table of Contents


How to View and Use This Manual

I. Overview

1. Counseling Objectives

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Preconditions in Biblical Counseling

1.3. Foundations of Biblical Counseling/Discipleship

1.4. Essential Considerations

1.5. Summary

2. Biblical Psychology: Approach to Problems

2.1. Diagnosis

2.2. Approach to Solutions

3. Counseling Process

3.1. Problem Area

3.2. Solution

3.3. Counseling Tools

II.a. Basic Study: Orientation To Biblical Counseling

4. Orientation To Biblical Counseling Mini Series

4.1. God's Way vs Man's Way

4.2. Prerequisites to Biblical Change

4.3. Why There is Hope

4.4. Effecting Biblical Change

4.5. Dealing with Self

4.6. Anger and Bitterness

4.7. Depression

4.8. Fear and Worry

5. Healing The Soul Series

5.1. Healing Presence

5.2. Transforming the Natural Self

5.3. What Makes a Man a Man

5.4. Needs of Man

5.5. Healing of the Soul

5.6. Mind and Will

5.7. Meditation Process

5.8. Steps to a Liberated Will

5.9. Healing Prayer for the Mind

5.10. Perfectionism

5.11. Schizophrenia (Double-Mindedness)

5.12. Transpersonal Psychology

5.13. Healed from Fear

5.14. Rejections

5.15. Attitude and Behavior

II.b. Basic Study: Biblical Discipleship

6. Christian Growth Series, Part A

6.1. Establish a Foundation for Biblical Discipleship

6.2. Explore Problems and Develop Sensitivity to Sin

6.3. Establish Biblical Structure for Change

6.4. Develop the Practice of Righteousness

6.5. Establish Pattern of the Mature Disciple

7. Christian Growth Series, Part B

7.1. Characteristics of a Christian

7.2. Change is a Two-Factored Process

7.3. Turning from Evil

7.4. Physical Challenges

7.5. Commitment is Doing the Word

7.6. Lifestyle Change is Evidence of New Birth

7.7. Worried, Confused, Troubled

7.8. The Pure Self Activated

7.9. Holding Self Accountable

7.10. Only God Can Change Us And Others

7.11. Judging Yourself

7.12. True Dying

7.13. True Patience

7.14. Mind Control

8. Soul Dynamics Series, Part A

8.1. Living Soul

8.2. Sins of the Flesh/Self of the Flesh

8.3. Dividing of Spirit and Soul

8.4. Union with Christ

9. Soul Dynamics Series, Part B

9.1. Cleansing and Purifying the Soul

9.2. Sin, Self, Suffering

9.3. The Spirituality of Abundance

10. Fruit of The Spirit Series

10.1. Love

10.2. Joy

10.3. Peace

10.4. Longsuffering

10.5. Kindness/Goodness

10.6. Faithfulness

10.7. Meekness/Gentleness

10.8. Self-Control

11. Supernatural Life Series

11.1. Mind

11.2. Abiding

11.3. Virtue of Love

11.4. Will of God

11.5. That Which is Perfect

11.6. Listening to God

11.7. Center of the Soul

11.8. Inordinate Desires

11.9. Union with God

11.10. Dreams/Visions

II.c. Basic Study: Strengthening Your Marriage

12. Strengthening Your Marriage Series

12.1. Marriage - God's Plan to Establish His Kingdom on Earth

12.2. Principle of Authority

12.3. Submission - Act of Bringing Forth Wholeness

12.4. The Husband's Role in Submitting

12.5. The Bride's Privilege

12.6. One Flesh Marriage

12.7. Parent/Child Relationships

12.8. Children Submitting to Parents

12.9. God's Standard

12.10. Upbringing Goals for Children (and Adults)

12.11. Maintaining Good Marital Communications

12.12. Maximum Husband and Father

12.13. Fulfilled and Fulfilling Wife and Mother

12.14. Tough Love

12.15. Marriage Partnership

III.a. Life Study: Guilt And Shame

13. Self-Acceptance Series

13.1. Self Hatred

13.2. Self-Acceptance

13.3. Healing of Memories: Forgiveness of Sin

13.4. Bind, Loose, Cast-out

13.5. Barriers to Wholeness - Failure to Receive Forgiveness

13.6. Healing Presence

13.7. Healing Presence (2)

13.8. Creative Thinking

13.9. Mental Obsessions

13.10. Breaking Physical Habits

14. Overcoming Lust Series

14.1. Assaults Against the Soul

14.2. Lusts, Desires - Inordinate

14.3. Feelings/Faith

14.4. Bondages

14.5. Purpose vs. Need

14.6. Purpose or Need

14.7. Eating Disorders

14.8. Covenant Foundations

14.9. God's Motivational Plan

14.10. Out of Control

14.11. Sexually Abused

14.12. Sexual Abuse 2

14.13. Life-Dominating Sins

III.b. Life Study: Anger And Bitterness

15. Bold Love Series

15.1. Forgiving Love

15.2. Vicious Thoughts

15.3. Reconciliation

15.4. Conquering Evil

15.5. Doing Good to Your Enemies

15.6. Loving a Fool

16. Armor Of God Series

16.1. Injustices

16.2. Revoking Revenge

16.3. Responding to Difficult People

16.4. Assaults of Shame, Rage, Hatred

16.5. Forgiving Enemies

III.c. Life Study: Fear

17. Freedom From Fear Series

17.1. Origins of Fear

17.2. Presence of Fear or Faith

17.3. Learning Truth Talk

17.4. Applying the Truth

17.5. Out of Control (World of Non-Existence)

A. Forms And Worksheets

A.1. Bible Study And Application Format

A.2. Think And Do List

A.3. Love Is An Action

A.4. Victory Over Sin Worksheet

A.5. Dying To Self

A.6. Problem Solving Worksheet

A.7. Problem/Solution Worksheet

A.8. Freedom From Anxiety

A.9. Contingency Plan

A.10. Change Is a Two-Factored Process

A.11. Scheduling Worksheet

A.12. Anchor Posts

B. Bible Resources

B.1. Bible Memory Verses

C. Internet Resources

C.1. Internet Links



List of Tables










BSAF - Instruction

BSAF - Example I

BSAF - Example II

BSAF - Blank Form

Think and Do List

VOSWS - Instruction

VOSWS - Example

VOSWS - Blank Form

Problem Solving Worksheet











Problem/Solution Worksheet I, Part A: Analysis

Problem/Solution Worksheet I, Part B: Plans

Problem/Solution Worksheet II, Part A: Handout

Problem/Solution Worksheet II, Part B: Homework

Final Session Review

Freedom From Anxiety Worksheet

Scripture For Put-off/Put-on

Put-off/Put-on Worksheet

Scheduling Worksheet

Anchor Posts


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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